Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Administrative => Administrative, Feedback & Help => Topic started by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 10:24:07 AM

Title: Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 10:24:07 AM
So you locked the GNFR.COM thread, huh?  For what reason?  Oh yes, it was becoming 'chatroom like' - not like 100 other threads here dont do the same thing.

You deleted my thread that outed Danny - a thread who's SOLE PURPOSE was to show you all that you were being totally fucked with by some dweeb with an agenda.  But nope, darknemus posted it, its got to go!

You even locked the Latigo thread on the main page - because God forbid someone be able to ask questions about a subject or be allowed to openly analyze data.  

What the FUCK is wrong with me posting my observations?  my analysis?  my opinions?  Everyone else seems to be able to do it with a blank check.  Everyone else seems to be able to say 'heres something I heard from a friends cousins niece's babysitter, and its accepted.  The Jungle section was there SPECIFICALLY for off-topic threads.  is GNFR.COM like, not off-topic enough or something?

Whether the site is related to the band or not (of which I dont have any clue, and have stated as such several times) - its still an INTERESTING SUBJECT for people.  Do I ever disrespect someone who says 'haha that is bogus shit haha you dumb motherfuckers!' - Not at all.  They're as entitled to their opinion as everyone else in this world.  I POST ANALYSIS - WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ANALYSIS???

Jesus H. Christ - people are interested.  The threads get TONS of reads.  People want to participate, people want to assist - maybe, just maybe, someone has the ability to come up with something that is the KEY to unraveling the purpose behind the site.  I dont care if its some 12 year old on their mom's DSL line running it - the bottom line is, my search and intention is a SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH.

You know, you can have all the bias you want.  You can hate me because of Latigo, you can hate me because of GNFR.. fuck it, you can hate me because you dont like the way I style my hair.  But I deal in cold, hard facts.  And the cold, hard facts here are you dont follow your own rules and guidelines.  

Please dont tell me that you call yourself a true fan of the enigma that is Guns n' Roses, Jarmo.  Because if you really, really did - then you'd know that said enigma behaves very very strangely.  And if that strange behavior involves a website put together for some sort of marketing campaign (as CONFIRMED BY A SANCTUARY PERSON IN A FACE TO FACE CONVERSATION LAST YEAR) and you don't have the ability to at least accept it as a possibility, then you're not a fan.  You're an ignoramus.

I rarely get emotional in my posts.  I lay out the facts as I see them and allow for others to analyze and interpret those facts.  However, now, yes, I'm emotional.  YOU'RE DAMN FUCKING RIGHT I'M EMOTIONAL! - I have, on and off, given over a year of my life to that site and the intricacies therein.  I have CHOSEN TO DO THIS.  Others have CHOSEN TO DO IT TOO.  NO ONE IS FORCING THIS ON ANYONE.  Some people like the concept of a good mystery, of a good chase, of a good treasure hunt.  The results of the hunt aren't important - its the thrill of the chase.  Its the 'wow, whats next' factor.  You've decided, in your infinite mod wisdom, to take that away from people.

Run your board how you want - at the end of the day, you are no better a person than anyone else in this world, any of you.

I try to be nice.  I try to explain my side.  I try to be fair, be balanced, be objective.  For a change, why dont you try that approach, too.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Saffron on October 18, 2003, 10:40:20 AM
Ok, I don't often post, but as this thread is, undoubtedly, going to get locked and/or deleted...

I'd just like to make one point:  If you have so much of a problem about this at least have the guts to just come out and ban darknemus for personal reasons. If you're not going to go as far as banning him then for fucks sake get over the whole Latigo thing and start looking at different topics on their own merit, if they then break your board rules, fair enough. At least be honest about what's going on here...


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: anarchy on October 18, 2003, 10:45:29 AM
I don't normally post long and carefully thought-out posts.

And I'm not going to start now.  :D

Jarmo, stop being a tit. . .  :-\

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: pilferk on October 18, 2003, 10:47:34 AM
I don't agree with everything dark says above.  I've always been of the mind that it's jarmo's board, so jarmo's rules.  He can do whatever the fuck he wants modding the board. If he wants to lock/delete/move a topic based on the phase of the moon, he has the right to do it.

That being said, I don't see how the thread deserved to be locked.  jarmo says it was becoming "too chatroom-like".  First off, I disagree.  I DO think many of the same people posted to the thread, because we were the ones doing the poking around the site.  However, just from the "reads" count, it's obvious we weren't the only people READING the thread.  It sure looked like there was a lot of interest in the thread from people NOT posting in it.  Second, the thread didn't break any of the board rules as they are posted.  We all said, many times, the site could be BS.  No one was defrauding anyone, or mis-leading anyone, or flaming anyone.  I can't, for the life of me, think of a single solitary reason the thread should've been "legitamately" closed.  Now, if it was closed simply because the mods decided they wanted to close it because they were "sick of it"...well, like I said, jarmo's yard, jarmo's rules.  But I sure would think the members of the board would at least like to KNOW that's the real reason....

And I'm going to implore jarmo one more time to unlock it.  It's not doing any harm to anyone...

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 11:15:25 AM
First, Latigo thread was locked because people working for Axl said that guy IS NOT AXL ROSE!

I've never said I was better than anybody else. So I don't care what you think of me..... Sorry!

Your "not being a fan" comments doesn't bother me at all.

This isn't a democracy where we vote about everything. We have the right to decide what goes on the board and we decided to use that right on your thread. Besides, most of the mods wanted that thing gone......


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 11:22:55 AM
I am fairly certain that 'most of the mods' who wanted it gone dont even have a clue what its all about.  If they'd separate their personal 'i dont like darknemus' bias away from the threads content for a minute, maybe they'd see what we're trying to do.

So, basically, you're admitting that the thread violated no rules and that it was only locked because most of the mods 'wanted it that way'.  

Democracy or not, dude, thats fucked up.  What about what some of the other people on the board want?  What about the people that ARE interested?  I mean, I guess that leaves more room for threads like 'the penis game', though, huh?

What I 'think' about you isn't really relevant.  I've thought, in the past, you retained the ability to remain objective when in powerplay mode.  I was obviously wrong.  My 'not being a fan' comment came from my anger.. I am seething over this, because, I think that the treatment is unfair.  My opinion, entitled to it, bla bla.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 11:31:23 AM
I am fairly certain that 'most of the mods' who wanted it gone dont even have a clue what its all about.  If they'd separate their personal 'i dont like darknemus' bias away from the threads content for a minute, maybe they'd see what we're trying to do.

Did you just try to make the mods seem like idiots?

People might want pics from, but that's not gonna happen on this board either.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 11:34:26 AM
No, I tried (and have succeeded) to make the mods seem subjective and not objective.  There's a distinct difference.  In this specific, case, though - Its a point that I can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, and even cite examples.  I'd rather not go there, though - as then it will just get alot nastier - and I much prefer a civil tone.

Try a bit of reason every now and again, Jarmo - it works wonders.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: pilferk on October 18, 2003, 11:35:12 AM
"This isn't a democracy where we vote about everything. We have the right to decide what goes on the board and we decided to use that right on your thread. Besides, most of the mods wanted that thing gone......"

Absolutely true. However, up to this point, I think you've been relatively fair about what threads stay open, and what threads get locked...basing those decisions on the rules that are posted.  This time...well, it looks like the mods are "playing god" for no other reason than because they can.  And again, that's fine.  I disagree, but it's certainly your right to do it.  However, I think it also fair that you let the membership know that this is now going to be the norm for modding the board...that you will be locking threads based on whim, rather than published rules.  At least let the membership decide if they want to "live" under those restrictions....

Honestly, jarmo, I've defended your "modding" decisions before, because they've always seemed fair.  I just can't defend the logic behind this one.  I still hold true that it's your yard, your rules...and up until now, your yard has been, by far, the most attractive one to play in BECAUSE of the rules, and the fact you seemed to fairly apply them to just about everyone.  But I'm pretty disappointed in you, and the rest of the mods, this time. Not angry, not seething, just disappointed...because this time, obviously and admittedly, you're locking the thread for no good reason at all.

"People might want pics from, but that's not gonna happen on this board either."

But posting those pics would violate the rules, as posted..both yours and your providers.  How did the gnfr thread violate any rules? Answer, of course, is it didn't...

And remember one other thing jarmo (and keep in mind, this isn't meant hostily or as a threat): Without keeping in mind what the members/posters want, all you'd have is an empty board...and the mods would be both lonely, and bored.  Obviously, locking the gnfr thread is not going to be the impetus for some mass exodus, but using the "mod powers" in like manner on other threads...that might.  I'd really hate to see the HTGTH community die....I've seen other communities have VERY similar situations occur, and today they're either empty boards no one posts to or they're gone altogether.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 11:37:37 AM
"This isn't a democracy where we vote about everything. We have the right to decide what goes on the board and we decided to use that right on your thread. Besides, most of the mods wanted that thing gone......"

Absolutely true. However, up to this point, I think you've been relatively fair about what threads stay open, and what threads get locked...basing those decisions on the rules that are posted.  This time...well, it looks like the mods are "playing god" for no other reason than because they can.  And again, that's fine.  I disagree, but it's certainly your right to do it.  However, I think it also fair that you let the membership know that this is now going to be the norm for modding the board...that you will be locking threads based on whim, rather than published rules.  At least let the membership decide if they want to "live" under those restrictions....

Honestly, jarmo, I've defended your "modding" decisions before, because they've always seemed fair.  I just can't defend the logic behind this one.  I still hold true that it's your yard, your rules...and up until now, your yard has been, by far, the most attractive one to play in BECAUSE of the rules, and the fact you seemed to fairly apply them to just about everyone.  But I'm pretty disappointed in you, and the rest of the mods, this time. Not angry, not seething, just disappointed...because this time, obviously and admittedly, you're locking the thread for no good reason at all.

I only wish I had the ability to speak so eloquently when I'm angry.  Excellent post.  By the way, I'd be saying that even if I was totally on the other side of the fence on this.  Hipocracy is hipocracy, regardless.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 18, 2003, 11:38:27 AM
Dark: I voted for the thread to be locked, not that it was down to a vote, but opinions were asked. Shut the hell up man, we have nothing against you.

Man, you're funny as fuck.

The thread was locked because foreign trees often find themselves in religous hurling matches.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 18, 2003, 11:41:40 AM
well, it looks like the mods are "playing god" for no other reason than because they can.  

Ok, it was not the Mods who brought up the idea on the board.  

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 11:41:43 AM
Dark: I voted for the thread to be locked, not that it was down to a vote, but opinions were asked. Shut the hell up man, we have nothing against you.

Man, you're funny as fuck.

The thread was locked because foreign trees often find themselves in religous hurling matches.

A. Don't tell me to 'shut the hell up' as, short of being banned, I'm not going to be silenced.  Sorry, I don't work that way.

B. So, since you offered your opinion on why the thread should be locked, why dont you impart your great wisdom to the rest of us and share that opinion.  I'm sure some people would love to know Chris's reason for wanting a thread locked.  I'll be waiting.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 11:43:33 AM
That site is gone, it's back, it's gone, it's back....

It doesn't bring anything to the board. So we got rid off it. It's run its course o this board.

We feel like we don't need that here. If you take it personally, that's your problem.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 11:45:45 AM
Again, the penis game is so much more enlightening.

Don't you get it?  The site being gone, back, gone, back, topsy turvy, etc, etc.  is what MAKES it so damn intriguing.  Tell me why you feel you dont need that here - give me a reason other than 'we dont need that here' - is anyone saying the site is official?  Nope.  Is anyone saying its paying off in copies of CD?  Nope.  Its a fun exploration for those of us interested - which, judging by the thread reads.. is alot of folks.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 18, 2003, 11:46:20 AM
B. So, since you offered your opinion on why the thread should be locked, why dont you impart your great wisdom to the rest of us and share that opinion.  I'm sure some people would love to know Chris's reason for wanting a thread locked.  I'll be waiting

I think it's really, really sad.

Just go read the thread, personally I think alot of you need to step out side more.

ping times are all over the place on .54 right now.

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 72, Received = 72, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 71ms, Maximum = 134ms, Average = 83ms

the majority were low, but the few that were high were WAY high compared to the bottom #.  I still think there's some sort of activity going on with the box - perhaps a connection to upload content or something.

Jesus christ.  ;D

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: smeagol2124 on October 18, 2003, 11:46:47 AM
I have some popcorn in the microwave, I can't wait to hear the bullshit excuses.  I swear, this board has the potential to be something special, yet when people discuss somethnig remotely interesting it seems to get locked under the guise of "It's not true" or "It's not relevant".  So why is it then that the main page has such mindless garbage going on?  Isn't damn near everything posted in a thread an opinion anyways?  Chris, you are the funny one....let's see your response to why you voted to have it locked, I can't wait........................

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: redrose on October 18, 2003, 11:47:06 AM
What is the next step, banning everyone who has something to do with the games of or whatever is/ was on that site?

We just wanna talk and read messages about something and now god damn you all are so childish, you don't even know how, by logging something.

It wasn't a problem when the site opened and everyone was posting here about it, after the latigo thing , it got personal for some and then it was a topic you didn't want to hear or see.

sorry have to say this and i'm not even bodered if i'm going to be banned at all.

You fucking childish dipshits.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: pilferk on October 18, 2003, 11:49:12 AM
"It doesn't bring anything to the board. So we got rid off it. It's run its course o this board."

But it certainly doesn't harm it, either..or detract from it. There really isn't any good reason to lock the thread. It's really that simple.  

"I think it's really, really sad.

Just go read the thread, personally I think alot of you need to step out side more."

Chris, in all honestly, who are you to decide what I (or any member) might find interesting? And who are you to decide what I spend my time one?  There are plenty of people in the world that would say the EXACT same thing you did, above, when talking about someone modding a GnR board.  Different Strokes and all that.

Having said that, I've said my piece on the matter.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: anarchy on October 18, 2003, 11:49:46 AM
B. So, since you offered your opinion on why the thread should be locked, why dont you impart your great wisdom to the rest of us and share that opinion.  I'm sure some people would love to know Chris's reason for wanting a thread locked.  I'll be waiting

I think it's really, really sad.

Just go read the thread, personally I think alot of you need to step out side more.

ping times are all over the place on .54 right now.

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 72, Received = 72, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 71ms, Maximum = 134ms, Average = 83ms

the majority were low, but the few that were high were WAY high compared to the bottom #.  I still think there's some sort of activity going on with the box - perhaps a connection to upload content or something.

Jesus christ.  ;D

What the hell is wrong with you?

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 11:52:26 AM
You fucking childish dipshits.

Yeah, that's us!

Don't forget powerhungry.

Funny sig, dark.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 11:56:02 AM
I do my best, Jarmo.  But I can't take credit for that joke.. but I did find it quite amusing, so I've borrowed it.

Lets cite some examples of funny Jarmo, shall we?

Implying darknemus is an 'accomplice' in the Latigo thing.. funny

mayonnaise on fries - even if it was only once.. sorry, funny.  (food humor amuses me.. call me sick)

Jarmo picking out one or two lines from a post to respond as opposed to actually addressing the points in said post  - funny

Jarmo not listening to reason - somewhat funny, yet sad, too.



Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 18, 2003, 11:59:07 AM
And who are you to decide what I spend my time one?  

On this board I'm a moderator. If if asked my opinion about something, I'll give it.....and I did. Sorry there.

C'mon, you've just spent 8,000 pages discussing a website changing it's IP address. Haha.

Go outside. Now.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 12:00:09 PM
Implying darknemus is an 'accomplice' in the Latigo thing.. funny

I could tell you funnier things about that....

mayonnaise on fries - even if it was only once.. sorry, funny.  (food humor amuses me.. call me sick)

Tell that to the people of The Netherlands.

Jarmo not listening to reason - somewhat funny, yet sad, too.

Yes, funny coming from you.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: anarchy on October 18, 2003, 12:05:00 PM
And who are you to decide what I spend my time one?  

On this board I'm a moderator. If if asked my opinion about something, I'll give it.....and I did. Sorry there.

C'mon, you've just spent 8,000 pages discussing a website changing it's IP address. Haha.

Go outside. Now.

Referring to my earlier post:

What the hell is wrong with you?

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: AxlGunner on October 18, 2003, 12:06:03 PM
hey jarmo, thanks for completely deleting my thread in which i tried to tell people where to go if they wanted to discuss

its quite immature and unfair of you to at least let me tell people who are interested about the site some alternatives where they can talk about it, since they obviously can't on this board.

its lame enough that you wont let it be discussed here, but how childish is it that you wont even let people know some other places where they can talk about it?


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 12:06:03 PM
Yes, Jarmo.  Please, englighten us how I'm the big Latigo accomplice and part of the great Latigo conspiracy.  Showcase your fine and keen powers of observation that have led you to such powerful and direct conclusions.  Please, for me.  Bring truth to the masses who fail to see through darknemus's evil cloak of deception and manipulation.  

Or, maybe, realize that, this isn't about Latigo - even though you try to make it so.  This is about GNFR.COM - that evil, evil word that apparently brings deletion at the very mention of it.  Damn, and I thought the Men in Black were thorough.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 12:06:03 PM
How about this reason:

We don't want to be associated with that site or have anything to do with it anymore.

Do I have to explain it to you once more?

You have your chatroom and site, I'm not telling you how to run them am I?


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 12:09:17 PM
Yes, Jarmo.  Please, englighten us how I'm the big Latigo accomplice and part of the great Latigo conspiracy.  Showcase your fine and keen powers of observation that have led you to such powerful and direct conclusions.  Please, for me.  Bring truth to the masses who fail to see through darknemus's evil cloak of deception and manipulation.  

OK, for the last time: PEOPLE WORKING FOR AXL SAID "LATIGO" IS NOT AXL ROSE. If you keep saying he is, then you will be considered an accomplice. In other words, trying to fool people into thinking he is Axl.

Get it?


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Saffron on October 18, 2003, 12:10:43 PM
ahhh fuck it...

This thread should be moved to the Dead Horse section, because trying to talk objectively to jarmo/some of the mods here is kinda like beating one...  :rant:


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: anythinggoes on October 18, 2003, 12:12:21 PM
jarmo dude, you have a great board.....and the rules are good too. It works....

BUT....with this......the thread is a very interesting one for many readers. Including me....Not because I was there from the riddle start....well allmost.....but that doesn't that brings healthy interesting discussions.... I don't understand all of the "computer language" and I don't really care.....but you have to admit it's fun reading about it.....If it doesn't bring any good to the board? Then why has it got allot of responses? The answer is simple: People are interested in it......It's have to admit that.....The whole is great.....It may lead to things which haven't got ANYTHING to do with Guns N' what?......People are aware of that.....It still is damn fascinating........

It seems that you locked the thread not because of the constant is "back.....away.....back....ooh there it is again thing..." But simply because of the history the whole thing carries.....including "latigo".....But there never was somekinda evidence of that "latigo" was involved with the whole riddle thing.........

This hasn't got anything to do with know......the riddle thread contains some of the most intelligent, well thought out posts.....and you know that.......we all do.......including this thread but you seem to pick only a few lines, bits and pieces from some of the posts and go you're way from there......It would be cool if you commented on peoples whole posts.....IF they contain more logical...rational thinking.... The posts here from darkemus, Pilferk and others contain good arguments which you seem to ignore.....Again would be great if you had a good response about that.....But seems like you're to busy or something to reply to that......which if that is the case....."not to much time so I'll pick something" for instance....I can live with that cause that would prove that you also read the other comments in posts and so....that you are very well aware of what you're reading.......and are very well aware of the good thoughts in them......BUT....BUT

It seems to me like that you pick out parts NOT because you haven't got time for it......but simply because there are no good arguments from you're side to challenge them.....

Which brings me to the following......You simply haven't got enough arguments to prove the "justice" you did on closing the thread.....This is just speculation you know.......from my side.....But it seems like it's the truth in this case.....Other that that you're board is great.....But this desicion is perhaps a bit wrong......


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 12:14:04 PM
hey jarmo, thanks for completely deleting my thread in which i tried to tell people where to go if they wanted to discuss

its quite immature and unfair of you to at least let me tell people who are interested about the site some alternatives where they can talk about it, since they obviously can't on this board.

its lame enough that you wont let it be discussed here, but how childish is it that you wont even let people know some other places where they can talk about it?


Well, I wasn't the one who deleted it. So there goes your theory.

I added the link to the last post in the GNFR thread so everybody who's interested should see it.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 12:16:32 PM
I have never definitively stated that Latigo is Axl.  I've interpreted facts and added my analysis.  I've felt more positive about it on some days, and less positive about it on others.

There is no more proof to your claims that 'PEOPLE THAT WORK FOR AXL SAY HE'S NOT AXL' than there is Latigo saying he is.  Get it?

That's not me saying he is, isn't, or could be, or couldn't be.  I really don't care.. because this isn't about him.  Whether he drives a bus in Finland or screeches like a banshee into a microphone is either here nor there when it comes to this specific issue.

Mr. "I dont beleive everything on the Internet" - You're contradicting yourself when your accepting information passed to you, over the Internet, that Latigo isn't Axl.  See the point?

Its hipocracy, plain and simple.  All I say is accept the chance for all possibilities, including Latigo being a 15 year old kid in Finland.  

So stop using Latigo as your excuse to have a problem with me.  I dont use it as an excuse to vindicate myself with you.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 12:21:22 PM
I have never definitively stated that Latigo is Axl.  

Yeah, well that's not exactly what you told me in a PM....  ::)

There is no more proof to your claims that 'PEOPLE THAT WORK FOR AXL SAY HE'S NOT AXL' than there is Latigo saying he is.  Get it?

How do you know?

I won't discuss this any further, I know what I know and that's enough for me.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 12:23:58 PM
Even in a PM I would have based my opinion on feelings at the time.  Facts and circumstances always change, and you know that.

You wont discuss it any further because, when you begin to lose an argument to logic, you back away.  I've seen you do it before, so I'm not particularly surprised by your choice of action in this case.  That's ok, I accept your retreat with humbleness and compassion.  And, remember, I'd still save you if you were drowining in a lake - can you say the same for me?


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: chineseilusions on October 18, 2003, 12:23:59 PM
Dude,quit bitching :rant:

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: dave_guns on October 18, 2003, 12:24:50 PM
jarmo has been itching to lock that thread since the day it opened.  you know, this board used to be nothing until gnrx closed down, and now jarmo thinks he's the king of the gnr world.  i hadn't always agreed with the way you've run things but i've always given you the benefit of the doubt.  at least you let people speak their minds and now you're not.  you might as well start banning people left and right because this is a fucking joke.  this whole board has turned into a fucking joke.  there is absolutely no new news on the grn front.  if this keeps some of us busy, then why the fuck not just let it be.  its away in the jungle board where no one goes anyway.  i never thought you'd be such a nazi jarmo, i really didn't.  you crossed the line man.  you should either open that thread back up or start banning people because this has put a thorn in the sides of many people.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: chineseilusions on October 18, 2003, 12:27:22 PM
I created the penis game trying to bring some fun to the jungle and it seems people enjoy it so I have done what I set out to do which is let the people have fun

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 12:28:12 PM
I created the penis game trying to bring some fun to the jungle and it seems people enjoy it so I have done what I set out to do which is let the people have fun

me too, my friend, me too.  I guess that the rules are a bit different for me, though :)


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 18, 2003, 12:29:34 PM
I created the penis game trying to bring some fun to the jungle and it seems people enjoy it so I have done what I set out to do which is let the people have fun

Yeah? Well, I'm itching to delete that.

jarmo has been itching to lock that thread since the day it opened.  you know, this board used to be nothing until gnrx closed down, and now jarmo thinks he's the king of the gnr world.  i hadn't always agreed with the way you've run things but i've always given you the benefit of the doubt.  at least you let people speak their minds and now you're not.  you might as well start banning people left and right because this is a fucking joke.  this whole board has turned into a fucking joke.  there is absolutely no new news on the grn front.  if this keeps some of us busy, then why the fuck not just let it be.  its away in the jungle board where no one goes anyway.  i never thought you'd be such a nazi jarmo, i really didn't.  you crossed the line man.  you should either open that thread back up or start banning people because this has put a thorn in the sides of many people.

This is by far the funniset post ever on this board. You crossed the line, Jarmo man!!

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: dave_guns on October 18, 2003, 12:33:12 PM
well, he did cross the line.  there's a difference between having rules and making up  shit as you go along.  there was nothing wrong with that thread.  it was just a way to kill some time, it was fun.  jarmo's power crazy.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 12:33:25 PM

Try not sucking up so much and actually READ what dave-guns posted.  

He expressed an opinion that seems to be shared by quite a few people.  Which is, basically, why lock the thread when it isn't hurting anyone?  I don't know the guy from adam, but I guarantee you some of those other 10,000+ reads of that thread come from people with opinions like his.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: AdZ on October 18, 2003, 12:36:45 PM
Now, I might be crazy but, why start you're own board if you're not gonna use it?

Dark - I have nothing against you, it's just that that thread is really, really, really annoying.

You guys have places to discuss this, and yeah, at one point i was interested, I'll totally admit that.  But now it's just.... sad.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 12:37:44 PM
jarmo has been itching to lock that thread since the day it opened.  you know, this board used to be nothing until gnrx closed down, and now jarmo thinks he's the king of the gnr world.  i hadn't always agreed with the way you've run things but i've always given you the benefit of the doubt.  at least you let people speak their minds and now you're not.  you might as well start banning people left and right because this is a fucking joke.  this whole board has turned into a fucking joke.  there is absolutely no new news on the grn front.  if this keeps some of us busy, then why the fuck not just let it be.  its away in the jungle board where no one goes anyway.  i never thought you'd be such a nazi jarmo, i really didn't.  you crossed the line man.  you should either open that thread back up or start banning people because this has put a thorn in the sides of many people.

You seem to know me really well.  ::)

I was never into competing between boards or sites. I'd love to see Chris get GNRX back as soon as possible because it was a pretty cool place if you ask me.

If you think the only reason I have the site and board is to be "the king of the GN'R world", then you haven't been looking that close.

But I don't care. I know why I do things, you might have your own ideas, but as I said I don't care.....

You wont discuss it any further because, when you begin to lose an argument to logic, you back away.  I've seen you do it before, so I'm not particularly surprised by your choice of action in this case.  That's ok, I accept your retreat with humbleness and compassion.  

How can I lose the arguement? I have the facts I need.

You might argue about the sun revolving around the earth and I had the fact that pointed out it was the other way around. Why would I want to continue?

It's pointless.

And, remember, I'd still save you if you were drowining in a lake - can you say the same for me?

Yes, because I don't hate you. I might disagree with the way you do things or what things you do, but there's no hate involved.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 18, 2003, 12:37:45 PM
jarmo's power crazy.

True, his main aim in life is to delete threads. Go away.

Try not sucking up so much and actually READ what dave-guns posted.  

He expressed an opinion that seems to be shared by quite a few people.  Which is, basically, why lock the thread when it isn't hurting anyone?  I don't know the guy from adam, but I guarantee you some of those other 10,000+ reads of that thread come from people with opinions like his.

So? It was funny. He's getting very wound up.

Go compile a list of people that want the thread re-opened. That'll give you something to do, for a while.

And I hardly think winding you guys up so much, is helping Jarmo in any way, therefore I am not sucking up.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 12:39:11 PM
Now, I might be crazy but, why start you're own board if you're not gonna use it?

Dark - I have nothing against you, it's just that that thread is really, really, really annoying.

You guys have places to discuss this, and yeah, at one point i was interested, I'll totally admit that.  But now it's just.... sad.

Who started their own board?  Are you referring to my history of gnfr site?  I started that to try to answer some of the questions people had.  I dont run any board.  We were tucked away here in one nice, neat little corner not bothering anyone that didnt want to be involved.  

Adz, come on, alot of threads are really really annoying - they're not treated the same way. Think about it.  I have nothing against you, either - but seriously, THINK about it.  What the hell is wrong with the thread?


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 12:41:20 PM

So you're giving me permission to begin a poll in the Jungle in regards to opening the thread back up?  I'd love to do just that.  Sounds like fun, perhaps we can see, objectively, how many people DO want it opened back up?

Care to accept that?  I mean, you yourself just suggested it - only not in quite so many words.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 12:41:34 PM
Why don't you see the positive in this? We're giving people another reason to join your MSN club thing.... :D


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 12:42:34 PM
Why don't you see the positive in this? We're giving people another reason to join your MSN club thing.... :D


Umm, Jarmo, the MSN club thing isn't mine.  I was asked to help run it, that's all.  Just like HTGTH isn't Chris's.  he just likes to mod here :)


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: AdZ on October 18, 2003, 12:43:37 PM
What about that blatigos corner thing?
oh, and the msn club ;)
i mean, for real, how many people actually reading the thread know what a 'ping' is, or what the big deal is with them changing their I.P? I'm guessing not many.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 12:45:04 PM
What about that blatigos corner thing?
oh, and the msn club ;)
i mean, for real, how many people actually reading the thread know what a 'ping' is, or what the big deal is with them changing their I.P? I'm guessing not many.

What about them?  I didnt start them.  Unless you guys think I'm like Manson with a legion of followers or something - the people who started those projects did it of their own free will. Yeesh.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 18, 2003, 12:45:34 PM
So you're giving me permission to begin a poll in the Jungle in regards to opening the thread back up?  I'd love to do just that.  Sounds like fun, perhaps we can see, objectively, how many people DO want it opened back up?

Care to accept that?  I mean, you yourself just suggested it - only not in quite so many words.


What I meant was a few people have said "it gave something to do/discuss" so why not PM as many people as you can about the thread and send the results somewhere. That should entertain you for a while.

Or you could take up Cricket, I hear that's good for killing time.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: AdZ on October 18, 2003, 12:47:49 PM
What about them?  I didnt start them.

Can't you discuss it there? :-\

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 12:48:49 PM
Oh no, my friend.  You're not backpedaling out of this quite so easily.

Here's what you said

Go compile a list of people that want the thread re-opened. That'll give you something to do, for a while.

Now - how would you suggest I do that?  I'm not going to disturb random users with PM's, as that's just unclassy.

So why dont we go with the poll thing?  I mean, you seem so sure that people think its a waste of time and that we should get out more.  So, come on, have some cojones and lets try it.  We'll see what kind of response there REALLY is.  When the response kicks you in the face, expect me to be there to pick you up, too - because its not personal.. its just a matter of principle.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 12:49:11 PM
I didn't mean that club is dark's. I meant yours as in the people who are interested in the riddles.

You have a club dedicated to that site, what's the big deal about moving the discussion there? Why is that impossible?


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 12:50:14 PM
Can't you discuss it there? :-\

What the hell is wrong with discussing it here, where it already has a core audience interested in what happens?


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: AdZ on October 18, 2003, 12:50:14 PM
Dark - why do we need the poll? Why don't you just discuss it at the msn group?

Edit: posted at the same time as dark - because we don't want it here? 'nuf said.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 12:52:38 PM
Dont look at me.  Look at your fellow mod, Chris, who said.. "Go compile a list of people that want the thread re-opened. That'll give you something to do, for a while." - now how can I compile a list of those people at a place other than where the thread was closed?


Logic sucks, I know - but it serves me well.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 12:53:37 PM
What the hell is wrong with discussing it here, where it already has a core audience interested in what happens?

Because we've had enough.

Judging by who's posting in this thread, the core audience seems to be part of the chatroom so they already know about the club.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: dave_guns on October 18, 2003, 12:53:46 PM
there was a perfectly fine and active thread here.  why should people have to go somewhere else to talk about it?  its not like there's so much going on here that it's taking up space or anything.  this is a fucking message board where people come to talk, why send them elsewhere?  

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 12:55:03 PM
let me post a thread in the Jungle and I think you'd be surprised by the responders.  95% of the people who posted in the previous thread have never stepped foot in any chatroom that I've been in.

So, come on - lets really see what the 'people' think on this  :beer:


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 18, 2003, 12:55:07 PM
Go compile a list of people that want the thread re-opened. That'll give you something to do, for a while.

Now - how would you suggest I do that?  I'm not going to disturb random users with PM's, as that's just unclassy.

I already suggested a way of doing that. If you find PM's to be "unclassy" that's not my fault.

So why dont we go with the poll thing?  I mean, you seem so sure that people think its a waste of time and that we should get out more.  So, come on, have some cojones and lets try it.  We'll see what kind of response there REALLY is.  When the response kicks you in the face, expect me to be there to pick you up, too - because its not personal.. its just a matter of principle.

I never said people think it's a waste of time, I said I think it's a waste of time.

I don't care if you get 20,000 people, or 2 people, the thread is locked.

You keep getting paranoid that people hate you.  ;D Are you in therapy?

Anyway, you never even responded to my Cricket argument. People of all ages play it, could be a great way of making friends, and I here there's always a bit of a session afterwards. Cricket team, anyone?

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: chineseilusions on October 18, 2003, 12:55:50 PM
I created the penis game trying to bring some fun to the jungle and it seems people enjoy it so I have done what I set out to do which is let the people have fun

Yeah? Well, I'm itching to delete that.

Feel free to delete I just want a good reason  on why you want to delete it

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: AdZ on October 18, 2003, 12:56:42 PM
does anybody else seem to think the idea 'we dont want it here' is not getting through?

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 12:57:52 PM
Ok, Chris.  So I'll write a script that automatically PMs everyone on HTGTH.  I'll make sure to post all the responses, positive and negative, in an open forum - with copies on my website.  Is that an acceptable answer to this?

And if the ratio of 'yes' beats out 'no' to unlocking the thread.. then what?  It's still gonna be locked.. its just going to make you look worse.

I'm not paranoid, dude.  I KNOW certain people have 'issues' with me due to the Latigo thing.  That's fine and dandy - but to deny otherwise would be wrong, I think.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 18, 2003, 12:57:58 PM
Feel free to delete I just want a good reason  on why you want to delete it

I was only teasing. Don't like the thread myself, but I won't be locking/deleting it.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: AdZ on October 18, 2003, 12:59:43 PM
And if the ratio of 'yes' beats out 'no' to unlocking the thread.. then what?  It's still gonna be locked

Yeah, and it's the same with this thread, I'm almost certain you can argue all you want but it's gonna stay locked.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 01:01:20 PM
Well, Chris said I should compile a list.  He's now advocated me privately disturbing the entire subscribed base of HTGTH with a PM.  Adz, do you also feel I should take that course of action?

Because I agree with him - we should compile a list.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 01:02:01 PM
Ok, Chris.  So I'll write a script that automatically PMs everyone on HTGTH.  I'll make sure to post all the responses, positive and negative, in an open forum - with copies on my website.  Is that an acceptable answer to this?

And if the ratio of 'yes' beats out 'no' to unlocking the thread.. then what?  It's still gonna be locked.. its just going to make you look worse.

Then you get banned for spamming.

Personally, I think most people would say "I don't care".....

But, anyway it's locked. Goodbye GNFR thread, accept it.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: chineseilusions on October 18, 2003, 01:02:51 PM
Feel free to delete I just want a good reason  on why you want to delete it

I was only teasing. Don't like the thread myself, but I won't be locking/deleting it.
ok I wasnt worried or anything like that  I mean it's just a thread  it's not a life or death situation I was just saying if you were going to delete it I wanted a good reason.but I see there is no reason since you won't be deleting it

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 18, 2003, 01:02:52 PM
And if the ratio of 'yes' beats out 'no' to unlocking the thread.. then what?  It's still gonna be locked.. its just going to make you look worse.

It's never going to be opened again. As I said before, I'm just looking for new ways of keeping you guys occupied, you don't seem to have many ideas yourself and you're blatantly ignoring my Cricket comments.

Would you be ashamed to play Cricket? I know it's dogged as an "old mans sport" but really, I think, with alot of young guys, or maybe even girls, Cricket could be a worldwide sport.

I KNOW certain people have 'issues' with me due to the Latigo thing.  That's fine and dandy - but to deny otherwise would be wrong, I think.

Got medication?

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 01:03:10 PM
I get banned for taking an action a mod suggests?  Where's the logic in that?


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: dave_guns on October 18, 2003, 01:03:32 PM
every week on this board we get a new rumor about CD and then some newbie asking the same stupid question about whatever.

CD may never see the light of day.  we have no offical news.  the dvds aren't anything new.  nothing is happen is gnr world.  is this board a place for the fans to hang out or is it a place for jarmo and the mods to be power crazy?  because with no news, nothing happening, i don't see the harm of that thread being here.  the fans were having fun with it.  i could care less if it actually has anything to do with the band or not, that doesn't matter.  it was fun, and it was the fans having some fun.  so jarmo, who is this board for the fans or you?

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: AdZ on October 18, 2003, 01:03:44 PM
I think you shouldn't take course in that action at all.  I think you should drop it and go talk about it at your msn group!

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 18, 2003, 01:05:31 PM
I get banned for taking an action a mod suggests?  Where's the logic in that?

I'm not your average Mod. And it was a sarcastic comment. We do not care about the thread, or who wants it opened.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 01:06:23 PM
I'm not addressing your Cricket comment because I dont know the first thing about it.  Sorry, I'm not prepared to talk on a subject I have no knowledge of.

Its never going to be opened again for one reason - because it tweaked you guys.  And you know it.  I dont quite know why - but its obvious its been a 'problem' for the mod crew for a while.  Funny, never seemed to bug most of the people posting in it.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 01:06:30 PM
I get banned for taking an action a mod suggests?  Where's the logic in that?


He was joking. Did you also consider taking up cricket as he suggested?


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: AdZ on October 18, 2003, 01:07:36 PM
Its never going to be opened again for one reason - because it tweaked you guys.  And you know it.

Yes, we've been saying that the last 3 and a half pages.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: dave_guns on October 18, 2003, 01:08:20 PM
what does jarmo offer you people that you have to kiss his ass so much?

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: AdZ on October 18, 2003, 01:09:10 PM
'lock' and 'ban' buttons.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 18, 2003, 01:09:52 PM
what does jarmo offer you people that you have to kiss his ass so much?

Cricket lessons.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: dave_guns on October 18, 2003, 01:12:10 PM
Its never going to be opened again for one reason - because it tweaked you guys.  And you know it.

Yes, we've been saying that the last 3 and a half pages.

so you admit your just power crazy?

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Thumper on October 18, 2003, 01:12:20 PM
what does jarmo offer you people that you have to kiss his ass so much?

French villas...just awesome.  Champagne isn't too shabby either.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Skeba on October 18, 2003, 01:13:07 PM
Or you could take up Cricket, I hear that's good for killing time.

Oh I love cricket.. Never played it, but looks so.. fun.

And somewhat off topic: I really hate the penis thread also. There's threads that are stupid, and then there are threads that go: "What if I'll say, one, and you say two, and then the next person will say three... Now how cool is that?"

Personally, I didn't read the GNFR thread, looked it up of course, but never really got into the whole thing.

Anyways.. What it looks like, is that over half of the people that get the most upset about the whole thing are people with about <90 posts, which - if they actively are on the board - means that they only visited that one thread. I think they could partisipate in the whole riddle thing at the chatroom, since there is one..

Basically there wasn't much wrong with it. It just didn't seem to go anywhere. For a long time. I hated the fact that it was always the first thing to pop up in the Jungle.. I happen to be one of the people who actually go and visit the Jungle. I haven't said anything about this subject at any point of this thing, so I am not the one behind the idea. But I do support the desicion, since I do feel there is a better place for thediscussion, than this. Especially since /J doesn't want any GNFR things here.

And darknemus, I think some people might be biased, and might look at your posts in a less respective way. But I also think that you did bring this thing on to yourself with the whole Latigo thing, and how you handled the thing even after /J was contacted by Sanctuary (was it?) and was told that Latigo was not Axl. And since people are judged by their actions (and appearence, but since in the internet we can't really do that, I think I'll just stick to the actions part), you really can't blame people for bringing the Latigo thing into account, when talking about your credibility.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 01:14:05 PM
I knew Cat couldn't miss chiming in on this one.  Well, one thing I can say, anytime I post a thread, it gets some responses.  Of course, my next few might not be exactly the most.. kind.. but hey, we all have our moments :-D


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Thumper on October 18, 2003, 01:14:58 PM
I'm not addressing your Cricket comment because I dont know the first thing about it.  Sorry, I'm not prepared to talk on a subject I have no knowledge of.

-darknemus (

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: dave_guns on October 18, 2003, 01:15:02 PM
can all of you mods really be so fucking out of it?  can't you see that this is not the way a board is supposed to be run?  you're all a bunch of fucking drones.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Thumper on October 18, 2003, 01:16:39 PM
can all of you mods really be so fucking out of it?  can't you see that this is not the way a board is supposed to be run?  you're all a bunch of fucking drones.
You think you know how to run a board...go for it.  No one is stopping you from starting your own.  

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: AdZ on October 18, 2003, 01:16:58 PM
It works well... what's the problem with it? Jarmo pays for the hosting, he can do what the hell he wants.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 18, 2003, 01:18:39 PM
can all of you mods really be so fucking out of it?  can't you see that this is not the way a board is supposed to be run?  you're all a bunch of fucking drones.

Is there an a-z manual on how a board should be run? I would think the board is run the way that the owner wants it. But hey, I'm crazy....

Of course, my next few might not be exactly the most.. kind.. but hey, we all have our moments :-D

Oh shit. Are you gonna start calling us names? How will I ever go out in public again?

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 01:18:42 PM
so jarmo, who is this board for the fans or you?

I'll tell you the reason I started the site, it's basically the same reason the board is what it is.

The site was started back in 1996 because I didn't see other GN'R sites that were the kind of site I'd like to visit. Then a few years later I started the kind of board that I'd visit (here's where the rules come in, this is the reason why we have rules). I don't like boards where fights and insults are the norm.

I can't spend time worrying about "Oh will dave_guns like if I put this color here and that link over there". I do things the way I want to see them done. The interesting thing is that apparently a few people think we're doing something right because they come back.

I don't really care if we have 5 members or 1000s. I remember when the site had maybe 30 visits / day and I thought that was amazing. I also remember when the board had maybe 20 active posters.

I don't sit and think "Ooh, that board has more members than us, damn". I think there's room for everyone. Some people prefer, others like newgnr/, The Bar, Mygnr,, GT, Gnrforum, the Axl board, VR etc etc.....

I know I can't please everyone, but I never even intended to either. So it doesn't bother me when some people are upset about a deleting/locking/banning.

I don't care if you think I do this because I love to tell people to stick to the topic, lock threads and ban. Because I know that's not true....


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: chineseilusions on October 18, 2003, 01:34:36 PM
I realy don't see how some people can say jarmo is being "unfair" he has done things the way he wants them done and he aint going to change that for anyone.I'm sure Jarmo has more things to worry about than this board believe it or not people he might have a life outside this board I am sure he has bills to pay and other things to worry about than this board.Nobody should be bitching about how jarmo runs this board .

I got one more thing to say.If you don't like the way Jarmo is running things around here get the fuck out of here

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 01:36:50 PM
I got one more thing to say.If you don't like the way Jarmo is running things around here get the fuck out of here

Surely you've read your History books :)  The revolution begins from within.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: AdZ on October 18, 2003, 01:40:27 PM
What revolution?! What are you talking about?! People like it here, we don't need it changed.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 01:41:30 PM
What revolution?! What are you talking about?! People like it here, we don't need it changed.

And you guys call ME the paranoid one?   :hihi: :hihi:


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: AdZ on October 18, 2003, 01:42:17 PM
Yes, yes we do. ;)

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: chineseilusions on October 18, 2003, 01:57:22 PM
I got one more thing to say.If you don't like the way Jarmo is running things around here get the fuck out of here

Surely you've read your History books :)  The revolution begins from within.


Have you lost your fucking mind

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 02:32:31 PM
Nope, I'm perfectly sane and in control of my faculties.  However, I appreciate your concern for my well being.  If you'd like an address to mail a card to, let me know, and I'll provide you with the proverbial hookup.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: WagMyDog on October 18, 2003, 03:04:10 PM
I'm not posting here to talk about the GNFR thread ...

Damn it, I'm posting here because people are dissing the Penis game, and I'm pissed about it. It's an interesting, humorous game, where the player is urged to think and use the word penis in so many different avenues ...

Okay .. I lied ...

But it looks real interesting (and funny) when you're drunk ...

Come to think of it ... so did the GNFR thread (some thirty pages ago)...  :P

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: chineseilusions on October 18, 2003, 03:32:32 PM
Nope, I'm perfectly sane and in control of my faculties.  However, I appreciate your concern for my well being.  If you'd like an address to mail a card to, let me know, and I'll provide you with the proverbial hookup.


Maybe I missunderstood you so could you please explain what "The revolution begins from within."
means and maybe if I could understand your point of view would seem a little sane to me.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: chineseilusions on October 18, 2003, 03:35:06 PM
I'm not posting here to talk about the GNFR thread ...

Damn it, I'm posting here because people are dissing the Penis game, and I'm pissed about it. It's an interesting, humorous game, where the player is urged to think and use the word penis in so many different avenues ...

Okay .. I lied ...

But it looks real interesting (and funny) when you're drunk ...

Come to think of it ... so did the GNFR thread (some thirty pages ago)...  :P
Well atleast people can understand the penis game and they don't have to solve any confusing codes  unlike the GNFR thread

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Christos AG on October 18, 2003, 03:48:06 PM
All I see here is the "same" 10-12 people complaining about a locked thread.

Damn it people. Get a fuckin life here...

It got locked, talk in other threads. You act like your whole life depended on that fuckin thread.

It's pretty simple, Jarmo asked us if we wanted to lock it or not.

The majority voted "lock it". Now what's the problem? It was an old thread. Nothing new, nothing interesting.

Dark, get over it. Why would you think that anyone has a problem with you? Your obsession with this is getting really annoying.

oh, and to answer one's question. Jarmo pays us nothing. We do it for the fun of it... But some people have problems with authority (as you like to call us)...

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Jim on October 18, 2003, 04:13:32 PM
Chineseillusions: Don't post twice in a row. I don't give a fucking shit if this isn't my section, I'm telling you that as a moderator, okay?


I think that everybody is aware that I would obviously disagree with the locking of the thread. Therefore I don't have too much more to add here.

On a personal note though: It's a shame that the thread was locked.

The pros of it being a thread on this board were such:

There are 2000 other people who could possibly contrubute ideas.

The information was easily accesible so that people could catch up on what happened. In a chat room, it's not too much fun to come in and having to be updated constantly.
It's easier to just load a page where you can read it.

"dark's" board which you refer to was 1. Just a bit of fun, and 2. Had pop-ups which annoy my slow running computer. So it was cooler to have a thread here.

I'm not going to try arguing with the locking of the thread...

I tried, and it got me nowhere.  :-\

All I can do now is disagree.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: chineseilusions on October 18, 2003, 04:33:14 PM
Chineseillusions: Don't post twice in a row. I don't give a fucking shit if this isn't my section, I'm telling you that as a moderator, okay?

Ok dude don't get your panties in a bunch whats the big deal

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 18, 2003, 04:35:00 PM
He's been a touchy guy lately. ;)

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: chineseilusions on October 18, 2003, 04:41:29 PM
He's been a touchy guy lately. ;)

sounds like someone pissed in his wheaties

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Skeba on October 18, 2003, 04:59:57 PM
chineseillusion, we don't wanna go down that road, so I'm telling you this now  when you're only looking at that direction. don't go looking for fights (not saying you were, just got the impression from your last post.)

It is not recommended to post twice in a row in a  thread.

And we most certainly didn't lock the GNFR thread because we didn't get what it was about. I know what a penis is, but I really don't understand the need to make a game out of it. Anyways that's not what this thread is about.  I just wanted to clear up that we're not locking everything that isn't obvious from the get go, unlike you made it sound earlier with this quote:

Well atleast people can understand the penis game and they don't have to solve any confusing codes  unlike the GNFR thread

Good Night everyone.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: chineseilusions on October 18, 2003, 05:10:58 PM
chineseillusion, we don't wanna go down that road, so I'm telling you this now  when you're only looking at that direction. don't go looking for fights (not saying you were, just got the impression from your last post.)

It is not recommended to post twice in a row in a  thread.

And we most certainly didn't lock the GNFR thread because we didn't get what it was about. I know what a penis is, but I really don't understand the need to make a game out of it. Anyways that's not what this thread is about.  I just wanted to clear up that we're not locking everything that isn't obvious from the get go, unlike you made it sound earlier with this quote
Ok,I was out of line with my last  post and I don't want to go down this road so I am going to nip this in the bud before anything getts started so I apologise to you UI.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: D on October 18, 2003, 06:31:01 PM
ok i was visiting the jungle and saw the gnfr thread locked and i thought "holy shit, the shit will hit the fan"

i was correct

so i visited the administrative section and what did i see? 6 pages already! damn!

ive read the gnfr thread a few times, its like a foreign language to me, i dont understand any of it so i dont read that thread.

i read it today when i saw it was locked and i saw two pages of, its open, its down, wait a sec a 403 error what does that mean? wait its up again, nope its down again

then a ton of posts of all sorts of ip numbers computer language etc.

cmon guys i dont know any threads that would stay open if they did that, i guarantee if their were a thread where 2 straight pages were nothing but i agree, i disagree, right on etc it would be locked also. u guys sort of screwed yourselves by posting nothing.

are their biased on this board? id say so, i dont think in any walk of life people with power dont abuse it on occassion, u guys shouldve known the line u were walkin on in the first place with the whole gnfr thing and shouldve made it a point to not post 2 pages of nothing

however i really see no harm in any thread staying open, i didnt see really where the gnfr thread was breakin rules or hurtin anything, however the 2 pages of its open, isnt open,403 errors, computer languages etc probably didnt help yourselves any.

i love this board, i belong to many message boards and this is by far the best ran board and the most organized board that ive seen. so most the higher ups do a great job but their are some who abuse the power of moderating

i only want this board to stay healthy and stay filled cause it gives me something to do every day for an hour or so and id miss it if this board wasnt here.

however i made a sincere nice sentiment post praising mods,jarmo and my fellow posters one night when i was in a happy mood and what happened, i got friggin bashed! i couldnt believe that

but u take the good with the bad but i love the board i hope u guys settle this in a nice way

shit let them post in the friggin tour section its not like anyone ever visits that part anyway, i just think their should be a civil way to settle this without people getting mad

6 pages in one day cause the gnfr thread was closed, thats amazing!

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 06:43:12 PM
i just think their should be a civil way to settle this without people getting mad

That's impossible. People are always gonna be mad about something.

There's always a bunch of people that hate what we do.

Why do you think this board, the mods and I get mentioned in so many threads on different boards?


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 06:54:20 PM

That's impossible. People are always gonna be mad about something.

There's always a bunch of people that hate what we do.

Why do you think this board, the mods and I get mentioned in so many threads on different boards?


Because alot of people disapprove of totalitarian tactics used to squelch the population?  Even on something as simple as a message board?  (and choose to vent said frustration at other places where they can't be censored by the proverbial 'gods from above')


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 07:14:48 PM
Did somebody force you to register? Did somebody point a gun to your head and tell you to register at this board? Who was it? Chris?

I bet it was that Irishman, wasn't it? ;)

As far as I remember, nobody did.

You came here for some reason and if you don't like it here, there are plenty of other boards you might enjoy more.  

Most of the people who have stayed here seem to have accepted that this is the way this place is run. And I suspect many of them don't give a fuck about a thread in The Jungle.....

You're fighting over that thread like it's your baby.  :o


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Christos AG on October 18, 2003, 07:15:09 PM

That's impossible. People are always gonna be mad about something.

There's always a bunch of people that hate what we do.

Why do you think this board, the mods and I get mentioned in so many threads on different boards?


Because alot of people disapprove of totalitarian tactics used to squelch the population?  Even on something as simple as a message board?  (and choose to vent said frustration at other places where they can't be censored by the proverbial 'gods from above')


If you, at least, want to be taken seriously on this board, change that signature of yours...

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 07:20:11 PM
Greece: No.

There's no signature policy that I see, so, again, no.

Jarmo: that thread kind of is / was my baby.  So yep, I sure as hell am.  Sorry if that bothers you.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 07:21:37 PM
dark (or one of his pals) seems to think that I see myself as God.

That must be the funniest things I've seen in a while.

But then again, judging by his posts he seems to have a God thing going. A religious crisis?


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 07:22:46 PM
No religious crisis here.  Heck, I even teach Sunday School on occasion - so no problems there.  Thanks for your concern, though.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: rawkr on October 18, 2003, 07:24:00 PM

Because alot of people disapprove of totalitarian tactics used to squelch the population?  Even on something as simple as a message board?  (and choose to vent said frustration at other places where they can't be censored by the proverbial 'gods from above')


You ought be grateful that Jarmo did lock the thread. really do need to get out. Revolution from within? Totalitarian tactics squelching the population? This Che Guevera complex of yours has become rather nauseating. Most boards would have banned you ages ago for being so pompous.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 07:25:14 PM
There's no signature policy that I see, so, again, no.

Well, apparently you haven't read the rules after all. I suggest you go take a look at them: It's not cool to insult other members of this board.

If I didn't care what a guy like you thinks of me, I could take that as an insult.

Hell, even some religious people might be offended by your signature.

As usual, the people bitching about how we run the board are the ones that doesn't care to look at the rules.  ::)


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Christos AG on October 18, 2003, 07:25:38 PM
Greece: No.

There's no signature policy that I see, so, again, no.

Jarmo: that thread kind of is / was my baby.  So yep, I sure as hell am.  Sorry if that bothers you.


I DID say "if you want to be taken seriously..."

You probably don't care if most people here see you as the joke of the board. I couldn't care less about your signature or you or your past (latigo case, which by the way has become the joke of the board...).

The fact that you're making all this fuzz cause of a thread says a lot...

I rest my case.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Thumper on October 18, 2003, 07:26:18 PM
Jarmo: that thread kind of is / was my baby.  So yep, I sure as hell am.  Sorry if that bothers you.


The thread has not been deleted...$7 a month will buy you your own board, ad-free even...c/p all the facts of the main posts there and run with it.  It will not be reopened here.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 07:26:40 PM
don't like the way I speak, rawkr?  Sorry, not much I can do for that.   I'm not being pompous, I actually think I'm being relatively docile.  I type the way I talk - that's just me.  Why would I be grateful that he locked a thread that I put alot of effort and dedication into?  Do you bother to actually read the things I say, or just prattle on about Che Guevera references?


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Christos AG on October 18, 2003, 07:30:33 PM
don't like the way I speak, rawkr?  Sorry, not much I can do for that.   I'm not being pompous, I actually think I'm being relatively docile.  I type the way I talk - that's just me.  Why would I be grateful that he locked a thread that I put alot of effort and dedication into?  Do you bother to actually read the things I say, or just prattle on about Che Guevera references?




Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: rawkr on October 18, 2003, 07:31:09 PM
don't like the way I speak, rawkr?  Sorry, not much I can do for that.   I'm not being pompous, I actually think I'm being relatively docile.  I type the way I talk - that's just me.  Why would I be grateful that he locked a thread that I put alot of effort and dedication into?  Do you bother to actually read the things I say, or just prattle on about Che Guevera references?


Sorry maybe pompous was the wrong choice of words. Arrogant suits you much better.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 07:31:22 PM
No one's bitching about how you run the board.  I'm bitching because I dont agree with a decision - there is a distinct, if somewhat sublime difference.

If my signature offends you, Jarmo, I'll change it.  Its meant to be a joke, a playful jab.  Its up to other people to determine if you have a superiority complex or not, not me.  

Greece: Keep bringing up Latigo, and it shows how shallow your arguments are.  This, again, isn't about that - as much as you might want to try to make it that.  Unless, of course, the mods 'lock the thread' decision was based on some Latigo stuiff?  ---- Well now, we might have a working theory with that one  ;D

Cat: No one is asking for it to be reopened - Heck, even if 1000 people asked, it wouldn't happen anyway - so don't get your whiskers in such a tangle.. relax, its only the Internet.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 07:32:48 PM
You seem to think this board is some kind of human right. It's not, it's a service that is provided for you. You don't even have to pay for it.

You can put a lot of work into a thread and we can still delete it if we want. That's a hard motherfucking fact of life.

Where does it say you have the right to post here and that we must keep your threads open?


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 07:34:37 PM

Considering I earn enough in my 'real life' existence to be able to easily afford Beer, a Keg, and probably a whole bar if I wanted to - I really dont need your money, or your false praise.

So stop trying to be humorous - because its one talent you're sorely lacking.  Comedy, my friend, is all about timing.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 07:35:30 PM
You seem to think this board is some kind of human right. It's not, it's a service that is provided for you. You don't even have to pay for it.

You can put a lot of work into a thread and we can still delete it if we want. That's a hard motherfucking fact of life.

Where does it say you have the right to post here and that we must keep your threads open?



Where does it say dont vocally and vehemently disagree with a decision made?

Nowhere, too.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: AdZ on October 18, 2003, 07:36:30 PM
Comedy, my friend, is all about timing.

You know what else is? Shutting up and leaving and the time's come.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 07:36:41 PM
If my signature offends you, Jarmo, I'll change it.  Its meant to be a joke, a playful jab.  Its up to other people to determine if you have a superiority complex or not, not me.  

I said "If I cared what guys like you....". So I'm not offended. Basically because people who think I have that kind of complex have never had anything to do with me.  : ok:

If I loved the power so much, why would I give some of it away to other people and make them mods? Wouldn't it be better to have it all by myself?  :hihi:


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 07:38:03 PM
Naah, the best dictators put people in positions of cursory power.  You know, figureheads.  The ?ber-best, however, are never seen.  They simply stand back in the shadows while their puppets do their will.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 07:39:04 PM

You know what else is? Shutting up and leaving and the time's come.

Are you telling me to leave the board?  Funny, my account still seems active, so I dont really think there's a reason to.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Thumper on October 18, 2003, 07:40:48 PM
They simply stand back in the shadows while their puppets do their will.


Ahhhh, this part you understand really well, don't you dark?  I notice you called in your troops this morning.  

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: AdZ on October 18, 2003, 07:40:49 PM
No, I'm talking about the subject.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 07:41:11 PM
Where does it say dont vocally and vehemently disagree with a decision made?

Nowhere, too.

Where does it say it's gonna make your case look good by going on and on when you know you're not gonna win?

You and your friends think we made a mistake. Fine. I don't care.

Are you still gonna tell me we made a mistake?

Here's my answer for the next round: I don't care.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 07:42:53 PM

Ahhhh, this part you understand really well, don't you dark?  I notice you called in your troops this morning.  

Yes, thats right - I called upon my various minions.  They couldnt post until after their daily sacrifice with the baby animals and stuff, of course.  But once they posted, I shaved 3 years of their sentence of eternal servitude - aren't I nice?


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Thumper on October 18, 2003, 07:46:43 PM
Sacrifices?  I never, ever thought that dark.  I thought you called them away from selling flowers at the airports though to support your cause.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 07:48:34 PM
For the people who doesn't want to read the whole 7+ pages, here's a summary of events:

dark's gang: you made a mistake
the evil people: so? we don't care. it's gone.
dark's gang: you made a mistake. we want our thread back
the evil people: so? it's gone. we don't give a fuck. stop crying
dark's gang: you can't lock our thread
the evil people: stop crying you babies
dark's gang: boohoo, you guys are evil. you made a mistake!
the evil people: have some candy and stop crying

Oh, and it's a joke. So no need for the riddle folks to get upset over it.  ;)


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: HappyJoyous&Free on October 18, 2003, 07:51:38 PM
Trooper #29 responding ;D

No, not really, just got home and saw the monstrocity that is the argument between darknemus, Jarmo and AxlGreece.  Interesting and (less then)profound reading really.

I liked the thread, I'm part of the chat, and am involved in another message board with the name GNFR world.  The fact is, more eyes will see the thread here then they will on many other boards, and the following/help may arrive sooner here then on other boards.  

So no, they won't :( so sad really.  I kinda thought it was cool to have a place to read/post about something that really interested me in a place were there were other things that I liked.  Too bad the higher ups didn't appreciate the interest  :-\  Not that it matters, but the only reason I stayed on this board after the Latigo fiasco was BECAUSE of the thread.  I post in the GNR section too, because I happen to be here alot.  I wonder how many other members were drawn here for something like that?  Oh well.....

No need to complain anymore though right?  lol it got locked and it's not gonna be  reopened.  However....if DOES someday produce something official, with the ban still be in effect?  I, myself and only for myself, believe there may be something there connected with GNR.  I could give a fuck if anyone else believes that, and I don't care what the reward is if there is one.  I feel that the chase, as dark so eloquently said it, is a hell of a lot more intriguing then anything else.

Alrighty then!! Trooper # 29 signing off! Have a nice (bi)day!


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 07:57:13 PM
lol.. lets write up a slightly more unbiased version of said summary, shalll we?

dark: It seems like the mods' bias against darknemus has resulted in the GNFR.COM thread being locked.  Why is that?  I mean, there was never an adequate explanation for the outing Danny thread disappearing, so why should anything be different, I know - but I figure maybe someone can be objective here.

mods': Because we wanted to, that's why!

various posters: You know, locking that thread was kind of stupid - it was a good place to gather.  it doesn't even violate any board rules. (this is the group referred to as my gang, even though I dont even know a couple of them, at all)

mods': go to one of the boards owned by darknemus, then!!

darknemus: Umm, I dont own any boards.

solitary 'voice of reason' mod: I disagree with the thread locking, but I'm not gonna get involved - oh well.

mods': Its never being reopened, get over it! (stomps foot)

darknemus: I really dont care about that at this point - I'm just here to point out the hipocracy - and its working.


darknemus: Wow, suddenly I think I'm having a craving for Soulvaki... dinnertime!


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 18, 2003, 07:58:19 PM
The more I read, the more I think Darknemus believes he runs the board.

And D, I doubt anyone here read what you had to say, few ever do.

And again, leave the house, please. Breathe some fresh air.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: pilferk on October 18, 2003, 08:00:40 PM
I'm not going to comment on the issue again.  I've said my piece and I think, now, we're beating a dead horse.  However, I will comment on the "darks gang" and "troops" comments.  

I can't speak for the rest of the posters, but I will say that I came here of my own volition.  dark didn't ask, or prod, me to post.  Heck, I posted before I had even talked to him about it.  I came on early this morning to check the status of "stuff" and found the thread locked.  I looked for a place to express my displeasure, and found it.  I think MOST of the posters here did the same.  I've been in and out of chat all day and I've yet to see dark ASK anyone to post.

As for "darks gang", I find that sentiment interesting.  I was a HTGTH member LONG before I came to know dark. I think looking at a subset of posters as "darks gang" is, fundamentally, the entire problem here: Seeing us as "darks gang" instead of HTGTH members....

Be that as it may, I won't be posting in this thread on any subject.  It's obviously not worth while.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 08:01:17 PM
lol.. lets write up a slightly more unbiased version of said summary, shalll we?

Unbiased?  :hihi:

Which part of "it's a joke" didn't you get? Of course it's gonna be exaggerated....  ::)


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 08:04:52 PM
Pilferk, I know you have posted here before. But you gotta admit that some people who posted in this thread haven't exactly been active on this board.

I was referring to them as "dark's gang"....


Title: To Jarmo
Post by: Breakdown on October 18, 2003, 08:48:39 PM

I come to this board a lot, and I have been for the past few years. I dont post much, but I do like a lot of the posters here, and their opinions and comments. I visited The Jungle and liked to read about I didnt post in that section, but it was very interesting to read. For some odd reason, although no rules were broken, you decided to lock the discussion. You see, sir, this is a message board for people to share thoughts and ideas. What one person may find interesting, another may not. Just because you feel like you have some sort of power (which is sad that you feel that way), and did not like the topic of, you decided to lock it. For no reason should it have been locked. You make yourself look like a complete ass when you try to pull your "dictatorship" around like you do. I think you need to lighten up a little bit sometimes, and learn to observe other people's opinions and respect other people's interests instead of being so quick to deny someone of their freedom of speech. Anyone can open a messageboard, so you are no different than any other person in the world. So, if you could please quit having such a big head about being a founder and moderator of a Guns n Roses messageboard, and let people enjoy themselves a little bit, I feel that your board would be a better place.


Title: Re:To Jarmo
Post by: Johnnyblood on October 18, 2003, 08:57:22 PM
Jarmo created this board. It wouldn't even be here without his hard work. He's entitled to run it however he wants.

Title: Re:To Jarmo
Post by: Andrew on October 18, 2003, 08:59:12 PM
I didnt see the original post, but i would guess that there has already been a thread on so no need to repeat, also this complaint should be in the Admistration section - Its not only the Mods who can be dictators, now move!  ;D

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 18, 2003, 09:08:07 PM
For the record, Breakdown is not part of 'dark's gang' - in fact, I dont think I've ever even had a conversation with him.  I just wanted the mods to be aware that its not just my 'minions' who have a problem with this action.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: dave_guns on October 18, 2003, 09:14:33 PM
i suppose i'm one of dark's gang.  well you know what i was here a long time before i saw dark post anything.  i've been on this board for a few years now under different names, i don't post often because nothing much has been going on for the last few years and i think its stupid to go over which ten year old song is better than which seven year old song.  i've been here, and at 2ti and at mygnr and at gnrx for a long time now and i never heard of dark before i came here.  i post what i think, not what anyone tells me to post.  i think its fucked up that the thread was locked.  i think jarmo has it is for dark and therefore the mods follow because they feel like they have power.  i could understand something like this if there was a lot of news going on, but there isn't and there hasn't.  i just don't see what the harm of that thread was.  jarmo and his minons are acting like it was some huge threat, which it wasn't.

Title: Re:To Jarmo
Post by: jarmo on October 18, 2003, 09:20:06 PM
You see, sir, this is a message board for people to share thoughts and ideas.

Yeah, and why is this board here? Is it because of the UN? Is it because you have the right to have access to a GN'R board?

What one person may find interesting, another may not..

Yeah, and now the people with the "power" decided that it's not interesting anymore.

Just because you feel like you have some sort of power (which is sad that you feel that way), and did not like the topic of, you decided to lock it.


You don't have the slightest fucking clue about how I feel so drop that subject. It just makes you look stupid.

I love it how a few people online think they know me based on how I decided to run this board...  ::)

I'd say based on your posts you like playing with dolls and pressing flowers. Am I right? Huh?

For no reason should it have been locked.

We don't need no other reason that "We don't want it here". That's reason enough.

You make yourself look like a complete ass when you try to pull your "dictatorship" around like you do.

Oh no. I did it again..... Fuck, all I wanted was the be cool.   :crying:

I think you need to lighten up a little bit sometimes, and learn to observe other people's opinions and respect other people's interests instead of being so quick to deny someone of their freedom of speech.

I tried freedom of speech once. That board didn't last long because some GN'R fans couldn't handle a board which didn't require registration.

Anyone can open a messageboard, so you are no different than any other person in the world.

We're all the same? I don't think so. That's what makes the world interesting. Not everybody is like you or me.....

And yes, anybody can open a board. I think somebody has pointed that out to the riddle people.

Hell, I know blondes who have their own boards.  :hihi:

My suggestion to all of you who are unhappy with how this board is run. Go start your own boards. It's easy, you don't need money if you can live with ads and you get the power to lock threads!

Hey, maybe you can create a board that every GN'R fan on this planet will like. You know, a board that's nothing like this one because this is the worst one there is. It's moderated by powerhungry idiots and most of the members are a bunch of asskissers without any own ideas.  

Thank God there are people who know how a GN'R board should be run. Because apparently, there's an actual manual on how to run a GN'R board. :hihi:

So, if you could please quit having such a big head about being a founder and moderator of a Guns n Roses messageboard, and let people enjoy themselves a little bit, I feel that your board would be a better place.

If you would stop thinking you know me, I think this board would be a better place.  : ok:

OK, I'm gonna play the role of the person you think I am. Just to play along with you.


The only reason you can post on this board is because I started it with the help of a few friends. This board wouldn't exist if I hadn't started it. The only reason you're able to whine here is because of me starting this board.


That was fun.  ::)


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: D on October 18, 2003, 09:26:41 PM
The more I read, the more I think Darknemus believes he runs the board.

And D, I doubt anyone here read what you had to say, few ever do.

And again, leave the house, please. Breathe some fresh air.

u know something im not part of dark i dont know him never spoke to him, but this bullshit right here needs to stop

u are a moderator and u are basically taking a shot at me, what right,reason do u have to do so? have i said anything about u chris? have i ever posted any sort of bullshit? have i ever bashed another poster,broke a rule etc? i dont think so, and here u are takin a shot at me when im sure i had the best argument of all

so yes darknemus is correct about some of these mods, and it is hypocritical for chris to try and enforce a rule when he himself breaks them.

this isnt the first time chris has broke a rule insulting me, and i dont like it, dont think its cool at all

what have i said or done to warrant u even throwing a shot at me?

u know why u throw that shot my way? cause u are a mod and u dont have to worry bout reprocussions

oh yeah and the internet sayin of the ages,its real easy to be a tough guy with a keyboard isnt it? how great it must be to hide behind a computer screen and take potshots at someone! outstanding!

edit: oh yeah and just cause U dont read what i have to say, dont speak for the hundreds of others on here OK?

ive started probably around 20 to 25 threads on this board and id say over 75 percent have reached the illustrious very hot topic status so who the fuck are u to say no one reads what i have to say? what interesting subject have u ever started big man?  thats what i thought!

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: BurningHills on October 19, 2003, 12:56:27 AM turn.

Jarmo, although I'm sure its been covered in the past 8 pages (I meant to post this earlier, but the damn site logged me out..) you locking the thread is beyond fucking pointless, it was FUCKING LUDACRIS. (Then again, so was locking the Latigo thread, but I digress.)

You were one of 'us' for a while. A chatter, that is, and I have no personal beef with you. You were cool to talk to in the chat, no doubt.

But, I don't know what happened between now and then. The hints, allegations, rumors, etc. have driven you to the point where if something has any resemblence to being chat-related, you just don't want it on the site. GNFR is interesting. Whether its official or bullshit is irrelevent. The thread got hits, it got responses, and it stirred interest.

BESIDES...the thread was in the Jungle. I thought that was a home for threads like that? I've seen shit in there ten times more ridiculous go untouched (i.e. "What are you listening to right now?") had a purpose. You locking it was fucking selfish and egotistical. It wasn't bothering you. Whoever was interested in the thread read it and probably posted to it.

Oh wait..I forgot..darknemus is the bad guy in all this, so anything he starts just CAN'T be good!  ::)

dark just posts what he knows, and he offers opinions on it. No harm, no foul. The guy has a life, he doesn't need to start conspiracies in the Guns N' Roses world.

Ban me, do whatever the fuck you want with me, but I'm just giving my two cents here..and you know what?

I'm probably right.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: WagMyDog on October 19, 2003, 01:36:36 AM

Don't get your panties in a bunch...

You gotta take what misfit says with a pinch of salt ... He was just yanking your chain ...

Trust me .. we give you more "dap" than you think we do ...

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: SLCPUNK on October 19, 2003, 03:08:08 AM
All I see here is the "same" 10-12 people complaining about a locked thread.

Damn it people. Get a fuckin life here...

It got locked, talk in other threads. You act like your whole life depended on that fuckin thread.

It's pretty simple, Jarmo asked us if we wanted to lock it or not.

The majority voted "lock it". Now what's the problem? It was an old thread. Nothing new, nothing interesting.

Dark, get over it. Why would you think that anyone has a problem with you? Your obsession with this is getting really annoying.

oh, and to answer one's question. Jarmo pays us nothing. We do it for the fun of it... But some people have problems with authority (as you like to call us)...

I think that says it all. Why is it so important to argue it? Don't the words "Get a clue" or "Read between the lines" mean anything to some of you?

How can you be so fuckin' petty here? It's rather amazing. I mean, how the hell do you deal with real situations in life? This is just a message board on the internet. And how long have you sat here belly-aching about it? haha, man get a life!  :rofl:

There's no way you have a girlfriend or anything else going on, that's for sure. :hihi:

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: D on October 19, 2003, 04:02:36 AM
i was simply doing something that no one else on this big long ass pointless 8 page thread tried to do

i tried to give a logical explanation as to why the gnfr thread was locked

i stated due to the couple pages of nothin but its open, its closed, wait its back up, 403 error whats that? all the ip numbers computer language etc

yeah i would take chris with a pinch of salt if he was like someone i knew and if he were somebody that ive been around and know their personality

but he could pm and say hey dude just bustin your balls, or dont take it personally im just fuckin with u

he doesnt he just hangs out his insults, and i cant insult back for fear of being banned and i love this board to much to worry bout sayin something that would just hurt myself

its just when he makes comments like that it makes me look dumb and may make other posters on here not take me seriously and i dont like lookin like a chump whether it be in real life or cyber world.

ive been a loyal somewhat decent poster on this board, ive always tried in every way to contribute to a discussion with a little humor a little bit different fair prospective

i just dont like being made a fool of thats all

i dont wanna make anyone mad, dont wanna step on any body's toes. but i give everyone on the board the utmost repect and i feel i should get some back also.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Christos AG on October 19, 2003, 05:33:10 AM
Trooper #29 responding ;D

No, not really, just got home and saw the monstrocity that is the argument between darknemus, Jarmo and AxlGreece.  Interesting and (less then)profound reading really.

I liked the thread, I'm part of the chat, and am involved in another message board with the name GNFR world.  The fact is, more eyes will see the thread here then they will on many other boards, and the following/help may arrive sooner here then on other boards.  

So no, they won't :( so sad really.  I kinda thought it was cool to have a place to read/post about something that really interested me in a place were there were other things that I liked.  Too bad the higher ups didn't appreciate the interest  :-\  Not that it matters, but the only reason I stayed on this board after the Latigo fiasco was BECAUSE of the thread.  I post in the GNR section too, because I happen to be here alot.  I wonder how many other members were drawn here for something like that?  Oh well.....

No need to complain anymore though right?  lol it got locked and it's not gonna be  reopened.  However....if DOES someday produce something official, with the ban still be in effect?  I, myself and only for myself, believe there may be something there connected with GNR.  I could give a fuck if anyone else believes that, and I don't care what the reward is if there is one.  I feel that the chase, as dark so eloquently said it, is a hell of a lot more intriguing then anything else.

Alrighty then!! Trooper # 29 signing off! Have a nice (bi)day!


Ok, first of all, I had nothing to do with this argument. What got me into it is the fact that some people just can't accept that this board is owned by someone and he can do whatever he wants to. The thing though is that he didn't do what he thought at first.

He asked all the mods and the majority (minus 1) voted "lock the thread". The reason was that it's an old thread, it provides nothing to the board and it's just some people rumbling about a site that goes "offline", then online again and then offline again.

Then I thought that dark's comment on "putting a lot of effort and dedication into a thread" sounded really stupid.

You do that when it concerns a relationship, a job or something important. Not over a fucking thread...

Ofcourse, Dark read only the word "LATIGO" in my post and then took a cheap shot at my humour, cause you know, Greeks like me have no humour at all.

Well, I'm sorry but it's your past. Learn to live with it. The rest of the post however said that if you want to be taken seriously (and not as a joke who keeps on asking for his thread back) on THIS board, change your signature...

Ofcourse, Dark is the source of good humour. His only problem is that he stays at home, making fuzz about a locked thread and nobody gets to appreciate his humour.

He could have been a great comedian, if only he got out of his house and not keep on posting for 8 pages over a locked thread...

For D: Don't worry about Misfit. He does it to everyone, including the mods... It's up to his mood I guess.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 19, 2003, 08:45:51 AM
but he could pm and say hey dude just bustin your balls, or dont take it personally im just fuckin with u

I'm very, very lazy.

D, I had a bit of fun with you because I knew what your reaction would be. Just a bit of fun, nothing personal meant. Take it whatever way you will.

and I find it amusing how people tell other people to go out and get a life are the same people sitting here all day arguing about this..

I have Cricket practice today though.

I don't think I'm this sad ---> "I have, on and off, given over a year of my life to that site"

i tried to give a logical explanation as to why the gnfr thread was locked

So did we. If Dark had taken off his paranoid head at the start of this thread, then he may of been taken more seriously.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 19, 2003, 09:02:46 AM
Let's clarify a couple things real quick.

#1 - On the 'get a life' front.  I choose this as one of my causes, for the time being.  Nothing wrong with that.  You may think otherwise - oh well, thats you, and this is me.

#2 - You all must not have girlfriends or anything like that - Well, you're right in my case.  I have a know, one of those, love, honor, & cherish type relationships.  Oh yeah, just to clarify my total computer geekiness - I met her online, too - so, umm, nyeah.

#3 - A cheap shot @ Greece. - Umm, no, Greece.  I stated a fact.  Every time you post, you bring up Latigo.  You try to hold it over my head like its some evil curse or something, and yet, I dont worry about it.  Ever ask yourself why that might be?  Because I'm 100% confident in the fact that I never lied to anyone about the situation, period.  See, I don't need to lie or use subtrafuge to further a cause, nor do I need to manipulate facts until they fit a hypothesis.  Analysts don't do that - we.. wait for it.. ANALYZE - that's right.  We take data presented, cross-reference it with other data, and analyze.

Now, sometimes, you draw conclusions from that analysis - it in no way means your conclusions are correct.  So, you always leave that caveat in there.  You also make it a point to modify your conclusions whenever new data is presented.

#4 - The thread was locked because the site was up and down and didnt do anything new bla bla bla - Au contraire, Mon Frere.  Everytime it did something like that, some tiny little change - that, in and of itself, is, by its very nature, a 'new' action.  I love how everyone is conveniently not mentioning the last spat of three 'riddles' the site threw at us because that might prove there's some merit to what is being said about it.  But that's ok, continue your revisionist history - You would have been quite a hit in the dark ages.

#5 - Greece has no sense of humor - Sorry bout that, Greece.  Can't help you there.. like I said before, comedy is all about timing.  (well, and building a temporary psychological profile of the individual you're dealing with) - maybe its a cultural thing?  I mean, you guys did come up with the now famous 'Greek Tragedy' after all.  Come to the U.S. - I promise you, one look at our politicians, and you'll have no choice but to laugh.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Christos AG on October 19, 2003, 09:48:09 AM
#1 - On the 'get a life' front.  I choose this as one of my causes, for the time being.  Nothing wrong with that.  You may think otherwise - oh well, thats you, and this is me.

Well, I don't have a problem with that. The problem is that you can't understand the reason it was locked. You won't accept it.

#2 - You all must not have girlfriends or anything like that - Well, you're right in my case.  I have a know, one of those, love, honor, & cherish type relationships.  Oh yeah, just to clarify my total computer geekiness - I met her online, too - so, umm, nyeah.

I don't really care about your personal life. What I meant was that you shouldn't get so passionate over a thread. You should do it with someone you love or maybe your work...

#3 - A cheap shot @ Greece. - Umm, no, Greece.  I stated a fact.  Every time you post, you bring up Latigo.  You try to hold it over my head like its some evil curse or something, and yet, I dont worry about it.  Ever ask yourself why that might be?  Because I'm 100% confident in the fact that I never lied to anyone about the situation, period.  See, I don't need to lie or use subtrafuge to further a cause, nor do I need to manipulate facts until they fit a hypothesis.  Analysts don't do that - we.. wait for it.. ANALYZE - that's right.  We take data presented, cross-reference it with other data, and analyze.

Don't tell me that the "souvlaki" mention wasn't a cheap shot...

#4 - The thread was locked because the site was up and down and didnt do anything new bla bla bla - Au contraire, Mon Frere.  Everytime it did something like that, some tiny little change - that, in and of itself, is, by its very nature, a 'new' action.  I love how everyone is conveniently not mentioning the last spat of three 'riddles' the site threw at us because that might prove there's some merit to what is being said about it.  But that's ok, continue your revisionist history - You would have been quite a hit in the dark ages.


#5 - Greece has no sense of humor - Sorry bout that, Greece.  Can't help you there.. like I said before, comedy is all about timing.  (well, and building a temporary psychological profile of the individual you're dealing with) - maybe its a cultural thing?  I mean, you guys did come up with the now famous 'Greek Tragedy' after all.  Come to the U.S. - I promise you, one look at our politicians, and you'll have no choice but to laugh.

Well, what can I say, you know it all... I don't have a good sense of humor. No more arguing about this. You've probably overanalyzed this too. Since you present it as a fact...

If your politicians seem humorous to you, then I don't need your sense of humor... You could say they're pathetic. But I didn't vote for them... You did.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: seniorabreu on October 19, 2003, 09:51:11 AM
I am not part of the chatroom but I am diappointed the thread is locked.  I found it interesting and it doen't matter to me if it is official or not.  I really hope Jarmo considers reopening it.  Thanks :peace:

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 19, 2003, 10:54:46 AM

The Soulvaki comment wasn't any more of a cheap shot than your boy Chris telling D no one listens to him.  For some reason, everytime I have a fun little spat with you, I want Greek food.  What's wrong with that.  You, after all, did call me 'classy' one day for referring to you as Mr. Moussaka.  I just thought it was amusing - but, your opinion may differ.

However, that's not why I'm writing this.  I'm writing this to present a challenge to you, if you're up to it.

Review, please, my #4 statement:

#4 - The thread was locked because the site was up and down and didnt do anything new bla bla bla - Au contraire, Mon Frere.  Everytime it did something like that, some tiny little change - that, in and of itself, is, by its very nature, a 'new' action.  I love how everyone is conveniently not mentioning the last spat of three 'riddles' the site threw at us because that might prove there's some merit to what is being said about it.  But that's ok, continue your revisionist history - You would have been quite a hit in the dark ages.

Let's review your response, shall we?

Please tell me what in that statement (outside of the dark ages reference - which technically is fact since they practiced alot of revisionist history back then) is an opinion?  Seriously, I've read it over and over again - objectively - even had my neighbor who was over read it.  Where's the opinion?  Care to clarify?

I'm going to run out and pick up a couple Gyros.  I look forward to reading your response.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 19, 2003, 10:57:25 AM
even had my neighbor who was over read it.  

What are you like? :hihi:

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 19, 2003, 11:08:17 AM

Like a guy who's home is always open to his neighbors, friends, and family?  I cant blame him for wanting to be here, anyways - he gets to watch the Dolphins game on a 65" TV - I'd go somewhere if I could do that.  Besides, he brought beer - so now, Greece doesn't have to buy me any.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Thumper on October 19, 2003, 11:32:14 AM
I recall that Danny had his neighbor over to read the board with him!  What a coincidence.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 19, 2003, 11:41:53 AM
I recall that Danny had his neighbor over to read the board with him!  What a coincidence.

Cat, you poor, ignorant individual..

My neighbor is here as he is on most Sundays to watch football and just chill out.  He asked me what I was up to, so I showed him that section of Greece's post, and asked him to show me what was opinion in it.  He said, and I quote "doesn't look like opinion except for the dark ages part - but that's just you, because you're a sarcastic prick'

Tell you what, Cat, why dont you stop attacking the messenger for once and try to tackle the message, provided you can wrap your feline cerebelleum around such complicated matters.

This thread is about what's wrong with the closing of that thread - nothing more.  I love how you guys can't pick apart the logic because you basically lack the ability to, so you break it down to 'haha I can imply that dark is Danny haha look at me haha I am funny and I meow haha'

Why don't you open your fucking eyes for once and try to be a bit less biased and a bit more true with yourself, as well as your loyal little following here.  You know what really fucking cracks me up about your post?


Jeeez, the guy said, like right there, in black and white "ha, these people are idiots I'm gonna make up fake rumors and fuck with them" - And I swear to god, if the thread had been started by him, it'd still be open.

Now how fucked up is that?

And you tell me there's no bias?

Try doing that without smirking, next time.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Thumper on October 19, 2003, 11:46:53 AM;action=display;threadid=6 (;action=display;threadid=6)

To make your stay here as pleasant as possible, you should follow these simple guidelines / rules:


It's not cool to insult other members of this board!

Posts that only attack another poster without any contribution to the discussion aren't allowed. Anyone consistently attacking other board members will be banned.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 19, 2003, 11:49:26 AM
Quote your rules all you want.  I didn't insult you, I pointed out what you said and my opinions on it.  Sorry if your sensitivities were affected.  Perhaps a trimming back of the whiskers is in order.

See what I mean about not being able to actually address a point in a post?  You can't, so you cower behind the allmighty rulebook.

Want to have me banned - go for it.  The words that I've said will continue their sting long after I fade away, trust me.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 19, 2003, 11:49:36 AM
And I swear to god, if the thread had been started by him, it'd still be open.

Prove it.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 19, 2003, 11:52:31 AM

Prove it.

Impossible given the current parameters.  Equally impossible for you to prove it wouldn't be.  Therefore it's a push.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 19, 2003, 12:16:49 PM
Then why bring it up?

"Oh woah is me, everybody hates Dark, it's a worldwide conspiracy against him, boo-fucking-hoo"

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 19, 2003, 12:20:22 PM
Then why bring it up?

"Oh woah is me, everybody hates Dark, it's a worldwide conspiracy against him, boo-fucking-hoo"

Why bring up cricket?

"Oh woah is me, everybody hates Cricket, it's a worldwide conspiracy against its acceptance a legitimate sport, boo-fucking-hoo"

I brought it up because it was relevant - I'm assuming you did the same with Cricket..given the way some of you guys seem to think.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Laura on October 19, 2003, 12:26:13 PM
ok so ive read all 9 pages of this thread and here is what i have to say...

First off i think this thread is absolutly pointless... u know in a hockey game when a ref makes a call and no one likes it well too fuckin bad! people can yell at him call him names and disagree but the fact is the ref is not going to change his mind. Same case here... we got ur point that u want the thread open like on page 1! i never read the GNFR thread... didnt interest me... so i dont know if it should be opened or not... that isnt my point here

i think u just need to get over it Dark and anyone else who wants it open... things hapen in life that people dont like... worse things are happening in the world than ur thread being locked... use ur time maybe to help someone in need instead of whine on the bored about something that isnt going to change...

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: John Daniels on October 19, 2003, 12:52:02 PM
hockey game....hmmm, often ref don't see all these situations 'cause the game is so fast....I wouldn't compare too much hockey game to this situation where you have all the time to close the threads.

Well what has happened is happened..I didn't read much that thread but it was loved and in jungle section..hundreds of I can't figure out why it was locked..(JUNGLE section that was, it did not bother anybody, it was also very popular thread)

But the again it doens't bother me as much as the thread posters, 'cause I didn't visit there too much.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 19, 2003, 01:07:36 PM
This thread is about what's wrong with the closing of that thread - nothing more.

Yeah, and I have stated my opinion on the locking several times. How long will it take for you to understand that you're not right? You just have a different opinion, doesn't make you right.

We're done with that site here. We don't want anything to do with that site anymore.

We don't want a thread dedicated to a site that claims its domain was registered by W.A.R Media in California. Looks like they copied the WHOIS info from but decided to remove the phone# and change the e-mail addresses.

And don't come saying it never said anywhere it was run by GN'R and/or management. That WHOIS info is enough.

Once more: We don't want anything to do with a site that tries to act like it's got something to do with the band. The fact that the few of you who are into it can talk about on some other site made it even easier to lock.

To me it looks like that site is causing confusion among some people. "Is it related to the band? Could it be?" That's not a good thing and I decided I don't want something like that on this board.

So go on, keep saying "But nobody said it was tied to the band".


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Saffron on October 19, 2003, 02:43:53 PM

Looks like they copied the WHOIS info from but decided to remove the phone# and change the e-mail addresses.

And your proof that the WHOIS info is fake is...?

Yes, it's possible that it has been just made to look like it's something to do with GN'R but, as far as I know, no one actually has absolute proof either way. (Although the evidence has seemed to point towards links between the site and Sanctuary music, and the phone # that was on the old, original WHOIS was the phone # for Bert Deixler, attorney for Axl Rose and Guns N' Roses. This phone # only disappeared after people had called the number and established some kind of link between Sanctuary and

But if you have any creditable and ABSOLUTE proof that the site is a fake, jarmo, I'd love to see it...


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 19, 2003, 02:55:11 PM
Nobody has proof either way. Well, I'm going by what I've seen and saying "no, it has nothing to do with the band and management".

I've made up my mind instead of changing my opinion every day.

My opinion has been "NO" for a long time, and I haven't seen anything that would change that.

Seems like some of you are spending lots of time thinking about it. I looked at the facts, made up my mind and it's gonna take a lot to change that.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Saffron on October 19, 2003, 03:06:51 PM

My opinion has been "NO" for a long time, and I haven't seen anything that would change that.

Thankyou for clarifying that it's just your opinion, not based upon anything factual.


Seems like some of you are spending lots of time thinking about it. I looked at the facts, made up my mind and it's gonna take a lot to change that.

Yeah, some of us look deeper than just the surface, and analyse all the information, and are prepared to rethink opinions as and when new information/evidence becomes available to's called flexibility, or not being 'blinkered'.


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: jarmo on October 19, 2003, 04:19:25 PM

My opinion has been "NO" for a long time, and I haven't seen anything that would change that.

Thankyou for clarifying that it's just your opinion, not based upon anything factual.

What part of "Well, I'm going by what I've seen and saying "no, it has nothing to do with the band and management"." didn't you understand?

Good luck with looking deeper, you can do it somewhere else. This isn't the board for that anymore.

Keep on complaining.....

I find it really interesting how you all seem to stick around even thought this seems to be the worst board in the history of the Internet.

I'm done with this subject. I've said why it was closed, most people have accepted it and moved on.

I'll let you have the last word so you'll feel like you've won the "arguement".


Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Christos AG on October 19, 2003, 05:49:51 PM

The Soulvaki comment wasn't any more of a cheap shot than your boy Chris telling D no one listens to him.  For some reason, everytime I have a fun little spat with you, I want Greek food.  What's wrong with that.  You, after all, did call me 'classy' one day for referring to you as Mr. Moussaka.  I just thought it was amusing - but, your opinion may differ.

Well, if you think it's fun, then keep on doing it... I never called you Mr. Mcdonald's... Or any other stupid name you could think just to make me look stupid.

However, that's not why I'm writing this.  I'm writing this to present a challenge to you, if you're up to it.

Review, please, my #4 statement:

#4 - The thread was locked because the site was up and down and didnt do anything new bla bla bla - Au contraire, Mon Frere.  Everytime it did something like that, some tiny little change - that, in and of itself, is, by its very nature, a 'new' action.  I love how everyone is conveniently not mentioning the last spat of three 'riddles' the site threw at us because that might prove there's some merit to what is being said about it.  But that's ok, continue your revisionist history - You would have been quite a hit in the dark ages.

Let's review your response, shall we?

Please tell me what in that statement (outside of the dark ages reference - which technically is fact since they practiced alot of revisionist history back then) is an opinion?  Seriously, I've read it over and over again - objectively - even had my neighbor who was over read it.  Where's the opinion?  Care to clarify?

It means that the thread was still important to you (and maybe 10-12 more posters), while the administration of this board thought it wasn't anymore. Besides, most of us think that it's a fake site and it has nothing to do with GN'R or its management, as Jarmo stated earlier. Therefore, we decided to lock it. What part of this don't you understand?

I'm going to run out and pick up a couple Gyros.

I hope you have a great time. I was hoping you'd go out sometime...

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Miz on October 19, 2003, 08:22:20 PM
Wow...that was fun... (

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: darknemus on October 19, 2003, 08:35:50 PM
Ouch, and in comes Greece with a zinger!

Well, not really, but I thought I'd at least let you think you were funny there, for a moment.

Actually, now see, Mr. McDonalds WOULD be funny.  So you've blown the opportunity there.. dangit!

Greece, I do want you to know one thing - and I mean this sincerely - this isn't personal.. I don't hate you, or dislike you - in fact, you're probably a genuinely decent guy.  But can you at least, for a moment, try to put yourself in my shoes?  Try to see where I'm coming from on this?  I am trying to appeal to your ability to be rational and to reason.  See, no potshots, no negativity - just a genuine appeal to your ability to think for yourself, that's all.

Here's what I dont get.  Ok, if its a fake site and has nothing to do with GNR or its management - seriously, why should the thread be removed from an off-topic section of the board?  I mean, its off-topic, right?

I just dont see why the mods feel the need to deny people who have an interest in something the ability to converse about it, here, on a site that gets a pretty decent amount of traffic and provides the best core group of resources to help determine the validity / invalidity of the site.  

I see now you guys are just deleting threads - How do you think that looks to other posters - people who really have no clue about ANY of this, and just post an innocent question?  Don't you think you should at least post some sort of sticky saying 'no gnfr threads'?  Come on, look, at least try to be fair to the other posters?  I realize that with me, its pretty much a lost cause at this point, and thats fine.  But seriiously, think about people that really are totally ignorant of all of this.  

At least consider that other well intentioned posters are going to freak when threads they post start disappearing because they mentioned some 'taboo' subject.  That's almost as bad as when gnrx automatically edited Slash to Slosh or whatever it was.  That kind of censorship is just, well, wrong.

A very dangerous precendent has been set by this action.  You've chosen to make a subject taboo because it doesn't meet your (in my opinion) narrow perceptions of 'a good thread'

You know, for your alls sake, I really kind of do hope turns out to be nothing, and not related to the band in any way, shape, or form.  Because if it is - there's no backpedaling away from this.  And you may say what you want about you don't care what people think about you.  But when I see countless references to 'oh look they talk about us over here and over here and there's a negative thread about us over there' - then, I'm sorry, I can't take your statement seriously, period.

You guys care.  Just like I care about this issue.  Because we all have egos, and no one wants to be seen as the 'lesser' person in a situation.

So you know what, mods.  I apologize for any personal digs I've thrown your way in this thread.  If you understood my emotion and my mental commitment to this project, I think you'd be a bit more sympathetic - but I don't suppose thats possible, so there's nothing I can do.  I've said my piece, I'll move on from this, and let it lie.

So again, I'm sorry for the potshots, I'm sorry for the negativity, and I'm sorry for the discontent.  But I'm sad.  Not sad because the thread was locked - but sad because of the perceptions you've chosen to form of me for doing nothing other than presenting information and experiences I've had.  That kills me, but oh well, such is life.



Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Chris Misfit on October 19, 2003, 08:39:31 PM
You guys care.  Just like I care about this issue.  Because we all have egos, and no one wants to be seen as the 'lesser' person in a situation.

I'll be the lesser if you go away.

I'll have a sex change if you go elsewhere.

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: GNRtruthseeker on October 19, 2003, 10:07:30 PM
Hello Mates,

I am posting for two reasons:

1.)  I want to get this to 11 pages

2.)  No one will bloody care if this is related to the band which it IS NOT.  It is just so bloody stupid and some fools here need to see reality. :confused:

(oh good.  10 pages MUST be the limit.  Thank goodness :rant:)

Title: Re:Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: w.axlrose on October 20, 2003, 07:33:30 AM
does it really matter if the site is real or not? even if it is gnr related, so fuckin what, its not like u will gain anything from it. whoever the fuck the webmaster is, he is obviously a bored mother fucker who has nothing better to do than take u riddle solvers for a ride. I can see why u r angry and upset whatever because u have been working on this for ages but its not like its over just because htgth dont want anything to do with it anymore, how about just given it rest for a while instead of gettin excited over a black screen. enough is enough. peace.

Title: Re: Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Metallifuck on December 08, 2004, 11:10:35 AM
I think the main reason why mods lock threads is because of their opinions and don't sometimes think that other people may actually find it interesting.

Although, 'The Posting Thread' has been the most opinionative, unique, original and most ecsquisite thread ever and was overloading with potential.  :drool:

Title: Re: Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: ppbebe on December 08, 2004, 11:33:25 AM
That?s the question I?ve been wondering.

Is there any point in carrying a large number with you?

Like, I get a free T-shirts or something when my post-count reaches a certain number.

Title: Re: Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Skeletor on December 08, 2004, 01:10:08 PM
Wow, that Darkie boy sure likes to bicker. What a horrible thread :P

Title: Re: Mods (you, too, Jarmo) - lets settle this. (aka: Bias is fun, isn't it?)
Post by: Chris Misfit on December 08, 2004, 09:59:25 PM
I think the main reason why mods lock threads is because of their opinions .

Someone buy this guy a cookie!

Why do you think we lock threads? Because we like them?

Wow, that Darkie boy sure likes to bicker. What a horrible thread

The "I asked my neighbour to come over to read the thread, and he said it was unfair to lock it" post is by far the funniest moment ever on this board.