Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Halo69 on October 05, 2010, 10:00:54 AM

Title: MAC VS PC
Post by: Halo69 on October 05, 2010, 10:00:54 AM
ok the title says it all. what are the big pros and cons of both and what do they have different? Also which one is the best in general and why?

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Genesis on October 05, 2010, 12:31:50 PM
Is this a general question or are you looking to make an informed decision? I am biased against Macs. I think they're just useful for the snob value and are very over priced. You can get higher specced PC hardware for the same price and don't get locked into Apple's walled play land when it comes to software. However, if you have other Apple products, it might be useful, since they all integrate well. They also have marginally better build quality.

PCs? The great thing is freedom. If you are knowledgeable, it's good fun assembling your own, you can install your own software and use it any way you like.

Functionally, they're all the same.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Chief on October 07, 2010, 07:16:21 PM
There is no one best one.  It depends on what you use it for and what kind of user you are.

I like PCs more because they are cheaper, more customizable and you can upgrade/build them pretty easily.  If you're careful about what you install/download you should be ok if your system is set up correctly.

Some people say macs are better for audio recording and video editing.  They are more expensive though, but overall pretty good.  They won't run all the software out there though.  Another lame thing is that many of their laptops don't have user replaceable batteries - you have to take it in to get it replaced!!

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Genesis on October 07, 2010, 10:54:25 PM
Some people say macs are better for audio recording and video editing. 

That's just a myth. Whatever audio / video recording or editing you want to do, can be done on a PC just as well or better.
It's just one of those false perceptions of Macs that have grown with time and which now marketing people regurgitate.

With a Mac, you're effectively just paying for a logo, nothing more. If you need support based solutions, Dell or HP is better.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Halo69 on October 09, 2010, 10:59:05 AM
Is this a general question or are you looking to make an informed decision? I am biased against Macs. I think they're just useful for the snob value and are very over priced. You can get higher specced PC hardware for the same price and don't get locked into Apple's walled play land when it comes to software. However, if you have other Apple products, it might be useful, since they all integrate well. They also have marginally better build quality.

PCs? The great thing is freedom. If you are knowledgeable, it's good fun assembling your own, you can install your own software and use it any way you like.

Functionally, they're all the same.

Thanks for answering Genesis, well basically im undecided if i should buy a normal laptop from sony or toshiba or hp, or a apple one, i do think their overpriced, but i heard they give much less problems with virus and that they're more enjoyable to use and the system is also easier than windows and not such a pain in the ass.
But im looking for you guys opinions. I do have some apple products, i have an Iphone 3g and an Ipod Classic, but they run pretty well on a pc.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Genesis on October 09, 2010, 11:29:53 AM
If it's a laptop, it's a bit different. High end laptops from HP or Sony (same price range as MacBook) have quite the same build quality as a Mac. It depends on whether you like the Mac's aluminium uni body construction or the different designs from HP (Check out the Envy series) or some other PC maker. For hardware specs, you will get higher configs from a PC maker and quickly. Macs are refreshed only like a year or so (New Intel processors out by this year end will only feature in next year's designs).

From a software perspective, it's less clearer. OSX does have very few viruses and the like, but it's not very secure (Windows although a prime target, is patched regularly). Enjoyability / Ease of use is subjective and you have to actually use OSX for a while and find out for yourself. It's pretty different from Windows.

Basically, you should figure out your budget, short list the highest configurations you can find for that budget from a few PC makers (HP, Sony, Dell etc.) and from Apple, narrow it down to around 3 (Two PCs and a Mac) and then go to a store and try them out.

Good luck, I hope the PC wins. ;)

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: GypsySoul on October 09, 2010, 11:34:50 AM
I use a Dell desktop at home and a Macbook laptop when I'm out.

I'm not that computer savvy.  I've been using the Dell for years but am new to the Macbook so for that reason I prefer the Dell.

I'm more comfortable/familiar with using the microsoft-windows programs and layout but I've had zero problems with the macbook.  It's just different from what I've been used to for so long.

So I think whichever fits your budget that gets you the most bang for your buck .... programs/memory/speed.... is the way to go.  (the speed thing has to do with the something else along with the type of connection you use... something like the memory maybe but I really don't remember what.  I'm sure someone else here can tell you if you don't already know)

As far as brands go for PCs, I've heard that it's really not a big issue so IMO whichever gives you the best deal would be the way to go.  (the only reason I picked a Dell was because they gave discounts to where I worked)

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: svdv22 on October 15, 2010, 04:10:51 PM
Well I wouldn't want to go as far as saying one is better than the other but I am saying I'm never buying a PC again. Yes, you pay for the logo/name. You do for every brand, that's marketing. But I agree macs are very expensive, but I wouldn't say they're overpriced.

For one, I sold my 4 year old mac for 1000 euro (price when I bought it was 1500 euro). I did the same with a PC. I sold my 1000 euro PC after 5 years and got 150 euro for it. There are so many pc's for such low prices that nobody cares that your PC actually has better specifications. PC's value drop way faster. But I agree that you're not buying a computer to sell it again, even though it is something you might keep in mind when you think a mac is too expensive.

Also, when you buy a mac, different software is included. But to be honest, 9 out of 10 home users don't buy software anyway so I don't really think of this as a legit argument. What does matter is the operation system that's included. Mac os X is way better than windows vista on every point of view. Windows 7 was a great improvement but just not there yet.

And with 'better' I mean: Faster, more intuitive, no crashes (literally! I've been using macs for a couple of years now), way better functions (like spaces, time machine, etc). Also, a mac is safe. Easy as that. There are no viruses, no trojans. I do not have a virus scanner or anything. Some people say there are no viruses for mac because mac's market share is too little. Well that's just not true. There's a difference between hackers and crackers. Crackers create viruses for their own purpose, for doing harm, making money eventually. They do not bother getting into a mac because, well, their market share is too little for them. Hackers, however, do exactly the same. But just for the kick of it. A few years ago 2 dutch guys broke into the pentagon but, lucky for America, they were hackers and not crackers. They told them exactly how they got it and are now working for the pentagon. Hackers didn't get into the mac neither. I'm not saying nobody ever did or will but I am saying it would be an extremely rare occasion. And there are just no viruses, trojans or other annoying stuff.
When you are using windows (installing/removing software, creating/deleting files, just using the system). You leave a trail of hidden files and preferences everywhere. It's a complete mess and it slows down your PC tremendously. You don't have this problem with the mac at all. It defragments (= cleaning up your mess) your system on the fly.

Also I don't really think that the "PC is cheaper even though the specifications are better" is a valid argument. What valid is is: turn on a PC + Mac, work with it, and see which one is fastest. In the beginning and after 5 years. PC's get manufactured with parts from different brands and no one is really over-looking the complete process. Ends up the hardware works together fine but it's not optimal. With mac everything works together perfect. Most (I'm saying most, not all) PC's with 3 (sometimes even 4) gb of ram are slower than a pc with 'just' 2 gb.

Also, macs look better. PC's are ugly as hell.

However, I do agree with Genesis about macs are mostly used by snobs. But like not every PC is shit, not every mac user is a snob ;-)

If you're looking to buy a computer I'd ask myself the following questions:
- Who's buying it? Mac os X is a different operating system. It's way more logical but if you're used to windows and you don't have the time and/or will to 'learn' a different operating system. Don't bother. However I'm 100% sure that if you ask someone who's never worked with computers before to work with a mac and a PC. No doubt he/she will end up buying a Mac every time.
- Do you want to play games? There are games for the mac and there are more and more games every month/year. But still it's nothing if you compare to the range of games that's out for windows.
- Do you want to spend so much money on a computer? I definitely would (and did ;-)) but still it is a lot of money. Best is to save money on forehand. Cheapest iMac starts at 1000 dollar/euro or so. Which I think is a very fair price for what you get.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Genesis on October 15, 2010, 09:56:55 PM
Also I don't really think that the "PC is cheaper even though the specifications are better" is a valid argument.

It is a valid argument because it's true. See below:

PC's get manufactured with parts from different brands and no one is really over-looking the complete process. Ends up the hardware works together fine but it's not optimal.

That's just rubbish. Do you think Apple manufacture their own processors? Macs are put together with parts from different brands as well. The only difference between PCs and Macs is that Apple will sell you OSX bundled while HP etc. install Windows from Microsoft.

From the specification perspective, consider this: The current Macbook Pro 13 ships with a Core 2 Duo P8600 processor which was released in June 2008. The cost of a Macbook Pro is $1199 which is just the low end model. The high end with the same processor is $1499. By the time the range is updated next year, it'll be three years old, which in the computer industry is a decade. I don't buy the "Use it, it'll feel faster" argument either. Inferior hardware is just that: inferior. It's going to be slower than a newer processor by miles.

Other manufacturers like ASUS will be happy to sell you a Core i7 and a nVidia GPU for $900.

Also, macs look better. PC's are ugly as hell.

This is their only redeeming quality, IMO.

But like everyone said, choose the best for your budget and use.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: svdv22 on October 16, 2010, 04:27:32 AM
it'll be three years old, which in the computer industry is a decade

That's the whole point. Macs work fine after 3 years, 5 years, maybe even longer (haven't had the same mac for longer than 5 years). PC's don't. I had 2 PC's of my own. One was a HP and the other one I put together myself. Many friends and family are still using a PC with windows and it's just slow as hell.

I once read an article about it where the author compared the whole thing to Microsoft having a billion dollar race car which, theoretically, is the quickest ever. Point is they forgot about the pavement, which has stones and bricks sticking out. You can have a fast car but if the road doesn't allow you to you still won't be going anywhere fast. Needless to say the Mac had a perfect clear asphalt road ;-)

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Genesis on October 16, 2010, 04:36:40 AM
I think you're talking more about Mac OSX vs. Windows, which is a side bar discussion. If you're solely going for a Mac because of OSX, get it and run in on a PC. You get the latest hardware and your choice of software.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Halo69 on October 16, 2010, 04:39:40 AM
You guys are surely helping me to decide!

Obviously apple products are "cute" and i have an Iphone and an Ipod and its great. As far as a laptop or a computer goes, they're really overpriced in my opinion. Its hard for me to think of spending 1000 to 1800 euros for a laptop, honestly the cheapest one that costs 1000 euros, doesnt look as good as the other ones, its actually the "cutest" one but in terms of quality it looks very old, however the one that costs 1700 euros  seems pretty good! but again its really really really really expensive!! Dunno if its worth all that money, however i do have to say that i really like the fact that Apple computers are much more secure.

Windows causes me a lot of problems, because im not really a "pro" using computers, i cant say im even close to that, so everytime i delete a file that i shouldnt have deleted whenever i catch a virus, i have to format the computer, just now im gonna have to pay 25 euros because my computer needs to be formated. I dont know how to do it myself, so in other words, lets say every year i have to spend about 25 euros 1 time to get the pc good again. On that point Apple would solve that problem which would be great!

On the other hand PCs are easily updated and on that aspect windows owns OSX.
PCs are always more affordable as well!

Its something to think about!

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Genesis on October 16, 2010, 04:51:02 AM
If you have the money and are not too anal about what's under the hood, go for a Mac. If you are price conscious and are concerned about getting the most bang for your buck, buy a PC.
On the software side, you can learn to live with either one, it's not a deal breaker.

It all boils down to the question: What do you mainly plan on doing with your computer?

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: kaasupoltin on October 16, 2010, 05:41:11 AM
I wouldn't say that Mac is always better than PC, but Mac OS X is always better than any version of Windows. It's so much more efficient, especially when it comes to graphical stuff. But it's your own opinion and depends on what you're expecting from a computer. I use both, but mainly Mac. I also have Windows XP (the best Windows ever) installed on my iMac if I ever need it. Sometimes I do.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: The Chad Cometh on October 26, 2010, 10:08:17 PM
The kicker has to be that if you need any software specific for Windows, just install Windows on your Mac and run OSX and Windows side by side. Then you can install whatever software you want.

I am an Apple Service Technician so I might be a bit biased.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Chief on October 27, 2010, 01:27:11 PM
I wouldn't say PCs look ugly.

look at this dell adamo, it looks quite good:

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: svdv22 on October 27, 2010, 02:18:26 PM
That's looks quite ugly to me, but that's just a matter of taste ;)

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Chief on October 27, 2010, 04:47:05 PM
I guess it does depend on taste.  i like the macbook pro look but the regular macbook, not so much.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: PJ on October 28, 2010, 12:30:52 AM
i have used both pc and mac
and i work with design programs

and mac beats every aspect of every pc (dell xps, alienware and a desktop that i built up that actually most expensive than a macbook pro 4.. it had 4bs of RAM, 4 years ago)
also what you are going to do with it
mac is more expensive but you have no viruses, no freezing, no crashes and the whole thing about feeling weird about using snow leopard will fade away sooner than you think the whole think is very intituive and after a week you will have no problem

so after all
if you want to use a computer to hang out and chill i recommend a pc
if you really wanna work with it a mac

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Halo69 on October 28, 2010, 04:16:52 AM
Thanks guys, if i wanted to buy a Mac, what Macbook should i get? the regular white one, mac book pro or the new slim one macbook air?

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Halo69 on October 28, 2010, 04:18:09 AM
I wouldn't say PCs look ugly.

look at this dell adamo, it looks quite good:

I hate Dell  :hihi: but yeah that one looks nice!

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: PJ on October 28, 2010, 10:31:42 AM
also depends what are you gonna do with the computer

the macbook is ok if you dont wanna do anything too fancy, is an amazing computer for daily things, the problem with this computer is that if you use heavy programs like adobe CS5 or 3d max you cant expand the RAM memory

the macbook pro  is the one I use, amazing performance and you can expand the ram memory up to 8gbs

for a brief time i used macbook air, is an ok computer it is amazing if you travel or you are bussiness man, for daily and heavy use i wouldnt recommend it, like a week apple upgrade it and is better now they have up to 4gb ram, and two sizes 11" and 13"


Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Lara on October 28, 2010, 03:38:18 PM
I have a HP compaq mini (Windows XP) and I have been fighting with a stupid virus for the last couple of days, it's so frustrating I want to crash the damn thing!

That's the thing with PCs, they are so unreliable.
Next week is exams week and I'm screwd without a laptop.

Everyone around me has a Mac and although I have been avoiding them because I like the PCs and Windows OS besides all the shit they come with, I am really considering getting a MacBook right now.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Mysteron on October 28, 2010, 04:18:28 PM
Macs have always been better but are overpriced.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Chief on October 30, 2010, 03:23:19 PM
did you try doing a system restore to a point before you got the virus?

I have a HP compaq mini (Windows XP) and I have been fighting with a stupid virus for the last couple of days, it's so frustrating I want to crash the damn thing!

That's the thing with PCs, they are so unreliable.
Next week is exams week and I'm screwd without a laptop.

Everyone around me has a Mac and although I have been avoiding them because I like the PCs and Windows OS besides all the shit they come with, I am really considering getting a MacBook right now.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Genesis on November 05, 2010, 03:01:34 AM
I have a HP compaq mini (Windows XP) and I have been fighting with a stupid virus for the last couple of days, it's so frustrating I want to crash the damn thing!

That's the thing with PCs, they are so unreliable.
Next week is exams week and I'm screwd without a laptop.

Everyone around me has a Mac and although I have been avoiding them because I like the PCs and Windows OS besides all the shit they come with, I am really considering getting a MacBook right now.

Not to be an asshole, but if you get a virus, it's because you're not using  your PC safely. I haven't used Windows in more than 5 years, but when I used to, I never had a virus problem, even without anti-virus installed. These days, you need anti-virus of course, but if you use your PC safely, you won't get a single virus. Don't browse suspicious sites, download porn / hacks / cracks executables or run weird programs your friends send you and you should be fine. Use the anti-virus to scan every incoming media including USB sticks and such.

Needless to say, if some malware pops up a page saying "Your computer is infected with 2 zillion viruses! Click here to clean!", don't do that. Just follow a few basic safe computer usage practices and you'll be fine.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: svdv22 on November 05, 2010, 04:51:41 PM
Ok. So if I want to download illegal hardcore porn I shouldn't buy a pc?
What's that for bullshit.

A computer needs to be safe. Of course, you shouldn't 'invite' viruses but I'm sure Lara didn't do anything she thought would be suspicious.

And the things which are so obvious to you aren't as obvious to someone else. I've seen it with my own eyes. Those XP lookalike pop-ups where they want you to think it's Windows telling you shit but it's just a website.

Don't try to make the computer manufacture's problem the end user's problem. If you want to, fine, go ahead and buy Windows, any version.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: PJ on November 05, 2010, 09:42:05 PM
I have a HP compaq mini (Windows XP) and I have been fighting with a stupid virus for the last couple of days, it's so frustrating I want to crash the damn thing!

That's the thing with PCs, they are so unreliable.
Next week is exams week and I'm screwd without a laptop.

Everyone around me has a Mac and although I have been avoiding them because I like the PCs and Windows OS besides all the shit they come with, I am really considering getting a MacBook right now.

Not to be an asshole, but if you get a virus, it's because you're not using  your PC safely. I haven't used Windows in more than 5 years, but when I used to, I never had a virus problem, even without anti-virus installed. These days, you need anti-virus of course, but if you use your PC safely, you won't get a single virus. Don't browse suspicious sites, download porn / hacks / cracks executables or run weird programs your friends send you and you should be fine. Use the anti-virus to scan every incoming media including USB sticks and such.

Needless to say, if some malware pops up a page saying "Your computer is infected with 2 zillion viruses! Click here to clean!", don't do that. Just follow a few basic safe computer usage practices and you'll be fine.
dont you think is easier to get a computer thats doesnt get virus at all?

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Genesis on November 06, 2010, 12:19:19 AM
Ok. So if I want to download illegal hardcore porn I shouldn't buy a pc?
What's that for bullshit.

*Cough* Dude, what you do in your spare time is none of my business. :hihi:
Yes, by all means buy a Mac if you want to watch illegal hardcore porno.

Actually, joking aside, porn video files are obviously okay, I meant the executables that advertise for free porn and such if you download them.

A computer needs to be safe. Of course, you shouldn't 'invite' viruses but I'm sure Lara didn't do anything she thought would be suspicious.
And the things which are so obvious to you aren't as obvious to someone else. I've seen it with my own eyes. Those XP lookalike pop-ups where they want you to think it's Windows telling you shit but it's just a website.
Don't try to make the computer manufacture's problem the end user's problem. If you want to, fine, go ahead and buy Windows, any version.

I agree the average user wouldn't know about these, but that should change. Safe browsing (even from a personal info POV) is something everyone should learn and blaming the manufacturer is ridiculous.

If you have an unsafe driver on the roads, do you blame the car manufacturer as well? Ultimately, it's up to you to drive safely and responsibly. Same principle.

dont you think is easier to get a computer thats doesnt get virus at all?

Spending a lot of extra money and sacrificing functionality to prevent a problem that's easily avoidable in the first place is a bit paranoid, IMO.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Lara on November 06, 2010, 03:06:12 PM
I have a HP compaq mini (Windows XP) and I have been fighting with a stupid virus for the last couple of days, it's so frustrating I want to crash the damn thing!

That's the thing with PCs, they are so unreliable.
Next week is exams week and I'm screwd without a laptop.

Everyone around me has a Mac and although I have been avoiding them because I like the PCs and Windows OS besides all the shit they come with, I am really considering getting a MacBook right now.

Not to be an asshole, but if you get a virus, it's because you're not using  your PC safely. I haven't used Windows in more than 5 years, but when I used to, I never had a virus problem, even without anti-virus installed. These days, you need anti-virus of course, but if you use your PC safely, you won't get a single virus. Don't browse suspicious sites, download porn / hacks / cracks executables or run weird programs your friends send you and you should be fine. Use the anti-virus to scan every incoming media including USB sticks and such.

Needless to say, if some malware pops up a page saying "Your computer is infected with 2 zillion viruses! Click here to clean!", don't do that. Just follow a few basic safe computer usage practices and you'll be fine.

Thank you for the advice, but I was already doing all of the things you mentioned.
I'm not a newbie and I know a thing or two about computers.
I've been using Windows for more than 10 years and I only had virus twice.
The thing is that W are most vulnerable to viruses.
I have a Mac now, let's see how this will go.  :)

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: svdv22 on November 07, 2010, 07:46:15 AM
Ok. So if I want to download illegal hardcore porn I shouldn't buy a pc?
What's that for bullshit.

*Cough* Dude, what you do in your spare time is none of my business. :hihi:
Yes, by all means buy a Mac if you want to watch illegal hardcore porno.

Actually, joking aside, porn video files are obviously okay, I meant the executables that advertise for free porn and such if you download them.

A computer needs to be safe. Of course, you shouldn't 'invite' viruses but I'm sure Lara didn't do anything she thought would be suspicious.
And the things which are so obvious to you aren't as obvious to someone else. I've seen it with my own eyes. Those XP lookalike pop-ups where they want you to think it's Windows telling you shit but it's just a website.
Don't try to make the computer manufacture's problem the end user's problem. If you want to, fine, go ahead and buy Windows, any version.

I agree the average user wouldn't know about these, but that should change. Safe browsing (even from a personal info POV) is something everyone should learn and blaming the manufacturer is ridiculous.

If you have an unsafe driver on the roads, do you blame the car manufacturer as well? Ultimately, it's up to you to drive safely and responsibly. Same principle.

dont you think is easier to get a computer thats doesnt get virus at all?

Spending a lot of extra money and sacrificing functionality to prevent a problem that's easily avoidable in the first place is a bit paranoid, IMO.

I agree with you to a certain degree. When I used Windows I never had a virusscanner and never had a virus neither. However the manufacturer should deliver a as safe as possible computer. And it could be a lot safer - look at the mac ;) Is it still the drivers fault when he tries to drive the car save but was delivered a car with no brakes? ;)

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Genesis on November 09, 2010, 12:46:46 AM
Most manufacturers ship with anti virus, but I prefer they not install their bloat ware on new PCs. The best option is to format a new system with your copy of the OS straight away. At least PC manufacturers do this. Apple would never admit there are security issues / worms for Macs, so they will never come out with a anti virus product of their own. Sophos is offering free anti virus for the Mac.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: svdv22 on November 09, 2010, 01:01:37 PM
There's no need to. If you can name 3 trojans/viruses/whatever for mac, than that's a lot.
And Microsoft doesn't admit their PC is unsafe either. Which manufacturer is going to bitch about it's own product?

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Halo69 on November 27, 2010, 09:02:53 AM
Macs have always been better but are overpriced.

I think this is somewhat true! I mean recent Macs have always been better, but when Apple was going down the gutter in the mid 90s i think Billy boy had crushed them.... at that time PC's were better.

The MAC regain its space though a couple years back!

Anyways i bought a Macbook Pro 2.4 13 inches, im gonna have it delivered on Thursday! So on Thursday ill let you all know what i think : ok:

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Chief on November 29, 2010, 01:21:20 AM
just curious, how much did you pay for it?

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Halo69 on November 29, 2010, 08:59:15 AM
1150 euros

Unfortunately they convert 1150 dollars (the real price) to 1150 euros which is not really the same thing... but Apple does that anyways...

1150 dollars is 875 euros... so basically im paying about 300 euros more, because Apple acts smart ass in their business... its worth it though so i bought it anyways

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Bodhi on November 29, 2010, 02:02:28 PM
How is MAC vs PC even a conversation in 2010?

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Halo69 on November 29, 2010, 04:05:35 PM
How is MAC vs PC even a conversation in 2010?

Whats so wrong with some guys talkin about the positives and negatives of each computers?

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Bodhi on November 29, 2010, 05:24:13 PM
How is MAC vs PC even a conversation in 2010?

Whats so wrong with some guys talkin about the positives and negatives of each computers?

nothing at all, i was just saying MAC is so far ahead in this its not even a contest anymore.  MAC's have no negatives other than the price, but you get what you pay for.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Chief on November 29, 2010, 11:45:09 PM
all the VS talk aside, i gotta say that is pretty retarded of them to do that!!!!
hope you enjoy it!

1150 euros

Unfortunately they convert 1150 dollars (the real price) to 1150 euros which is not really the same thing... but Apple does that anyways...

1150 dollars is 875 euros... so basically im paying about 300 euros more, because Apple acts smart ass in their business... its worth it though so i bought it anyways

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: bigcash2002 on December 08, 2010, 11:59:32 PM
I have always used PCs for work, that is what I have owned at home.  It always seemed easiest this way to mix work and pleasure.  However, I have purchased an ipad and 2 ipod touches.  I like them....the thought of having a macbook is very interesting to me.  They sure look fun


Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Mysteron on December 10, 2010, 05:10:14 PM
I have always used PCs for work, that is what I have owned at home.  It always seemed easiest this way to mix work and pleasure.  However, I have purchased an ipad and 2 ipod touches.  I like them....the thought of having a macbook is very interesting to me.  They sure look fun


I am the same. I always use PCs for the internet or for any work related issues.

However, I do have most Apple products, but I see them as innovative gadgets that are fun, but not overly practical. I got an Iphone 4 as an upgrade recently, but when I travel the reception is too changeable. I travelled from North to South in the UK two weeks ago, and I lost reception on it every two minutes. I put my sim in an old phone, three years old +, and there was no problem.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Jdog0830 on December 10, 2010, 06:31:30 PM
MAC sucks it can only play a few games. Pc plays a much greater verity of games and programs from my experence with both.


Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: svdv22 on December 12, 2010, 07:48:11 AM
Yeah that definitely makes pc a better computer.
Newsflash: Macs have like 8% marketshare or so, Windows much more.
Conclusion: For gamedevelopers it's much more interesting to develop games for windows based computers.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Genesis on December 12, 2010, 10:01:54 AM
Yeah that definitely makes pc a better computer.

For a gamer, yeah it definitely makes a PC a better computer. What you have to realize is that any device is not universally "the best" for everyone. It depends on each individual and what their needs are, which is why the person spending the money has the last say. If a Mac works for you, great. Otherwise, buy a PC.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: w.axl.rose on December 13, 2010, 02:14:38 AM
I'm a pc, but have actually been thinking of getting one of the new mac books for photo editing. plus their laptops have Firewire 800 and pc laptops dont =\

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Halo69 on January 04, 2011, 09:42:30 AM
I got a macbook pro 13 for Christmas and its the greateast piece of machinery i have ever had  :hihi:

Im really amazed with the laptop, with its fast way to open a page on the internet, to even turn on, to download stuff, security wise im also amazed.
Its much better than a PC, much more organized as well, in terms of desktops, downloads and shortcuts.

The only thing i dont like in the Mac, is the fact that u cant use the right click on the mouse like u did with a pc, instead u have to drag something if u wanna do the general copy paste stuff or you have to select copy on the menu.
Also dont like the fact that when u copy something to a folder, u have to choose the exact place u want to put it, otherwise it will be a mess.

Other than that i find the MAC to be 10 x superior to a PC.

Also the software is so much better than Windows. Windows is such a nightmare and complicating. Windows Vista and 7 are a little bit better than the previous ones in terms of security, but still fails horribly comparing to a MAC, and if u dont know much about computers, you end up deleting the wrong files when u wanna clean your computer from the viruses.

Also with OSX Lion coming in the summer, i think Windows is gonna be completely wiped out. Can't wait to have it!

With app store, and all the apps available currently for your Iphone, being also available to your computer, imagine that! Its gonna be awesome!

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Jdog0830 on January 04, 2011, 08:56:10 PM
Mac = Stability and speed
PC = Freedom

I gotta say I like freedom more.


Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: svdv22 on January 05, 2011, 01:47:20 PM
I don't suggest the macbook air. It's much more expensive than other macs and unless the way the computer looks is by far the most important thing.. don't get the air ;-)

About all the other macs.. what do you want to do with it? ;-)
You can easily compare every laptop on this page:

scroll down and click compare

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: kaasupoltin on February 07, 2011, 07:30:09 AM
MAC sucks it can only play a few games. Pc plays a much greater verity of games and programs from my experence with both.


Not true. You can install Windows on your Mac (like I did) and use both Mac OS X and Windows Vista/Xp/7. No problem playing the newest PC games at all.. although if you only want to play, there's no point getting a Mac.

To me, iMac simply is the best option.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Jdog0830 on February 16, 2011, 11:22:50 AM
MAC sucks it can only play a few games. Pc plays a much greater verity of games and programs from my experence with both.


Not true. You can install Windows on your Mac (like I did) and use both Mac OS X and Windows Vista/Xp/7. No problem playing the newest PC games at all.. although if you only want to play, there's no point getting a Mac.

To me, iMac simply is the best option.
I have heard about that option problem is I also heard there are quite a few problems with it. Idk myself so for my gaming needs right now its PC if I get the choice though I think I will get a MAC with Windows.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: kaasupoltin on February 18, 2011, 03:57:50 AM
Not true. You can install Windows on your Mac (like I did) and use both Mac OS X and Windows Vista/Xp/7. No problem playing the newest PC games at all.. although if you only want to play, there's no point getting a Mac.

To me, iMac simply is the best option.
I have heard about that option problem is I also heard there are quite a few problems with it. Idk myself so for my gaming needs right now its PC if I get the choice though I think I will get a MAC with Windows.

What ever fits your needs is the best option. I haven't had any problems with Windows on my Mac, but it's XP anyway (which in my opinion is still the best Windows out there). I think the problems are with Vista mostly, but does someone really use it anymore? :P

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Halo69 on February 22, 2011, 09:08:56 AM
Well after a few months with a MAC im finally noticing a couple of slight problems.  :'(

I dunno if its because i have wireless on it, or whatever, but my torrent downloads are usually kinda slow. I was expecting it to be faster than a normal PC, but its actually a little slower than my normal PC.

And the thing is, i have it practically empty, so its certainly not because i have a lot of things in it.

Also, Quicktime is a bit of a nightmare. Sometimes i feel like im watching my own videos on Youtube  :confused:

Its like you put on a cd, with an avi file on it, and u wanna watch it, and u wanna skip it to a part, and it basically comes back to the beginning when u try to fast forward the scene...

Then u finally notice that the video is actually still loading... but its not an internet video on youtube, its your own video, why does it take even anytime to load??  :nervous: :confused:

Anyways these two things are the only things that have been stressing me out about the MAC. Especially when u wanna watch porn and u just wanna skip it to that part  :hihi:

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Genesis on February 22, 2011, 11:26:26 AM
I thought it "just worked" ;D

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Halo69 on February 22, 2011, 11:47:20 AM
It does, just these two little things that i noticed. One of them was already resolved as i downloaded VLC, so i dont need quicktime anymore

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: cotis on February 22, 2011, 11:51:53 AM
Thinking about getting a new laptop to take with me on the fly, will be doing video-editing and stuff like that which requires quite a bit of HDD space as well as RAM and a fast processor.

MAC or PC?

: ok:

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Halo69 on February 22, 2011, 11:57:48 AM
MAC! for video, photo, audio editing is the best! Reason: ILife 11

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: cotis on February 22, 2011, 12:00:02 PM
That's just software - I'm talking about specs.

Can I get more specs in a PC laptop than a MAC laptop for the same price? Just asking to see what people have encountered before...

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Genesis on February 22, 2011, 12:15:53 PM
Yes you can. If you want you can get a mobile desktop replacement - which is basically a bloody fast desktop extreme edition processor with tons of memory and a high end mobile graphics card (or two) in a mobile form factor - assuming you can are okay with the price, lower battery life and weight. You can also find laptops with gradually decreasing specs from here to manage the three downsides I mentioned.

None of which you can do with a Mac.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: LongGoneDay on February 22, 2011, 03:19:03 PM
I work in graphics, art production and animation.
When I first started working here, we were both Mac and PC.
Then a glorious thing happened, the PC died.
It is not missed.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: kaasupoltin on February 25, 2011, 12:52:16 AM
I work in graphics, art production and animation.
When I first started working here, we were both Mac and PC.
Then a glorious thing happened, the PC died.
It is not missed.

Thats the thing. And same goes with AV-editors, PC's are rarely used anymore.. no one cares if you can upgrade your hardware better when the OS is awful and the whole machine very unstable. I use Windows 7 daily for pro graphics and for fucks sake; Flash, InDesign and Illustrator all crashed like 3 times yesterday. Just like that, without a reason. How many times have any of the CS5-products crashed on my Mac.. yep, none :)

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Chief on March 03, 2011, 02:38:14 AM
Well, I have a windows 7 machine and it has never crashed for about a year.
Also, I know someone who uses a pretty new Mac Pro tower with 16GB ram, dual processor and her Final Cut crashes at least once a day.
So, it can go either way.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Jdog0830 on March 10, 2011, 11:16:12 AM
Thinking about getting a new laptop to take with me on the fly, will be doing video-editing and stuff like that which requires quite a bit of HDD space as well as RAM and a fast processor.

MAC or PC?

: ok:
Mac then get Windows on it so you have your options open

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Halo69 on April 22, 2011, 05:02:22 AM
Well i have both and i started this topic. Iv had the Macbook Pro since start of December and iv had a computer with various windows softwares over the years. Iv had 95, 98, xp, vista and 7.
Here's my 2 cents on it:

If you're looking for a reliable, simple and if you're looking in the future to get cheap software without illegaly downloading it and if you're investing in your future professionaly, i would go for the macbook Pro. Here's why, Mac has better software than Windows, you can renew your mac OS by simply paying a low amount like 60 dollars or so when you need to renew it. When you wanna change from windows vista to 7 let's say, you need to pay another 200-400 euros/dollars, unless you download it illegaly and crack it.

Image programs, Photography programs, music programs, design programs, any kind of software is easier to use with the mac and their programs have more quality because they're all pretty easy to use and sophisticated.

If you're looking to use Microsoft based programs, then the best choice is to work windows. For example Microsoft Office! Even though u can get it on the mac, to me it is complicating to work with it on the mac.

For downloads i also prefer my desktop, because it seems its a bit faster, but macs are pretty fast when it comes to other things. It might be because i have a great desktop as well even though its not a Mac, and because i use wireless internet.

So in terms of software you definitely wanna get the Mac, its much more sophisticated then Windows and it has some cool features in there, and now with the app store, it becomes even more interesting!

In terms of security, without a shadow of a doubt, a Mac is what you wanna get. Im extremely dumb when it comes to pc security, i really dunno what to do to be honest, so i usually get to delete the wrong files whenever there's a virus on it. Like ddl's or winsystem32 files. Usually one week after, i have to end up going to a store close to my house so they can do it properly and format my computer, so i have to spend 20-30 euros, for the clean up and format since i dunno how to do it and plus i have to save my files in cds or pens so they can format it.

In a Mac you don't need that, and if you're dumb like me in terms of the security process... you're gonna love the MAC. I have my Mac since december and still didn't have any warnings of a possible virus! Mac is more secure and easier to use! and you don't have to guess which files you have to delete and which files u can't delete even if they have a virus. Forget about the format your computer thing and there's no hassle in terms of security! You also don't need to worry about any temporary files or any unacessary files that keep filling your computer.

On a MAC you can also run Windows anyways, but why do u need Windows anyways... i think the whole purpose of the MAC is to get rid of Windows and have a better software, but i have to say i had windows for a while but then ended up deleting it, because i didnt really use it.

Games: I think Windows is easier for games. I tried to install some games on my Macbook Pro and it's quite a nightmare, but maybe im not too used to install them on the MAC and im still unexperienced with it. So i'll give the benefit of a doubt on this topic.

Look: We all know that MACs are well known for being beautiful machines, so i think they clearly win here!

Msn and general im services: If we were in January i would say Windows gets all the points in it, but since we're in April now and Microsoft decided to change their msn messenger thingy, and its now a completely pain the ass in my own opinion, MAC gets the points because you have various options, more then on a PC and MSN which is the one i use also kept the old look on the MAC. The new windows live service is very slow... there's too much information on it and u can connect it to your facebook which is good, but the because of all that, it becomes extremely slow and hard to open the damn program. On MAC it runs fine!

With that being said, if you're pointing at the future, and you need a sophisticated hardware and great software with the guarantee you will be having a top notch computer. You should try a MAC,cause we all know that even though Microsoft dominates the market on sales, Apple is one step ahead right now on what the future is concerned, and Apple right now is the leading brand in technology and everyone is following them... Just look at all the androids they did imitating the Iphones style... and the tablets imitating the ipads...etc etc etc...

There's a con in all of this though... we all know Apple almost went bankrupt when Steve Jobs was fired and had to take care of himself and his cancer problems. Now i dont wanna be negative about it, but will the same happen in the future? Because if it does, we all know Steve is the head and brains of Apple!

Also we all know Bill Gates is also a good leader and im pretty sure he'll be on top of his game as well.

Its all about what you believe in really... if you believe Apple is gonna go bankrupt again sooner or later, then a MAC wouldn't be good for you, because if they really do go bankrupt you won't have any updates, hardware etc... for the future. Its just an example.

Bill Gates company is more reliable on that aspect, and i dont think he'll ever be bankrupt but then again maybe Apple won't be either, only the future will tell, but it almost happened before when Steve Jobs was fired!

So i would go with the MAC still, but its always good to have a windows desktop as well! I use both a lot.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: cotis on April 27, 2011, 03:09:25 PM
Caved in and bought a new 17" Macbook Pro.

I needed a new laptop-ish device cause mine that I use for school just took a shit so I got the basic 17" MBP with anti-glare screen and a 750GB HDD. Got an upgrade of RAM coming for a lot cheaper than the Apple store charged so that will make it run a little smoother. Also am able to get Final Cut Studio and the Adobe Suite from my college to use - so that's saving another couple grand right there.

Now I have a PC desktop powerhouse and a Macbook Pro powerhouse. Best of both worlds?

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Halo69 on April 27, 2011, 06:32:31 PM
Caved in and bought a new 17" Macbook Pro.

I needed a new laptop-ish device cause mine that I use for school just took a shit so I got the basic 17" MBP with anti-glare screen and a 750GB HDD. Got an upgrade of RAM coming for a lot cheaper than the Apple store charged so that will make it run a little smoother. Also am able to get Final Cut Studio and the Adobe Suite from my college to use - so that's saving another couple grand right there.

Now I have a PC desktop powerhouse and a Macbook Pro powerhouse. Best of both worlds?

Definitely! I didnt have money for the 17' haha i have the 13'

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: cotis on April 27, 2011, 06:35:18 PM
Figured if I was going to go balls deep - might as well go all in.

Should be here in a few a teaser my new backpack and some other accessories arrived today. Assholes! :hihi:

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: D on May 03, 2011, 06:34:08 PM
Great thread. Im bout to be in the market for a new computer and have always been a PC guy.. thinking of making the switch. this thread helps with info from people i trust.

Thanks! : ok:

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Genesis on May 04, 2011, 10:36:04 AM
Bad timing cotis, Apple just announced the new range with the new Sandy Bridge line of Intel processors yesterday. I hope you got one of those...
I had said earlier in this thread that they would around about this time.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: cotis on May 04, 2011, 10:50:49 AM
Bad timing cotis, Apple just announced the new range with the new Sandy Bridge line of Intel processors yesterday. I hope you got one of those...
I had said earlier in this thread that they would around about this time.

That's with the iMacs though, no?

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Genesis on May 04, 2011, 10:53:35 AM
Ah yes, you're right. :) Guess I wasn't paying attention...

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: cotis on May 04, 2011, 02:12:17 PM
I win! : ok:

Just kidding :hihi: but I did hear about that but I needed something portable so I went with the MBP!

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: D on May 05, 2011, 10:51:34 PM
Dell Inspiron 17 had a 400 dollar discount, so i just stuck with Dell. I've had 4 Dell computers and all have been excellent. have had my desktop since 2006 and have had zero problems with it.

I went all out on it though.. Blu ray, the wireless adapter that allows u to use your HDtv as a screen...   6GB,DDR3,2 DIMM memory,  500GB 5400 RPM SATA Hard Drive    2nd generation Intel Core i5-2410M processor 2.30 GHz with Turbo Boost 2.0 up to 2.90 GHz .    NVIDIA GeForce GT 525M - N12P-GE 1GB  Graphics,  HD audio with SRS.

1400 dollar package for 1038.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Genesis on May 06, 2011, 12:53:46 PM
Good choice, D. You might want to upgrade your hard disk to an SSD if it fits in your budget.
I have been using a Dell Inspiron for a few years now without a single problem as well.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Skeba on May 07, 2011, 12:23:36 PM
This topic arises every year or two and never is there a clear winner. The arguments get twisted every time and the real issue is left aside from all the noise. From my experience, both are excellent choises if you know what you're getting into. Both PCs and MACs have, when chosen the right hardware, plenty of power to do whatever it is you want to do. I'm using a pc and have absolutely no problems with it. And yes, I've seen MACs crash. A thing that's never happened with my Win7. But. This doesn't mean that MACs are unstable or that Windows machines are ultimately better.

It's all up to your preference. Can you get better hardware with less money with PCs? Yes! Will the MACs be probably easier to use at first? Probably. Can you do whatever you fucking want with both of them? Pretty much.

I actually wanted to end with "abso-fucking-lutely", but then someone would've pointed out some small detail and it would've been less dramatic.

So it's all about preferences. Can't we just let this thing go and agree that PCs are better? ;)

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: kaasupoltin on June 17, 2011, 05:49:47 AM
I'm thinking about buying a new iMac, with 27" screen.

But I just realised how stupid it is to live in Finland.. the model I'm looking for costs $1699 at Apple store. In euros that would be around 1200?, but in the store it's 1679? (=$2305). That makes no sense at all!

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Halo69 on August 08, 2011, 04:47:21 PM
I'm thinking about buying a new iMac, with 27" screen.

But I just realised how stupid it is to live in Finland.. the model I'm looking for costs $1699 at Apple store. In euros that would be around 1200?, but in the store it's 1679? (=$2305). That makes no sense at all!

Same thing in Portugal bro  :-\ Can't stand it, and i work for Apple  :hihi:

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Lara on September 20, 2011, 01:43:08 PM
Has anyone used an antivirus for Mac that would recommend?
And what program should I use to open .rar files?

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: LongGoneDay on September 20, 2011, 01:57:06 PM
Has anyone used an antivirus for Mac that would recommend?
And what program should I use to open .rar files?

I did recently try the mackeeper software as a trial just to clean up my machine a bit. I've read some reviews on it, mostly negative.
Can get yourself into trouble if you delete the wrong files.

One of the great things about Macs is that you really don't need to worry about anti virus software.
They were designed with security in mind.
Just don't install any software you are unsure of and you should be all set.

Also, I believe macs come installed with an Archive Utility that will unarchive your rar files, so no additional software necessary.
If you want to create one, you can under the finder menu, compress.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: mrlee on September 21, 2011, 05:50:21 AM
Has anyone used an antivirus for Mac that would recommend?
And what program should I use to open .rar files?
As far as im aware virus's dont exist on macs

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: LongGoneDay on September 21, 2011, 12:35:00 PM
Macs are susceptible to viruses just the same as PC, but they are not as common.

For now, macs are lucky.
I guess the low lifes creating viruses in mom's basement's primary focus is on the PC.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: pilferk on September 21, 2011, 02:26:32 PM
Has anyone used an antivirus for Mac that would recommend?
And what program should I use to open .rar files?

Sophos for Mac is pretty good (and I think it's free).

For .rar files you want to dl unrarx for mac.

Title: Re: MAC VS PC
Post by: Lara on September 21, 2011, 05:56:04 PM
Viruses do exist for MAC, they just don't make your life as difficult as the PC viruses (don't even get me started on this  ::) )
Thank you, I think I may d/l sth to scan my computer just in case.