Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Nytunz on May 31, 2010, 08:07:15 AM

Title: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: Nytunz on May 31, 2010, 08:07:15 AM
worst think happening in the middle east in a long time!
Israel should not get away with this!!

Israel raided aid convoy! 19 people are killed! several people are wounded! What is going on!?  activists or aid convoy, this is just plain madness!
Innocence people from all over europe were on board of the boat.. even the author Henning Mankell from Sweden, should be there somewhere. Hope he is alright!

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: Jessica on May 31, 2010, 02:38:11 PM
israel = fucking nutters

although my dad was a jew and a jew who was there for the 6 days war, he always said IF someone was to start a 3rd world war, it would be israel because they acted like pygmees...

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: norway on May 31, 2010, 10:13:03 PM

I think they were warned to enter and also attacked when approached.

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on May 31, 2010, 10:30:30 PM
I heard some political commentator saying something along the lines of this convoy intentionally was trying to stir shit up, that Israel allows aid in to Gaza on a routine basis, & the blockade's purpose is to check for weapons. So they tried to run thru the blockade and this is what happened.

Not sure if this is in line with the facts. Just passing it on.

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: C0ma on June 01, 2010, 03:21:53 PM
I heard some political commentator saying something along the lines of this convoy intentionally was trying to stir shit up, that Israel allows aid in to Gaza on a routine basis, & the blockade's purpose is to check for weapons. So they tried to run thru the blockade and this is what happened.

Not sure if this is in line with the facts. Just passing it on.

That's exactly what I heard. They were allowed safe (escorted) passage to either an Israeli or Egyptian port for inspection, but instead chose to try and break the blockade. They were found to have weapons onboard which were used to attack they Israeli's as they boarded. I don't see anything wrong with what was done. Israel is attacked on a daily basis by missle strikes launched from Gaza. (

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: Henson on June 02, 2010, 10:56:52 AM

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: GeorgeSteele on June 02, 2010, 11:25:15 AM


"For blackmailing President Clinton through one of your intelligence agents, Monica Lewinsky, in order to prevent a coherent peace program from being pushed forward between yourself and the Palestinian people that you have brutalized and murdered for the last 50 years, we bless thee."


Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: Henson on June 02, 2010, 11:42:15 AM
Yes, some are a little off the wall and verge on ridiculous conspiracy, but the satire involved warrants the read!

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: Genesis on June 02, 2010, 12:48:02 PM
Got to hand it to the Israelis. They don't take shit from anybody.

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: zihuatenajo on June 02, 2010, 10:12:59 PM
Many muslim countries sorounding Isreal , believe the people have no God damned right to life !! They're much smaller and still kick everyones ass when they are defending their own..and everyone shits on them for it..jesus christ. CBC = anti-semetic

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: Henson on June 02, 2010, 10:55:37 PM
Are you saying that the Muslims don't think Jews have a right to live? If that's the case you need to understand whats been going on since 1947 when a million Muslims were kicked out of their country.
And as far as defending their own, the body count created by Israel far surpasses their enemies, granted as long as you don't get your facts from the Zionist machine.

Both sides are clearly in the wrong, but painting one side as only "defending their right to live" is laughable.

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: C0ma on June 02, 2010, 11:24:51 PM
Are you saying that the Muslims don't think Jews have a right to live? If that's the case you need to understand whats been going on since 1947 when a million Muslims were kicked out of their country.
And as far as defending their own, the body count created by Israel far surpasses their enemies, granted as long as you don't get your facts from the Zionist machine.

Both sides are clearly in the wrong, but painting one side as only "defending their right to live" is laughable.

That's not totally accurate. When WWI ended and the Turkish (Ottoman) Empire was split, the French where mandated control of area that would later become Syria and Lebenon. The British were mandated control of "Palestine." Due to the migration of Jews back to their holy land (that began in the 1880's) the British wanted to create an Arab Palestine and a Jewish Palestine. The Arab Palestine was called Trans-Jordan (over 75% of the original territory) which would be renamed Jordan in 1946. Durring the 1920's the remaining Arabs west of the Banks of the Jordan River began launching attacks against Jews trying to trying to drive them away. It took from the late 20's into the 40's that the Jews began fighting for their 25%.

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: Henson on June 03, 2010, 08:51:41 AM
Yes, I totally agree that in it's initial phase it began with the urge of Theodor Herzl but it came to full fruition much later on. My main point was to establish the fact that it isn't "Muslims" massacring Jews.
When you look at the facts it tends to be a little disheartening to think it will ever end, with Israel being backed financially and militarily by the U.S. and the Wahhabis (often called extremist Islam, but when you're that far off from the foundations, it's not even Islam) being back by Saudi Arabia.  The amount of money spent to provoke both sides is ridiculous, as the Saudis themselves spent 6 Billion towards Wahhabi propaganda in the last year alone.

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: Henson on June 04, 2010, 01:41:13 PM
Autopsies reveal 5 out of 9 dead were shot in the head, 2 of them only inches away.
How is the execution of Turks self defense on Israels part?

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: C0ma on June 04, 2010, 07:14:55 PM
Autopsies reveal 5 out of 9 dead were shot in the head, 2 of them only inches away.
How is the execution of Turks self defense on Israels part?

How close do you think the Turks were that attacked the Israeli's with metal pipes? Maybe a foot or so away? when I shoot you to defend myself and outstretch my arms, how close do you think my gun is going to be to you in that instance? maybe a few inches?

The other ships of the floatila were boarded peacfully, just this one boat had the issue.

Here is an experiment you may want to try if you are an American (because these are the only procedures I can speak of)... Open your front door, grab a metal pipe, get your phone and hide just out of site and call 911, yell then hang up... The police will show up, they will also enter your home under exigent circumstances due to the yell on the call. As soon as they walk in charge them with your pipe (miking sure to get within 21 feet of them)... at this point you will be shot because you made it inside of 21 feet with a weapon which justifies their use of deadly force because it is no longer safe for them to employ non-lethal methods. If an American cop is going to shoot you for that, what do you think a military soldier is going to do when attacked while boarding an Aid Ship that decided to break a blockade?

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: Henson on June 04, 2010, 07:49:10 PM
If you believe that possibility I suppose it is well and all but you're neglecting one thing:

Metal Pipe does not equal gunshot to the head.

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: C0ma on June 04, 2010, 08:16:44 PM
In that senario, give me a gun then swing a metal pipe at me... I'm not a trained marksmen so I can't say I'd aim for something as small as your head, but you would certainly get double tapped right in center mass (chest).

There was no reason for an 'Aid Ship' to attack a boarding military team that is protecting a known blockade. And if you are stupid enough to do so, next time, don't bring a pipe to a gun fight.

Why didn't the Israeli's 'execute' any of the passengers on the ships that didn't attack them when boarding? Maybe because they didn't execute anyone on the Turk ship, they defended themselves. This is like the stupid comments that pop up everytime a police officer shoots and kills a suspect who drew down on him... "Why didn't he shoot do disarm?" or "Why didn't he shoot him in the leg and wound him?"... You are tought to shoot for center mass (the thickest part of the body) because you are less likely to miss, and if needed follow it up with a head shot to make sure that you go home at the end of your shift. Any well trained military gets the same training, if you are in a situation where you need to use your weapon, you have to be willing to kill what you are shooting at. Because the person attacking you (knife, pipe, or gun) is more than willing to, and inside that 21 foot circle they can cover that distance almost faster than you can react so you have to be willing to take them down.

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: Henson on June 04, 2010, 09:39:19 PM
I do not mean to get into any disagreement with you, as I said before clearly both sides are in the wrong, but don't call a remark of mine "stupid"
as there is no way to substantiate shooting someone in the head because they had a metal pipe on an Aid boat.

And if you wish to argue that the aid boat broke the blockade therefore surrendering it's protection from assault, the argument can clearly be made that through the act of blockading Israel itself surrendered itself to assault.

The blockade is an extreme measure supported by no other country, taken on the part of Israel that has left thousands to suffer, yet we spend our time defending Commandos who got hit with a broom handle.

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: C0ma on June 04, 2010, 10:11:57 PM
I do not mean to get into any disagreement with you, as I said before clearly both sides are in the wrong, but don't call a remark of mine "stupid"
as there is no way to substantiate shooting someone in the head because they had a metal pipe on an Aid boat.

I didn't say any of your remarks were stupid... I said this reminded me of the stupid comments that are made when a police officer kills someone who meant them harm. When you are in an escelated use of force situation you do what you have to do to go home, but the general public thinks real life is the movies and you can knee cap or 'wing' a suspect. The video clearly shows that they didn't just have metal pipes, they attacked the boarding party with metal pipes.
What should the Israeli troops have done to subdue the people attacking them with metal pipes (not broom handles)? If an Israeli troop was knocked down they have to immediately worry about being disarmed, and having their own weapon used to kill them and their fellow soldiers, which is why you do what you can to neutralize the threat and in that situation you shoot to kill.
This isn't aimed at you in any way... Don't attempt to break a military blockade, and if for some reason you do, please don't attack soldiers with a metal pipe... there is a significant chance you are going to die because you are stupid.

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: Genesis on June 05, 2010, 12:40:39 AM
I think the idiots on the Turkish boat got what they deserved in full. First of all, this isn't any serious attempt to deliver aid, it's just a political statement. Now another 'aid' boat is trying the same thing. The Israelis could have maybe handled it better by using non-lethal weapons like rubber bullets, but what do you expect if you sail to another country looking for a fight? From the Israeli footage, it looks like the 'peaceful', 'aid' workers are giving someone quite a beating with metal pipes. They also tried to kidnap a soldier. They're lucky only ten got killed.

The situation in Gaza is sad, but this sort of provocation does not help anybody.

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: PJ on June 05, 2010, 03:37:56 AM
it all happenned in international waters.. that changes it all

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: norway on June 05, 2010, 10:32:23 AM
it all happenned in international waters.. that changes it all

But did it happen in international waters? And that just changes the juristiction in that case.

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: Henson on June 05, 2010, 10:44:01 AM
Apparently they seized an Irish aid boat as well, I remember reading the other day that if boarded the aid workers said they would sit down peacefully but not change course

Irish Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mairead Maguire, who was aboard the ship, said Friday that the Rachel Corrie was also carrying "tons" of writing materials donated by Norway, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment -- including wheelchairs donated by Scotland -- and toys.

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: polluxlm on June 10, 2010, 05:52:24 PM
Got to hand it to the Israelis. They don't take shit from anybody.

I suppose we're excluding Germans.

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: Genesis on June 11, 2010, 12:58:38 AM
Got to hand it to the Israelis. They don't take shit from anybody.

I suppose we're excluding Germans.

Since Israel was formed in 1948, we are not. I'd like to see the Germans try something now...

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: Sin Cut on June 11, 2010, 06:49:28 AM

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: Butch Français on June 22, 2010, 11:12:36 PM

haha yeah, Finland rules

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: mrlee on June 23, 2010, 01:21:57 PM
a piece of rock and rubble

causes this


They are all a bunch of fucking idiots. I think someone should do this to the Gaza Strip and be done with it


Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: Jim on June 23, 2010, 01:25:23 PM
And prick of the week is awarded to...

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: mrlee on June 23, 2010, 07:26:57 PM
My statement is correct. Its pathetic what they fight over, and why they fight over it. Just get rid of what they fight over n end the war.

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: Henson on June 26, 2010, 09:42:04 AM
I don't want to rock your world're wrong.

Title: Re: Israel raid aid convoy!
Post by: mrlee on June 26, 2010, 11:11:04 AM
I don't want to rock your world're wrong.
you think its right, for children to get bombed, for people to go blow themselves up, and much more. Over a piece of shitty land that a book says is "holy"?

Even if it was holy, the amount of blood spilled on there makes it closer to hell than heaven.