Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: mrlee on September 08, 2009, 08:21:41 AM

Title: World Trade Centre program on yesterday
Post by: mrlee on September 08, 2009, 08:21:41 AM
Here in England they had a program on TV last night called "102 minutes that changed the world"

With lots of footage by reporters, and normal people put together to form a sort of story of September the 11th.

Damn watching it. I had forgotten that, or the July 7th Bombings. But id certainly "forgotten", if you know what i mean.

Absolutely terrible. I know it happened quite a few years ago now. But i still remember where i was for each one.

For the Trade centres. I was still in my first year of high school, only been going a couple of days. I walked in from school into my home. With my mom, dad and sister all sitting down just watching TV with shocked and sad faces. I was confused n asked "whats up". My dad just said the words (from what i can remember) that were somethign like this "a planes crashed into the world trade centres". So i immediately turned to the screen. I THINK i had arrived just moments after one of them collapsed. So that footage was being shown.

I actually had nightmares for quite a few weeks afterwards to do with it. Which is unlike me. I think its the sheer proportion of lives lost and lives changed that blew me away then, and it still doe today whenever i see the buildings going. My most significant memories were afterwards.

The kids at school, obviously not all of them cause its a big school. But alot of them in my class. They joked about it, and told jokes. I could never understand that. How could anyone ever joke about that.

For London. While the symbology itself was not as shocking as 9/11. (And this is probably why people dont really remember when England was attacked.) It was still a big shock to me. I woke up at about half 11, i think in the morning to an empty house. I sat down n switched the TV on. To be instantly hit with big words "London Attacked" "Terrorists Attack London" "Explosions in Capital". My dads friend knocked on the door, i cant remember why. So this being the first person i had to speak to, i was like "look look". He wasnt aware at the time either. So we sat there for a while. N all i remember him saying was. Aftera big sigh "Those fucking bastards are starting on us now"

One of the first things they showed when i was watching TV.  Was footage of the blown up Bus. Now to the average person outside of the UK. Its just a blown up Bus. But to a english person who has lived in this country all there lives. Its quite a signifcant thing. Because Double Decker buses, especially Red ones. Thats something you associate with home.
I have an uncle, whos work is based in London. Fortunately for him, he got delayed or else he would of been on one of the trains that got blown up.

Now. Put aside what we believe. The Attacks were done by Terrorists. Or the attacks were done by our own Governments. Either way the fact Man can think of these things and carry them out is a truly frightening and disguisting thing. Youd think after all that happens we'd learn. Youd think we'd try to work to live in peace.

Id like to say Rest In Peace to all the Victims, and to all of the Firefighters/Policemen/Medics that got killed putting there own lives at risk to save people.

And for me this song is approriate.

Land of Confusion

Title: Re: World Trade Centre program on yesterday
Post by: Josh on September 09, 2009, 07:56:03 PM
Nice post.  This part though:

"Put aside what we believe. The Attacks were done by Terrorists. Or the attacks were done by our own Governments."

In the States it's a pretty far out fringe conspiracy theory that the government orchestrated 911, on par with the Illuminati assassinating John F Kennedy or vaccines causing cancer.  Your presenting it like this makes me think it's a more mainstream view in England. 

Title: Re: World Trade Centre program on yesterday
Post by: Jim on September 09, 2009, 07:57:33 PM
Nah. You still get laughed out of the pub.

(Trust me...)

Title: Re: World Trade Centre program on yesterday
Post by: Josh on September 09, 2009, 08:23:54 PM
Cool.  Hey saw England clinched their World Cup berth today  : ok:

Title: Re: World Trade Centre program on yesterday
Post by: faldor on September 09, 2009, 11:33:48 PM
I may have seen that program, not sure.  I've seen so many of them.  They're running them all day this Friday 9/11.  I'll be sure and try to catch some of them again.  It helps you reflect and remember just what a horrendous and cowardly act the whole thing was.  Senseless that all those innocent people had to die.  They will never be forgotten though.

Title: Re: World Trade Centre program on yesterday
Post by: Smoking Guns on September 10, 2009, 12:07:42 AM
I will say this, building 8 looked like a planned explosion.  You can see the tiny bursts go down the sides of the building.  Also the owner of the building had a very strange clause in his contract... Very odd.. But anyway, the whole thing was terrible.  I remember it like it was yesterday.

Title: Re: World Trade Centre program on yesterday
Post by: faldor on September 10, 2009, 12:27:00 AM
I will say this, building 8 looked like a planned explosion.  You can see the tiny bursts go down the sides of the building.  Also the owner of the building had a very strange clause in his contract... Very odd.. But anyway, the whole thing was terrible.  I remember it like it was yesterday.
Governor Jesse Ventura has similar thoughts on the subject.  He's talked about it on The Howard Stern Show the last couple times he's been on.  He thinks there was some sort of government involvement on some level.  I think it's extremely far fetched, but there are some who share those opinions.

Title: Re: World Trade Centre program on yesterday
Post by: The Glow Inc. on September 10, 2009, 04:39:54 AM
In France, this documentary aired on September 8th.
It was really frightening. Worse than the Naudet brothers film.
Such a terrible and surreal event. And yes, I suppose we all remember where we were that day when we first saw the attacks on TV ( or worse, in the streets of Manhattan or from New Jersey ).

Title: Re: World Trade Centre program on yesterday
Post by: BlowUpYourVideo on September 10, 2009, 09:02:47 AM
I was only 10 when it happened, and it may sound odd, but 9/11 didn't really impact me that much when it happened. Obviously it was a tragic event, but at the time, when I didn't really know what the World Trade Centre was (I think I'd heard of it, but that was about it), it was almost just like another bad thing you heard about in the news.

Now, I can't imagine what it must have been like to be on one of those planes and known you weren't going to survive. :no:

Title: Re: World Trade Centre program on yesterday
Post by: dont_damn_me on September 10, 2009, 09:45:27 AM
I will say this, building 8 looked like a planned explosion.  You can see the tiny bursts go down the sides of the building.  Also the owner of the building had a very strange clause in his contract... Very odd.. But anyway, the whole thing was terrible.  I remember it like it was yesterday.
Governor Jesse Ventura has similar thoughts on the subject.  He's talked about it on The Howard Stern Show the last couple times he's been on.  He thinks there was some sort of government involvement on some level.  I think it's extremely far fetched, but there are some who share those opinions.

Those who share those opinions have done some research on the subject.  I suggest going to to the documentary made in 2007, fast forward to 41 min to get info about 911 truths and myths. peace.

Title: Re: World Trade Centre program on yesterday
Post by: LeftToDecay on September 10, 2009, 01:28:57 PM
It's strange how persistently the stupid  9/11=Inside job!!!conspiracy horse shit refuses to die..

At the end of the day maybe it all comes down to the desire we have  to exist a step or two above  others.  It does give a hard-on to be able to scream
" You are being lied to! (unlike you I won't buy it, for I am clever enough to see the truth :P)"
It is inspiring to be able to think you know/understand something  colossal that nobody else really does.  Faith in a good, complex conspiracy theory is almost like some sort of a class B-religion, really.

Thanks to internet, everybody can publish anything they want. On other side of the coin there is the unsettling fact that people using internet tend to believe everything they read.Unless it has a smiley ofc.  In this climate, it is incredibly easy to create and spread juicy, wild conspiracy theories.

The Guy behind a wild conspiracy theory is without an exception a lot more motivated, interesting and..unique person than the boring government official or Nasa rocket schientist systematically debunking the conspiracy theory in question with boring horse shit like facts or common sense.
As a result, the conspiracy theory will always have a louder voice in internet than the generic nasa scientist matter of factly reminding how fucking stupid it is.
It's kinda unsettling but very entertaining climate to surf in:p

Title: Re: World Trade Centre program on yesterday
Post by: mrlee on September 10, 2009, 01:38:37 PM
the theory, i was first intoruced to that. Via a DVD, and then Zietgiest. They present strong arguments.

Title: Re: World Trade Centre program on yesterday
Post by: Smoking Guns on September 11, 2009, 11:04:43 PM
Its still amazing these fucking idiots were able to take 2 planes and perfectly nail the WTC.  There were some real hereo on Flight 93, the one where the passengers fought back for the plane.  Just sooooo many things had to go right for the terrorists and with the exception of Flight 93 it all worked out.  Those fucks.  I just watched the whole thing again on the news, so crazy that it happened.  Its almost more far fetched than any movie script and it was real. 

Title: Re: World Trade Centre program on yesterday
Post by: SpecialAgentCooper on September 12, 2009, 12:52:28 AM

Title: Re: World Trade Centre program on yesterday
Post by: lennonisgod on September 15, 2009, 07:57:19 PM
I was 19 when it happened and remember the day like it was yesterday... I hadn't seen footage of it for a few years though and did watch that '102 Minutes' special. After not seeing any footage of it for 5 or 6 years, it hit me like I was watching it all again for the first time. Un-fucking-real...

Title: Re: World Trade Centre program on yesterday
Post by: Jdog0830 on September 16, 2009, 11:37:51 PM
I looked it up and no one has made a thread about that day of hell so I decided to make a thread about that day to honor the thousands of people killed from those hijacked plains, the soldiers fighting in around the world because of that attack,  for their family's dealing with the pain of loss or the fear of loosing them, and finaly the brave men and women that helped save people from the rubble.

I remember that day almost perfectly I was 9 years old it was just a normal day I woke up a bit late for my bus when I got their I remember a kid saying "a plane crashed into a building I heard their is no school" then I was happy I didn't understand we still had to go to school. I went to a private Catholic school back then and when word got out about the plain crashing in the corn field the school informed parents that if they wanted they could take their children home for 3 days and my parents did. When I got home I saw the planes crash and the horror of just the sight of it and I understood that should never have happened. If Axl dose make a new version of Civil War I hope he has something about this day in it.

Thats enough from me for today I will leave it up to you guys I would like to hear your storys about what you did and anything else about this day...

Title: Re: World Trade Centre program on yesterday
Post by: horsey on September 16, 2009, 11:52:30 PM
it makes me very sad the world will never be the same i can never belive the lives that were touched so badly i will not forget it as for axl give him time he may still one day

Title: Re: World Trade Centre program on yesterday
Post by: Jdog0830 on September 16, 2009, 11:54:20 PM
I was just saying it would be nice to hear something about this day on it if he remakes Civil War with the new GN'R

Title: Re: World Trade Centre program on yesterday
Post by: horsey on September 16, 2009, 11:57:48 PM
axl is very smart he may do a song about it

Title: Re: World Trade Centre program on yesterday
Post by: Jdog0830 on September 16, 2009, 11:59:46 PM
axl is very smart he may do a song about it
I have no doubt in my mind he has a song about it or has a line about it in one of his untold book of songs but if he dose and releases it he should do it on 9/11

But this still would be a great way for GN'R to honor the sacrifice from that god awful day

Title: Re: World Trade Centre program on yesterday
Post by: polluxlm on December 07, 2009, 01:21:08 PM
Historic 9/11 debate on French TV canceled

State-owned television channel France 2 just decided to cancel the historic French debate which was announced earlier this week by Jean-Marie Bigard and reported on,,,, and many others. This has been confirmed by Mathieu Kassovitz on Friday.

France 2 supposedly cannot find four credible people that want to debate 9/11 against Bigard, Kassovitz, Laurent and Harrit. Surprised? Maybe we have judged Barack Obama too quickly. Maybe he is right when he says that 9/11 is not debatable. Even one of the most important television channel in France cannot find credible people to support the official story.

Nevertheless, the TV channel will air the October 28 show but with Bigard and Kassovitz only. This has also been confirmed by Mathieu Kassovitz a few hours after announcing the show was totally cancelled. But there will be no real debate.

Niels Harrit finds proof of nano thermite explosives in the ruble of WTC

Tiny red and gray chips found in the dust from the collapse of the World Trade Center contain highly explosive materials ? proof, according to a former BYU professor, that 9/11 is still a sinister mystery.
Physicist Steven E. Jones, who retired from Brigham Young University in 2006 after the school recoiled from the controversy surrounding his 9/11 theories, is one of nine authors on a paper published last week in the online, peer-reviewed Open Chemical Physics Journal. Also listed as authors are BYU physics professor Jeffrey Farrer and a professor of nanochemistry at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark.
For several years, Jones has theorized that pre-positioned explosives, not fires from jet fuel, caused the rapid, symmetrical collapse of the two World Trade Center buildings, plus the collapse of a third building, WTC-7.
The newest research, according to the journal authors, shows that dust from the collapsing towers contained a ?nano-thermite? material that is highly explosive. Although the article draws no conclusions about the source and purpose of the explosives, Jones has previously supported a theory that the collapse of the WTC towers was part of a government conspiracy to ignore warnings about the 9/11 terrorists so that the attack would propel America to wage war against Afghanistan and Iraq.
The next step, Jones said in a phone interview on Monday, is for someone to investigate ?who made the stuff and why it was there.?
A layer of dust lay over parts of Manhattan immediately following the collapse of the towers, and it was samples of this dust that Jones and fellow researchers requested in a 2006 paper, hoping to determine ?the whole truth of the events of that day.? They eventually tested four samples they received from New Yorkers.
One sample was from a man who had swept up a handful of dust on the Brooklyn Bridge, where he was walking when the second tower fell. As the journal authors note, ?It was, therefore, definitely not contaminated by the steel-cutting or clean-up operations at Ground Zero, which began later. Furthermore, it is not mixed with dust from WTC-7, which fell hours later.?
Another man collected dust in his apartment, about five blocks from the World Trade Center, on the morning of Sept. 12. There was a layer about an inch thick on a stack of folded laundry near an open window. Red/gray chips, averaging in size between .2 and 3 mm, were found in all four dust samples. The chips were then analyzed using scanning electron microscopy and other high-tech tools.
The red layer of the chips, according to the researchers, contains a ?highly energetic? form of thermite. While normal thermite (a mixture of finely granulated aluminum and an oxide of metal) can be incendiary, ?super thermite? is explosive. He says there is no benign explanation for the thermite in the WTC dust.
Jones made headlines in 2005 when he argued that the rapid and symmetrical fall of the World Trade Center looked like the result of pre-positioned explosives. He argued that fires alone wouldn?t have been hot enough to crumble the buildings; and that even if struck by planes, the towers should have been strong enough to support the weight of the tops as they crumbled ? unless they were leveled by explosives.
Essentially forced to retire, Jones says he is now paying for research out of his own pocket. He likens himself to Galileo and Newton, who stood by their consciences. ?I would like to think I could stand up for the truth,? he says.
The dust study vindicates his earlier theories, Jones says, but he has mixed feelings about the implications. ?As a young student said to me a while back: ?It?s exciting from a scientific point of view, because things are now making sense. But I feel sad for my country.? ?

9/11 Commission members questioning the official story


The co-chairs of the 9/11 Commission (Thomas Keane and Lee Hamilton) said that the CIA (and likely the White House) "obstructed our investigation".

The co-chairs of the 9/11 Commission also said that the 9/11 Commissioners knew that military officials misrepresented the facts to the Commission, and the Commission considered recommending criminal charges for such false statements, yet didn't bother to tell the American people (free subscription required).

Indeed, the co-chairs of the Commission now admit that the Commission largely operated based upon political considerations.

9/11 Commission co-chair Lee Hamilton says "I don't believe for a minute we got everything right", that the Commission was set up to fail, that people should keep asking questions about 9/11, that the 9/11 debate should continue, and that the 9/11 Commission report was only "the first draft" of history.

9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey said that "There are ample reasons to suspect that there may be some alternative to what we outlined in our version . . . We didn't have access . . . ."

9/11 Commissioner Timothy Roemer said "We were extremely frustrated with the false statements we were getting"

Former 9/11 Commissioner Max Cleland resigned from the Commission, stating: "It is a national scandal"; "This investigation is now compromised"; and "One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9-11 issue is so important to America. But this White House wants to cover it up".

9/11 Commissioner John Lehman said that ?We purposely put together a staff that had ? in a way - conflicts of interest".

The Senior Counsel to the 9/11 Commission (John Farmer) who led the 9/11 staff's inquiry, said "I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described .... The tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years.... This is not spin. This is not true."

Title: Re: World Trade Centre program on yesterday
Post by: mrlee on December 07, 2009, 03:46:55 PM
fuck anyone that questioned me :D

Title: Re: World Trade Centre program on yesterday
Post by: Jdog0830 on December 12, 2009, 01:12:44 AM
9/11 isn't debatable it was horrible I saw it all from my tv at age 8 and my dad works in Chicago so it was a scary feeling to say the least.

Sooner all the people who planed this are all captured the better I will feel about this all.
