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Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Rapunzel on July 16, 2008, 05:49:52 AM

Title: Guantanamo Footage
Post by: Rapunzel on July 16, 2008, 05:49:52 AM
Has anyone seen the footage of that teen being interrogated at Guantanamo Bay Prison?

He talks about an arm injury. Can anyone post a link?

LAWYERS have released a video showing the Guantanamo Bay interrogation of the youngest detainee in the US "war on terror", a tearful Canadian teenager.

The video was released by lawyers for terror suspect Omar Khadr, who is shown being questioned by Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) agents in February, 2003 at the US-run prison in Cuba, according to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

Britain's The Times reports it is the first time ever, a videotaped interrogation of a terror suspect at Guantanamo Bay has been released to the public.

The footage covers seven and a half hours of questioning over three days for Khadr, who was just 15 years old when he was captured in Afghanistan in 2002.

In the tape, apparently shot through the flaps of a ventilation shaft, Khadr, then 16, is asked what he knows about al-Qaeda and questioned about his Islamic faith.

At times, he weeps uncontrollably and pulls at his hair in despair.

He also displays his wounds to his interrogators.

One interrogator responds by telling Khadr he is receiving good medical care and that he needs to co-operate.

At one point, an interrogator tries to calm Khadr, who is clearly distraught, saying he needs to get a "bite to eat" and adding, "I understand this is stressful".

When Khadr complains his compatriots have not helped his case, an interrogator replies: "We can't do anything for you."

The 10-minute video shows no beating or physical abuse of Khadr.

The Canadian remains behind bars at Guantanamo where he has been accused of killing a US soldier during a battle in Afghanistan.

The video's release comes after Canadian media reports that government documents showed Khadr was forcibly deprived of sleep by his US captors in Guantanamo to soften him up for questioning.

Citing government files released by court order, Canadian media said Khadr was moved to a different cell every three hours to make him more amenable to talking in what US authorities described as their "frequent-flyer program".

"At three-hours intervals he is moved to another cell block, thus denying him uninterrupted sleep and (providing) a continued change of neighbours," said the report from the Foreign Intelligence Division of Canada's Foreign Affairs department, quoted by Canadian television and newspapers.

The documents said that after Canadian officials met with Khadr in March 2004, he was due to be placed in isolation for three weeks before being interviewed again.

Khadr is the youngest detainee in the US "war on terror," accused of throwing a hand grenade that killed a US soldier in a clash in Afghanistan.

He was captured in Afghanistan in 2002, when he was 15 years old, and faces trial by a special military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay in October.

Human rights groups have demanded Khadr be released from Guantanamo, saying his age at the time of capture precludes any war crime proceeding.

A Canadian judge studying the Foreign Affairs documents said last month that Khadr's treatment violated international laws on human rights, and ordered the information be released to Khadr's lawyers.