Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Megaguns on January 27, 2008, 08:41:15 AM

Title: the shoplifting thread.
Post by: Megaguns on January 27, 2008, 08:41:15 AM
The first thing i remember ever stealing was the cassette of UYI1, I slided it up in my sleeve on my jacket and took it....

dumbass me didnt realise it was just the case, they kept the cassettes themselves behind the counter..... idiot.

Otherwise, fishing lures, they were always easy... and worth $4 each for the higher quality ones that i sold to my mates.
Magazines were a breeze, my local newsagent never realised whenever i tucked the latest issue of rolling stone into the local papers cover , folded it, and paid the $1 for the paper........

I have not stole in many years now but i think its just a part of being a kid,

Has anyone else got anything they would like to get off their chest??

Title: Re: the shoplifting thread.
Post by: polluxlm on January 27, 2008, 09:11:13 AM
You don't fool me mr. policeman.

Title: Re: the shoplifting thread.
Post by: Jessica on January 27, 2008, 09:34:53 AM
Bah, i was 14, had 500 FF on me then ( 75 euros now but i am talking 20 years ago, so i had quite a nice amount on me) and me and a friend stole make up for the thrill and got nicked. My dad was called. The shop refused my offer to pay what i had " borrowed". Had a warning. End of the story.

Title: Re: the shoplifting thread.
Post by: Albert S Miller on January 27, 2008, 11:26:38 AM
Once borrowed an Angora sweater from the Bon Marche when I was about 15.  Got away with it though!!  Wore it once or twice and found that my puppy thought it was pretty tasty, it was chewed into shreds, thats what I got for being naughty, never again.

Title: Re: the shoplifting thread.
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on January 27, 2008, 12:42:52 PM
My life of crime had reached its pinnacle when I stole a couple packs of baseball cards when I was a kid.  :hihi:

Title: Re: the shoplifting thread.
Post by: JMack on January 27, 2008, 12:52:04 PM
You know thoughs "Do Not Remove Under Penalty Of Federal Law" patches on a mattress..  Well I've done some time in the joint w/hard labor.  In the laundry detail no less.  It's a high man.

Sorry I had to post this, really I am.

Title: Re: the shoplifting thread.
Post by: Tatiana Kudrin on January 27, 2008, 01:25:57 PM
I used to think it was cool to be a shoplifter. I started when I was 4 or so. I pinched chewing gums while my mum was busy checking on some stuff. She caught me when we were home - 'Where  the fuck did you get that  stuff ?!! Let's go bring it back!' Haha, I had already chewed some of them. Later in my life,  I  would steal books for my Nancy Drew collection...  :hihi:
When I was about 17, I got caught.  Stupid me, I had loads of  money and I had already some stuff in my cart. I hadn't been able to resist and I had put something in my sleeve. I got caught and was taken to a small office. I was pretty scared ; the lady was nice to me though. She said that if I could pay for the item, she'd let me go. So I paid and I went off. I avoided  that shop for years, till I was sure they had forgotten about me. I never shoplifted again. When it works well, you get that confidence, you know... It seems so easy... and you keep on doing it ... If I hadn't been caught, I would have done it forever.

Anyway, thanx for opening this thread, it brought back some good memories from the days when I was a little devil with no boundaries.  : ok:

Title: Re: the shoplifting thread.
Post by: SLCPUNK on January 27, 2008, 03:12:05 PM
I stole a car once and drove it to West Palm Beach.

Title: Re: the shoplifting thread.
Post by: ruthie on January 27, 2008, 03:24:47 PM
me and my friend got told off by the police for walking home topless after a drunken night out!! haha! :beer:

they were nice about was very early in the morning and raining :hihi:

Title: Re: the shoplifting thread.
Post by: D on January 27, 2008, 04:10:10 PM
Here is how u can steal anything at Walmart.

Buy a cheap shirt

Go get something u really really want. Make sure it isn't something u have to rub on those things that make the sensors go off.

Put the shirt over top of the item and then smoothly slip the item inside the shirt.

Pick up the shirt at the USCANS by the middle and scan the tag, place the shirt and concealed item in the bag.

seems like it would work

If I were a shoplifter Id try it.

So I dont know if it works but it sounds plausible.

Title: Re: the shoplifting thread.
Post by: SLCPUNK on January 27, 2008, 04:13:55 PM
I guess when you are a greeter at Wally World you have a lot of time to think huh?

Title: Re: the shoplifting thread.
Post by: Bill 213 on January 27, 2008, 08:11:56 PM
Actually I believe those self-scan lanes work with a weight sensor (I know the ones at the local grocery store do) so the minute it would pick up something too heavy to be what you scanned, it would ask you to do it again.

I remember a couple years ago when those things first came out, I was at K-Mart and I was buying a baby gate to put on our steps for the dog and it beeped, but apparently it didn't register.......I was in a hurry and had a lot of other stuff and by the time I got home I figured it didn't even charge me, so I ripped K-Mart for about $30. 

Title: Re: the shoplifting thread.
Post by: Lisa on January 27, 2008, 09:35:42 PM
Actually I believe those self-scan lanes work with a weight sensor (I know the ones at the local grocery store do) so the minute it would pick up something too heavy to be what you scanned, it would ask you to do it again.

I remember a couple years ago when those things first came out, I was at K-Mart and I was buying a baby gate to put on our steps for the dog and it beeped, but apparently it didn't register.......I was in a hurry and had a lot of other stuff and by the time I got home I figured it didn't even charge me, so I ripped K-Mart for about $30. 
those self scan lanes are great in grocery stores! I am not sure if it is the same but in Canada, you pay alot more for organic fruit or go through the self scan, put the organic fruit on the weight scale and select the regular fruit picture for the regular store well for bakery items as well ;D

Title: Re: the shoplifting thread.
Post by: Bill 213 on January 27, 2008, 09:53:22 PM
Actually I believe those self-scan lanes work with a weight sensor (I know the ones at the local grocery store do) so the minute it would pick up something too heavy to be what you scanned, it would ask you to do it again.

I remember a couple years ago when those things first came out, I was at K-Mart and I was buying a baby gate to put on our steps for the dog and it beeped, but apparently it didn't register.......I was in a hurry and had a lot of other stuff and by the time I got home I figured it didn't even charge me, so I ripped K-Mart for about $30. 
those self scan lanes are great in grocery stores! I am not sure if it is the same but in Canada, you pay alot more for organic fruit or go through the self scan, put the organic fruit on the weight scale and select the regular fruit picture for the regular store well for bakery items as well ;D

Oh yeah, that works here too!

Title: Re: the shoplifting thread.
Post by: GNRreunioneventually on January 27, 2008, 11:21:52 PM
me and some friends of mine needed money cause we were broke as shit so we went to an old missle base about 20miles of my house and we stole copper wire and turned it in for a pretty hefty profit. It was good times but a HUGE pain in the ass!

In the not so distant future we plan on going on whats called "Truck mountain" with sawsall and take Catalitic converters and turn in the platnum inside them.

sorry but i don't deal with kiddy shit..........


Title: Re: the shoplifting thread.
Post by: Mr. Redman on January 28, 2008, 01:47:59 AM
Gah...I can go on n' on. Maybe I will later on.

Title: Re: the shoplifting thread.
Post by: *Timothy* on January 28, 2008, 01:49:45 AM
I stole a shopping cart .

Title: Re: the shoplifting thread.
Post by: Sin Cut on January 28, 2008, 06:03:43 AM
Start a lamb-raping thread, I know who would commit  : ok:

Title: Re: the shoplifting thread.
Post by: crazycheryl on January 28, 2008, 05:35:52 PM
I have had various episodes back in the day. I used to go to one store, it's no longer open and I stole a belt, purse, and some makeup. The best stealing story I have though was when I was 17 and I took me, my sister and one of her friends to Sears to buy stuff. Don't ask why we picked Sears. When we got in the store, we split up and started. I really wanted a fancy bra that my mother would not let me buy cause she said I looked like a slut so I went to the bra section and put the bra up my sleeve coat. My sister and her friend went to makeup. By the time we were all going to meet, the store detectives busted my sister and her friend and then me. They laughed their heads off when they pulled the bra from my coat. They said they would not let us go until a parent was notified and someone came to pick us up. My parents weren't home so we called my sister's friends dad and brother - the brother was the same age as me and knew me well. We all got off cause her dad was a cop but I was teased so bad by her brother especially about the bra. I never went back to Sears for years and my parents would always ask if we wanted to go.

Another story, not proud of but is true - When I was like 13, I pretended I was blind and broke and sat in front of Marshall Field's downtown and begged for money with a cup. My girlfriend went with me and kept a lookout for the cops. I made $22 and we went to Burger Kind and ate. It was terrible. I felt terrible so I didn't do it again after we used the money to eat. But I couldn't believe that people really thought I was blind. All I did was wear dark sunglasses and had my girlfriend lead me around like I couldn't see.

Currently, I like to put soda or cases of beer under the cart and pray the lady doesn't ask if I have something at the bottom of the cart. It's so nice, especially when you spend between $200 to $300 every two weeks on groceries. I got a whole bag of dog food out once. They usually ask but if they forget, why remind them? And if they ask me why didn't I say something, I will say that I forgot and I'm so sorry. 

Title: Re: the shoplifting thread.
Post by: Mr. Redman on January 28, 2008, 06:22:03 PM
I stole like $250 dollars worth of steak once. My buddy n' I wanted to party. Also stole like 5 grand worth of arcade tokens.

Title: Re: the shoplifting thread.
Post by: Lisa on January 29, 2008, 05:13:04 PM
I stole a shopping cart .
so..what???? :o TJ is homeless now?

Title: Re: the shoplifting thread.
Post by: Vicious Wishes on January 29, 2008, 05:56:21 PM
So many things back in the day. The worst would be a car. Had alot of fun beating the shit out of it.