Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Luigi on November 28, 2007, 10:28:22 AM

Title: Could Writers Strike Help the Music Industry also?
Post by: Luigi on November 28, 2007, 10:28:22 AM
I was wondering if and when the writers strike comes to agreement with DVD Sales, will there be some type of way to link a tracking message or address to that ones computer everytime they've Downloaded illegally.
I know the subject doesn't really match but I think I'm on to something.

What if all newly recorded music had a hidden scramble code attached to it and the only way to avoid it would be through paypal or etc...  also if you tried to send it illegally to someone without the bar codes hidden paypal device you'd automatically get an e-mail saying to pay or else.

Could something like this be possible? And if so would we see more Albums being released...?

Wouldn't Axl feel better about releasing his newly recorded work?     

Title: Re: Could Writers Strike Help the Music Industry also?
Post by: mrlee on November 28, 2007, 12:49:10 PM
how about screw that i like having the option to hear for free first then buying if its any good.

Title: Re: Could Writers Strike Help the Music Industry also?
Post by: LeftToDecay on November 28, 2007, 04:24:40 PM
It's hard to imagine a situation where record labels would ever  have piracy by the balls for a relevant period(over a month?) of time.
There's far too many talented people out there who'd be furious if something as drastic as what you introduced was brought to us. Copy protected things have always gotten hacked and cracked and breached and leaked  pretty quickly this far and hopefully this remains to be the case in future.
It's very safe to say that from now on, some sort of data-based form will Always be a major way to store/listen and  distribute music. And where there is something data based there is always some sort of a code that can be found, opened and poked;

I'm so glad this is the case. Like mrlee..I really don't mind being able to try an album out before buying it either.
There's a tons of records  I would have never bought without piracy.Tons of artists I would have never discovered without illegal downloads.

Official channels of music distribution need  to do something about the current situation I guess.
But various more or less futile  forced "SERIOUSLY!! Pay 22 euros  from the album instead of getting it for free you cunts!!!!"- stunts and scare tactics sure as hell aren't working at all.
I don't think many artists mind about the current situation as much as recrod labels, really.
Atleast not artits who got bankaccounts with 6+ zeroes under the  - - - - - -
Artits with Lars Ulrich syndroma who go "Fuck this, I'd rather get 12 millions from an album bought and heard by 12 million people than get 7 million from an album bought/stolen and heard by 25  million people" are  whiny bitches who could think priorities over, IM very HO.
Surely bit different to people who aren't quite there and struggle to pay their bills through releasing music.
Then again..if we are talking about..say, 20-30 year old's pretty much dead certain vast majority/every one of them has done their own fair share of stealing mp3s when growing up so.

Title: Re: Could Writers Strike Help the Music Industry also?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on November 28, 2007, 07:30:13 PM
I've said it before, I'll say it again.  Fuck the system.  If I was Axl, there'd be one way the album comes out.  One million people send in $10 to secure their copy of Chinese Democracy.  Until the number is reached, until all the cash is in hand, the album doesn't see the light of day.  The deposit is non-refundable.  A future date is set.  A deadline.  If the number isn't reached, no album.

Critics would call it holding the album hostage...but...that's how I'd handle this piracy shit.  I'd set up credit card swipers at concerts, malls, wherever.  Once the deposit's made, you're added to the list.

Title: Re: Could Writers Strike Help the Music Industry also?
Post by: Robman? on November 29, 2007, 06:58:45 AM
I've said it before, I'll say it again.  Fuck the system.  If I was Axl, there'd be one way the album comes out.  One million people send in $10 to secure their copy of Chinese Democracy.  Until the number is reached, until all the cash is in hand, the album doesn't see the light of day.  The deposit is non-refundable.  A future date is set.  A deadline.  If the number isn't reached, no album.

Critics would call it holding the album hostage...but...that's how I'd handle this piracy shit.  I'd set up credit card swipers at concerts, malls, wherever.  Once the deposit's made, you're added to the list.

There is so many things wrong with that logic.

Title: Re: Could Writers Strike Help the Music Industry also?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on November 29, 2007, 04:43:09 PM
Yes there are...but I'm a paranoid mf'er who doesn't trust too many people.  1 million is the magic number. 

I'd have Limited Edition platinum, gold, and silver cd's with about 5,000 signed by various band members available to the first fans willing to pay a premium for the album.

I'd stick to the million sales prior to release strategy. 

I'd want Universal to give promotion via movie trailers, commercials on NBC, and credit card swipe machines at all available outlets. 

I'd have a Chinese Democracy sweepstakes as a special incentive for fans to possess the actual album. 

I'd flood file-sharing networks with bogus tracks, I'd have a crackdown on music piracy in several waves in the months preceding release, and I'd have the music industry sue the crap out of web-sites that allow music to be "shared," oops, wrong word...stolen.


Title: Re: Could Writers Strike Help the Music Industry also?
Post by: LeftToDecay on November 29, 2007, 06:31:24 PM
So..why is everyone(everyone=2 posters here: ) so dead certain Axl Rose has some sort of a massive issue with new GNR material getting distributed illegally all over the place like everything else is?

Ofc I am not saying he'd exactly like the thought. No artist does... But is there a reason to believe it is keeping him awake at nights and  holding him back somehow?
I'd really hate to see him fighting windmills here.

Title: Re: Could Writers Strike Help the Music Industry also?
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on November 29, 2007, 06:58:42 PM
^ lefttodecay, I don't think he (Axl) gives a rat's ass one way or the other.  I think it began with Mr Lee speculating about Axl's possible concern.  It spiraled out from there. 

btw, Axl keeps himself up at night from what I hear anyway.  From what little we know about the guy, he seems like a real night-owl.


Title: Re: Could Writers Strike Help the Music Industry also?
Post by: mrlee on November 29, 2007, 07:22:35 PM
^ lefttodecay, I don't think he (Axl) gives a rat's ass one way or the other.  I think it began with Mr Lee speculating about Axl's possible concern.  It spiraled out from there. 

btw, Axl keeps himself up at night from what I hear anyway.  From what little we know about the guy, he seems like a real night-owl.


i think you mean luigi as he is the person that started the topic.

Title: Re: Could Writers Strike Help the Music Industry also?
Post by: *Timothy* on November 29, 2007, 07:24:21 PM
I've said it before, I'll say it again.  Fuck the system.  If I was Axl, there'd be one way the album comes out.  One million people send in $10 to secure their copy of Chinese Democracy.  Until the number is reached, until all the cash is in hand, the album doesn't see the light of day.  The deposit is non-refundable.  A future date is set.  A deadline.  If the number isn't reached, no album.

Critics would call it holding the album hostage...but...that's how I'd handle this piracy shit.  I'd set up credit card swipers at concerts, malls, wherever.  Once the deposit's made, you're added to the list.

That would probable be the dumbest thing in the history of dumb thing that have ever been done.