Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: spaghetti_incident on September 28, 2007, 11:58:26 AM

Title: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: spaghetti_incident on September 28, 2007, 11:58:26 AM
Very disturbing pictures follows!

Body image is something I am very passionate about, and it plagues women (men too, sometimes) all over the world in one way or another. The entertainment and fashion industry certainly don?t help, creating unrealistic ideals of what beauty should be, versus celebrating individuality.

This billboard is displayed all over Milan for fashion week and it features Isabelle Caro, a 27-year old anorexic who weighs just 31 kilos (about 68 lbs).

Caro, a French woman has ?suffered from anorexia since she was 13 as the result of a ?difficult childhood.?

She said,

I?ve hidden myself and covered myself for too long. Now I want to show myself fearlessly, even though I know my body arouses repugnance. I want to recover because I love life and the riches of the universe. I want to show young people how dangerous this illness is.

I admire Isabelle?s strength and bravery, but most importantly I admire that she recognizes her problem and wants to recover, and in the process instill strength in others as well.




Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: polluxlm on September 28, 2007, 12:21:43 PM
Another McDonalds campaign?

Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: spaghetti_incident on September 28, 2007, 12:26:51 PM
Another McDonalds campaign?

Why are you making fun of this? 

This is a serious illness and it plagues our nation.

The Modeling industry as well as entertainment pressure young models, actresses, etc to be thin.

This isn't something to make fun of at all.

Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: CSS on September 28, 2007, 12:33:46 PM
Jesus Christ.

That's all I've got to say.

Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: The Dog on September 28, 2007, 01:43:27 PM
disturbing - will probably cause accidents

Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: makane on September 28, 2007, 02:34:40 PM
This wont change anything. crap.

Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on September 28, 2007, 02:52:02 PM
I'm glad to see the American way of blaming everybody and everything else for problems is a smashing success in Europe!

On a serious note, what does no-l-ita mean in English?

p.s.  don't get me wrong, anorexia is bad.  just don't go blaming show business.   :peace:

Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: Lucky on September 28, 2007, 03:25:51 PM

Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: Natasha23 on September 28, 2007, 03:53:48 PM
I'm glad to see the American way of blaming everybody and everything else for problems is a smashing success in Europe!

On a serious note, what does no-l-ita mean in English?

p.s.? don't get me wrong, anorexia is bad.? just don't go blaming show business.? ?:peace:

It might not be ALL of the modeling/entertainment businesse's fault, but it is SOME of their fault.? The whole point is "let us make you hate you even more than already do, so buy this product while you're at it."? ?
Regarding the billboard, disturbing but effective, because it's sad... she could be a runway model.? I bet Anna Wintour would look at her and see nothing wrong (and I'm completely serious).

Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: Eazy E on September 28, 2007, 04:04:55 PM
It might not be ALL of the modeling/entertainment businesse's fault, but it is SOME of their fault.  The whole point is "let us make you hate you even more than already do, so buy this product while you're at it."   

On the positive side, the general public clearly isn't feeling the pressure... more than 60% of the population in North America overweight... take THAT modelling industry!   :-\

Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: Izzy on September 28, 2007, 04:07:46 PM
wah wah wah - its the fashion industry, its global warming, its Bin Laden

There is always an external excuse

These people are insane - their insanity manifests itself as an eating disorder, they need pumping full of prozac or a damn good talking too

Blaming models is absurd when the population is morbidly obese - if women are under such pressure why are more and more women fat?

..and why dont men suffer? I'll tell u why, because an anoexic man would be laughed at, he'd get his act together pretty quick

Blaming external factors.... yey gods take some fucking responsibility.

Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: Dark Angel on September 28, 2007, 04:23:44 PM
copy from my post on

oh god, oh god, oh god. That reminds me a little TOO much about my time with it and still have an eating disorder after 11 years time? ?and nooooooot going good with it all all. Dont think you wanna know? ? Think a lot will loose the "i like her" to me...? Maybe not the once who know i ahve had anorexia and still have an eating disorder? The thought of have been down on 37 kg / 81 Pound ... dont wanna get back but the thoughts i have... i could continue with my thought but afraid of the firends i ahve here will stop talking to me. Scares me as much as my x. Most knows how much that is. I dont wanna get down there again... but if i dont talk about it and get away from where i am. Not trying to run away from my self like the 3 other times... afraid i will end there again.?

Damnit... if it wasnt cos i was afraid about loseing friends again. I prob. would write about what i ahve been through (hospital, maybe the reason, what happened when had it ect.)

oh god, oh god, oh god. That reminds me a little TOO much about my time with it and still have an eating disorder after 11 years time? ?and nooooooot going good with it all all. Dont think you wanna know? ? Think a lot will loose the "i like her" to me...? Maybe not the once who know i ahve had anorexia and still have an eating disorder? The thought of have been down on 37 kg / 81 Pound ... dont wanna get back but the thoughts i have... i could continue with my thought but afraid of the firends i ahve here will stop talking to me. Scares me as much as my x. Most knows how much that is. I dont wanna get down there again... but if i dont talk about it and get away from where i am. Not trying to run away from my self like the 3 other times... afraid i will end there again.?

Damnit... if it wasnt cos i was afraid about loseing friends again. I prob. would write about what i ahve been through (hospital, maybe the reason, what happened when had it ect.)

edit: more than scared to loose my friends i have here.. (

Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: pasnow on September 28, 2007, 05:16:47 PM
That chick is only 27?!  ???  She looks about 50!

That's one thing I just can never understand, anorexia. I guess it has to do with a form of self-hatred. I can understand drug addictions, alchoholism, even why some girls constantly stay in abusive relationships. I don't agree with all of them, but I can see how people end up that way. But, and maybe it has something to do with being a guy, I just can't fathom why a girl would make herself look this way?!

Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: Dark Angel on September 28, 2007, 05:44:59 PM
That chick is only 27?! ??? She looks about 50!

That's one thing I just can never understand, anorexia. I guess it has to do with a form of self-hatred. I can understand drug addictions, alchoholism, even why some girls constantly stay in abusive relationships. I don't agree with all of them, but I can see how people end up that way. But, and maybe it has something to do with being a guy, I just can't fathom why a girl would make herself look this way?!

Not easy to explain. But most its just cos of dot like em self. They have some kindda "rolemodel" sees other girls whos prettyer than them and think they have the perfect body. And they just want that body .The only way they sees that is too lose waight cos they sees them seft as fat like some whos up on more A LOT. I was down on 81 Pound and saw my self as one on 200 pound if not more. I just thought i was more than fat... like now. The thought of you cannot get thin enough. That its perfect to be thin. You can get attention when you are thin. ppl will love you more when you are thin. I think my fam. only likes me when im tin. Think im fat like.. a lot. Donno wanna tell how much. I still have an eating disorder yeah. I can agree on that... just dont tink its much. Im still thinking on i wanna get back on 45 kg. Finds that pefect. Just afraid that i will lose friends again cos of it. cos they might get scared. But wanna be perfect. Many says im good enough. And I weight what i should... but i far from think so. But enough of me. Mosy anoretic ppl are obsessed with weight, kcal, perfect body and more

In a short way: many want to be ther "perfect fan" or "perfect person" with work and.. everthing. Same with anoretic and bulimic ppl. They are just a little bit too obsessed with it and takes it to a level there dangerous from them.? Wanna try everything they can to get there. Not eat for 3 weeks, throught up each and eveytime they eat, laxatives, workout for hours. Maybe even quit school cos of have to work out (did thet my self) The once with an eating disorder is obsessed with the wrong thing.. obsessed with something dangerous. Many doesnt een know it! I thought i was out of it. But cos i still have a very low selfasteem, counting kcal, takeing laxatives and only workes out for 2 hours a day is an eating disorder. Not a "big" one. But they finds it still an eatingdisorder in Denmark. Have had an eatingdisorder for 11 years now. Jeez. Only reason im open is cos im a little drunk. Still know what im doing. But very open. Would love to tell how what kindda hell it is cos need to get out with it. Dont have a fam. where i can talk to them about and not friends too in Denmark who wanna listen.

But again... the most reason is cos of an obsession with the body. Wanna be perfect in the way they look and wanna do anything they wanna The right wight, the right look... and cannot get perfect enough. Just cannot see when its there... Like fans. Wanna be the perfect fan. But well then again. was id the perfect fan? Like me? (dont think you know who i am...?) like others? But just wanna be perfect. Nothing is perfect enough..

did it help just a little?

they wanna be perect. And nothing is perfect enough...Cannot see the "line"

Have had eatingdisorder for 11 years now. Anorexia and bulimia. Not the whole way with bulimia (not thoughing up) Im oen with it cos i dont want other ppl to get into that hell. Could write my personal story tough so most maybe would get what its like

Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: Izzy on September 29, 2007, 12:44:25 PM
That chick is only 27?!? ???? She looks about 50!

no, she looks like gollum - 'the precious'

She doesnt have my pity, she has my utter contempt

When so many people are struck down with illness after living healthily - to do this to yourself is a slap in the face to the rest of us. She doesnt deserve the food she denies herself

Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: fuckin crazy on September 29, 2007, 01:26:14 PM
That chick is only 27?!? ???? She looks about 50!

no, she looks like gollum - 'the precious'

She doesnt have my pity, she has my utter contempt

When so many people are struck down with illness after living healthily - to do this to yourself is a slap in the face to the rest of us. She doesnt deserve the food she denies herself

Dude, eating disorders are a disease/condition. Would you feel the same way about someone who suffered a heart attack or had cancer? ... of course not.

Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: freedom78 on October 01, 2007, 01:03:34 AM
wah wah wah - its the fashion industry, its global warming, its Bin Laden

There is always an external excuse

These people are insane - their insanity manifests itself as an eating disorder, they need pumping full of prozac or a damn good talking too

Blaming models is absurd when the population is morbidly obese - if women are under such pressure why are more and more women fat?

..and why dont men suffer? I'll tell u why, because an anoexic man would be laughed at, he'd get his act together pretty quick

Blaming external factors.... yey gods take some fucking responsibility.

Regardless of whether she should or shouldn't blame external forces, surely you don't think that, in a world of 6 billion people, all will respond similarly to the same stimuli.  Some see models and are disgusted by the image they project that beauty is everything, some want to be like them, and so don't eat or puke up what they do eat.  Oh...and WATEVER/Hassan dates them and tells everyone on HTGTH.  :hihi:

Anyway, I hope she seeks help and gets better.  And not to be crude, but in the second picture, what the Hell is that white patch coming out of her ass?       

Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on October 01, 2007, 06:23:39 PM
  Freedom, I can tell you what those are...they are sacral decubitus ulcers.  a.k.a. "pressure sores."  She doesn't have enough padding to prevent her bony prominences from exerting equal and opposite force up against the skin above her sacrum.  My bet is that at that type of weight she can't do too much physical exertion, so she sits on her thin butt most of the day and gets sores that probably flare up periodically.   ;)  You'll see this a lot with senior citizens, and diabetics.  Seniors because they don't move much, their skin integrity sucks, and the diabetics because they have decreased sensation that doesn't allow their typically fat butts to feel anything.

One more thing.  I tend to agree with Izzy on this one.  Anorexia is just another self-destructive disorder.  If they weren't doing this to sabotage themselves, they'd be doing something else.  Yes, I feel sorry for her, I'm not a monster...but damn, there are people with real disorders we should be worrying about.  btw, some argue obesity is "out of the person's control" and an "illness."  Bull shit.  There's pretty much nothing we can do about people who want to hurt themselves until they themselves want to get better.

Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on October 01, 2007, 06:54:29 PM
That chick is only 27?!  ???  She looks about 50!

no, she looks like gollum - 'the precious'

She doesnt have my pity, she has my utter contempt

When so many people are struck down with illness after living healthily - to do this to yourself is a slap in the face to the rest of us. She doesnt deserve the food she denies herself

Dude, eating disorders are a disease/condition. Would you feel the same way about someone who suffered a heart attack or had cancer? ... of course not.

  F'in Crazy, first off I love most of your posts here...but I've got to disagree with this one.  It may sound cold and callous, but when I see an overweight person who doesn't exercise have a heart attack or contract cancer, I really don't have a lot of sympathy for them.  I feel bad for the loved ones they've let down to be honest with you.  The choices we make every day account for 95% of the shit that goes on in our lives.  When that 5% comes a-calling (based on shit we have zero control over) then yeah, I feel pretty bad for those folks.  Anorexics?  That's just a long drawn out suicide.  Whatever floats their self-abusive boat.   : ok:

Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: GunnerOne 84 on January 04, 2008, 07:43:46 PM
wah wah wah - its the fashion industry, its global warming, its Bin Laden

There is always an external excuse

These people are insane - their insanity manifests itself as an eating disorder, they need pumping full of prozac or a damn good talking too

Blaming models is absurd when the population is morbidly obese - if women are under such pressure why are more and more women fat?

..and why dont men suffer? I'll tell u why, because an anoexic man would be laughed at, he'd get his act together pretty quick

Blaming external factors.... yey gods take some fucking responsibility.

Jesus Christ you couldn't be more off. Take one psych class and you'll see how wrong you are. It is a disease and a long term illness, one that no matter how much time you put into it and even if you stop the physical habits, it is a long long time before the distorted body image someone affected sees goes away.

I've seen it up close, and I've learned about in text books. It's a terrible problem, and one that is only going to get worse in the coming years.

Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: greekmule on January 05, 2008, 09:45:10 AM
guys sorry to say this but some of you dont have a clue about what you are talking about.

anorexia nervosa is a psychiatric disease. when this woman sees herself in the mirror her mind distorts the real picture and she thinks she is fat.

BTW its really difficult to get over this. most patients need psychiatric help for more that 2 years in order to recover :-[

Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on January 05, 2008, 11:26:13 AM
Greekmule, I'm pretty sure everybody here understands what anorexia is.  The debate seems to be whether or not media images exacerbate the problem in those who have anorexia.  Another debate seems to be whether or not media images can cause the disease.

Personally, I like the billboard's message.  But as you know, in a world of what, 6 billion people?  There will always be a % of people who take things too far.  I don't think tv, the movies, the model industry should change one damn thing.  If they sell products and make more money using thin models, so be it.  If fat was "in," they'd be doing that too.

I've said it before, I'll say it again.  Obesity is a much more prevalent and deadly problem than anorexia.  :peace:

Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: greekmule on January 05, 2008, 03:22:37 PM
But as you know, in a world of what, 6 billion people?  There will always be a % of people who take things too far.  I don't think tv, the movies, the model industry should change one damn thing.  If they sell products and make more money using thin models, so be it.  If fat was "in," they'd be doing that too.

i disagree. the media and the advertising industry have immense power-everyone knows that. they influence your subconscious much more than any of us understand.

i think its about time the media started projecting some healthy and positive role models for the population. you cant allow them to do what ever they

want  in order to gain more money by using the excuse that some people will take it too far. people who will take it too far have a certain

psychopathologic background, its not as they have actually a choice or not.

I've said it before, I'll say it again.  Obesity is a much more prevalent and deadly problem than anorexia.  peace

well its indeed more prevalent but not as deadly. (although because of its much higher prevalence kills much more people of course).

i agree with what you say here, but i feel again that the media have played a great role in this high prevalence of obesity .

Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on January 05, 2008, 08:44:52 PM
greekmule, I meant obesity's more deadly in raw numbers, not % obviously.  Just wanted to clarify.

Title: Re: Anorexia billboard causing shockwaves to motorists
Post by: lul on January 07, 2008, 12:36:18 AM
thats revolting