Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Annie on July 30, 2007, 09:30:12 AM

Title: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Annie on July 30, 2007, 09:30:12 AM
I was driving to work this morning and I stopped at a red light. When it turned green, a voice told me to wait Out of nowhere a car came speeding into the intersection. If I had not hesitated, me and my little Mazda Miata would be road kill. God is good.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Jessica on July 30, 2007, 09:32:34 AM
Not your hour, it was bound to happen, thank your brain more than god. You were open enough so your instinct worked faster than your hands.

Good to have you safe and sound all the same..

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Annie on July 30, 2007, 09:34:05 AM
It was God. I was very sleepy this morning as usual and somewhat spaced out.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Jessica on July 30, 2007, 09:36:08 AM
Oh annie, maybe it was god, i am usually the first to say these things happen, but don't forget that some people get messages and don't listen to them and end up in trouble, so you listened, meaning you also have free will, it's not " just" god, you saved your life just as much as it did.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Annie on July 30, 2007, 09:39:47 AM
I am still grateful that I listened. Now I'm not afraid of terrorists when I go to NYC next week.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Jessica on July 30, 2007, 09:42:51 AM
they did NY already  ;)

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: CheapJon on July 30, 2007, 09:51:47 AM
they did NY already? ;)

not funny

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: stolat on July 30, 2007, 09:56:04 AM
Or it could be destiny - ie: free will vs determinism. (Determinism is the theory that all actions are determined by causes OTHER THAN free will).

Those causes may have nothing to do with god.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: The Dog on July 30, 2007, 10:00:28 AM
I am still grateful that I listened. Now I'm not afraid of terrorists when I go to NYC next week.

Terrorists are the LAST thing you should be worried about in NYC.......

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: 25 on July 30, 2007, 10:41:11 AM
It was God.

Sure, millions may be dying due to starvation, poverty, war, disease, petty racial hatreds, and four-hour boners but still God found time to whisper in someone's ear at an intersection. Basically, the worst you can say about God is that if he does exist he's an underachiever.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on July 30, 2007, 11:05:26 AM
Annie, please don't drive anywhere near my neighborhood.  I prefer to have people look both ways before they cross an intersection after the light turns green. 

An angel didn't save did.  Now, if that speeding car was magically lifted into the air to avoid a crash, bingo baby, that's an angel.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Annie on July 30, 2007, 11:13:36 AM
This car was way far  back and going about 60-70mph. The light was totally  red and the speed limit is 30mph. It is in the city with a high density of traffic.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: 25 on July 30, 2007, 11:17:27 AM
Doing 70 in the city and not being stopped by traffic or cops, THAT'S a miracle.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Annie on July 30, 2007, 11:21:01 AM
Hopefully he will be caught. He was either drunk, high or running from a crime.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: mrlee on July 30, 2007, 11:22:58 AM
annies loving angels instead....

crazy story...but maybe you wanted a crazy car to come across so you told yourself to stop and then got your action movie sci-fi moment.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Annie on July 30, 2007, 11:30:46 AM
Actually, all I wanted to do this morning was to go back to sleep.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: SLCPUNK on July 30, 2007, 01:19:27 PM
I was driving to work this morning and I stopped at a red light. When it turned green, a voice told me to wait Out of nowhere a car came speeding into the intersection. If I had not hesitated, me and my little Mazda Miata would be road kill. God is good.

I had the exact same thing happen to me about 8 years ago on new years eve. I was at a light (about one in the morning-very dark) and it turned green. For some reason a voice in my head said "wait-not yet", so I waited a moment, and a huge 4x4 truck went barreling through the red light. I was in an old mustang, low to the ground (in comparison to the truck), and would have been completely decimated if I drove off when the light turned green.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Izzy on July 30, 2007, 01:25:45 PM
I was driving to work this morning and I stopped at a red light. When it turned green, a voice told me to wait Out of nowhere a car came speeding into the intersection. If I had not hesitated, me and my little Mazda Miata would be road kill. God is good.

i'll get u next time damnit...

Its safe to say there is few things in life more dangerous than driving, gotta keep ur wits about you

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Verse Chorus Verse on July 30, 2007, 01:28:01 PM
Something similar happened to my father, too. He was driving on the highway in the middle of the night and all of a sudden a voice told him to pull over. Seconds after he did a car came barreling down the wrong side of the road about 20 mph over the speed limit.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on July 30, 2007, 02:19:24 PM
I was driving to work this morning and I stopped at a red light. When it turned green, a voice told me to wait Out of nowhere a car came speeding into the intersection. If I had not hesitated, me and my little Mazda Miata would be road kill. God is good.

i'll get u next time damnit...

Its safe to say there is few things in life more dangerous than driving, gotta keep ur wits about you

Thank you Izzy for the laugh.  :beer:  I'll get you next time...classic
I didn't mean to come off like an a-hole.  I apologize.  Belief in angels is pretty damn harmless.  I think something like this has happened to all of us at one time or another.  My "luck" or brush with angels, however you want to look at it involves speeding and cops.  It seems that on the days I don't speed, I see cops.  When I'm speeding I have a habit of not seeing cops...and I've never received a speeding ticket.  Thank you Anaheim Angels!

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: GypsySoul on July 30, 2007, 02:42:36 PM
I am still grateful that I listened. Now I'm not afraid of terrorists when I go to NYC next week.
they did NY already? ;)
As someone who lost loved ones on Sept 11, I'd just like to send a big FUCK YOU!!! @ jessica? (

It was God.
Sure, millions may be dying due to starvation, poverty, war, disease, petty racial hatreds, and four-hour boners but still God found time to whisper in someone's ear at an intersection. Basically, the worst you can say about God is that if he does exist he's an underachiever.
I found this to be a good reply to the question Why does God allow bad things to happen?

Satan ? not God ? is evil, and is behind evil deeds. Satan is all about death, but God is all about life.

Satan, not God, is behind all evil.? Perhaps you thought, ?But isn?t God powerful enough to stop evil acts?? God is indeed powerful enough to stop anything, but He operates under certain laws, which He Himself established, that give humans the choice either to submit to Him and obey His commandments, or reject Him and do evil. God created us to love Him and have a relationship with Him. The relationship would not mean anything if we were controlled by God like puppets. So God has given people the freedom to make choices?and to reap the rewards or suffer the consequences of those choices.

One of Satan's tactics is to deceive us into thinking God is unfair. Satan did it to Eve?deceived her into believing that God was unfair for prohibiting them from eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Was God unfair about the tree? No! He made the rule for their good. But Satan was able to convince Eve, so she and Adam rebelled against God, seeking to be independent of Him, instead of submitting to Him.

Even though you don't understand all God's ways, He will fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Jessica on July 30, 2007, 02:53:05 PM
I am still grateful that I listened. Now I'm not afraid of terrorists when I go to NYC next week.
they did NY already? ;)
As someone who lost loved ones on Sept 11, I'd just like to send a big FUCK YOU!!! @ jessica? (

It was God.
Sure, millions may be dying due to starvation, poverty, war, disease, petty racial hatreds, and four-hour boners but still God found time to whisper in someone's ear at an intersection. Basically, the worst you can say about God is that if he does exist he's an underachiever.
I found this to be a good reply to the question Why does God allow bad things to happen?

Satan ? not God ? is evil, and is behind evil deeds. Satan is all about death, but God is all about life.

Satan, not God, is behind all evil.? Perhaps you thought, ?But isn?t God powerful enough to stop evil acts?? God is indeed powerful enough to stop anything, but He operates under certain laws, which He Himself established, that give humans the choice either to submit to Him and obey His commandments, or reject Him and do evil. God created us to love Him and have a relationship with Him. The relationship would not mean anything if we were controlled by God like puppets. So God has given people the freedom to make choices?and to reap the rewards or suffer the consequences of those choices.

One of Satan's tactics is to deceive us into thinking God is unfair. Satan did it to Eve?deceived her into believing that God was unfair for prohibiting them from eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Was God unfair about the tree? No! He made the rule for their good. But Satan was able to convince Eve, so she and Adam rebelled against God, seeking to be independent of Him, instead of submitting to Him.

Even though you don't understand all God's ways, He will fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

As someone who was supposed to BE IN these towers that day, i think i am entitled speak of what could have happened of me.

Maybe you people are too itchy, the wink smiley isn't a smiley smiley, so how dare you put a mood behind my words ?

Are you in my head now ? are you psychic ? 


So just shut the fuck up and it's a FACT they did NY and the probability they were to do it again is low.

Grow up.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Annie on July 30, 2007, 03:20:10 PM
Jessica - knowing that you typically don't make cruel jokes, I assumed you didn't mean it that way this time.? But it did come of as pretty callous and I can see why some people took offense. Just an example of how easily we can all be misunderstood when writing.

I am still grateful that I listened. Now I'm not afraid of terrorists when I go to NYC next week.

I don't understand.? Are you saying that angels or God or somebody is going to keep you safe from terrorists?? It sounds like you think you've been chosen for special protection or something.?
No, I was feeling anxious about traveling because of the latest news coverage about terrorist dry runs. And I was recently in England where they had recent terrorist attacks. I was a little in shock earlier today because a split second decision saved my life as well as my cute little car. Also it taught me that you never know what is going to happen, so don't live in fear of things that could happen.? Thanks to the people who posted their angel car stories. Also, the last time I went to NYC with my Mom, we stayed at a Marriot near the WTC that is no longer there, and that makes me sad. When I went to NYC last year it was to see GNR and I didn't think alot about ground zero at that time because of my excitement to see GNR. Also, if you ask for protection, you will get protection, BUT YOU HAVE TO ASK!

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: The Dog on July 30, 2007, 04:06:03 PM
Jessica - knowing that you typically don't make cruel jokes, I assumed you didn't mean it that way this time.  But it did come of as pretty callous and I can see why some people took offense. Just an example of how easily we can all be misunderstood when writing.

I am still grateful that I listened. Now I'm not afraid of terrorists when I go to NYC next week.

I don't understand.  Are you saying that angels or God or somebody is going to keep you safe from terrorists?  It sounds like you think you've been chosen for special protection or something. 
No, I was feeling anxious about traveling because of the latest news coverage about terrorist dry runs.

those stories were GROSSLY exaggerated if just outright false/made up.  I'll try to find the link to back that up.  But you don't need to worry.  Just a little banging on the fear drums.  :peace:

Found it:
The Transportation Security Agency's national security bulletin issued was based on bogus examples that were combined to give the impression of ominous terrorist plotting, CNN reports.

"That bulletin for law enforcement eyes only told of suspicious items recently found in passenger's bags at airport checkpoints, warned that they may signify dry runs for terrorist attacks," CNN's Brian Todd reported Friday afternoon. "Well it turns out none of that is true."

Todd highlights the case of Sara Weiss, who was detained in San Diego after two ice packs covered in tape were found in her baggage. Weiss, who works for a faith-based organization, also was carrying a survey about Muslim Americans, which CNN says also raised law enforcement provisions.

"The FBI now says there were valid explanations for all four incidents in that bulletin, and a US government official says no charges will be brought in any of these cases," Todd reported.

Weiss says she was held for three hours and questioned by San Diego Harbor Police and two other men who did not identify themselves. She told CNN one of the men asked her if she knew Osama bin Laden, which she described as "a ridiculous question."

The FBI maintained "they were right" putting the bogus reports on the TSA bulletin, which is distributed to law enforcement agencies nationwide, Todd reported. Airport security officers must be trained in identifying suspicious packages, even when those packages turn out to be innocuous.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: JennaSide on July 30, 2007, 04:17:56 PM
 :o Wow, glad you're okay!!!

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Layne Staley's Sunglasses on July 30, 2007, 04:30:16 PM
Annie, I'm just glad you're alive.

Can't believe people are making a big deal out of your use of "angels."


(Also, here in California, they tell us to do a quick three-count before proceeding to cross the intersection.)

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: 25 on July 30, 2007, 04:32:19 PM

Even though you don't understand all God's ways, He will fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

HA! Yeah, my bad. There was I, being all cynical again. Turns out; There's an invisible man who lives in the sky and watches everything we do and he has a list of arbitrary rules by which we must live our lives or be cast into a big underground pit full of fire to suffer and burn for all eternity. But he loves us. Unless we eat meat on Fridays.

CONSTANTINE! You gotta 'lotta 'splainin' to do! I love the Romans an' all but they really fucked us over with this Christian shit. Seemed like such a good idea at the time. Who knew?!

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: SLCPUNK on July 30, 2007, 05:32:23 PM

As someone who was supposed to BE IN these towers that day, i think i am entitled speak of what could have happened of me.

Yea right. You're nuts.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Jim Bob on July 30, 2007, 05:35:40 PM

(Also, here in California, they tell us to do a quick three-count before proceeding to cross the intersection.)

i'd say thats pretty good advice considering how many nutjobs are out driving around and paying no attention to anything they should be.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Captain P?l on July 30, 2007, 05:55:20 PM
hey, annie, talk to the norwegian princess... she talks to angels, maybe she can give you an inside scoop on what happend!


Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Robman? on July 30, 2007, 06:03:41 PM
I am still grateful that I listened. Now I'm not afraid of terrorists when I go to NYC next week.
they did NY already  ;)
As someone who lost loved ones on Sept 11, I'd just like to send a big FUCK YOU!!! @ jessica  (

It was God.
Sure, millions may be dying due to starvation, poverty, war, disease, petty racial hatreds, and four-hour boners but still God found time to whisper in someone's ear at an intersection. Basically, the worst you can say about God is that if he does exist he's an underachiever.
I found this to be a good reply to the question Why does God allow bad things to happen?

Satan ? not God ? is evil, and is behind evil deeds. Satan is all about death, but God is all about life.

Satan, not God, is behind all evil.  Perhaps you thought, ?But isn?t God powerful enough to stop evil acts?? God is indeed powerful enough to stop anything, but He operates under certain laws, which He Himself established, that give humans the choice either to submit to Him and obey His commandments, or reject Him and do evil. God created us to love Him and have a relationship with Him. The relationship would not mean anything if we were controlled by God like puppets. So God has given people the freedom to make choices?and to reap the rewards or suffer the consequences of those choices.

One of Satan's tactics is to deceive us into thinking God is unfair. Satan did it to Eve?deceived her into believing that God was unfair for prohibiting them from eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Was God unfair about the tree? No! He made the rule for their good. But Satan was able to convince Eve, so she and Adam rebelled against God, seeking to be independent of Him, instead of submitting to Him.

Even though you don't understand all God's ways, He will fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

As someone who was supposed to BE IN these towers that day, i think i am entitled speak of what could have happened of me.

Maybe you people are too itchy, the wink smiley isn't a smiley smiley, so how dare you put a mood behind my words ?

Are you in my head now ? are you psychic ? 


So just shut the fuck up and it's a FACT they did NY and the probability they were to do it again is low.

Grow up.


its no lower than it was in 2001. If they wanted to do something, they could, its that simple.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Gunner80 on July 30, 2007, 06:39:26 PM
Why would angels help you? what makes you so special?

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Annie on July 30, 2007, 06:56:45 PM
Why would angels help you? what makes you so special?
We all have guardian angels, even you. I just listen to mine.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: The Dog on July 30, 2007, 07:10:39 PM
I remember recently hearing about a book some dude wrote about people who hear voices.  Sounded very interesting.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Lisa on July 30, 2007, 07:19:19 PM
I remember recently hearing about a book some dude wrote about people who hear voices.? Sounded very interesting.
The Complete Guide To Schizophrenia? I kid I kid :hihi:

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: fuckin crazy on July 30, 2007, 08:40:00 PM

HA! Yeah, my bad. There was I, being all cynical again. Turns out; There's an invisible man who lives in the sky and watches everything we do and he has a list of arbitrary rules by which we must live our lives or be cast into a big underground pit full of fire to suffer and burn for all eternity. But he loves us. Unless we eat meat on Fridays.

You forgot that the "magic man" also grants wishes. :hihi:

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Lisa on July 30, 2007, 08:44:13 PM

HA! Yeah, my bad. There was I, being all cynical again. Turns out; There's an invisible man who lives in the sky and watches everything we do and he has a list of arbitrary rules by which we must live our lives or be cast into a big underground pit full of fire to suffer and burn for all eternity. But he loves us. Unless we eat meat on Fridays.

You forgot that the "magic man" also grants wishes. :hihi:
is it really the flying spagetti monster? :o

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: CSS on July 30, 2007, 08:50:17 PM
Grow up.

What's wrong with you? :confused:

If you decide to make a joke about 9/11 you'd expect that you'll get bad responses...

Especially from people who lost loved ones - so maybe you should think twice next time?

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Timothy on July 30, 2007, 08:59:33 PM
Glad to hear that you are ok, Annie.

HA! Yeah, my bad. There was I, being all cynical again. Turns out; There's an invisible man who lives in the sky and watches everything we do and he has a list of arbitrary rules by which we must live our lives or be cast into a big underground pit full of fire to suffer and burn for all eternity. But he loves us. Unless we eat meat on Fridays.

You forgot that the "magic man" also grants wishes. :hihi:
is it really the flying spagetti monster? :o

Maybe but You  have to join the secret club to find out.

Hell now I out of the club for talking about.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Dead N' Bloated on July 30, 2007, 09:06:21 PM
I thought it was against the rules to make fun of someones religion?


Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: 25 on July 30, 2007, 09:11:57 PM
I thought it was against the rules to make fun of someones religion?


As it should be. But there's a world of difference between attacking someone personally about their religion and making a joke about religion in general.

Though if they start with the preaching I reckon all bets are off. But, you know, with a side of caring-sharing-can'tweallgetalongedness.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Dead N' Bloated on July 30, 2007, 09:16:10 PM
I thought it was against the rules to make fun of someones religion?


As it should be. But there's a world of difference between attacking someone personally about their religion and making a joke about religion in general.

Though if they start with the preaching I reckon all bets are off. But, you know, with a side of caring-sharing-can'tweallgetalongedness.

It just seems to me Annie is getting smashed about what she believes in by jokes. I got nothing against people not believing in something but some of the comments throughout this thread seem pretty hurtful.


Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: 25 on July 30, 2007, 09:26:01 PM
It just seems to me Annie is getting smashed about what she believes in by jokes. I got nothing against people not believing in something but some of the comments throughout this thread seem pretty hurtful.


On the other hand, Annie has a voice in her head which gives her traffic updates. So, hurtful or not, there's a karmic balance issue to be addressed because, let's face it, if she'd been t-boned at the intersection by a car doing 70 this thread would be way less entertaining. So doesn't that mean that those cracking-wise at her expense are really, in their own way, celebrating Annie's good fortune? Exactly. It would be heartless not to make jokes at her expense, it would be like saying "Fuck Annie, Annie is dead to me." So you see, there's that.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: SLCPUNK on July 31, 2007, 01:38:02 AM

Maybe but You  have to join the secret club to find out.

Yes, you do (

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: stolat on July 31, 2007, 01:46:36 AM

I found this to be a good reply to the question Why does God allow bad things to happen?

If it was all left up to god, then that would let human beings off the hook. We could all live like Paris Hilton.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Timothy on July 31, 2007, 01:48:01 AM

I found this to be a good reply to the question Why does God allow bad things to happen?

If it was all left up to god, then that would let human beings off the hook. We could all live like Paris Hilton.

Living like Paris is a hell into it's own ......

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: norway on July 31, 2007, 10:46:52 AM

Great story, can be your intuition or what we call angels :peace:

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Annie on July 31, 2007, 01:52:08 PM
I thought it was against the rules to make fun of someones religion?


As it should be. But there's a world of difference between attacking someone personally about their religion and making a joke about religion in general.

Though if they start with the preaching I reckon all bets are off. But, you know, with a side of caring-sharing-can'tweallgetalongedness.

It just seems to me Annie is getting smashed about what she believes in by jokes. I got nothing against people not believing in something but some of the comments throughout this thread seem pretty hurtful.

Not to worry. When it comes to my belief in angels, I am so secure in my knowledge that they exist, that comments made by sceptics do not bother me in the least. I am just glad that I am not dead, or worse, disfigured.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: 25 on July 31, 2007, 02:20:09 PM
See, DNB, Annie is secure in her views and unbothered by scepticism. Hopefully spelling, too.

That said; Annie, is it just angels or did you get the zombie/goblin package too? Few people have the goblin experience these days and when they do it's always negative shit too. If it were my choice I'd have angels for GPS, zombies for tire rotations and goblins to remind me to get an oil change.

That was borderline. All in good fun, I assure you.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Skeba on July 31, 2007, 02:44:06 PM
You're right... Please stop doing it.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: stolat on July 31, 2007, 03:04:37 PM
oh it's just something people say when they live thorugh a life or death experience. No big deal.  ::)

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: 25 on July 31, 2007, 03:06:09 PM
You're right... Please stop doing it.

Noted and agreed.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: stolat on July 31, 2007, 03:09:25 PM
oh it's just something people say when they live thorugh a life or death experience. No big deal.? ::)

Some people sure.? But there are plenty of people who actually believe that God saves them.? Annie for example, actually believes that angels whispered in her ear to save her life.? Which is why I asked the question? (never answered) if the same care continued down the road and killed a child, does that mean the angels chose to let him die?

If we could answer that question then we'd also be able to answer the meaning of life. For some it takes a lifetime to get there, for some it never happens at all.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: GeorgeSteele on July 31, 2007, 03:17:46 PM
oh it's just something people say when they live thorugh a life or death experience. No big deal.? ::)

Some people sure.? But there are plenty of people who actually believe that God saves them.? Annie for example, actually believes that angels whispered in her ear to save her life.? Which is why I asked the question? (never answered) if the same care continued down the road and killed a child, does that mean the angels chose to let him die?

If we could answer that question then we'd also be able to answer the meaning of life.

Done and done:

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: stolat on July 31, 2007, 03:25:07 PM
oh it's just something people say when they live thorugh a life or death experience. No big deal.? ::)

Some people sure.? But there are plenty of people who actually believe that God saves them.? Annie for example, actually believes that angels whispered in her ear to save her life.? Which is why I asked the question? (never answered) if the same care continued down the road and killed a child, does that mean the angels chose to let him die?

If we could answer that question then we'd also be able to answer the meaning of life.

Done and done:?

 :rofl: Tanks for that!

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: SLCPUNK on July 31, 2007, 03:48:01 PM
"Not kill, that's a good one..."


Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: the dirt on July 31, 2007, 05:21:14 PM
and the one who lives said "God saved me", what about the other person?? Aren't they saying that God chose death for that person??

In effect, yes.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Gunner80 on July 31, 2007, 08:49:37 PM
and the one who lives said "God saved me", what about the other person?? Aren't they saying that God chose death for that person??

In effect, yes.
No logic there. ::)

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Dr. Blutarsky on July 31, 2007, 11:12:37 PM
God told Jamika to use the  golden power of veto veto on Jen tonight  :hihi:

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: the dirt on August 01, 2007, 12:04:02 AM
and the one who lives said "God saved me", what about the other person?? Aren't they saying that God chose death for that person??

In effect, yes.
No logic there. ::)

Although I would never see myself getting into any form of debate with you, as futile as it may be, here we are. For a post, at least.

And I don't want to hitch my carriage to this side of the argument, but wouldn't it be very logical to deem the devil is at work here when contrasted with the beleif that whatever the case may be is an act of God??

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: stolat on August 01, 2007, 12:07:31 AM
and the one who lives said "God saved me", what about the other person?? Aren't they saying that God chose death for that person??

In effect, yes.
No logic there. ::)

Although I would never see myself getting into any form of debate with you, as futile as it may be, here we are. For a post, at least.

And I don't want to hitch my carriage to this side of the argument, but wouldn't it be very logical to deem the devil is at work here when contrasted with the beleif that whatever the case may be is an act of God??

Not necessarily. Depends if you believe in life after death. Does the story end when you die? 'Heaven' has been described as paradise.........

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: the dirt on August 01, 2007, 12:14:37 AM
Not necessarily. Depends if you believe in life after death. Does the story end when you die? 'Heaven' has been described as paradise.........

In this scenario, it's very clear. Annie made it through the incidedent unscathed and gave credit to angels for saving her from a possibly ghastardly end.

It's her situation we're talking about here, not the ultimate truth, whatever that may be.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: stolat on August 01, 2007, 12:16:59 AM
Yep, that's right.

I was answering somone's point that if God takes the life of a child, surely it must be the work of the devil rather than the work of a loving God.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Timothy on August 01, 2007, 02:25:18 AM
The devil is god it is all one big conspiracy.....

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: D on August 01, 2007, 03:04:56 AM
Praise Jesus

No Wonder our country sucks and people are homeless,starving and dying of senseless violence.

God is so busy saving people from Fender Benders and helping people win sporting contests and gameshows that the rest of the world is neglected.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: stolat on August 01, 2007, 03:17:30 AM
Ever noticed that Satan and Santa are never seen in the one room at the same time?

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Sin Cut on August 01, 2007, 06:00:35 AM
Ever noticed that Satan and Santa are never seen in the one room at the same time?
ever noticed there's no pic of me and satan in the same room at the same time?

oh.. and not with superman either.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: 25 on August 02, 2007, 02:17:19 AM
The devil is god it is all one big conspiracy.....

"There aint no devil, that's just god when he's drunk."

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: D on August 02, 2007, 03:32:48 AM
Where was GOD today when that bridge in Minnesota Collapsed?

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Bill 213 on August 02, 2007, 03:48:06 AM
Where was GOD today when that bridge in Minnesota Collapsed?

Playing Ski-ball in Asbury Park.  There are more important things out there in the world for him to be doing than saving some silly bridge!  He had to advise Presidente Bush on the Iraq war and then he blessed Nichole Ritchie with a child! God is awesome, yo!

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: fuckin crazy on August 02, 2007, 01:49:44 PM
Where was GOD today when that bridge in Minnesota Collapsed?

That's the state of Eugene McCarthy and Walter Mondale, Gawd won't protect a bunch godless liberals.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: SLCPUNK on August 02, 2007, 02:24:32 PM

That's the state of Eugene McCarthy and Walter Mondale, Gawd won't protect a bunch godless liberals.


Man, who is your writer?

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: fuckin crazy on August 02, 2007, 04:27:25 PM

That's the state of Eugene McCarthy and Walter Mondale, Gawd won't protect a bunch godless liberals.


Man, who is your writer?

Normally, I would ascribe it to Jimmy Russell (, however, today I am sober.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: SLCPUNK on August 02, 2007, 04:31:12 PM
Some people may find this difficult to believe, but I am much more incoherent when I drink.

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: Lisa on August 02, 2007, 05:35:30 PM
did you hear about the agnostic dyslexic? he satyed up all night worring about if there really was a Dog :rofl:

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: SLCPUNK on August 02, 2007, 05:42:51 PM
did you hear about the agnostic dyslexic? he satyed up all night worring about if there really was a Dog :rofl:

I believe in one true dawg (

Title: Re: Angels saved my life today
Post by: fuckin crazy on August 02, 2007, 08:30:37 PM
did you hear about the agnostic dyslexic? he satyed up all night worring about if there really was a Dog :rofl:

I believe in one true dawg (

That's heresy. THIS ( is the one and only dawg.