Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Wake up, it's time to play! => Appetite For Collection => Topic started by: MJRoses23 on July 25, 2007, 02:37:57 AM

Title: Help Playing Audio File
Post by: MJRoses23 on July 25, 2007, 02:37:57 AM
Hey im not sure if this is the right section for this...but i recently got some rare GNR boots in an email.

The problem is that the files say they are 1kb big, and im thinking there is something wrong with the way they were compressed or something to that nature.  So if anyone can be of any help and let me know how to listen to them please let me know.  I can even send you the files in a PM or somethin so you can fool around with them.

Thanks in advance!


Title: Re: Help Playing Audio File
Post by: MJ23 on July 25, 2007, 02:42:42 AM

first of all - interesting nickname!

I think the one you did send you those tracks opened the CD in Windows Explorer and saw all the trackfiles, maybe even with the extension cda.
These files can't be played without the original boot in your drive.

Ask the one to rip the files either to flac, or mp3, or whatever format you can play on winamp or wmp.

Title: Re: Help Playing Audio File
Post by: MJRoses23 on July 25, 2007, 02:47:17 AM
Hey you dont have a bad nickname yourself.

However, i dont think the person i got the files from even had the original boots.  They got them like that too.

So if theres no way to play them like that or convert them some how then i suppose they cant be played then.


Title: Re: Help Playing Audio File
Post by: MJ23 on July 25, 2007, 02:59:20 AM
But one file with the size of 1kb can't have more infos then 1kb.
There is no audio track in those files, these are only some links to the files somewhere on the HD or CD.

I don't think that anything else is possible.