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Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Gnrfan on November 26, 2006, 08:14:51 AM

Title: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: Gnrfan on November 26, 2006, 08:14:51 AM
 . . . Between Superman, Batman and Spiderman in a fight.

I thought superman but my friend (who is really into the whole superhero comics thing) said Batman would win.

How? that is my question

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: Hysteron on November 26, 2006, 08:21:40 AM
Well Superman is good, but Batman would easily be able to get hold of krytonite, as for spiderman, he can suck Batmans balls.

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: anythinggoes on November 26, 2006, 08:22:30 AM
Well Superman as he has always been Superman from birth Spiderman and Batman were normal humans at first, it d be cool fight but why would they fight as they all fight for the same thing

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: nycangel on November 26, 2006, 08:34:37 AM
well i dont like superman, my favorite is spiderman and my second favorite is batman. be that as it may i think batman would defintley win between the three.

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: Mauve_All on November 26, 2006, 08:36:39 AM
Spiderman would win. He's my hero!!!  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: Danny Top Hat on November 26, 2006, 09:16:47 AM
In a fair fight without any cryptonite there's no way Batman or Spiderman would have a chance - Superman is way more powerful.  If they did get hold of some cryptonite them I reakon Batman would have the edge, he has armour and more gadgets.

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: Mauve_All on November 26, 2006, 09:24:48 AM
Remember that old joke, a writing on the wall

"Superman is Clark Kent"
signed... Batman.

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on November 26, 2006, 09:30:05 AM
batman is not a superhero
he does not have power or anything

superman would crush both of them losers

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: Bill 213 on November 26, 2006, 10:24:53 AM
Well Superman as he has always been Superman from birth Spiderman and Batman were normal humans at first, it d be cool fight but why would they fight as they all fight for the same thing

Batman is still a normal human....the only thing he has going for him is excellent training in fighting skills and an unlimited bankbook.  His utility belt is his weapon.  Spidey is very weak.  Superman is pretty much the top of the pops for superheros. 

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: CheapJon on November 26, 2006, 10:53:43 AM
i've never liked superman, my alltime favourite has allways been spiderman but i don't know, in this fight maybe batman would have won (my second favoutire superhero) he's cool, popular, have contacts, money, the batcave, his belt

i'm wondering win in fight in what? table manners? cuz in that batman would kick the other 2's asses royally

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: Sakib on November 26, 2006, 11:54:48 AM
obviously superman, even kryptonite he;s weaker but he can overcome weakness

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: marty on November 26, 2006, 12:44:52 PM
batman sucks cock imo  :D
superman would win n then spidey wud come up with some ingenious pun about batman's corpse

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: Gnrfan on November 26, 2006, 07:39:16 PM
Apprantly in some comic (and this is only what i'm told) Superman is sent to curb Batmans antics coz he was getting too violent.

Then apprantly Batman beat up superman, but superman refused to fight him. So batman basically kicked his ass. But superman was back fighting crime the next night.

I think superman would batter Batman if he wanted too but because of his nature never will.

and spider man would DIE

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: Kujo on November 26, 2006, 09:03:13 PM
I would like to think that Batman would rather kill himself than to be associated with this discussion.

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: Elrothiel on November 26, 2006, 09:30:37 PM
Superman would win hands down. I really don't think that a normal human being with nothing more than good training, a flashy armored suit with a fruity yellow utility belt and a fear of bats would win against an alien who can FLY, see through solid metal, stop a train, and run faster than a speeding bullet.

Spiderman? Pfft! Ooooh you can walk up walls, have fast reflexes, shoot smegma-web from your wrists, and then be all angsty about being a fuckin' superhero because you don't want the fuckin' responsibility ::) Big fuckin' deal, Superman would kick your ass. Hell even Batman would kick your ass!


Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: Communist China on November 26, 2006, 09:33:00 PM
Superman would win but thats why he is gay. He has every power ever so his victory is never in doubt. Batman would probably try to kidnap Lois Lane because he has no soul or powers and is really just a bad guy who is already rich, and therefore must ruin others rising into riches (his "villains"). Spidey is clearly the smartest of the three so he might find a creative way to at least keep the fight going.

Superman wins- Batman is evil- Spidey kicks ass.

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: Krispy Kreme on November 26, 2006, 09:40:56 PM
Batman is a pussy, and Spiderman  will have to run away from Superman. Superman rules.

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: Loaded NightraiN on November 27, 2006, 12:33:18 AM
Batman would whoop Stupidman.... Just get some of the K and its over.. Spidey was out of it before I started typing...

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: Sin Cut on November 27, 2006, 02:52:12 AM
My vote goes for superman

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: D on November 27, 2006, 03:13:54 AM
Superman easy

Batman is human so Superman could punch right through his fucking cHest.

Batman could get kryptonite but Superman could always overcome it.

Plus he can run or fly away from Batman tryin to shoot him with it.

In a straight up fight, Superman would win easily.

He could use his heat vision and fuckin melt Batman's armor.

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: Karma_Police on November 27, 2006, 07:09:40 AM
Superman obviously. You can't give Batman kryptonite to start the fight. the fight starts on level playing ground. now tell me how Spiderman and Batman have time to get kryptonite before Superman kicks the shit out of them. It's not happening. Superman owns all. the guy shoots shit from his eyes. No way Batman gets close enough to hit him with kryptonite. You people suck for thinking otherwise.  :rofl:

I kid, I kid. I love you all. :-*

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: Gnrfan on November 28, 2006, 07:58:03 AM
Superman easy

Batman is human so Superman could punch right through his fucking cHest.

I love that. D always brings some reality to a supernatural discussion  : ok: Fantastic.

I guess then the question D is would superman be able to punch through Tito's Fucking Chest :hihi:

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: pilferk on November 28, 2006, 08:11:00 AM
Well, from an avowed comic geek:

Batman would win.

Now, I've read the naysayers points're missing some stuff.

First off, Batman already has kryptonite.  Superman gave it to him.  Supes, during one of his more idiotic moments, gave Bats a kryptonite right "just in case" Supes ever went apeshit out of control and was destroying the world, or something.  So Bats already has the means to take down the big blue boyscout.

In addition to that....Supes is just that: A boyscout.  Bat will do whatever it takes to win.  He's brilliant, both as a detective and as a strategist.  Supes, while very powerful, has proven he's not always the brightest bulb in the chandelier and his "goody two shoes" take on things tends to be his downfall.

Someone said the fight would have to be "on a level playing field". I assume you all think it's going to be some kind of fair fight.   Ain't gonna happen.  The fight is going to take place when and where Bats sees fit, even if "someone else" tries to set up some arbitrary parameters.  Bats would figure out the parameters, and find some way to work the situation to his advantage, and would make sure he's holding as many, if not all, the cards on his side of the table.

Now, the Bats/Spidey fight would be more interesting.  Peter can match Bruce brain cell for brain cell.  He's also got a wicked dark side.  I think, in the end, it would come down to Bruce being able to figure out who Peter REALLY is, figuring out what caused Peter's mutation, and working from there.  In the end, Spidey gets caught monologuing some sarcastic diatribe and Bats uses that to his advantage and knocks Peter on his ass.

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: Elrothiel on November 28, 2006, 08:42:24 AM
Wow, that's quite astute, Pilferk! An interesting theory... now answer this... put Batman outta the picture for the moment, what about Superman vs Spiderman? If Spidey is brainier than Mr. I Like To Wear My Underpants On The Outside, then what would be his strategy for defeating him?

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: Sin Cut on November 28, 2006, 09:21:57 AM
Make a cocoon of him?

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: GeorgeSteele on November 28, 2006, 09:39:42 AM
Well, from an avowed comic geek:

Batman would win.

Now, I've read the naysayers points're missing some stuff.

First off, Batman already has kryptonite.? Superman gave it to him.? Supes, during one of his more idiotic moments, gave Bats a kryptonite right "just in case" Supes ever went apeshit out of control and was destroying the world, or something.? So Bats already has the means to take down the big blue boyscout.

In addition to that....Supes is just that: A boyscout.? Bat will do whatever it takes to win.? He's brilliant, both as a detective and as a strategist.? Supes, while very powerful, has proven he's not always the brightest bulb in the chandelier and his "goody two shoes" take on things tends to be his downfall.

Someone said the fight would have to be "on a level playing field". I assume you all think it's going to be some kind of fair fight.? ?Ain't gonna happen.? The fight is going to take place when and where Bats sees fit, even if "someone else" tries to set up some arbitrary parameters.? Bats would figure out the parameters, and find some way to work the situation to his advantage, and would make sure he's holding as many, if not all, the cards on his side of the table.

Now, the Bats/Spidey fight would be more interesting.? Peter can match Bruce brain cell for brain cell.? He's also got a wicked dark side.? I think, in the end, it would come down to Bruce being able to figure out who Peter REALLY is, figuring out what caused Peter's mutation, and working from there.? In the end, Spidey gets caught monologuing some sarcastic diatribe and Bats uses that to his advantage and knocks Peter on his ass.

I think you're underestimating Superman's gamesmanship.  Remember how he took down General Zod & Co. in Superman II?  As far as the kryptonite goes, he can reverse the earth's rotation, go back in time and decide not to give it to Batman. 

Title: Re: Who Would Win . . .
Post by: pilferk on November 28, 2006, 10:02:44 AM

I think you're underestimating Superman's gamesmanship.  Remember how he took down General Zod & Co. in Superman II?  As far as the kryptonite goes, he can reverse the earth's rotation, go back in time and decide not to give it to Batman. 

Therein lies the problem.  I tend to stick to "comic cannon", not "movie canon".  The stuff Supes did in the movies wasn't exactly an accurate portrayal (he couldn't reverse the earth's time flow in the comics) of his comic book persona.   And through just about every interaction Supes and Bats have had in the comics....Bats seems to come out ahead.

Besides, if you take Superman II as canon, all Bats would have to do is recreate the "power sucking" machine and strip Supes of his powers.....

Hell, if you take the movies as canon, we can just get Richard Pryor to kill Superman, since that's pretty much what he did to the movie franchise.