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Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: HamsterDemocracy on October 27, 2006, 03:40:32 AM

Title: Are you an EverCrack?? (Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Wiki.)
Post by: HamsterDemocracy on October 27, 2006, 03:40:32 AM


Wikipedia is great but I love how they get extensive articles put up on the stupidest things sometimes. It's always by nerds who write essay-long explanations for the dumbest things.

Those affected may also enter long periods of self-imposed social isolation where friends and family are excluded. One example of this is the gamer widow or gamer widower, a term used to designate a spouse or significant other who has been neglected because of the video game addiction.

What's great is that these silly things are written so matter-of-factly. They give dumb topics such priority and self-importance. I'm pretty sure "gamer widower" is just a term that the 'net generation of gamers coined at one point, but they treat it as if it's an article discussing AIDS or something: matter-of-fact, deadly serious. There's a whole page dedicated to the controversy of the Weird Al song "You're Pitiful," and it's just funny to think that a joke song like this can spawn such a completely serious page.

I love South Park but there are nerds who write a friggin' entry on every.single.episode. They give detailed plot synopsis, a list of characters in the episode(s), quotes, and so on. I mean, one South Park entry is typically longer than many entries on Wikipedia for renowned events and/or world figures. I looked up LETTER FROM BIRMINGHAM JAIL and it was shorter than most of the entries on videogame backstories and developing controversies (the Half-Life 2 entry on Wiki takes hours of your life away once you click all the links...).

That's another thing. They have links to other pages, so if you start reading about HL2 soon you're on the page for G-Man (yes, there is a WIKI ENTRY FOR G-MAN!!!) which is about twenty pages long and then you're on the G-Man Theories page and then you're soon on the page listing all his sightings in the game and so on and so's crazy!

I love Wikipedia but the fact that most of its regular contributors are younger males definitely shows its influence at times.

Title: Re: Are you an EverCrack?? (Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Wiki
Post by: Dirty Little Thing on October 27, 2006, 07:23:31 PM
I love wikipedia. For me it's like a guilty pleasure, same with youtube. I can send hours and hours on those sites looking up videos or learning every single member in a band from the 80's that never made it big.  :hihi:

Title: Re: Are you an EverCrack?? (Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Wiki.)
Post by: Eazy E on October 27, 2006, 08:52:52 PM
It's always by nerds who write essay-long explanations for the dumbest things.

The irony here is abso-fucking-lutely ridiculous.

Title: Re: Are you an EverCrack?? (Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Wiki.)
Post by: MCT on October 27, 2006, 10:14:57 PM
The irony here is ridicu-fucking-lously funny.

(insert scrotum joke here)