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Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Neemo on July 11, 2006, 10:31:15 AM

Title: Greatest Movie Survivor? Voting Format Discussion
Post by: Neemo on July 11, 2006, 10:31:15 AM
Ok I think I'm gonna go with Genres and Decades....I think i got something sketched out in my head to work that out...

OK voting Format.....first off I was gonna go a round of nominations then voting off movies until we reach a certain how many should we keep for the finale for each genre?

Pasnow had a NCAA type of format for voting? is that good for everybody? I don't quite understand it myself so some more info for it would be helpful if that's what we wanna see

So anyway say we go decades for 5 Genres...Action, Comedy, Drama, Horror and Sci-Fi/Fantasy (we can figure out sub-genres in a bit and we'll go 21st century, 90's, 80's and everything 70's and before

so that makes 20 stages of voting before finals begin.

I'm thinking taking top 3 from each part and throwing them into a genre vote for the top 2 (or3) of each genre then from there we take the top 10 movies and eventually get down to the'll be a long road but it'll be fun...also there are many cases of movies qualifying for 2 or more genres...those movies will be eligible for each genre they represent, unless they get voted into the next that point they can't be nominated anymore...

@ Pasnow how would we determine who went up against who? would it be better just to vote off one at a time until the end as is normal for a elimination thread? also we gotta actually get like 8 or 16 top movies don't we? so that would mean dropping Sci-Fi again...

anyway discuss...if any of this gibberish needs clarifying just ask

 :confused: :confused: :confused:

oh yeah...1 or 2 voted off per vote? (into the top 4 or 5 I'll switch to 1 but should it always be one at a time? or start off faster and go 2 at a time like i did in the album survivor?)

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Voting Format Discussion
Post by: Kujo on July 11, 2006, 11:28:47 AM
I dont like the bracket style for this. It will just lead to alot of bitching and moaning about the seeding.

If it aint broke, dont fix it. Stay as it was with the Album survivor.

I would also vote against breaking everything down by decades.

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Voting Format Discussion
Post by: Neemo on July 11, 2006, 11:34:21 AM
I totally agree about the seeding arguments, although eventually everybody will have to go up against the other movies anyway....but for my sanity i don't think we should do seeding cuz it may seem at times like I'm stacking the voting process

and looks like alot of people seem to be against decades so I guess I'll drop it then...

but how many should get through for each genre then from nominations? IMO it shouldn't be anymore than say 15 or 20

and if that's the case do we go one at a time? and have 4 from each genre advance to the finals?
to make a list of the 20 top movies?

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Voting Format Discussion
Post by: Neemo on July 11, 2006, 11:42:20 AM
I also wanna go on record saying that I think comedy will be the weak link in all this

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Voting Format Discussion
Post by: Kujo on July 11, 2006, 11:51:14 AM
I think there are some comedies that could be legitimately deserving of winning this although they probably arent popular enough to get enough votes. Something like Dr. Strangelove of Holy Grail could be a respectable representative in a final 4 or so.

If its possible to get as many as 20 different nominations, go with it. We can vote off 2 at a time until we have a winner, as well as the top 4 moving on to the finals. I think you are on the right track.

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Voting Format Discussion
Post by: Genesis on July 11, 2006, 12:07:23 PM
I say vote off 2 atleast. There's going to be a hell of a lot more movies than albums. The other parts are just too confusing...  :confused: I'll leave it to u Neemo...  ;)

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Voting Format Discussion
Post by: pasnow on July 11, 2006, 03:43:30 PM
Yeah, I think the brackets won't quite work, especially with genre's and decades etc, kindof confusing & alot of work. I think the narrowing down method that you did for album's is best. Will you still do genre & decade?  I would like to see that, maybe start with a genre (ex: Comedy) and choose a decade (Pre-1980) get the top 10 comedies, vote off 5, then of those 5 vote off 3. Then with 2 remaining choose then best. Then we have the best Pre 1980 Comedy. Move on to 80's comedies, top 10, 5, 2, 1= Best 80's comedy etc. Then when best Comedy of all 4 decades are voted on and won, move to another genre (Ex. Drama) Repeat steps.

Each genre may take a few weeks, so in a couple months we will be complete with all winners of genre per decade 20 if we go with 5 genre's. Start with those 20, vote off 10, then vote off 5, then narrow it down to the top 2, then the winner in a head to head vote.

Will this work Neemo?? I'm not sure about the logistics & counting etc.. Anyone have any thoughts?

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Voting Format Discussion
Post by: Hammy on July 11, 2006, 04:23:35 PM
Anyone have any thoughts?
Yeah.  Which will start first, this survivor or Chinese Democracy :P

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Voting Format Discussion
Post by: pasnow on July 11, 2006, 05:11:54 PM
Anyone have any thoughts?
Yeah.? Which will start first, this survivor or Chinese Democracy :P

How about kicking you in the nuts???: ok:  Cause I think that start pretty soon.  :yes:

J/k, he has a point. Let's try and set a deadline for starting this? Neemo, do you think we're close with the rules? Could we shoot for maybe Friday or Monday to begin asking for movies? 

To get the first list do we ask everyone to put in say 3 movies per genre, or something like that?

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Voting Format Discussion
Post by: Kujo on July 11, 2006, 05:26:52 PM

How about kicking you in the nuts???: ok:? Cause I think that start pretty soon.? :yes:

Now you know damn well from reading this board lately that there are very young impressionable minds around here that cant form an opinion until someone tells them what they should think. Posting a comment like that could have far reaching repercussions that I'm sure you never took into consideration..............

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Voting Format Discussion
Post by: supaplex on July 12, 2006, 02:13:07 AM
i think you should keep the decades neemo because if you only go for genres there will be so many movies nominated and a lot of them will get only one vote. and you'll have to go with 20+ movies per genre and we'll need a week of voting probably. people want it to end quick i think but the album survivor had 6 months and it was fun. so genres and decades i think is the best way with 10 movies in a voting, take out 2 then another 2 and then maybe one at a time until we get a winner and then take the winner of each genre/decade in a final with the wildcards (depending on the number of genres). we can do 3-4 days of nominating with 3 days of voting so we would have a week for each genre/decade and we should end it in 3 months maybe.