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Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Neemo on July 10, 2006, 08:53:50 AM

Title: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: Neemo on July 10, 2006, 08:53:50 AM
Alright this is my list from the last topic....the red ones are one that i don't think we should include....the purpose of this thread is to determine how the basic survivor will we break down Genres? do we Break into decades? do we group genres together? post all your thoughts and I'll try my best to make you all happy...seriously check out and look at the genres and what is listed in each.


Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: Neemo on July 10, 2006, 09:03:50 AM
I seriously would like alot of feedback on this.

I'm still of the opinion that we should narrow it down to 4 or so major genres then whatever is the first major genre on IMDB is what the Genre will be:

I think the major genres should be Action, Comedy, Drama, Horror and generally be broken down like this:

Action/Adventure (also includes Animation; Family; Fantasy; Sci-Fi; Sport; War; Western)

Comedy (stands alone)

Drama (also includes Biography, Crime; Film-Noir; History; Music; Musical; Mystery; News; Romance)

Horror (also includes Thriller)

Alien (1979), Directed by: Ridley Scott, Genre: Sci-Fi / Horror / Thriller
Aliens (1986), Directed by: James Cameron, Genre: Action / Horror / Sci-Fi / Thriller

now in the case of Alien (1st one) it says Sci-fi first...but the first Major Genre is Horror so that overrides it, where as Alien contains Action and Horror but is considered an Action flick because IMDB has that listed first. Movies like The Usual Suspects (which is listed as a Crime/Mystery/Thriller) is considered a Drama because, even though it has no major genre listed, Crime falls under the major genre of Drama.

Now in the case of Danny Top Hat's Animation argument just cuz it may be animated doesn't mean that it will be Action....if the first major genre is other than action the it will fall into that category. (ie. Perfect Blue - Genre: Animation / Horror / Thriller; thus this film is considered a horror flick)

as far a decades i think it works good in decades...much easier to think of movies that way you will recall more thus creating a bigger pool t draw from...also peoples tastes are so varied that after nominations we might never get a clear cut top ten...

Jim same goes with more specific genres...if we do a western genre survivor we may only get like 3 people voting cuz nobody will care...if the movie's not that good it won't make it...and this is all about the greatest movie voted by this forum.

Pasnow...we'll work on format later lets get categories sorted out first

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on July 10, 2006, 09:21:04 AM
animation relates to the "style" of rendering

there are horror anime, action, comedy, animation is not a genre, in terms of content, but a genre in terms of technology

but then again, we'll have to introduce dogma movies, black and white, silent ...

sorry if i'm lost here, but who would win ? the movie who gets the more vote ?

what if only 5% of us have seen CItizen Kane or the seven samurai, what chances they have to win even tho they are masterpieces ?

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: Ignatius on July 10, 2006, 09:35:30 AM
animation relates to the "style" of rendering

there are horror anime, action, comedy, animation is not a genre, in terms of content, but a genre in terms of technology

but then again, we'll have to introduce dogma movies, black and white, silent ...

sorry if i'm lost here, but who would win ? the movie who gets the more vote ?

what if only 5% of us have seen CItizen Kane or the seven samurai, what chances they have to win even tho they are masterpieces ?

It's gonna be hard to please everybody. Neemo is doing a good job by trying to narrow it down into a few genres, otherwise we would have 100 different genres and that'll make this survivor impossible.

(sure somebody else is gonna go "how about porn"? we should include that too...)

I know how you feel about C. kane, Seven Samurais, The third man....thing is, this survivor is not about the best movie of all time, it's about the HTGTH favorite's movie. This could be "Dumb and dumber", "The wedding Crashers" or even "Who knows what you did last summer", but it's gonna be fun to watch.

I know people ain't gonna vote for my favorites cause probably they are not the most popular, but I don't care. For me the nominations will be fun because it'll give an idea of what each member picks.

Also, we'll have plenty of time to debate as there will be discussion threads on why people voted the way they did and so on...

Neemo, how about have 5 different genres and each member has to nominate 2 movies per genre?

If i was you, I'd have a separte thread for SCi-fi since there are a lot of movies to pick from.

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: Neemo on July 10, 2006, 09:42:16 AM
animation relates to the "style" of rendering

there are horror anime, action, comedy, animation is not a genre, in terms of content, but a genre in terms of technology

but then again, we'll have to introduce dogma movies, black and white, silent ...

sorry if i'm lost here, but who would win ? the movie who gets the more vote ?

what if only 5% of us have seen CItizen Kane or the seven samurai, what chances they have to win even tho they are masterpieces ?

prolly slim for less well know movies but the goal is to form a general consensus...the way we arrive at the winner is first we have a round of nominations then the most nominted movies make it to and elimination process then through a series of elimination threads we determine a winner...what I'm trying to determine now is how many and what elimination threads we'll have to get down to the level where we vote for the winner...

IN bad obsession i just completed a greatest album survivor and the process took in excess of 6 months to complete cuz we nominated albums by decade and worked towards the greatest of all time.

as it stands now I will be making 4 separate genres of eliminations with 4 or 5 eras each the 21st century will each have a list of greatest movies from Action/adventure, comedy, horror and drama, then i'll move onto 90's, then 80's then we'll determine how far back we go 70's then maybe 60's and older dunno yet.after results from all that are determined then we'll do the finals di get the ultimate best movie as voted by us :-\ did that make any sense :hihi:

ignatus i was gonna go the old stand by and say nominate your top 10 action/adventure movies of the 21st century...kinda'll make it really long but it'll be a good way to tie us over for the release of CD :hihi: this time though i may just throw the top 3 or 4 into the final...i haven't thought it out that far yet :-\

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: Backslash on July 10, 2006, 10:05:08 AM

Action/Adventure (also includes Animation; Family; Fantasy; Sci-Fi; Sport; War; Western)

Comedy (stands alone)

Drama (also includes Biography, Crime; Film-Noir; History; Music; Musical; Mystery; News; Romance)

Horror (also includes Thriller)

What about Mockumentaries??  :yes:

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: Neemo on July 10, 2006, 10:29:34 AM
also Jim about the other categories staying but documentary out

for some reason movies like shindlers list and the Pianist and braveheart are conisdered Biographies

walk the line and ray and spinal tap are considered music

wizard of oz and singing in the rain and lion king are musicals

i don't know a documnetary that could compete with those flicks if voting for my favorite ever
Foreign films should just fall into their respective categories...

Am?lie - Genre: Comedy / Drama / Romance so a comedy
Akira - Genre: Animation / Action / Adventure / Sci-Fi / Thriller so an action/adventure movie
house of flying daggers - Genre: Action / Adventure / Drama / Fantasy / Romance another action/adventure
Crouching Tiger hidden Dragon - Genre: Action / Drama / Fantasy / Thriller yet another action/adventure

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on July 10, 2006, 10:37:27 AM
maybe the genre thing isn't a good idea,

members should just list 10 favorites movies , any genre

then we gather all these movies (without duplicate)
make a huge list, that would be like 200 movies.

and then vote off the least favorite each round.


Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: Neemo on July 10, 2006, 10:50:16 AM
big lists are too much to process for the human brain and a catch all of the top 10 movies ever would be crazy...we'd never get it to a managable list

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: supaplex on July 10, 2006, 11:04:01 AM
it all depends on how you want to go.
if you will have only 4 big genres you can do genres by decade. but if you want to do a lot of genres, and not just 4-5, then we should get each genre a survivor and not split them into decades. hope it makes sense ;D

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: Genesis on July 10, 2006, 12:01:29 PM
I'm with u Neemo, as in clubbing similar categories into 4 or 5 major ones. That makes it manageable. So will the grouping by decade. If not, each poster could easily list their top 50 fav. movies and we would have chaos.

Some members said that the grouping by decade is restrictive, bcoz u can't compare across decades. I don't think this is a problem as in later rounds, the winners of each decade are pitted against each other anyway. If a movie is not good enough to top its decade round, why bother comparing them?

The same format used for the album survivor should work fine, provided it is refined as required for the movie survivor...

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on July 10, 2006, 12:03:21 PM
how are we gonna handle the people arguing about a movie not being in the right cat ?

am i gonna be paid ? will there be champagne ?

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: Neemo on July 10, 2006, 12:08:48 PM
how are we gonna handle the people arguing about a movie not being in the right cat ? see the format i presented above

am i gonna be paid ?

Ummm if you feel like paying yourself :hihi:

will there be champagne ?

If that's your poison..I prefer whiskey :beer:

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: pasnow on July 10, 2006, 12:33:09 PM
Genesis is right about looking towards the later rounds.. We need to look at the big picture.  If someone's upset because 'The Lion King' "The Matrix' and 'Young Guns' are all in the same category of Action, well, to be the "Greatest Movie Ever" they will have to go against each other sooner or later anyway.. To avoid chaos, narrow it down from the start and knock them out right away.

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: Jim on July 10, 2006, 03:07:52 PM
also Jim about the other categories staying but documentary out

for some reason movies like shindlers list and the Pianist and braveheart are conisdered Biographies

walk the line and ray and spinal tap are considered music

wizard of oz and singing in the rain and lion king are musicals

i don't know a documnetary that could compete with those flicks if voting for my favorite ever
Foreign films should just fall into their respective categories...

Am?lie - Genre: Comedy / Drama / Romance so a comedy
Akira - Genre: Animation / Action / Adventure / Sci-Fi / Thriller so an action/adventure movie
house of flying daggers - Genre: Action / Adventure / Drama / Fantasy / Romance another action/adventure
Crouching Tiger hidden Dragon - Genre: Action / Drama / Fantasy / Thriller yet another action/adventure

Ugh. IMDB should be used for guidance, not gospel! Walk the Line is a biography and Spinal Tap is a comedy. There is no need to be so pedantic and rigid just because IMDB is.

As far as for some reason goes, all of the first three films are based on real people. They are biographies, but very loose biographies! Loosely based on real people. So loose that should be disregarded and they should be put in their respective genre.

I've got to go out..... Err.

I have more to say, I think. I'll probably have forgotten later.

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: Neemo on July 10, 2006, 03:20:33 PM
sub genres man sub genres...take a look at the site and you'll see where I'm coming from

and i think it's a good idea to use a common source cuz it means everybody will be on the same page as far a what movie qualifies for what....ok the movies i listed that you responded to and i bolded the genres they would qualify for in this survivor.

Walk The Line - Genre: Biography / Drama / Music / Romance
This Is Spinal Tap - Genre: Comedy / Music
Schindler's List - Genre: Biography / Drama / History / War
The Pianist - Genre: Biography / Drama / Music / War
Braveheart - Genre: Action / Biography / Drama / History / War
The Wizard of Oz - Genre: Adventure / Family / Fantasy / Musical
Singin' In The Rain - Genre: Comedy / Musical / Romance
The Lion King - Genre: Animation / Adventure / Comedy / Drama / Family / Musical

The sub-genres don't really mean shit unless there is no major genre listed for the movie

ie. The Usual Suspects - Genre: Crime / Mystery / Thriller
(so since no major Genre is listed and the first sub-genre listed here is Crime...according to the format I presented I'd label this sucker as a Drama)

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: Jim on July 10, 2006, 06:35:07 PM
Sure, sub genres... Maybe I would have understood more had you mentioned that originally..........

As for The Usual Suspects, I'd probably put it under thriller before Crime. I think that the only reason Crime is first is because it's in alphabetical order, and Thriller makes more sense.

But I guess if we're grouping them together, it doesn't really matter...... If you're opting to use the big five or whatever, then this discussion is pretty pointless.

On the edit, I just had an idea.......

... Just let me check something...............

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: Neemo on July 10, 2006, 06:44:00 PM
man i feel really dumb :hihi: i didn't even notice they were in alphabetical order...oops :-[

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: Backslash on July 10, 2006, 10:35:01 PM
I'm starting to think that decades is probably the best way to do it.  It makes it a lot less complicated.  When we did the rock & roll survivors there were a couple of debates over what we could consider rock and roll.  We'd end up with the same thing if the movie survivor was genre specific.  If we were to do an ultimate album survivor, we'd end up with music from all sorts of genres, but it would probably be biased as we're all GNR fans and we tend to like rock music more than anything else (generally).  When we look at a movie survivor, we probably wouldn't be as biased.  So a general movie survivor would probably work better.  The kicker is that it would have to be feature films.  I guess we couldn't choose any pornos or documentaries.

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: Sakib on July 11, 2006, 05:54:32 AM
I'm starting to think that decades is probably the best way to do it.? It makes it a lot less complicated.? When we did the rock & roll survivors there were a couple of debates over what we could consider rock and roll.? We'd end up with the same thing if the movie survivor was genre specific.? If we were to do an ultimate album survivor, we'd end up with music from all sorts of genres, but it would probably be biased as we're all GNR fans and we tend to like rock music more than anything else (generally).? When we look at a movie survivor, we probably wouldn't be as biased.? So a general movie survivor would probably work better.? The kicker is that it would have to be feature films.? I guess we couldn't choose any pornos or documentaries.

totally agree. Genres are far too expansive at least with decades theres a limit. There are usually few movies that are so definitive within decades but there are usually a lot of movies definitive in genre.

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: Neemo on July 11, 2006, 08:37:43 AM
so would it maybe be better then to just go decades and do the top 15 of each decade instead of top ten and forget about genres? then take top 3 or 4 of each decade and throw them in a big elimination thread at the end?

or do we stick with genres and then if a movie has 2 or more genres then it's considered eligible for both? i still think if we do genres that we find a way to break it down and go Major genres and Sub-genres

I really do like the concept of the genres though and if a movie makes it in once then it can't be nominated again...if possible i wanna go this route : ok:

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: supaplex on July 11, 2006, 09:57:41 AM
maybe we can go with genres and decades. we would have 4 big genres and 4 "decades" which means 16 rounds of voting and one big final with maybe 4-6 wildcards. and we could decide what movie belongs to what genre in the nominations part of the voting?

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: Neemo on July 11, 2006, 10:02:10 AM
maybe we can go with genres and decades. we would have 4 big genres and 4 "decades" which means 16 rounds of voting and one big final with maybe 4-6 wildcards. and we could decide what movie belongs to what genre in the nominations part of the voting?

or if a movie is voted into the final portion it is no longer eligible

Title: Re: Greatest Movie Survivor? Genres and Decades discussion
Post by: Genesis on July 11, 2006, 10:09:57 AM
I'd go with the genre and decade format as well. There are too many different types of movies to ignore genres. That would be like comparing a RnR song to a pop song. Won't work.

Genre should be the main type of classification. Decade should be included just to make things more managable.