Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Buddha_Master on April 13, 2006, 01:20:56 PM

Title: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: Buddha_Master on April 13, 2006, 01:20:56 PM
Oh Fuck...we know we are in trouble now. For years we ave asked the age old question

What will come first, Chinese Democracy or Duke Nukem Forever?

Here's the latest:

The game has been worked on in various forms for almost 10 years, having been originally announced in April 1997, and the update describes the current state of the title, which was viewed at 3D Realms' Texas studios: "mainly just pieces of the game in progress and tech demos", including "an early level, a vehicle sequence, a few test rooms", among others.

Technology-wise, Duke Nukem Forever originally started development on the Quake II engine, before switching to Unreal, and, according to a Wikipedia entry, is now working with a heavily modified custom engine that includes some small elements from earlier iterations of Unreal Engine.

3DR's George Broussard also demonstrated world interactivity that includes Duke standing in front of a computer and emailing the player, if he provides his email address for the game. But, according to the piece, Broussard was bashful, overall, about showing off the game, commenting: "The problem is that when we show it, people are going to be like, 'Yeah, whatever'. Honestly, at this point we just want to finish it."

What will become of our Chinese Democracy? We now we have official word that Duke Nukem is on its way. If DNF does actually come before Chinese D, how will CD ever be able recover? This would be way more detrimental to GNR's future then what went down in 2002.

"The problem is that when we show it, people are going to be like, 'Yeah, whatever'. Honestly, at this point we just want to finish it."

Interesting quote isn't it?

... Duke Nukem Forever actually might be released before Chinese Democracy. That is fucking scary.

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: Mr.Intensity on April 13, 2006, 01:22:46 PM
Put them both out on the same day!!! :rofl:

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: Grouse on April 13, 2006, 01:25:34 PM
Put them both out on the same day!!! :rofl:

Better yet, sell them as a box set :hihi:

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: Markus Asraelius on April 13, 2006, 01:41:08 PM
What a stupid idea for a thread. You've wasted every single members' time here today.

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: AmyRose on April 13, 2006, 01:44:51 PM

I agree....this has got to be the stupidest thread ever.

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: GunsN'Gravy on April 13, 2006, 01:52:25 PM
What a stupid idea for a thread. You've wasted every single members' time here today.
You're the jackass that took the time to open it after reading the topic, and going as far as replying to it.

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: Buddha_Master on April 13, 2006, 01:57:44 PM
Oh shut the fuck up. Seriously. You are both being a little dramatic aren't you?

This wasted everyones time here? Isnt being on a GNR Forum wasting time you hypocritical dumbass. And its a stupid thread? We have had this ongoing joke on here for years you fucking noob. The both of you (Markus Asraelius and AmyRose  (Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dumbshit)) need to take a look in the mirror and lighten up. Redirect your troubles somewhere else. We don't serve your kind here.

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on April 13, 2006, 02:00:56 PM
The stupidest thread ever? naahh!
There has been worst :P

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: Markus Asraelius on April 13, 2006, 02:08:25 PM
What a stupid idea for a thread. You've wasted every single members' time here today.
You're the jackass that took the time to open it after reading the topic, and going as far as replying to it.

You're the one that constantly insults other people to try to prove your point. It doesn't work. You attack the idea, not the person.

I personally don't have time for rookies like you thinking you can push me around.

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: Markus Asraelius on April 13, 2006, 02:10:29 PM
Oh shut the fuck up. Seriously. You are both being a little dramatic aren't you?

This wasted everyones time here? Isnt being on a GNR Forum wasting time you hypocritical dumbass. And its a stupid thread? We have had this ongoing joke on here for years you fucking noob. The both of you (Markus Asraelius and AmyRose? (Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dumbshit)) need to take a look in the mirror and lighten up. Redirect your troubles somewhere else. We don't serve your kind here.

You act like I just joined these messageboards yeseterday.

We, the real people of HTGTH, don't have time for your kind. Making useless threads (just like a lot of others) on these messageboards. You've been here long enough to know what makes a good discussion and what doesn't. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: greekmule on April 13, 2006, 02:12:22 PM
actually i find it quite interesting :beer:

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: Buddha_Master on April 13, 2006, 02:18:33 PM
What a stupid idea for a thread. You've wasted every single members' time here today.
You're the jackass that took the time to open it after reading the topic, and going as far as replying to it.

You're the one that constantly insults other people to try to prove your point. It doesn't work. You attack the idea, not the person.

I personally don't have time for rookies like you thinking you can push me around.

You are small potatoes son. You are a nowhere man living in a nowhere land. You are amateur hour. Calling someone else a rookie lol...

And dude I have been here a long time... so I made a followup to an ongoing debate that we have had over the years. You lack humor and take shit way to seriously. The "Real People" here remember how and when this all started...and you come fuckin it up with the type of Bravado that I am sure your Dad must be real proud of. You did a great job today. Really. You are so clown shoes you don't even know.

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: GunsN'Gravy on April 13, 2006, 03:13:50 PM
What a stupid idea for a thread. You've wasted every single members' time here today.
You're the jackass that took the time to open it after reading the topic, and going as far as replying to it.

You're the one that constantly insults other people to try to prove your point. It doesn't work. You attack the idea, not the person.

I personally don't have time for rookies like you thinking you can push me around.
I'm not a rookie, douche, I've been here longer than you, just under another name. All I wanted to say is let the thread happen, don't open the fucking thing, read it and complain about how it wasted your time,leave it the fuck alone and so will the "real people HTGTH", and I'm attacking the person because you are loser who is the one I have a problem with. Also, I don't think I can push you around,it's the INTERNET, just because it's your life, it doesn't mean it's real life.

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: Prometheus on April 13, 2006, 03:22:32 PM
MA having a bad day bud....... chill out here now on both sides..... go to your cornors and take a few breaths........ its childish to pick a fight on something as trivial as DNF and CD..... really, are you all looking for some board credit? because doing this stuff makes you loose the credit you already had...... from the real people of this family here.

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: GunsN'Gravy on April 13, 2006, 03:24:24 PM
Okay, I'm done. I love you all.

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: Izzy on April 13, 2006, 04:38:25 PM
People cared about that game 7 years ago - i refuse to believe anyone genuinely cares now

...and to be blunt, why did anyone care to begin with - a Duke Nukem game never promised to change the way we think about games....

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: Markus Asraelius on April 13, 2006, 04:56:38 PM
What a stupid idea for a thread. You've wasted every single members' time here today.
You're the jackass that took the time to open it after reading the topic, and going as far as replying to it.

You're the one that constantly insults other people to try to prove your point. It doesn't work. You attack the idea, not the person.

I personally don't have time for rookies like you thinking you can push me around.

You are small potatoes son. You are a nowhere man living in a nowhere land. You are amateur hour. Calling someone else a rookie lol...

And dude I have been here a long time... so I made a followup to an ongoing debate that we have had over the years. You lack humor and take shit way to seriously. The "Real People" here remember how and when this all started...and you come fuckin it up with the type of Bravado that I am sure your Dad must be real proud of. You did a great job today. Really. You are so clown shoes you don't even know.

It was a unitelligent thread and you know it. I know you've been here a long time, I looked and saw that you have been here since late 2002. I have been coming here since late 2003 although I didn't start posting until June/July 2004.

And secondly, I wasn't calling you a rookie. It was guns n' wookies.

Finally, I do not lack humor. My humor is just different than yours.

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: Jim on April 13, 2006, 04:59:54 PM
Shut up, shut up, shut up.

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: Markus Asraelius on April 13, 2006, 05:02:50 PM
What a stupid idea for a thread. You've wasted every single members' time here today.
You're the jackass that took the time to open it after reading the topic, and going as far as replying to it.

You're the one that constantly insults other people to try to prove your point. It doesn't work. You attack the idea, not the person.

I personally don't have time for rookies like you thinking you can push me around.
I'm not a rookie, douche, I've been here longer than you, just under another name. All I wanted to say is let the thread happen, don't open the fucking thing, read it and complain about how it wasted your time,leave it the fuck alone and so will the "real people HTGTH", and I'm attacking the person because you are loser who is the one I have a problem with. Also, I don't think I can push you around,it's the INTERNET, just because it's your life, it doesn't mean it's real life.

You're absolutely right. It is just the internet and not real life, so why don't you go look in the mirror, take your own advice and quit dishing out insults.

As for your insults:

douche: This is a word my dad uses and he's pushing 50.
loser: And, how would you know who and what I am? This is the internet and not real life, remember?

Maybe you should try to make a post where you're not insulting people with one-worded statements such as idiot, douche or loser.

EDIT: I will shut up now, Jim.

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: Prometheus on April 13, 2006, 05:16:19 PM

its plain and simple.....grow up and dont be a turd

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: jameslofton29 on April 13, 2006, 10:59:57 PM
I dont understand why people are claiming this is a worthless thread. There are many similarities between DNF and CD. Both have been mentioned in the same breath for years, and a month ago one of the articles about the leaks mentioned DNF as a comparision to CD, and of course they obviously read about it from this site.

I agree with Izzy on this subject. So much has happened in the video game world since this game was first mentioned, that its pretty much irrelevant now, and like Izzy said, it was never really a ground breaking game to begin with. The competition is fierce now, and DNF will have a hard time becoming relevant again up against the likes of Halo, Quake, GTA, all the war games, etc.

I'll say the same thing about DNF that I have said about CD. It should have been released years ago when it had a huge buzz instead of waiting until it turned into a pop culture joke.

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: SuperMike on April 13, 2006, 11:47:14 PM
Wow cool, I used to play the old Duke Nukem games when I was little.

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: Queen of Everything on April 14, 2006, 12:06:01 AM
I dont understand why people are claiming this is a worthless thread. There are many similarities between DNF and CD. Both have been mentioned in the same breath for years, and a month ago one of the articles about the leaks mentioned DNF as a comparision to CD, and of course they obviously read about it from this site.

I agree with Izzy on this subject. So much has happened in the video game world since this game was first mentioned, that its pretty much irrelevant now, and like Izzy said, it was never really a ground breaking game to begin with. The competition is fierce now, and DNF will have a hard time becoming relevant again up against the likes of Halo, Quake, GTA, all the war games, etc.

I'll say the same thing about DNF that I have said about CD. It should have been released years ago when it had a huge buzz instead of waiting until it turned into a pop culture joke.

100% Agree, this isnt worthless?  If you think its stupid, dont read it.  Simple as that.  Thats why I dont go into the "sport" section, because It just dosent interest me.

I agree, another war game on the market, no matter how epic, to me at least... will just be another war game.  They are out in full force at the moment.

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on April 14, 2006, 10:41:22 AM
100% Agree, this isnt worthless?  If you think its stupid, dont read it.  Simple as that.  Thats why I dont go into the "sport" section, because It just dosent interest me.

I agree, another war game on the market, no matter how epic, to me at least... will just be another war game.  They are out in full force at the moment.

You want me to begin quoting?  :hihi:

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: GunsN'Gravy on April 14, 2006, 06:06:53 PM
What a stupid idea for a thread. You've wasted every single members' time here today.
You're the jackass that took the time to open it after reading the topic, and going as far as replying to it.

You're the one that constantly insults other people to try to prove your point. It doesn't work. You attack the idea, not the person.

I personally don't have time for rookies like you thinking you can push me around.
I'm not a rookie, douche, I've been here longer than you, just under another name. All I wanted to say is let the thread happen, don't open the fucking thing, read it and complain about how it wasted your time,leave it the fuck alone and so will the "real people HTGTH", and I'm attacking the person because you are loser who is the one I have a problem with. Also, I don't think I can push you around,it's the INTERNET, just because it's your life, it doesn't mean it's real life.

You're absolutely right. It is just the internet and not real life, so why don't you go look in the mirror, take your own advice and quit dishing out insults.

As for your insults:

douche: This is a word my dad uses and he's pushing 50.
loser: And, how would you know who and what I am? This is the internet and not real life, remember?

Maybe you should try to make a post where you're not insulting people with one-worded statements such as idiot, douche or loser.

EDIT: I will shut up now, Jim.
I didn't write a one word statement. Can you read?  I don't care about your father and his douche problem. And you are a loser on the internet, you may be a motorcycling, paratrooper in a rock band in real life, but on the internet you seem like a giant homo.

Title: Re: DUKE NUKEM FOREVER Is In FINAL Stages!!! Chinese Democracy Might Be Fucked!!!
Post by: GunsN'Gravy on April 14, 2006, 06:35:09 PM