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Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Jamie on November 29, 2005, 04:16:10 PM

Title: Vatican restricts homosexuality in the Catholic Church
Post by: Jamie on November 29, 2005, 04:16:10 PM
Vatican restricts gays in Catholic priesthood

VATICAN CITY - In the first major ruling of Pope Benedict's reign, the Catholic Church on Tuesday imposed restrictions on homosexuals becoming priests, saying only men who had overcome "transitory" gay tendencies could be ordained.

The ruling came in a long-awaited eight-page Vatican document that has already sparked controversy after widespread leaks in the past few weeks.

Its strict line on the place of gays in the clergy has won praise from conservatives and condemnation from liberals, and set off heated debate in other churches by confronting an issue that has divided Christian congregations worldwide.

The document says practising homosexuals should be barred from entering the priesthood along with men with "deep-seated" homosexual tendencies and those who support gay culture.

The urgency of the document has been highlighted by a sexual scandal in the United States three years ago, involving mostly abuse of teenage boys by priests. Gay groups accuse the Church of using homosexuals as scapegoats for the abuse scandals.

The "instruction" by the Vatican's Congregation for Catholic Education makes a distinction between deep-seated homosexual tendencies and "the expression of a transitory problem".

It says homosexual tendencies must be clearly overcome at least three years before admission to the deaconate, a position one step short of the priesthood.

The document, released some seven months after Pope Benedict was elected, reinforces standing policy that many in the Church believe has not been properly enforced.

It does not affect men who are already priests but only those entering seminaries to prepare for the priesthood. The paper also calls on the faithful to show respect for homosexuals.


"Deep-seated homosexual tendencies, which are found in a number of men and women, are also objectively disordered and, for those same people, often constitute a trial," it says, repeating a phrase that has angered gays in the past.

"Such persons must be accepted with respect and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided," it adds.

But in a commentary in the Vatican newspaper, French Jesuit and psychologist Monsignor Tony Anatrella said homosexuality risked "destabilising people and society", had no social or moral value and could never match the importance of the relationship between a man and a woman.

Conservative Catholics have welcomed the Vatican instruction as an important step in the reform of the priesthood, particularly in the United States, where they allege some seminaries have become venues for a thriving gay subculture.

Gay groups around the world were furious. The U.S-based Human Rights campaign called on Catholics of all sexual orientations to complain to their local pastors.

"We're speaking to Catholics in the pews and urging them to consider what Jesus would do if he saw his neighbour treated this way," the group said in a statement.

South African Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, said the document was not just.

"For me, to make someone suffer penalties because of their sexual orientation is on the same level as making people be penalised for their gender, or race," he told Reuters.

George Weigel, a leading American theologian and author, welcomed the document, saying bishops had to be reasonably sure candidates for the priesthood would be able to live celibate lives "in the sex-saturated culture of the contemporary West".

But many in the Catholic Church have said the document risks alienating men who would be good priests and would be able to honour their vow of celibacy.

"I have no doubt that God does call homosexuals to the priesthood, and they are among the most dedicated and impressive priests I have met," Father Timothy Radcliffe, former master of the Dominican order, wrote in the British weekly The Tablet.

(Additional reporting by Ian Simpson in Palma de Majorca)


This is the kind of stuff that really makes me ashamed to be raised a Catholic. What the hell happened to "love thy neighbour" and "let he without sin cast the first stone"? They are acting like homosexuality is some form of disease and disability and that, quite frankly is sickening. Homosexuals after all are only people and do not deserve the abuse directed at them by the church. It's just not fair.

Title: Re: Vatican restricts homosexuality in the Catholic Church
Post by: Booker Floyd on November 29, 2005, 04:46:41 PM
Thats the churchs prerogative as far as I can tell...

Its puzzling to me that so many still associate with this goofiness.

Title: Re: Vatican restricts homosexuality in the Catholic Church
Post by: Axl_owns_dexter on November 30, 2005, 12:37:55 AM
So they are supposed to follow whatever popular society tells them to do?

Title: Re: Vatican restricts homosexuality in the Catholic Church
Post by: Jamie on November 30, 2005, 10:46:36 AM
So they are supposed to follow whatever popular society tells them to do?

They are supposed to be a religious orginisation that preaches to love and forgive. Excluding homosexuals from the church goes directly against what they are meant to be preaching in the first place. And why should anyone give credibility to a group that allowed priests who were accused of sexual molestation on children continue their proffession in the church, but refuse God fearing people who have never committed sin even close to as vile and dispicable as peadophilia because of their perfectly legal and moral sexual orientations? And before anyone accuses me of anti-Catholicism remember that I am Catholic and posess every right to question my own belief system.

Title: Re: Vatican restricts homosexuality in the Catholic Church
Post by: Rain on November 30, 2005, 10:51:40 AM
So they are supposed to follow whatever popular society tells them to do?

They are supposed to be a religious orginisation that preaches to love and forgive. Excluding homosexuals from the church goes directly against what they are meant to be preaching in the first place. And why should anyone give credibility to a group that allowed priests who were accused of sexual molestation on children continue their proffession in the church, but refuse God fearing people who have never committed sin even close to as vile and dispicable as peadophilia because of their perfectly legal and moral sexual orientations? And before anyone accuses me of anti-Catholicism remember that I am Catholic and posess every right to question my own belief system.

Nice one Jaimie !  : ok:
And yes I do think that the catholic church should do something in order to remain in touch with their followers, ie the society in which we live in.

Title: Re: Vatican restricts homosexuality in the Catholic Church
Post by: Eazy E on November 30, 2005, 12:19:42 PM
"For me, to make someone suffer penalties because of their sexual orientation is on the same level as making people be penalised for their gender, or race," he told Reuters

So then this should come as no suprise... I mean, where are all the female priests?

Title: Re: Vatican restricts homosexuality in the Catholic Church
Post by: ClintroN on December 01, 2005, 08:07:47 AM
they wont let the fags in, and they wont let em' out :hihi: