Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: D on October 28, 2005, 05:40:12 AM

Title: SAW II
Post by: D on October 28, 2005, 05:40:12 AM
I am so excited to go watch this tomorrow.

Anyone else going to see it?

I thought the first movie was fuckin brilliant and genius. People can talk shit like they knew what was goin on etc etc and if u did, I applaud u, but see I dont watch movies with an attitude.

When u watch a horror movie, u gotta revert back to your inner child.

If u go into a movie and have your mind made up that u arent gonna be scared or thrilled and U sit the entire movie tryin to figure it out instead of letting it entertain u, u are missing out and doing yourself a disservice.

Watch it, enjoy it, dont be too cool or too macho to let it freak u out.

When I watch movies I make sure to give it every opportunity to entertain. I never try to figure it out cause that takes the fun out of it.

So post your review or what u thought once u see it.

Title: Re: SAW II
Post by: badapple81 on October 28, 2005, 06:00:35 AM
Wow, I only saw the Saw movie the other day on DVD.. I hadn't even heard about it, saw it at the video store so thought I'd give it a go. I watched it late at night half asleep and I didn't even catch on to what was going to happen!!

I'd give it a good 7.5/10, I enjoyed it.

Will definately catch the 2nd one.

Title: Re: SAW II
Post by: Jim on October 28, 2005, 07:02:53 AM
Meh. I agree with you to an extent D.

When I watch movies I make sure to give it every opportunity to entertain. I never try to figure it out cause that takes the fun out of it.

Unless you're watching an intelligent film. In that case, it can be all the fun of the fair.

It's often hard to tell, though...

Title: Re: SAW II
Post by: Izzy on October 28, 2005, 07:51:46 AM

I saw ''SAW'' when it came out,

films like that begin to make me wonder - how many deranged people is that film giving ideas too? And surely ''enjoying'' a film where people suffer like that - doesn't that say something about those that watch it?

When i was watching Sin City i was frankly appaled that people could be enjoying scenes of torture....

The films themselves are okay - but i can't help but think what u can infer from them - that people love to see people being tortured and killed.

What are the limits anymore? What would appal u in a film - i found i couldn't really enjoy the film because it was probably inspiring some maniacs and because there are certain things we just shouldn't enjoy watching

If Saw involved children would that be going too far? And if thats the case why is it okay when its adults?

Title: Re: SAW II
Post by: Hammy on October 28, 2005, 07:56:03 AM
If Saw involved children would that be going too far? And if thats the case why is it okay when its adults?
Next you'll be saying that about sex scenes in films....

Title: Re: SAW II
Post by: Izzy on October 28, 2005, 08:00:58 AM
If Saw involved children would that be going too far? And if thats the case why is it okay when its adults?
Next you'll be saying that about sex scenes in films....

We're not talking about sex, we're talking about scenes of torture and mutilation

I found this review on IMDB (this is not mine, but i agree with him/her)

The imminent arrival of "Saw II" compels me to issue a protest. I hope "fans" of this sort of thing, and the filmmakers themselves, take it to heart.

I'll preface this, too, by noting that I am not a prude. I like horror films. There is a long, honorable tradition, as old as cinema itself, in the United States and elsewhere, of horror in film art. My tastes run from the old Universal Studios monster movies of the 1930s, up through Val Lewton, Romero, Cronenberg, some Argento and on through to Clive Barker and even Takashi Miike's "Auditon." I not only appreciate horror cinema, I appreciate horror IN cinema.

Having said all that, I must say that I will not see "Saw II." I saw the first one, and I left the theater feeling ill, spent and abused. For what purpose? That's the catch. There is no purpose -- at least, no purpose that has anything to do with art, serious art or otherwise. The point is to reproduce, as realistically and as gut-wrenchingly as possible, human beings torturing, maiming and killing each other ... for the sake of "entertainment."

That is all they aspire to be, and that is all they are. The "Saw" films are shaping up to be big-budget, studio-backed, mass-marketed and mass-distributed snuff films, draped around thin stories so utterly contrived and ridiculous that they could exist only in movies.

The directors, writers and even actors are not without talent. But what compels them to make these films? Why do some people want to see them? What sort of a society produces such people? How did it get this way?

These are questions that real artists, serious artists, might be inspired to explore in art. One might reasonably expect that such films would contain images and sounds every bit as grotesque and horrifying as the ones that "Saw II" will inflict on the public.

But at least there would be a point. At least there would be some humanity, some intelligence, some intellectual rigor. To design a killing room or torture house does not require intelligence; it requires only ingenuity and a total moral vacuum. You filmmakers, you twentysomething children ... you obviously have talent, but you know nothing about anything and you have nothing to say.

These films are just 'snuff' films.

There are many films out there that leave u feeling sickened - like Schindler's list - but that film is trying to give a message, that these awful scenes are wrong, the shocking element is to drive home the immorality - but Saw celebtrates it, whats its point? That it is cool to hurt others?

Title: Re: SAW II
Post by: pilferk on October 28, 2005, 08:51:20 AM
I've seen Saw II.? IMHO, better than the first.

I'm hesitant to say too much, as I don't want to spoil the movie for anyone.

Suffice to say, if you liked the first one, right up to the end, you'll like the 2nd one.

It's as gory.  It's as "inventive" (twisted, is probably the better word).  And there are some pretty big similarities in other ways, too.

Title: Re: SAW II
Post by: R4tfink on October 28, 2005, 12:02:48 PM
The first one ruled.

Cant wait to see the second.

How they are interpreted are down to those who watch them Izzy, chances are if someone was going to go out, wrap someone up in barbwire after seeing a film then they are pretty fucked up anyway.

To an extent i see where you are coming from, but come on man, its a film and the twists are genius (in the first one).

You could go back over the years over millions of films with a fine tooth comb and say, thats sending out the wrong message in some shape or form but what they are there for is to promote an alternate reality, to take you to a world where you are not and where you never (in SAW's case) and where you have always dreamed of being.

Still pissed off at Liverpools defeat matey?  ;)

Title: Re: SAW II
Post by: D on October 28, 2005, 04:00:06 PM
Meh. I agree with you to an extent D.

When I watch movies I make sure to give it every opportunity to entertain. I never try to figure it out cause that takes the fun out of it.

Unless you're watching an intelligent film. In that case, it can be all the fun of the fair.

It's often hard to tell, though...

I meant scary movies, I shouldve edited that. I know intelligent films u gotta try and figure out, I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind with like 5 people and I was the only one who knew what was goin on at the end.

I mean mainly scary films.

U cant judge the acting based on oscar caliber nominations, U cant pick out plot holes etc cause this is a horror movie, its disbelief, it doesnt have to make all the sense in the world to be great.

Title: Re: SAW II
Post by: journey on October 28, 2005, 11:34:14 PM
This one was just as suspenseful and puzzling as the first. But I was able to figure out a major part of the movie within the first 10 minutes, and for that D owes me five dollars. There's a total shocker at the end, just like in the first one.

Title: Re: SAW II
Post by: D on October 28, 2005, 11:43:20 PM
Saw II was incredible!

Donnie Wahlberg is an incredible actor.

The movie is kinda like the first one but the twist is just as great if not better.

THe part Journey is talking about is one twist but dont let her fool u, there are a couple others that no one could see coming.

Just an amazingly well done, well thought out creative flick.
I think everyone would really enjoy it.

Best horror movie ive seen since Saw.

Title: Re: SAW II
Post by: Timothy on October 29, 2005, 12:11:00 AM
I origanly hated the first Saw ,But after going back and wathcing it again is was pretty damn cool .

Saw 2  I though was better the the first one . had  pretty nice twist in the story .

Title: Re: SAW II
Post by: Izzy on October 29, 2005, 02:03:42 PM
The first one ruled.

Cant wait to see the second.

How they are interpreted are down to those who watch them Izzy, chances are if someone was going to go out, wrap someone up in barbwire after seeing a film then they are pretty fucked up anyway.

To an extent i see where you are coming from, but come on man, its a film and the twists are genius (in the first one).

You could go back over the years over millions of films with a fine tooth comb and say, thats sending out the wrong message in some shape or form but what they are there for is to promote an alternate reality, to take you to a world where you are not and where you never (in SAW's case) and where you have always dreamed of being.

Still pissed off at Liverpools defeat matey?? ;)

U miss my point, though i probably didn't make it as a clear as i meant too

I'm more concerned about the ''normal'' people - like u, like me, like 99% of the rest that ENJOY this.

A huge number of ordinary people saw a film with scenes of mutilation and torture and left the cinema saying what they saw was kick ass entertainment - that bothers me

Doesn't it worry u that normal people enjoy this stuff? What does that say about society?

Title: Re: SAW II
Post by: journey on October 29, 2005, 03:28:41 PM
Doesn't it worry u that normal people enjoy this stuff? What does that say about society?

I don't enjoy the brutality of it. My brain can't handle the graphic scenes. But I do think it's a clever movie because it's so puzzling and strategic.

I don't think it will have an adverse affect on society. There's been so many horror movies that are just as graphic. Graphic interactive video games that kids play are more of a threat, in my opinion.

Title: Re: SAW II
Post by: R4tfink on October 29, 2005, 08:58:25 PM
Doesn't it worry u that normal people enjoy this stuff? What does that say about society?

Society is a sick and cruel place but i knew that before i watched SAW.  ;)

Title: Re: SAW II
Post by: lynn1961 on October 30, 2005, 12:34:53 AM
I loved the first movie.   Never expected the ending that it had - didn't see it coming.  Can't wait to see this one. 

Title: Re: SAW II
Post by: Izzy on October 31, 2005, 06:21:07 PM
Lol - for a laugh i went to see Saw 2

Yee Gods - it made the first one look clever

Saw 2 was stupid - and the ''twist'' at the end? Who even cared? I was expecting something amazing - Jigsaw to be his dad, the FBI to be involved, Aliens to be involved, anything....but that? Bah!

And lets have a big round of applause for 2-d characters - okay, what were their names? We know one was a drug dealer and the others.....? We had nothing, yeah i really cared what happened to a character we didn't have any back story at all, the woman who got sliced - we had no info on her at all!

I was somewhat hoping this film would be really, really graphic - just to give it SOME purpose. It was tame, i still found that puppet far more scary than any fake blood.

I wasn't shocked by it, it was dull, tame and predictable - u mean his son is somehow gonna be involved, didn't see that coming :hihi:

I spent the whole film trying to work out how they would be making the next sequal, because we can't have anything these days without a sequal - hell Saw was just a rip off of Cube anyway!

The first one was weak and obvious but it looks stunning compared with this.

I highly recommend this film to anyone who is scared by absent plots, 2-d characters and traps so obvious they might as well have come with blueprints attached - 'hmmm - wonder what will happen if i crawl in to this small box?' they weren't supposed to go thru the first door (hence the gun) and yet all the other ''puzzles'' relied on them doing that....hmm

The 'twist' should have been that it was all a dream!

None of them had the wits about them to try and break down the walls, despite them mentioining they weren't that strong - and god forbid they should try and break the boarded up windows! :confused:

Title: Re: SAW II
Post by: Jim on October 31, 2005, 06:44:38 PM
As with all good horror films, character development, it's all about the character development...


I [Saw] it today and, asside from spilling my fucking coca-cola everywhere (and it was a large one as well. A huge mother fucking one, speak true), it was enjoyable enough.

As for absent plot, as far as a [horror] film goes?

Oh, I give up. Last time I tried to engage you with a conversation over film that wasn't merely adjective deep, you failed to respond.

I would recommend this film. Sure, it's not the best film I've seen this year, nor this month, but it is a better than a lot.

And, just for the record, horror films rely on stupid people.

Though, they don't always call for annoying ones...

That one with blonde hair who cried for a bit, then cried again, and then died served no purpose, other than to be annoying.

That musclebound one was alright but, as far as he goes, I'll agree with Izzy here in that his character could have been written better...

None of the performances exactly floored me, but the cast, on the whole, seemed pretty capable.

7/10ish, I guess, at a stretch.

3/5 sounds more suitable.

Title: Re: SAW II
Post by: D on November 01, 2005, 01:25:17 AM
I dont judge horror movies like this by any standards really.

It was entertaining and it was what I thought it was gonna be and a little more.

Who ever thought that Donnie Wahlberg would be a good actor?

Izzy u are mistaken, Donnie Wahlberg's son isnt involved or do u mean involved in the movie as a victim, ok nevermind i got ya.they tried to break down the door and it was reinforced with steel bars, remember???


  I didnt care for the girl being in on it  a whole lot, I was actually expecting the old man to be a patsy kinda like that guy in the first one so I was a bit disappointed when he turned out to really be jigsaw.

Come On now izzy u gotta admit that the fact all that was Taped was pretty fuckin ingenius. That was cool as fuck.

U gotta realize, they didnt know a gun was on the other side of the door, so of course if u are trapped in a room and have a key and dont know whats goin on, of course u are gonna try to get out.

Jim how did u spill your coke? that sucks!!!!!!

Title: Re: SAW II
Post by: Jim on November 01, 2005, 03:48:03 AM
lol, I went to put it on the floor, and because I didn't have a straw I had been drinking it with the lid off...And those things, the big cups, bend like a mother fucker without the lid to reinforce it. So as I went to put it down after drinking about 5% of it, it gave way in my hand and went everywhere. All over my fucking hoodie that was under my chair and...God knows how many other people that were around me, given the place was packed. It was Halloween after all...

But, I didn't let it ruin my cinema going experience too much.  ;D

Title: Re: SAW II
Post by: Izzy on November 01, 2005, 05:44:14 AM
.they tried to break down the door and it was reinforced with steel bars, remember???

They should have broken down the walls - they mention they are plasterboard - 'this place ain't a fortress'' :hihi:

Come On now izzy u gotta admit that the fact all that was Taped was pretty fuckin ingenius. That was cool as fuck.

Was it?

I just didn't care by that point, it didn't fundamentally alter the plot anyway -  most were dead before they even got there, so taped/real time - no difference

Would have been awesome if most had survived on the tapes - but when they found them they were all dead, that would have been a real shock, as u'd been expecting one thing.....

And with all horror films in which a rescue is attempted - so few surive to be rescued that it barely seems worth the effort to begin with. Case in point Final Destination 2 - trying to cheat death again, but so many die they might as well not even have bothered!

U gotta realize, they didnt know a gun was on the other side of the door, so of course if u are trapped in a room and have a key and dont know whats goin on, of course u are gonna try to get out.

Dude, i ain't stupid - the point i was making was that they weren't supposed to go thru the door - the girl rabbits on about ''obeying the rules'' - and yet to progress u had to break the rules and go thru the door!

And, just for the record, horror films rely on stupid people.

Yeah, to see them.......