Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => Bad Obsession => Topic started by: the dirt on February 13, 2004, 01:57:09 PM

Title: Brides of Destruction
Post by: the dirt on February 13, 2004, 01:57:09 PM
Anyone here hear their first album (Here Come the Brides), And if so, any good?

I read much of it hinges on a nu-metal style (oh no)

BTW- it's the band Nikki Sixx put together with Traci Gunns

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on February 13, 2004, 02:46:43 PM
It's not out 'til march 9th dude you can listen to the e-card on the site though it sounds ok

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: the dirt on February 13, 2004, 03:20:21 PM
Yeah, i know

I was referring to leaks, advance copies, etc.

PS. It's been out in Japan for months already

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on February 26, 2004, 01:52:44 PM
Classic Rock Review of 'Here Come The Brides'

Wedded bliss
Do you take this band? Motley Cr?e coffin cheater Nikki Sixx hooks up with Tracii Guns to twist rock's steaming entrails into post-millennial, punk-metal shapes. As you do.

Brides Of Destruction 'Here Come The Brides' (Mayan) IS IT REALLY MORE THAN TWO DECADES ago that a bunch of snotty brats from Los Angeles calling themselves Motley Cr?e assaulted the rock world with their brash, cocksure mix of metal, glam and punk? Yep, Motley Cr?e introduced themselves in 1981 by telling us all they were 'Too Fast For Love'. Now, it's 2003 and Cr?e bassist Nikki Sixx has gone backwards to go forwards by introducing us to his latest experiment in twisting the entrails of rock'n'roll into post-millennial shapes: Brides Of Destruction.

Actually, there's nothing innovative at all about these Brides as they deliver a snot-rag of punk, metal and attitude. And despite the presence of both Sixx and LA Guns guitarist Tracii Guns, the band also never sound like they're trying to relive past glories which have long since ceased to be of
relevance to the incumbents. Amazingly, this lot do sound hungry, vicious, eager and downright nasty, There's no feeling of flab or exotic lifestyle here; this could easily be a bunch of kids from the gutter aiming a suitable kick at the collective groins of the penthouse set.

Nikki and Tracii are joined by former Adema drummer Scot Coogan and a chap called London Le Grand, and they make a ferocious statement of intent from the start with the anthemic and bullish 'Shut The Fuck Up', the sort of crazed, wired sound that so many punk and metal bands these days would love to write - if only they had the balls. '1 Don't Care' is a potential hit single cast in stone and forged in a furnace of Ramones and Motorhead, while '2 Times Dead' is an almost narcotic flash of early Motley spinning madly around the moshpit with The Misfits.

There's isn't a dud among the nine songs here, and unlike so many these days the Brides don't make the mistake of overloading the album just to fill up space: each song has been carefully constructed, and then tossed into the gutter to give it that messed-up, beat-up feel. And if you don't have shivers running down your spine when you stare down the barrel of Natural Born Killers' you must have ice in your veins.

It's difficult to know where Brides Of Destruction will go from here. Nikki has a commitment to one final round in the ring with Motley, and will Tracii avoid the lure of returning to LA Guns to make a quick and easy buck? But if anyone thinks that Brides is a vanity project from two middle-aged rock stars who just got bored and fancied reliving the past, then the reality is gonna kick them right where it hurts, This is the sort of album that many younger bands won't understand because it's for real. The faux cutting edge and brutality that so many people believe can pass for rock'n'roll in 2004 is shown up here as the irrelevant refuge of those incapable of staring straight into the eye of the storm.

'Here Come The Brides' is stripped-down, honest music from a band who won't play the corporate ballgame. You get the feeling that if this 101 had an altercation with one of those blingdripping A&R types, then the latter would end up picking his teeth out of his arse. Nice to know that the old school can still teach kids about the rebel yell.
Malcolm Dome


Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Izzy on February 26, 2004, 01:56:47 PM
Sounds awesome *hunts about for money to buy it with*

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Miz on February 26, 2004, 07:02:53 PM
I may have to go buy this.  Nothing like some good sleaze metal.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Estranger on February 27, 2004, 04:44:07 AM
The album is all over the internet so just download it.

It?s a really cool album, london (the singer) is great and so is the band.

Not really cutting edge material but a damn good rock n?roll record!


Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Miz on February 27, 2004, 06:27:45 PM
The album is all over the internet so just download it.

It?s a really cool album, london (the singer) is great and so is the band.

Not really cutting edge material but a damn good rock n?roll record!

But, if I download something and I like it, I buy it.  I don't just download it and get it for free.  It's people like you that are making the RIAA sue 12 yr old girls.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: the dirt on February 27, 2004, 07:05:46 PM
I'm gonna get it for sure

That was a good review, surprise, surprise
Thanks for putting it up, Stoned

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on February 28, 2004, 12:40:28 PM
Found this looking around the net:

March belongs to BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION, who are set to release their sneering, hook-filled debut HERE COME THE BRIDES March 9 on Sanctuary Records. Buzzing at radio with the first single "Shut The F**k Up," BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION will make their U.S. television performance debut Monday, March 8 on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. The same night, BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION will appear on the live, nationally syndicated radio show Rockline at 8:30 PM Pacific/11:30 PM Eastern.  On the day of their album's release--Tuesday, March 9--the band have confirmed a live in-store performance at Tower Records in Los Angeles (Sunset Boulevard). They'll follow this one week later with a Monday, March 15 performance on The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn.

BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION is the new group founded by two of hard rock's most lethal characters--NIKKI SIXX, the primary songwriter and bassist for Motley Crue, and TRACII GUNS, best known as axeman for L.A. Guns--and rounded out by lead vocalist LONDON LEGRAND and drummer SCOT COOGAN. The group is garnering early critical acclaim for HERE COME THE BRIDES. In a three star review in the new Rolling Stone (March 4, 2004), writer Matt Diehl noted: "On tracks such as 'Shut The F**k Up,' the Brides marry garage rock with live-wire riffage that recalls vintage Crue, circa 1982...Throughout, Brides show toady's whippersnappers how to deliver real cock-rock shock--even the de rigueur power ballad 'Only Get So Far' has cojones."

Elsewhere, Metal Edge praised the album, saying: "Healthy measures of punk, metal and irresistible pop makes HERE COME THE BRIDES an early contender to beat for album of the year" (April 2004). In a Bass Guitar cover story (April 2004), writer Chris Gill enthuses: "...unapologetically balls-to-the-walls rock band with echoes of vintage L.A. glam-metal, Stooges-style street rock and British punk a la the Dead Boys and Generation X. The group's debut, HERE COME THE BRIDES (Sanctuary), has a familiar but ferocious sound that SIXX hopes will once again kick-start rock and roll's heart."

Produced by Stevo Bruno and mixed by Steve Thompson (Metallica, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Korn), the album breaks from the gate with "Shut The F**k Up," a musical middle finger thrust at double-talking politicos. The BRIDES take off from there, slamming out songs of seduction ("I Don't Care"), mortality ("Brace Yourself") and rage ("I Got A Gun"). In an interview with Guitar World magazine (April 2004) NIKKI SIXX says: "There are some tracks where it's just a total fucking car crash. It's like, is this Cheap Trick? Is this the Misfits? Is this the Buzzcocks? I know! It's the fucking Brides!"

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on March 07, 2004, 05:45:56 AM
  Here Come The Brides -- All Dressed in Black: Stingley's Conversation With Guitarist Tracii Guns

When you write for a living, especially about rock, now and then people will ask you- ?Who would you really love to interview if you could interview anyone in the world, living or dead??

 This is a great first date question, but no one really cares, and very rarely does the person being asked get to live to see the opportunity to actually do such a thing. Assuming that interviews with Abraham, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha and Jenna Jameson aren?t going to happen in your lifetime, you go to your strengths. For me, it?s a short list: but it changes frequently. Last week I really wanted to talk to that guy who keeps leaving Chinese take-out menus under my door and ask him why he thinks I need 8 copies of the same menu from a restaurant that I don?t order from. Usually, as a New Yorker, I have it in mind that I would like to speak to whoever is in charge of the subway system, and ask why the fuck the 1/9 train is so fucking slow. Mostly, when it comes to KNAC.COM, it?s a musician. With so many great musicians to choose from who have ?shuffled off this mortal coil?, there?s no chance of getting Johnny Thunders, Jimi Hendrix, or Sid Vicious; and so on. Among the living, and discounting people I have interviewed, I figure Pete Steele from Type O Negative is one. Andrew Edlritch from The Sisters Of Mercy is another. Angus Young and Steve Harris for sure. (Pink, oddly enough, is another: but I only have the one question.) And then there is a guy whom I think is the most underrated guitarist in the world? Tracii Guns.

From his early years on the Sunset Strip, helping forge the band that became a household name, to the eponymous LA Guns, who didn?t, Tracii has played and played and played and played. I have never witnessed a show where Tracii didn?t look like he wasn?t playing his heart out. His musical influences are many, and he evokes a loveable stage persona that seems to translate into his life. The guy just loves rock. Aside from various transitory band members, and their occasional bickering, has anyone ever said a bad word about the guy? If he had a sitcom, it ought to be called, ?Everybody Loves Tracii.?

So I got to talk to Tracii Guns. He?s doing his thing with Brides Of Destruction now. Tracii Guns is an LA dude; and KNAC is LA. Me? I?m a New Yorker and a Johnny Thunders fan who has always secretly believed that what Tracii was about, was a ?New York-thing.? Wrong or right, I got to speak to him on the phone for a little bit. When you do these things, there is always a time-constraint. So you don?t get to ask the questions you intended to ask (for example, I didn?t get to ask him his opinion on Rolling Stone?s ?Top 500 Guitarists? piece), but you get some cool stuff and you have fun. So what you are left with is two guys who love music? just bullshitting and having fun.

 GUNS: MICK! How you doin??

GUNS: [Laughs] Hey, man?

KNAC.COM: I?m psyched! I?m listening to Johnny Thunders right now! It?s been Thunders and Brides all day!
GUNS: Awwright? nice!

KNAC.COM: So, have you been doing press all day? How?s it going?
GUNS: It?s, it?s-- fun! I feel like I?m twenty!

KNAC.COM: Oh, yeah -- you just had a birthday! Happy birthday!
GUNS: Oh yeah, well, thank you? I?m TWENTY!

KNAC.COM: [Laughs] What did you do for your birthday?
GUNS: Uh? what did we do? We went to Miceli?s and? me and my girl, and a bunch of friends of ours. And then we went and we all jammed at The Baked Potato afterwards.

KNAC.COM: Right on. So, I know you?ve probably been answering questions all day?
GUNS: Oh, that?s cool?

KNAC.COM: I?m probably going to jump all over the place, but I?ll try to stay focused and get the ball rolling? okay? The Brides of Destruction?
GUNS: Oh, yeah!

KNAC.COM: I just read your recent post at the [Brides?] website you have possible tour plans, but nothing?s confirmed and you?re not saying anything until it gets confirmed? but you?ve got some things coming up, like, you?re doing Jimmy Kimmel?
GUNS: Mm-hmm?

KNAC.COM: And? do you want to talk about some of that?
GUNS: Yeah, we got, uhmm? the Jimmy Kimmel thing?s happening. Nikki?s going to host that whole week, so, we?re getting some love from some people, you know? So? Yeah! You know, people really dig the record and stuff, and really, but believe me - no one?s heard anything yet! You know? our record, this record, Here Come The Brides was the first thing we did almost two years ago. We love it! But we?ve been listening to it for two years -- we?re so ready to do another record -- it?s funny.

KNAC.COM: Cool. Well, since you?ve got all this new stuff that you?ve been doing, and you have the record, which comes out March 9th, but was online for a while? how do you describe what you?re doing now? This record strikes me as the perfect marriage of punk and rock.
GUNS: Well, what we?re doin? now is? ?we?re lettin? it flow.? You know, after we finished recording all those songs, we went down the hall, back to our rehearsal room, and wrote almost 30 more songs. Thinking that those original songs that we recorded were just a demo -- and lo and behold -- they ended up being our first album. A lot of the stuff that we had written directly after that, was you know, a little bit more -- four guys in a room bashing it out. You know, a lot of the songs that are on the first record, you know, we had written with outside writers, and, you know, just to get the band kind of started, to get the feel of the band?s chemistry? So after we were done finishing the recording of that, we were a band! And we wrote all this stuff -- new stuff which is now a year old - [and it] is a little bit more on the aggressive side, and you know, it?s like a mixing of rockabilly with speed metal with, with.. you know? it?s just all over the place! The new stuff that me and Nikki have been writing in the last few weeks is everything from Kings And Queens-era Aerosmith to 39 by Queen, you know? we?re just writing some way, way out there stuff; some fun, fun rock!

KNAC.COM: Given that you are considering touring the record, even though you?ve only done a couple of shows and are getting your sea-legs, are you going to take the mike at any point and rip out ?Red House??
GUNS: You know, that never even crossed my mind -- I did it on my birthday! That?s the only song I can sing! That, and ?Chinese Rocks?? you know, that?s kind of-- maybe, I think, the plot of the band is to do ?whatever? live. We?re looking forward to opening for, at least, two or three months, you know? Just a short 45-minute set, opening for bands that are huge? and getting the point of the band across, which is: A FUN BRUTAL ROCK BAND! And? when we start headlining, we?ll probably stretch out and I?ll probably get to do something like that. We?ll probably add a few [LA] Guns and [Motley] Crue songs to the set, too. Regardless of what people think, a lot of those are great songs, and, you know, and those fans -- some of our fans -- are definitely gonna wanna hear ?em. So, by the time we?re headlining, there?ll be a lot of music going on up there on stage!

 KNAC.COM: So this isn?t a side project, this is a full-on band, ?no ifs, ands or buts??
GUNS: Oh, no, no, no! This is OUR band! You know, umm? the other bands, the Guns and the Crue, and that stuff -- that stuff is always gonna be there; it?s already established. We can do it whenever we need to. You know, Nikki?s planning on doing something in 2005 with the Crue? you know at least a tour -- and they have a movie coming out, so, he?s going to have to get busy at the end of 2004, probably, with the Crue, for at least a year. And, at that time? you know, I?m probably going to take a break! Because I?ve been kinda going nonstop -- all the way from? well, from then until now! [Laughs] I didn?t? ever take a break with LA Guns; my first and last break was when I went right from the last LAG tour, into the Brides rehearsal room, with only two days in between.

KNAC.COM: So then you?re not on this new LA Guns thing, then?
GUNS: No, no.

KNAC.COM: That?s pretty weird.
GUNS: Oh, well, ehhh? I don?t know. They-- they just did a cover record, though.

KNAC.COM: I saw that on the site. All covers. I thought that picture of Phil was a hats-off to Johnny Thunders?
GUNS: Well, with LAG, we were all trying to! When we started, it was something like, ?Why don?t we all just look like Johnny Thunders from different eras?? [Laughs] Okay, that works! So, you know, they?re staying true to their tradition.

go here to read the rest

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: kujo722 on March 10, 2004, 06:45:39 AM
Alright, I got this last night and loved it after the first listen. It's nothing groundbreaking or extremely original, just some good straight forward kick-ass rock n roll. Shut the Fuck Up, Natural Born Killers, and Only Get So Far are the standouts for me after one listen.

Obviously not everyone will like this band, but they are at least worth checking out while we are waiting on a certain other CD to be released.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: echrisl on March 10, 2004, 10:45:49 AM
I downloaded the album yesterday (from iTunes, so don't start about the evils of downloading music free you guys  ;) ), and am only now getting around to listing to it.  After first listen I am really impressed with the album as a whole.  My favorite tracks were Shut the Fuck Up, Brace Yourself and I really really liked Life, that track kicked a ton of ass.  Really no bad tracks, though, those three were just my favorites.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on March 11, 2004, 06:10:36 PM
BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION bassist Nikki Sixx has posted the following in the Talk Shit section at

"It Feels New Again...

The Tower instore was so much fun. Tracii said it's really our first gig, and he's correct in the fact that it was all of us.

I was blown away by the support from fans. People came from Australia, Japan, Mexico and all over the States.

Of course many of you saw Leno and I think it was pretty good, but not up to par for this band. Being human, nerves inch their way into such performances. I'm sure Kilbourne (on Monday) will feel better to us all. What can I say? It's only rock n roll...

Now, the funniest part of all this... Somehow, somewhere people stated calling us a punk band... As much as I love punk, I think that's a stretch! I hear metal, rock, pop and ya maybe some punk. I think we have a lot more depth to us than maybe even we know. There's a lot of talent in this band. And we're just getting started...

I want to thank everybody for the support. Fuck, what can I say...

It feels new again.


Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Mattman on March 11, 2004, 10:29:34 PM
Yeah, I saw the Brides on Leno the other night.  They were totally great, except for when the censors butchered the title of the song.  When London sang, "Shut the fuck up!", it came out sounding more like, "Shut the UH up!"  That was really weird, but it was the only bad part in what was a really cool performance.  Here come the Brides!

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on March 12, 2004, 04:55:26 AM

Brides of Destruction Live Debut/ Album Release Party In Hollywood

By Sefany Jones, Editor
Wednesday, March 10, 2004 @ 1:28 AM

Brides of Destruction Play First-Ever Gig at Tower Records in Hollywood, CA on March 9th, 2004

Here come the Brides of Destruction? all dressed in black, fresh from the altar, and ready for the honeymoon! And what a better way to pop their cherry then right in front of 500 of their most zealous, screaming fans!

The Brides performed live for their first time ever at the infamous Tower Records on Sunset Blvd. in honor of their debut release, Here Come the Brides. Hundreds of fans lined up voraciously in scores to see the pairing of Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx and ex-LA Guns axemaster Tracii Guns, along with brand new vocalist London Le Grande and drummer Scot Coogan.

The band took to the small stage, a foot off the ground, amidst pushed-back racks of CDs in the middle of the record store. They kicked off the set with the smoldering track ?Natural Born Killers.? I haven?t hear the album yet for comparison, but Tracii Guns was soloing like a crazy madman, and the song seemed to last forever. When their burst into their first single, ?Shut the Fuck Up,? the place went wild and you could feel the chemistry of the foursome as thick as mercury.

They kept the train rolling on with ?Brace Yourself,? ?Life? and lastly, ?I Don?t Care,? which they took an especially long time wrapping up -- maybe because they seemed to be enjoying themselves so much. Or maybe they were afraid to get to the autograph session after seeing how many people actually turned up for this event! Hell, guys and girls alike we pushing each other out of the way to touch Nikki, Tracii and London?s hands like they were giving away free chronic! There was screaming, crying, fans clutching on to various merchandise ? waving it in the air. Nikki ended the show by shoving his bass up through the ceiling tile, reinforcing that rock is not dead, it?s just not quite as destructive.

All in all ? the band sounded incredible (and incredibly loud!), London is a very charismatic frontman ? he?s got the vocals and the looks (and he?s freaking tall!) ? they definitely put on a great teaser gig!

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on March 20, 2004, 08:09:51 AM
Coming off two high-voltage television performances--The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (March 8) and The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn (March 15)-- BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION, are off to a strong start with their critically acclaimed debut album HERE COME THE BRIDES (Sanctuary Records). The disc--an adrenalized meld of punk, garage-rock and metal, shot through with sneering bravado--debuted in the Top 100 on Billboard's Top 200, selling over 13,000 copies in its first week. The first single "Shut The F**k Up"--a musical middle finger thrust at double-talking politicos--is now buzzing loudly at radio, while May tour plans are currently in the works.

BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION is the new group founded by two of hard rock's most lethal characters--NIKKI SIXX, the primary songwriter and bassist for Motley Crue, and TRACII GUNS, best known as axeman for L.A. Guns and rounded out by lead vocalist LONDON LEGRAND and drummer SCOT COOGAN. Over 500 fans crammed into Tower Records on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles on the day of the album's release to hear a smoldering set that included "Shut The F**k Up" and "I Don't Care." After the performance, the band signed autograph copies of the album until 2:30 AM.

Here are critical soundbites from HERE COME THE BRIDES reviews:

"Hard rock is fun again the Brides marry garage rock with live-wire riffage. Brides show today's whippersnappers how to deliver real cock-rock shock..."
-- Matt Diehl, Rolling Stone, March 4, 2004
"Brides of Destruction features refugees of two of metal's biggest '80s bands in Crue's Nikki Sixx and Tracii Guns of L.A. Guns (and a founding member of Guns 'N' Roses). They roar out of the gate in one of the best hard rock debut albums in the last 20 years.  The band launches a new rock anthem in 'Shut the ... Up, 'Lead vocalist London LeGrand whines like Johnny Rotten on lines like 'Doesn't really matter what I say/Nobody listens to us anyway,' and the track is a pure adrenaline rush from start to finish, one that will have you hitting the replay button over and over. All the makings of a truly great rock 'n' roll band are here: aggression, defiance, speed and (sometimes) subtlety. Here's hoping this is one marriage that lasts.
--Wayne Perry, Associated Press, March 11, 2004
"With veteran metal heads Tracii Guns and Nikki Sixx (formerly of LA Guns and Motley Crue, respectively) as the driving force, this all-star metal band delivers the three Vs: volume, velocity and virtuosity. Head-banging is mandatory as the group, fronted by singer London LeGrand, works through songs such as 'Shut The F--- Up' (dedicated to all the politicos who would be king), the bluesy 'Natural Born Killers' and the thrash 'n' burn '2 x Dead. 'excellent: It has snap and crackle"
                                    --Dan Aquilante, New York Post, March 9, 2004
"Brides Of Destruction's twenty-first-century spin on '80s L.A. rock is forward-thinking and nastily catchy"
                                    --Maura Johnston, Blender, April 2004
"we're talkin' some serious bruising white-knuckle rockOn 'Brace Yourself,' 'Revolution,' and the triumphant 'Life' (where Coogan sings lead!), he simply pounds out one granite-solid groove after the other."
                                    --Andy Doerschuk, DRUM!, March/April 2004
"Healthy measures of punk, metal and irresistible pop make HERE COMES THE BRIDES an early contender to beat for album of the year."
                                    --Roger Lotring, METAL EDGE, April 2004
"There's nothing 'fairytale' at all about HERE COMES THE BRIDES. Nope, it's a straight-up street-metal album, veiled in flash and attitudesounding like the unholy offspring of Steve Tyler and Johnny Rotten, singer London LeGrand is the Brides secret weapon. This cat's whiskey-soaked pipes should make him a force to be reckoned with HERE COMES THE BRIDES is refreshing as it evokes a time when rock music was upbeat and unassuming--and reveled in its ability to kick ass. Check it out."
                                    --Jim Kaz, ZERO MAGAZINE, February 2004

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Acquiesce on March 24, 2004, 03:28:25 PM
Did anyone see them on the Tonight Show (with Jay Leno) last night?

They are too nu-metal for me.

I don't think they are nu-metal in the least. I'm sure many will disagree with me, but I think "Shut The Fuck Up" is their weakest song. Having it as their first single doesn't do the album justice.  I didn't care for it too much when I first heard it so I didn't expect much from the cd at all, but I was pleasantly surprised when I finally gotten around to listen to it. I fell in love with it on my first listen and can't keep it out of my cd player! It is an incredibly strong rock n roll record. "Life," "I Don't Care," "Revolution," and "Natural Born Killers" are some of the tracks that stand out for me, but you have to listen to the whole thing to really experience what a great record it is.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on March 24, 2004, 03:34:22 PM
Did anyone see them on the Tonight Show (with Jay Leno) last night?

They are too nu-metal for me.

I don't think they are nu-metal in the least. I'm sure many will disagree with me, but I think "Shut The Fuck Up" is their weakest song. Having it as their first single doesn't do the album justice.  I didn't care for it too much when I first heard it so I didn't expect much from the cd at all, but I was pleasantly surprised when I finally gotten around to listen to it. I fell in love with it on my first listen and can't keep it out of my cd player! It is an incredibly strong rock n roll record. "Life," "I Don't Care," "Revolution," and "Natural Born Killers" are some of the tracks that stand out for me, but you have to listen to the whole thing to really experience what a great record it is.

It really is a class album and is definately not Nu-Metal, i agree with you you need to listen to all of it to get the real feel, i mean it may only be 9 tracks but they are all fuckin' class my stand out ones are 'Shut The Fuck Up', 'Natural Born Killers', 'Revolution' and 'Only Get So Far' but hell they all rock i advise you all to buy the goddamn album : ok:

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Acquiesce on March 25, 2004, 02:31:23 PM
Yeah, it is definitely one cd worth buying! The only real negative about it is that it's only 9 tracks. I wish we could have had more! "Only Get So Far" is a great song, I can't believe I forgot that one! "Brace Yourself" is another one I forgot. Oh hell, they are all magnificent!  ;D

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Malcolm on March 26, 2004, 03:51:43 PM
Hey i seen this cd in stores and i loce Traci guns and Nikki Sixx.. i got 2 questions..whos the singer and is it worth picking up?

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Psycho on March 26, 2004, 10:17:44 PM
I got the CD last week, its good and im happy with it

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Timothy on March 27, 2004, 08:06:23 PM
Got the cd on Friday and it kicks ass the only downside is that it only has 9 songs ,but definatly worth buying.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: the dirt on March 27, 2004, 11:45:45 PM
Hey i seen this cd in stores and i loce Traci guns and Nikki Sixx.. i got 2 questions..whos the singer and is it worth picking up?

London Le Grand is the singer.

And I wouldn't worry about the fact that the disc only has 9 songs. They have a bunch of others already. It's not like these guys are only gonna release one album : ok:

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Timothy on March 28, 2004, 10:44:39 PM
The more I listen to this cd the more I love it .

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on April 03, 2004, 01:55:55 PM
Taken from

April 2004
30 - Clifton Park, NY - Northern Lights

May 2004[/u]
1 - Springfield, VA - Jaxx
2 - Norfolk, VA - The NorVa
3 - Baltimore, MD - Thunderdome
5 - New York, NY - C.B.G.B.
6 - Boston, MA - Paradise Rock Club
7 - Hartford, CT - Webster Theatre / Underground
8 - Sayreville, NJ - Starland Ballroom
9 - Philadelphia, PA - The Trocadero / Balcony Bar
11 - Toronto, Ontario - Opera House
12 - Pittsburgh, PA - Mr. Smalls Fun House/Theatre
13 - Cleveland, OH - Odeon Concert Club
14 - Detroit, MI - Majestic Theatre
15 - Chicago, IL - Metro
17- Milwaukee, WI - The Rave / Eagles Club

June 2004[/u]
6 - Donnington, UK Castle Donnington
      appearing with "Download Festival"  

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Izzy on April 17, 2004, 04:39:33 AM
Got the album the other day, fantastic album.

I haven't heard any LA Guns, but Tracii's guitar work is very good and i may have to go hunt for some.....

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: winter_rose on May 18, 2004, 03:58:45 PM
I recently got tickets to see Brides in London in June  ;D and i was wondering if anyone else has seen them and were they any good.

How was London, is he as good live as he is in the studio?

What was their setlist? Did they play any Crue or LA Guns songs?

And what were the support acts (Amen and Living things) like?

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on May 20, 2004, 05:16:57 PM
I recently got tickets to see Brides in London in June  ;D and i was wondering if anyone else has seen them and were they any good.

How was London, is he as good live as he is in the studio?

What was their setlist? Did they play any Crue or LA Guns songs?

And what were the support acts (Amen and Living things) like?

Doesn't look like anyone on this board has seen them yet, i will be seeing them though in 2 weeks at The Download Festival in Donnington so i tell you what i think, when in June are you seeing them cos im seeing them on the 5th/6th

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: winter_rose on May 21, 2004, 01:44:44 PM
People are definately missing out.

I'm seeing them in Camdem on June 9th.

I'm meant to be revising for exams but the excitment is killing me and so i just sit and listen to the album all the time. I have waited so long to see both Nikki Sixx and Tracii Guns and now i get two at once!

I'm sure they will be great at Download but i doubt they will play a full set with Motley and LA Guns included.
Have a good time though : ok:

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Ric0 on May 22, 2004, 08:00:27 AM
yeah download is gunna be soooo sweet!

the album has a range of songs rtanging from punkish to just good old rock and roll

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on May 24, 2004, 03:25:10 PM
Brides of Destruction Live at Paradise in Boston, MA on May 6th, 2004
Review from

Brides of Destruction, the much talked about new band featuring Nikki Sixx (Motley Crue), guitarist Tracii Guns (LA Guns), vocalist London Le Grand, and drummer Scot Coogan, rolled into Boston and played the Paradise Rock Club on May 6. Playing to a packed house, but not quite sold out, the band delivered a night of volume, velocity, and virtuosity.

The Brides, who are touring in support of their new album, Here Comes The Brides on Sanctuary Records, opened the show with "Shut the Fuck Up" and played most of the songs off their new CD, except the ballad, including, "I Got A Gun," "Life" with drummer Scot Coogan on vocals and the raunchy blues of "Natural Born Killers."

Dressed in a long suede coat, singer London Le Grand did a good job of covering the LA Guns songs "Never Enough" and "Bastard." The band also played some Crue songs. The audience was really into the renditions of the old school songs. It was interesting to see how Nikki and Tracii from the ?80s genre, and twentysomething London Le Grand pulled off their new musical sound. The concert was raw, gritty and in your face.

Tracii Guns ripped through the set with punkish raw energy. I have always enjoyed Tracii's playing and with the Brides, you can tell he is having the time of his life playing with his buddy Nikki Sixx. It was cool to see Nikki's wife Donna at the show.

Sixx Says, "The Brides of Destruction give me the same feeling I had on the first Motley Crue tour. I feel brand new again and looking forward to getting out there and bloodying some lips and blackening some eyes, old school rock and roll style"

The Brides put the danger back in Rock and Roll. Sixx says, "The Brides originally entered the studio with the intention of just cutting demos, but was floored by what they captured on tape."

The Brides will be touring throughout the month of May in the US and Canada, and will be headed off to Europe for the month of June, where they will be playing major festivals alongside bands as Metallica, Korn and the Chili Peppers. They will return to the US for additional dates in July. Definably check out the Brides on tour this summer. They have a raw, fresh, energy that you can only experience live. For further tour dates, check out

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Malcolm on May 24, 2004, 08:39:29 PM
Former M?TLEY CR?E bassist Nikki Sixx is said to have injured a fan at a BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION show in Las Vegas Saturday night (May 22) after allegedly hurling his bass guitar into the crowd during the band's performance. The following eyewitness account was posted on the Metal Sludge web site:

"Just got back from the [BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION] show in Sparks, NV @ The New Oasis.

"Part way thru the set Tracii [Guns] threw his guitar out to the crowd. Next thing you know, Nikki goes over to Tracii's side of the stage and LAUNCHED HIS FUCKING BASS AT MACH 10 speed into the crowd. He then jumped down with Tracii and all hell fucking broke loose. After the crowd was pushed away by security and Nikki was pulled back on stage (giving whomever he hit with the bass the middle finger and saying 'Fuck You!') there was a kid on the floor lying in a pool of blood... and he was not moving. I am not dramatizing this at all... it was a very uncomfortable situation. People were pissed off at what had happened. This was an all-ages show, by the way.

"A few minutes go by, paramedics are there and they revive the kid from what I heard. I saw him get up and his head was FUCKED.

"10-15 minutes later the roadie comes up and says they are going to finish the show. He blamed the incident on the moshing that was happening. [What the fuck]? Everyone was joking 'Just as long as they quit throwing shit at us (the audience).' Sad to say, [BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION] should have called it a night. They never recaptured the energy."  


Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on May 25, 2004, 03:21:44 AM
Former M?TLEY CR?E bassist Nikki Sixx is said to have injured a fan at a BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION show in Las Vegas Saturday night (May 22) after allegedly hurling his bass guitar into the crowd during the band's performance. The following eyewitness account was posted on the Metal Sludge web site:

"Just got back from the [BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION] show in Sparks, NV @ The New Oasis.

"Part way thru the set Tracii [Guns] threw his guitar out to the crowd. Next thing you know, Nikki goes over to Tracii's side of the stage and LAUNCHED HIS FUCKING BASS AT MACH 10 speed into the crowd. He then jumped down with Tracii and all hell fucking broke loose. After the crowd was pushed away by security and Nikki was pulled back on stage (giving whomever he hit with the bass the middle finger and saying 'Fuck You!') there was a kid on the floor lying in a pool of blood... and he was not moving. I am not dramatizing this at all... it was a very uncomfortable situation. People were pissed off at what had happened. This was an all-ages show, by the way.

"A few minutes go by, paramedics are there and they revive the kid from what I heard. I saw him get up and his head was FUCKED.

"10-15 minutes later the roadie comes up and says they are going to finish the show. He blamed the incident on the moshing that was happening. [What the fuck]? Everyone was joking 'Just as long as they quit throwing shit at us (the audience).' Sad to say, [BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION] should have called it a night. They never recaptured the energy."  

Ok first it was a dumb thing to do but then to swear at the person they'd just injured that's real nice im guessing Nikki is still on the drugs either that or he's just a twat either way i expect better of him i just hope the report is false

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Malcolm on May 25, 2004, 10:48:46 AM
Im w9ondering if there will be a lawsuit involved in this?

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on May 25, 2004, 11:01:31 AM
Im wondering if there will be a lawsuit involved in this?

Ok let's assume that the report is 100% true.  Nikki Sixx a world famous musician seriously injures a fan by through his Bass without thinking the proceeds to flip him off.  Now ok if i was like the biggest fan in the world id consider letting it go e.g. if Axl threw his mic stand and it twated me in the end, but unless im reading it wrong it said Nikki flipped the guy off after now hell i would be so pissed id sue his ass to hell for that.  I mean it says he;

'giving whomever he hit with the bass the middle finger and saying 'Fuck You!'

Like i said before i pray it's;

A) Not True


B) Not quite how it's been put e.g. it was an accident and Nikki did NOT flip the guy off

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Acquiesce on May 25, 2004, 11:06:05 PM
That story was highly exaggerated according to the posters on sludge.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Thorned Rose on May 26, 2004, 01:48:46 AM
I guess some of you have heard this song, I think it is amazing. I like it a lot, very simple with a twist in the end. Classic song.

I hope it hits the charts.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on May 26, 2004, 08:46:28 AM
I agree great song like all the tracks on the album, and it would be one of my top choices as a single, i would prefer Natural Born Killers to come out as a single that is so amazing.  BTW should n't this be in the Brides thread?

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: the dirt on May 29, 2004, 10:49:51 PM
From Blabbermouth:

BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION guitarist Tracii Guns has refuted published reports that his B.O.D. bandmate Nikki Sixx (ex-M?TLEY CR?E) knocked a Nevada fan out last Saturday night (May 22) when he flung his instrument into the crowd and clocked the guy in the head.

Describing the previously published account of what supposedly transpired that night as a "crock [of] shit," Guns wrote in a posting to the Metal Sludge "Gossip Board" that "Nikki threw his bass to Scott Sorry from AMEN just before he jumped in the crowd to find me. Problem was? Nikki jumped right over me into the crowd then I had to jump in to tell him I wasn't in the crowd. Nobody's instrument hit anyone but Scott. The kid ripped his eye-ring out of his eye dodging flying fists and then ended up on the bottom of the pile. In a nice puddle of eye-ring blood. Just another night on the first leg of the tour.

"This ain't a classic rock tour," Guns continued. "Some nights it's brutal in the crowd, and there is usually one fuctard starting shit in the crowd. At almost every show someone got punched shoved or bludgeoned with some idiot's out-of-controlness. We tried to get with the people that got injured and gave them swag, beer and a sandwich."

Confirmation From Tracii that reports were way over the top concerning the bass throwing incident.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on July 09, 2004, 09:09:26 AM
August 2004
14 - Sydney, Australia
13 - Sydney, Australia
12 - Melbourne, Australia
8 - Japan Summer Sonic Festival
7 - Japan Summer Sonic Festival

Seems they are farely getting around on what seems like a mini-tour, mayb because the album was so short and they said they had much more material they'll be going in the studio soon to get the next album out, because if M?tley Cr?e's reunion tour goes ahead in 2005 they won't have time then and that would mean it would not be until well into 2006 when we got a new album which would suck since they gave us so little but made the tracks so good it felt more like a taster of things to come hopefully to come sooner rather than later.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Lineker10 on July 09, 2004, 09:14:33 AM
According to Nikki over on his diary the BOD wont be touring the US again until the next album comes out - there concentrating on Europe until then.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on August 06, 2004, 08:22:38 AM
According to Nikki over on his diary the BOD wont be touring the US again until the next album comes out - there concentrating on Europe until then.

Hope that's true but is still think if the reunion happens as planned it'll be a long time before anyone seems them again anyway here's a pic of Nikki Sixx looking a little sad


Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: norway on January 16, 2005, 08:21:36 PM
hardrockin band founded by nikki sixx (motley crue) and tracci guns (la guns\gnr) for those who dunno

this is a band that really rock, omg i like the weddin album :headbanger: check it
heard them? opinions?

here's a video from a song of their wedding album, enjoy  : ok:

( ?(

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Aava on January 16, 2005, 08:31:30 PM

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Narcissa on January 16, 2005, 09:10:14 PM

Obviously now that Sixx has pissed off back to Motley Crue ...

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: norway on January 16, 2005, 09:30:20 PM
yeah, sucks,

they gonna continue without him, so there be more stuff


Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Jizzo on January 17, 2005, 06:40:55 PM
he's been replaced, and they should have a new record out by june

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: ClintroN on January 17, 2005, 06:51:29 PM
Who's the new guy!!!??

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: norway on January 19, 2005, 01:07:06 AM
you'll see february 10 ;)

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on January 25, 2005, 07:18:37 AM
Guitarist Tracii Guns has confirmed at BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION's official that Ginger from The WILDHEARTS is their new guitarist and Scott Sorry from AMEN is the band's new bass guitar. The lineup is rounded off by singer London Legrand and drummer Scot Coogan. Guns commented: "Well that makes five of us and its gonna be a barage of the finest rock n roll you have ever heard." Also, Guns has posted the following update on his official website: "Sick Love Song" Wow... I wasnt sure if Motley was puttin this song ('Sick Love Song') out or not... I haven't really heard it yet. Nikki (Sixx), James Michael and I wrote that song. I am surprised because Tommy Lee didnt want me involved. Someone just actually emailed me and said that song was Tommy's favorite out of the new songs... (what a f**kin weirdo). Anyway, I am off to carve out another super high energy rock n roll song with the Brides. I will report back later on. Dont Let Your Meat Loaf. Tracii"

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: captain_corona on January 26, 2005, 10:40:20 AM
Apparently he has black hair and tattoos!

read the full story here:

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Dave_Rose on January 26, 2005, 05:48:49 PM
I love Shut The Fuck Up!!

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on February 15, 2005, 06:16:20 PM
BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION performed at the Dallas Music Fest 2005 on February 10th at Trees. They played the following setlist; 'Shut The f**k Up', 'Natural Born Killers', 'Brace Yourself', 'Two Times Dead', 'Red House', 'I Got A Gun', 'Life', 'Geetar Solo Stuff', 'Revolution', 'I Don't Care' 'One More Reason', 'Never Enough' and 'Rip n' Tear'.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Izzy on February 15, 2005, 07:34:39 PM
Guitarist Tracii Guns has confirmed at BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION's official that Ginger from The WILDHEARTS is their new guitarist and Scott Sorry from AMEN is the band's new bass guitar. The lineup is rounded off by singer London Legrand and drummer Scot Coogan. Guns commented: "Well that makes five of us and its gonna be a barage of the finest rock n roll you have ever heard." Also, Guns has posted the following update on his official website: "Sick Love Song" Wow... I wasnt sure if Motley was puttin this song ('Sick Love Song') out or not... I haven't really heard it yet. Nikki (Sixx), James Michael and I wrote that song. I am surprised because Tommy Lee didnt want me involved. Someone just actually emailed me and said that song was Tommy's favorite out of the new songs... (what a f**kin weirdo). Anyway, I am off to carve out another super high energy rock n roll song with the Brides. I will report back later on. Dont Let Your Meat Loaf. Tracii"

So Brides are now playing with a second guitarist, wonder why they went for that.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Jizzo on February 16, 2005, 04:38:05 AM
because the first record had 2 guitarists

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: leesixxrose on February 16, 2005, 09:50:03 AM
this is going to be a bad ass Record... Ginger is fucking killer and a smart mother fucker..

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Dead N' Bloated on February 16, 2005, 07:05:57 PM
So have they started recording?

The first album ruled but i missed em in sydney due to work, I was fuckin spewin'.


Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: leesixxrose on February 17, 2005, 08:58:04 AM
Yeah man!!! They all went to work again on Feb 1st!!!!! new album will be out this summer!!!!  whoooooo hoooo

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Dead N' Bloated on February 17, 2005, 10:23:11 PM
Fuck oath thats Gunna be awesome!!!

Is it still the same line up?


Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Acquiesce on February 18, 2005, 01:12:08 AM
Fuck oath thats Gunna be awesome!!!

Is it still the same line up?


It's not the same lineup that was on the debut cd if that is what you mean. It's the lineup in Stoned's post above. Nikki is out. Ginger from the Wildhearts and Scott Sorry from Amen is now in the band.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Jizzo on February 18, 2005, 03:25:11 AM
rumor has it the sophmore record will be called 13 acres

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: leesixxrose on February 18, 2005, 07:27:13 AM
I cant wait for this album... I really love London, and Tracii.... Ginger is bad ass too....

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Izzy on February 18, 2005, 11:29:48 AM
because the first record had 2 guitarists


There wasn't two guitarists in the band......

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: GnFnR87 on February 18, 2005, 02:56:04 PM
yea i believe they only had one, Tracii Guns, for the first record

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: RichardNixon on February 18, 2005, 03:04:19 PM
because the first record had 2 guitarists


There wasn't two guitarists in the band......

John Corabi (The Scream, Motley Crue, Union) was the second guitar player on "Here Come The Brides." It's a shame that Corabi and Sixx wont be involved in the new album.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Jizzo on February 19, 2005, 02:06:14 PM
Read the credits, john corabi is credited as additional guitars on all tracks. He left the band to work on a long awaited solo record he still hasn't released

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on February 19, 2005, 05:24:08 PM
Read the credits, john corabi is credited as additional guitars on all tracks. He left the band to work on a long awaited solo record he still hasn't released
The band he's in at the moment has/had an album slated for Febuary/March of this year.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Dead N' Bloated on February 19, 2005, 09:38:13 PM
Fuck oath thats Gunna be awesome!!!

Is it still the same line up?


It's not the same lineup that was on the debut cd if that is what you mean. It's the lineup in Stoned's post above. Nikki is out. Ginger from the Wildhearts and Scott Sorry from Amen is now in the band.

Man wildhearts are awesome i havent heard them for years!!! Why did Nikki leave?


Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on February 19, 2005, 09:46:20 PM
Fuck oath thats Gunna be awesome!!!

Is it still the same line up?


It's not the same lineup that was on the debut cd if that is what you mean. It's the lineup in Stoned's post above. Nikki is out. Ginger from the Wildhearts and Scott Sorry from Amen is now in the band.

Man wildhearts are awesome i havent heard them for years!!! Why did Nikki leave?


A) Because he's back w/ M?tley Cr?e & Tracii Guns ain't going to put the band on hold for him.

B) He probably ain't happy with Tracii Guns for calling If I Die Tomorrow shit.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Slashly on February 20, 2005, 01:42:10 AM
Ilistened to Shut the Fuck Up and Life and others, and I didnt like it.Defeninetly not in the Nikki Sixx level.I dont understand.When I first read about them they looked like they were ready to kick your ass with ood and heavy hard rock.But its more like a  lame fast  punk than anything else.

Baby Slash//

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Dead N' Bloated on February 20, 2005, 08:59:26 PM
Fuck oath thats Gunna be awesome!!!

Is it still the same line up?


It's not the same lineup that was on the debut cd if that is what you mean. It's the lineup in Stoned's post above. Nikki is out. Ginger from the Wildhearts and Scott Sorry from Amen is now in the band.

Man wildhearts are awesome i havent heard them for years!!! Why did Nikki leave?


A) Because he's back w/ M?tley Cr?e & Tracii Guns ain't going to put the band on hold for him.

B) He probably ain't happy with Tracii Guns for calling If I Die Tomorrow shit.

Cool man thanks for the info : ok:


Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on March 08, 2005, 02:03:40 PM
BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION guitarist Tracii Guns has posted the following statement online: "Ginger (THE WILDHEARTS) was involved in a couple of the songs we wrote for the album but he is not in the band. I am not at liberty to discuss his personal life. I am sure eventually he will make a post somewhere as to why he is unable to continue with the Brides. He still is living with us and is our Brother :) Love, Tracii" Meanwhile, Ginger has sent out the following update to the Wildhearts fan mailing list: "The Brides thing didn't work out, so I'm staying on here in Malibu and I'm going to relax (for the first time in my life) and wait for something to turn up. Been writing a ton of stuff, and I'm going to be writing with Ricky Warwick next week. He also has a solo acoustic spot at a place called The Joint, and I'm going to be getting up onstage with him next Wednesday (March 9) to play a few cover songs. It's on Pico and Robertson, if anyone is interested. Maybe I'll see some friendly list people at the bar? Other than that I'm mending well, and have some really good friends around me, and that's as important as anything in the world at the moment."

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Jizzo on March 09, 2005, 10:21:23 PM
i saw them last wednesday

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on June 16, 2005, 05:22:53 PM
BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION are back and preparing to shoot their new video, for the song 'White Trash', and they want you to participate. BOD are looking for your home movies to add into the new-release video. The video footage they are looking for should be on the trailer park - white trash look or even in the way of the Jack Ass videos. So if you like Nascar, trailers, wrestling or anything else in that realm and you caught it on video - they want it! Please send all footage to: VQPR ATTN: Brides Video 4415 W. Verdugo Ave., Ste. B Burbank CA 91505. If your video footage is chosen, you will be contacted and a talent release will be sent to you - in return you will get to be in the video, some cash and a signed CD from The Brides new album - lovingly titled by Nikki Sixx himself - Runaway Brides. Multiple people will be chosen, subject to the footage content being chosen.

Can't wait for the new album, the last one was like a breath of fresh air and i feel this one will be even better :headbanger:

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Jizzo on June 17, 2005, 12:56:18 AM
im definately gonna buy this sucker at midnight

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Rob on June 18, 2005, 04:00:57 AM
I was definitely dissapointed with the Brides album.  Its not bad, but I was expecting an old school hard rock album.  Like a cross bewteen L.A. Guns and Crue.  Some of the songs are ok, and I saw them live with Nikki and it was a really good show.  But the crowd wasn't really into it until the last 3 songs...Live Wire, Looks That Kill, and Shout At The Devil.  I'm so happy the Crue's back.  Now I'd love to see Traci get back with L.A. Guns.  Him and the new guy, Staci Blades, would make a sick duo on guitar.  They're both awesome players.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on July 21, 2005, 05:00:36 PM exclusive! Brides Of Destruction have agreed to autograph the first 1,000 copies of their follow-up CD for BOD fans. This is a limited time offer so order soon to secure your autographed CD.

Brides Of Destruction have inked a deal with Shrapnel Records for the release of their sophomore album, "Runaway Brides". The follow-up to last year's "Here Come the Brides" was recorded recorded in part at a studio in Malibu, California with producer Andy Johns, who has previously worked with guitarist Tracii Guns on the L.A. GUNS' "Waking the Dead" album (which Guns has referred to as "my favorite L.A. GUNS record."). Johns was reportedly involved with the album during its early recording stages but ended up leaving the project due to unspecified differences with Guns and the rest of the band.

"Runaway Brides" is scheduled for release on September 27. The album's first single, "White Trash", "pays homage to all the trailer-park-style culture and the people that try to leave them," according to a press release.

Commented Guns: "This is the record we always wanted to make. It has a great blend of modern rock heaviness with retro sounds and styles. It is the perfect BRIDES record of today."

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: deliverthecow on July 22, 2005, 08:08:08 PM
This band had alot of initial hype but the songs were terrible. I used to repsect Nikki Sixx but he is one of the biggest hypocrites in the music industry. Now he is talking shit on Tracii Guns, a few weeks ago i read an interview in which he was stating how much he loves the guy, he is as bad as Zakk Wylde anymore.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Rob on July 24, 2005, 01:57:21 AM
When did Nikki talk shit about Tracii?  Tracii talked shit about the new Crue songs.  He said they weren't any good.  But I haven't heard Nikki say anything bad about Tracii.  If Mick Mars wasn't healthy enough Tracii probably would've been playing for Motley during this tour.  Also the two still keep in touch, and Nikki provided the name for the Bride's forthcoming album, Runaway Brides.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: deliverthecow on July 26, 2005, 08:51:24 PM
When did Nikki talk shit about Tracii?? Tracii talked shit about the new Crue songs.? He said they weren't any good.? But I haven't heard Nikki say anything bad about Tracii.? If Mick Mars wasn't healthy enough Tracii probably would've been playing for Motley during this tour.? Also the two still keep in touch, and Nikki provided the name for the Bride's forthcoming album, Runaway Brides.

I read it on Metal Sludge, someone posted an interview but i dont know what the source was. It must have been true because Tracii posts on there and replied. What i take from his reply there is alot of tension between the two as of late.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on July 27, 2005, 05:04:32 AM
When did Nikki talk shit about Tracii?? Tracii talked shit about the new Crue songs.? He said they weren't any good.? But I haven't heard Nikki say anything bad about Tracii.? If Mick Mars wasn't healthy enough Tracii probably would've been playing for Motley during this tour.? Also the two still keep in touch, and Nikki provided the name for the Bride's forthcoming album, Runaway Brides.

I read it on Metal Sludge, someone posted an interview but i dont know what the source was. It must have been true because Tracii posts on there and replied. What i take from his reply there is alot of tension between the two as of late.
I think the tension started when Nikki ditched Brides of Destruction for M?tley Cr?e (although Tracii would not admit that) and then Tracii slagged off If I Die Tomorrow (rightfully so), but considering only the other week Nikki e-mailed Tracii with the idea for the album name and Tracii is using it they can't be on too bad terms.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on September 05, 2005, 03:18:41 PM
BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION will be on tour supporting their new album Runaway Brides, due out September 27th on Shrapnel Records. Their first single 'White Trash' is soon to hit the airwaves. 'White Trash' is exactly what it sounds like. "The pot calls the kettle black.. money can't buy class... but in LA it's all for free all you need is a casting couch, a bloody scalpel and a sugar daddy," recites vocalist London LeGrande. It pays homage to all the trailer-park-style culture and the people that try to leave them. Confirmed dates are as follows: September 30 in San Diego, CA at Canes. October 1 in Santa Ana, CA at The Galaxy Theater 4 in Denver, CO at Benders 8 in Chicago Heights, IL at Mr. Kelley's Music Box 9 in St Paul, MN at Station 4 10 in Cleveland, OH at Peabody's 12 in Passaic, NJ at Dingbatz 14 in Saugus, MA at The Palace Entertainment Center 15 in Bedford, NH at Mark's Place 17 in Hartford, CT at The Webster Theatre 18 in State College, PA at Crowbar 20 in Rochester, NY at Steel Music Hall 21 in Brooklyn, NY at Brooklyn Music Terminal 22 in Springfield, VA at Jaxx 23 in Jacksonville, NC at Planet Rock 26 in Mobile, AL at Delta Blues House 29 in Houston, TX at Engine Room 30 in Corpus Christi, TX at Pariso Ballroom. November 1 in El Paso, TX at Corral Niteclub 3 in Los Angeles, CA at Key Club 4 in Las Vegas, NV at Cheyenne Saloon 5 in San Marcos, CA at The Blvd 8 in Boise, ID at The Core 9 in Seattle, WA at The Fenix 11 in Rancho Cordova, CA at Fandangos Night Club.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on September 15, 2005, 04:44:46 PM
BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION have scheduled a signing session for their new album, Runaway Brides, on Saturday, October 1st from 12 noon to 3 PM at Hollywood Guitar Centre. Tracii Guns, London LeGrande, Scott Sorry and Scot Coogan will attend. The Runaway Brides CD is available at the Hollywood Guitar Center signing as well as many other surprises. In other news, BOD will be on tour supporting the new album, which is due for release on September 27th via Shrapnel Records.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Slash Rose on October 21, 2005, 02:47:08 PM
dont bash me if it doesnt belong here
but does anyone have a picture of traci guns

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Evolution on October 21, 2005, 02:49:07 PM

This your man?

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: anarchy on October 21, 2005, 03:05:02 PM

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Saul on October 21, 2005, 03:29:18 PM
chinese democracy starts right now!

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on October 21, 2005, 04:03:53 PM
Remember kids:

Google is your friend.


Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: mrlee on October 21, 2005, 06:35:37 PM
chinese democracy starts right now!

rofl, for some reason anytime i see that sentence i crease.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on December 01, 2005, 07:16:41 PM
The following BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION European shows are confirmed: December 6 at JB's in Dudley, UK 7 at The Underworld in London, UK 8 at Woughton Center in Milton Keynes, UK 10 at Bradford Rio in Bradford, UK 11 at Bierkeller in Bristol, UK 14 at Rock City in Zurich, Switzerland 16 at Star City in Rastignano (Bologna), Italy 17 at Transilvania Live in Milano, Italy 18 at Zoo Bar in Roma, Italy 20 at Venue TBA in Hamburg, Germany.

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Hammy on December 31, 2005, 09:03:50 AM
TRACII GUNS has issued the following update: "Randy Rhoads (OZZY OSBOURNE) started QR with Kevin Dubrow (singer). I never had the pleasure of meeting Randy but, I did meet Kevin when I was 14 years old at Freedom Guitar in Hollywood and that was the first time I have ever been star struck in my life. Quiet Riot was the big fish at that time in Los Angeles. When I was 17 and going too college Quiet Riot came out with The Huge Record and thats all I listened too until MOTLEYs Shout came out. All of the guys in Quiet Riot, Kevin, Frankie (Banali - drums), Carlos (Cavazo - guitar) and Rudy (Sarzo - bass) have always known of my love of their band so, at this time Frankie and Kevin took a stab and asked me if I would like to Join the band. I did'nt even have to think about. I commited at least one year of my time to Quiet Riot and possibly more in the future. What is going to happen to the Brides? Right now, the future of the Brides is not clear. We have not broken the band up but, We also will not be working or playing in 2006. The Brides is constantly a work in progress and I would feel alot better about the band if Nikki (Sixx) were to return but, I dont think thats going to happen anytime soon so, for now it is what it is. The Brides have the most loyal fans a band could ever want even without Nikki and all of us do not take them for granted and as soon as it is possible to give more back to the fans, I KNOW WE WILL."

So basically what he means is, he realises the last album sucked, so he's decided to cut his losses and put the band on hold indefinately until Nikki Sixx (a decent songwriter...) returns ;)

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Rob on January 06, 2006, 12:14:30 AM
I actually liked the new Brides album.  I just listened to it today for the first time in a while and was pretty into it.  Its not as good as the first one of course.  I wouldn't hold my breath if I were him on Nikki coming back.  This Motley Crue band seems to have some promise.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Getizzyback on April 20, 2007, 09:07:24 PM
From Wikipedia:::::::::

According to Guns, the future of the Brides is still unknown. Guns has since formed his own solo band.

On March 18th 2007 a previously previously unreleased BRIDES OF DESTRUCTION song featuring M?TLEY CR?E bassist Nikki Sixx has been made available for streaming via the band's MySpace page. "Entertain Us" was the last song recorded while Nikki was in the band and it features drummer Scot Coogan on lead vocals.

I was wondering if there was someone out there that could lead me to this song?

I am on dial-up , my computer won't stream for a listen.

Hope there are still some fans out there! :beer:

Title: Re: Brides of Destruction
Post by: Jizzo on April 21, 2007, 02:51:15 AM
its an amazing song