Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Oddy on September 01, 2005, 12:54:24 PM

Title: Religion
Post by: Oddy on September 01, 2005, 12:54:24 PM
Yeah i know this has been discussed many a times but bare with me here.

I've been pondering this more and more lately.

It seems all religions seem to offer the same thing. All have one thing in common. They all offer a sense of immortality.

Christianity/Muslim/ etc - you spend the rest of eternity in either hell or heaven or something similar. the spirit does not die.

Buddhism - They believe in reincarnation don't they, again, the "soul" lives on eternaly in different bodies forms etc.

They all suggest that the mind or consciousness lives on after death. In heaven for instance, you would walk around as a spirit, make friends.......go about your business i dunno talk to john bonham or whatever.

I've always wanted to ask Christian people that believe in an afterlife what they'd do for an eternity. I don't get it........surely they'd get bored up there after the first million years or so. Then what will they do. I mean why would we be afraid of death if in the after life we'll have eternity to do as we please as we do in life.

Hmmm this hasn't really come out as i had planned. I just don't comprehend the notion that human beings are immortal. I mean our mind and thoughts is what makes us who we are and since that lives on in many religions then death isnt really doing its job is it. Do we really live on forever? Would you really want to be some sorta spirit that lives eternally?

I think life must come to an end. There must be a finishing line. Some sort of resolution. You're born and then you die......and the time between each event is what should matter most.

I haven't made any sense.......and now i seem like i'm real bitter and hate living........i assure thats not the case.

What are your thoughts? Your religion isnt really relevant.....since this is more a question of immortality.

Title: Re: Religion
Post by: Prometheus on September 01, 2005, 01:14:55 PM
well as i was raised catholic.... and well i dont beleive in half teh shit spoutted..... i guess its the whole.... if you beleive then you must be punished.. adn if you dont then you must be made to belive... and then be punished again.... if you beleive it should be a celebration of of your beleif.. not somethingt hat your afraid of so you are.... lol..... from my experience to be christian you should love everyone.... no matter what... then most christians are stupid nubs casue they dont.. and look down on you if your not lke them..... as far as im concerend, if you belevie in God then it is all around us in everyhting ....... if you dont.... that doesnt mean that beauty is not everywhere....... its al about your prespective in life that will determine your afterlife. To me the afterlife would be a residual memory of you journey that you share communally with anyone you meet, so you get to exist through that persons experiences. it not yet an end but its a road through till the end of time.......(if time exists) and from every experience our self will grow and learn more. Im sure that there is a manner that you can after death that you can relase your self from your after life if you get bored to simply gain new experiences and insights on yourself through an new existance on earth.

Title: Re: Religion
Post by: Prometheus on September 01, 2005, 01:15:30 PM
PS this really should be merged with one the the millions of other relgion threads that have been on here

Title: Re: Religion
Post by: Genesis on September 01, 2005, 02:43:51 PM
I do believe in immortality, but since nobody who has died has come back to tell us what they're doing, i guess we'll never know...  ;)

Title: Re: Religion
Post by: Skeletor on September 01, 2005, 03:26:40 PM
Short and simple: man is about as immortal as an orange, or a cow. And religion is nothing but man's selfishness and inability to face the facts.

Title: Re: Religion
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on September 02, 2005, 12:52:16 PM
I think what christianity means in inmortality is not that you live worried about what are you going to do, you are supposed to leive in peace, not like Im bored because is the eternity and stuff, you can do whatever you want without worrying anything else in your life, thats my point of view.  :peace:

Title: Re: Religion
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on September 02, 2005, 04:40:35 PM
religion sucks, it'll get you knowhere
Yes it will  :yes:

Title: Re: Religion
Post by: journey on September 02, 2005, 05:35:43 PM
I think life must come to an end. There must be a finishing line. Some sort of resolution. You're born and then you die......and the time between each event is what should matter most.

What about children who are murdered? They got to live maybe five years of their life. Why should that be it for them? They deserve a second life to live. That's why I believe in reincarnation.

Title: Re: Religion
Post by: Skeletor on September 02, 2005, 05:52:11 PM

So you're agreeing it will get you nowhere? :hihi:

What about children who are murdered? They got to live maybe five years of their life. Why should that be it for them? They deserve a second life to live. That's why I believe in reincarnation.

"Deserve" is a human made concept. Sometimes it just doesn't work that way. You're asking why should that be it for them, I'm asking why wouldn't it?

Title: Re: Religion
Post by: 2NaFish on September 02, 2005, 06:36:06 PM
there's a few religions that don't explain the afterlife. Cant think of any off-hand, but i had this conversation with a teacher back at school and there are a few.

Anyway, the word religion means "way of life", so any concerns with the after-life are merely a bonus.

Title: Re: Religion
Post by: journey on September 02, 2005, 06:39:16 PM
What about children who are murdered? They got to live maybe five years of their life. Why should that be it for them? They deserve a second life to live. That's why I believe in reincarnation.

"Deserve" is a human made concept. Sometimes it just doesn't work that way. You're asking why should that be it for them, I'm asking why wouldn't it?

Not everything is tangible. I can't explain it to you. It's something you have to come to understand on your own.

Title: Re: Religion
Post by: N.I.B on September 02, 2005, 11:19:32 PM
religion is what fills people with the gaps in thier lives, it gives them faith. I belive in re-incarnation and an afterlife, but it is somewhat complex. religion is a good because it at least gives moral values for people to follow in thier lives

Title: Re: Religion
Post by: Prometheus on September 03, 2005, 01:32:34 AM
religion is what fills people with the gaps in thier lives, it gives them faith. I belive in re-incarnation and an afterlife, but it is somewhat complex. religion is a good because it at least gives moral values for people to follow in thier lives

here we go... now i have to ask the question;

if a = b, and b = c, does a=c

so if morals come from relgion, does that mean that all people with morals are relgious and that all relgious peole are moral?

Christiany in a nut shell: treat everyone as equals and help them when they need help, and when you need help they will help you.

remember all help is = but not the same. I could need money, you could need support you give me $50, i give you encourgement..... but you must not look for that help because god helps those that help themselves.

most of the teachings are common sence and dont require relgion... if you help out someone in need..... they will help you if you need it....

Title: Re: Religion
Post by: Genesis on September 03, 2005, 01:40:37 AM
religion sucks, it'll get you knowhere
If it helps u maintain ur peace of mind and provides an outlet when ur down in the dumps, i don't see any harm in following a religion...

Title: Re: Religion
Post by: SLCPUNK on September 03, 2005, 01:42:51 PM
"The bible says so...."

Title: Re: Religion
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on September 03, 2005, 01:44:06 PM
religion is what fills people with the gaps in thier lives, it gives them faith. I belive in re-incarnation and an afterlife, but it is somewhat complex. religion is a good because it at least gives moral values for people to follow in thier lives

here we go... now i have to ask the question;

if a = b, and b = c, does a=c

so if morals come from relgion, does that mean that all people with morals are relgious and that all relgious peole are moral?

Christiany in a nut shell: treat everyone as equals and help them when they need help, and when you need help they will help you.

remember all help is = but not the same. I could need money, you could need support you give me $50, i give you encourgement..... but you must not look for that help because god helps those that help themselves.

most of the teachings are common sence and dont require relgion... if you help out someone in need..... they will help you if you need it....

Well first you are making an unfair comparison, for instace a, b or c will naver change cause they are carachters, and moral, religion and religious people are variables. Because 1) moral always depends on what you are tought to understand what its wrong and its bad, wether its religious or not. 2) Religion, there are many religions out there. 3) Religious people depends on what religion they believe as they are many they can also change the point of view wether is Europe or America.
So it's not fair to make that kind of comparison.  :peace:

Title: Re: Religion
Post by: Sakib on September 03, 2005, 07:10:49 PM
As a muslim, here wat happens after death=

Once u r buried, or ur body dealt with in any other (burial is the only way allowed in islam unless incinirated accidentally or any other way), we get punished for our sins by snakes from hell (literally). however, if you've been good muslim, or remembered certain verses of the Qur'an, then they will protect you from the snakes and other punishments including being plunged through the earth. You will be alert and will hear things around you but you can't do anything. Then, on the day of judgement, we'll all come bacl to life and line up. and evry1 from the very first men and women of earth shall be judged. if you've been good muslim, then the qur'an will guide you across a pitch black bridge. if you've been bad, there'll be no guide on the bridge and you'll fall straight through the ground ta hell.

btw, you can neva get bored of heaven. Allah has created our minds in such a way that no 1 can possibly imagine the delights.

Title: Re: Religion
Post by: ClintroN on September 03, 2005, 08:55:53 PM
i reckon all of us are gonna go to heaven....'cause weve all done enough time in fuckin' hell!!!


Title: Re: Religion
Post by: Queen of Everything on September 04, 2005, 03:23:34 AM
Religion is beyond me - I would really love to believe in something strongly but I dont like the whole Christian outlook on things with the sinners and god wanting everything to be his way and everything...

I do not believe in a "god" like one all holy ruler of the universe. i believe that what is out there is much to vast for that and We are all alone in a way. 

Man is not immortal - everything comes down to the fact we are a tiny speck in the massive eternal void that is the universe and we are just thinking up some reason for us to seem important - liek someone cares about us - even if it is a spirit in the sky. 

Some days I just Pray to the God of Sex and Drugs and Rock n Roll - Meatloaf

Title: Re: Religion
Post by: Oddy on September 04, 2005, 06:05:14 AM
So those that don't believe in any particular religion or afterlife;

Do you think we can just become nothing after death?

It's a pretty hard concept to grasp. I mean we can imagine ourselves floating around as a spirit without a body. But thinking about ourselves as non-existant is impossible it just doesn't make sense to us humans. Maybe this is our downfall. Everything has to make sense to us and our wild imagination.

Title: Re: Religion
Post by: Queen of Everything on September 04, 2005, 06:09:03 AM
So those that don't believe in any particular religion or afterlife;

Do you think we can just become nothing after death?

It's a pretty hard concept to grasp. I mean we can imagine ourselves floating around as a spirit without a body. But thinking about ourselves as non-existant is impossible it just doesn't make sense to us humans. Maybe this is our downfall. Everything has to make sense to us and our wild imagination.

I can imagine being nothing - Thats what makes me live life to the fullest

Title: Re: Religion
Post by: ClintroN on September 04, 2005, 07:04:13 AM
Quote from: drama_qween link=topic=22343.msg387493#msg387493 date=1125828543
I can imagine being nothing - [b
Thats what makes me live life to the fullest[/b]

that pretty much sums it up : ok:

Title: Re: Religion
Post by: Skeletor on September 04, 2005, 09:56:48 AM
btw, you can neva get bored of heaven. Allah has created our minds in such a way that no 1 can possibly imagine the delights.

This made me think of a funny analogy; if religion gives meaning to "what is the purpose of life", then what is the purpose of being in heaven?

Do you think we can just become nothing after death? It's a pretty hard concept to grasp.

I don't think it's any more harder to grasp than to understand the time before you were born. It's a state of nonexistence.

Title: Re: Religion
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on September 05, 2005, 10:12:29 AM

So you're agreeing it will get you nowhere? :hihi:
yeah! cause nowhere is somewhere  :o  :yes: