Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: metallex78 on June 22, 2005, 02:40:34 AM

Title: Batman Begins
Post by: metallex78 on June 22, 2005, 02:40:34 AM
Has anyone here seen the new Batman film?

I'm a big Batman fan, and I'm yet to go see it, but I'm curious what others think of it.

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on June 22, 2005, 03:41:44 AM
i heard it's VERY VERY bad. as usual with movies this past 15 years :)
gonna watch it tonite after NIN concert :)

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Eazy E on June 22, 2005, 03:53:25 AM
D and Izzy were trashing it in the "Last Film You Saw" thread. ?They prefer a Batsuit with nipples and Arnold saying "Chill" 50 times in a row.

I haven't seen it yet, but from what I've heard its exactly the type of film I'm expecting... dark, character-based, and filling in a lot of holes about Batman's origin.

I'll have to wait and see if I like it better than Burton's films, they are the best superhero movies alongside X-Men. ?I'm glad they are starting this story fresh in "Batman Begins" though... it always kind of bugged me how he made the Joker kill his parents because it was convenient, and I would want to distance myself as much as possible from Batman Forever and Batman & Robin. ?They are not only the worst superhero movies, but the worst movies ever made.

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Izzy on June 22, 2005, 03:57:03 AM
Batman boring

Must be the slowest paced film ever to call its self an action film

But my biggest complaint - no continuity, they didn't even try, they just made an entirely new film! I wanted to see what happened before the original - not have an entirely new film! Who cares what happened before if it has no continuity with the other films?

The original Batman looked better, was directed better, was acted better and was far more intresting. I'd take any of the original 4 over this for sheer entertainment

The fight scene were shockingly badly directed - the camera was too close so they just became a black blur then a white blur - great ::)

Plot holes....sigh, Bruce Wayne is declared dead - comes back to life and isn't taken to court for faking his own death (which is illegal.....) The little boy is strangely only effected by the gas when scarecrow is there - but isn't bothered by Batman despite being drugged out of his head? Why would a microwave gun vaporise water and not the human body which is 90% water?

Why the hell would u steal a microwave gun and make bio-weapons when there are far easier ways to kill a city off?!?

Michael Caine just didn't feel like Alfred, i wasn't convinced at all

Christina Bale played....oh yes! Christian Bale - as in every single one of his film!

Thorougly disappointed - even putting aside the lack of continuity, this was just boring.

Lol - the script was straight from Star Wars - u cannot have Liam Neeson barely back from Star Wars duty sword fighting and talking about how fear leads to the darkside and ur hate will consume u or whatever the hell he said - so many lines u only needed to add 'the force' to and u'd have had a Star Wars film


Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Izzy on June 22, 2005, 03:59:10 AM
D and Izzy were trashing it in the "Last Film You Saw" thread. ?They prefer a Batsuit with nipples and Arnold saying "Chill" 50 times in a row.

Go find where i said that, i think u might struggle - i even added in the exact transcipt of what i said before, so u could look again :)

I haven't seen it yet

Guess u have a better idea of what the films like they I do then? :confused:

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Eazy E on June 22, 2005, 04:05:08 AM
Go find where i said that, i think u might struggle

You said you preferred the other 4 films, one of those featured Bat-nips and the Governator.  I didn't read the rest of your post in case there were spoilers.

I haven't seen it yet

Guess u have a better idea of what the films like they I do then? :confused:

I didn't say I liked the movie, but based on what I've seen and read, it looks like the type of film I am expecting and hoping for.  The trailer doesn't look like the movie features a cartoon Gotham City and a bunch of awful one-liners.

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Izzy on June 22, 2005, 04:10:11 AM
You said you preferred the other 4 films, one of those featured Bat-nips and the Governator.? I didn't read the rest of your post in case there were spoilers.

So u don't read my post - then claim i said certain things? I wouldn't do u the injustice of not reading ur posts then claiming u said things

I prefered Batman Forever and Batman and Robin over this largely because Batman Begins is so bad - compared with that these, the other two seem almost good!

I didn't say I liked the movie, but based on what I've seen and read, it looks like the type of film I am expecting and hoping for.? The trailer doesn't look like the movie features a cartoon Gotham City and a bunch of awful one-liners.

Lol - caroon Gotham - wait till u see this one! Its just an American city with a stupid CGI 'Wayne Tower' added it - its looks terribly fake - and u'll love the railway too :hihi:

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Eazy E on June 22, 2005, 04:24:31 AM
You said you preferred the other 4 films, one of those featured Bat-nips and the Governator.  I didn't read the rest of your post in case there were spoilers.

So u don't read my post - then claim i said certain things? I wouldn't do u the injustice of not reading ur posts then claiming u said things

I prefered Batman Forever and Batman and Robin over this largely because Batman Begins is so bad - compared with that these, the other two seem almost good!

I said I didn't read the "rest" of your post, but obviously I picked up that you liked the other 4 films better (which you just repeated).  So I'm not claiming anything other than what I said originally...

D and Izzy were trashing it in the "Last Film You Saw" thread.  They prefer a Batsuit with nipples and Arnold saying "Chill" 50 times in a row.

I'm not expecting a cheese movie like the Schumacher films, if I want that I'd rather watch Adam West as Bruce Wayne.

Lol - caroon Gotham - wait till u see this one! Its just an American city with a stupid CGI 'Wayne Tower' added it - its looks terribly fake - and u'll love the railway too :hihi:

Ok, well I haven't seen the city yet... but I don't think it is possible to have one worse than those towering naked men holding telescopes from "Batman & Robin", I'd prefer a regular American city to that (I'll reserve judgement on the Wayne Tower).

Again, I'm not saying I like the movie... I'm just saying it looks promising considering how terrible the last two Batman films were.

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: ClintroN on June 22, 2005, 05:23:24 AM

I prefered Batman Forever and Batman and Robin over this largely because Batman Begins is so bad - compared with that these, the other two seem almost good!

you lost me mate 'cause 3 n' 4 suck major dick dude, they are fuckin' terrible :no:

1 n' 2 fucken RULE!!!

as i read your review i started to notice you were giving alot away so i stoped, part 5 looks awsome : ok:   and have been waitin' for a long time!!

COMIN' SOON......KlintronS review from hell
                   BATMAN BEGINS
                               : ok: : ok:

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Izzy on June 22, 2005, 12:08:17 PM

I prefered Batman Forever and Batman and Robin over this largely because Batman Begins is so bad - compared with that these, the other two seem almost good!

you lost me mate 'cause 3 n' 4 suck major dick dude, they are fuckin' terrible :no:

Well i personally like Batman Forever alot - its not a ''good'' film, but i enjoyed it - especially for Nicole Kidman :drool: I thought there was some great one liners, and it was a good 'popcorn flick'

Batman and Robin i also enjoyed - but only because i was laughing at it (not with it), i found it a great comedy, the way everything looks, the acting - hilariously bad!

Batman Begins bored me, Batman Forever and Batman and Robin didn't so i prefer them. But i'd never claim they were ''good'' films by any sensible criteria, they were trashy but fun - Begins was just trash

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: *Izzy* on June 22, 2005, 12:18:38 PM
I heard that Batman was made out to be gay in this, is that true Izzy or anyone else who saw it

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Timothy on June 22, 2005, 12:29:13 PM
I heard that Batman was made out to be gay in this, is that true Izzy or anyone else who saw it

 :smoking: Izzy  :smoking:

No it's not true .

this is probably the best comic book movie ever.
Yes it is a slower paced movie but they were re- interducing the charecter,the sequels will probably be faster paced.

But I'm a Batman fanboy, so maybe I'm not the most bankable opinion on this.

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: loretian on June 22, 2005, 01:51:58 PM
I saw it over the weekend, and thought it was great.  The first 45 minutes are a bit slow, but it really picked up the pace as it went on.

Batman was damn cool, and the fight scenes are very close in, so you don't get to see Batman doing his "magic", but I actually thought that was kind of cool.  When he was attacking the baddies, it was almost closer to a horror movie, with him being the bad guy.

There are plot holes, but geeze.. come on, every movie has small little plot holes, often times because they just edit all the unnecessary scenes out.  I really don't care if they don't show Bruce Wayne having to go through the trouble to prove that he's not dead after all, in fact, I'm pretty happy they didn't include scenes for that.

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: D on June 22, 2005, 04:04:35 PM
I took it like he didnt fake his death that people just assumed he was dead.

We have two extremes here, as u can see there is no middle ground, u are gonna love this movie, or u are gonna really hate it.

I didnt like it at all.

It was a chore for me to sit through this.

The villain in this movie wasnt captivating at all, after the last fight scene, I was waiting for the grand finale and then the movie went off and I realized what I had just seen was the grand finale.

I like movies that I can relate too or that grab me on an emotional level.

Batman has never really done it for me, a billionaire spoiled little whiny bastard revenges his two parent's death who were stupid enough to exit a theater into a fuckin dark alleyway.

The movie talks about the great depression and how bruce wayne's father helped the people out, and next thing u know its in the 21st century.

the depression was in the 1930's!!!!!

Bruce Wayne should be fuckin old.

He also curls that guy with one arm up that mountain while hanging off and icy cliff. I bout screamed out "Bullshit"

I dont like Christian Bale either, Morgan Freeman did this movie for the check, they shouldve called this movie "Bruce Wayne" cause it seemed Batman made very few appearances.

Fight scenes arent good at all.

what made Batman the first movie so great was The Joker killed his parents, Batman was after the Joker, so it gave a great conflict, I can get behind a guy going after his parent's killers and all that, plus Micheal Keaton and Jack Nicholson were brilliant.

In this, the killer has nothing to do with the movie and like Izzy said the plotholes are just too big for me.

I can look over a few here and there, but some of these are just enormous.

I enjoyed "The Hulk" more than this and the Hulk wasnt very good.

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Izzy on June 22, 2005, 04:06:16 PM
? I really don't care if they don't show Bruce Wayne having to go through the trouble to prove that he's not dead after all, in fact, I'm pretty happy they didn't include scenes for that.

But u forget - they put in the whole bit about him having 'died' and then with a feature they had added (and which contributed nothing) they then forgot about it....they should not have put it in at all

Also there was way to much economics in this - they say at the begining Wayne is the majority shareholder - then float the company with out his permission! (and begging the question whether shares is the right word when it isn't?a plc - surely he just owned a stake?)

At the end of the film he buys the shares to take control again - despite already owning them :P And Alfred was actually in charge of the company having somehow got Bruce's shares....

That microwave gun just annoys me - to get rid of the water of a desert army?!?! Oh c'mon! Why would they need to vaporise Gothams water when the drug worked as a powder? Why couldn't they distrubute it in an airborne form - i.e dropped from a plane? Lol - it vaporises water 50 meters away but not the water based life form standing next to it - yeah cos thats likely!

The buying bat hats in bulk was absurd - so one would attractt attention but 10,000 wouldn't?!?!? Considering they have to make the machinery for this and have scores of people working on a production line surely bulk would cause far more trouble?

During the film they announce Wayne Industries is going to make weapons ('Thomas Wayne wouldn't have approved') - yet the Bat gear is stuff they had made and stopped producing - but they had ONLY JUST STARTED making this stuff....

The Batmobile chase probably endangered more lives than the bad guys plan......

The film was so boring i had no choice but to consider all these little facets to keep myself from falling asleep

As D said - no emotional response to any of the characters, not even a good love side plot

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: loretian on June 22, 2005, 04:32:37 PM
Well, to each his own, but I've yet to see the movie that didn't have all these sorts of little plot flaws.  It just doesn't seem feasible.

Anyway, I found it very entertaining.  The whole twisted psyche aspect of it was very cool.

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Izzy on June 22, 2005, 04:47:41 PM
Well, to each his own, but I've yet to see the movie that didn't have all these sorts of little plot flaws.? It just doesn't seem feasible.

Where they little?

A well acted or fast paced film can compensate by simply distracting u, but they had entire sections on the points i mentioned, they weren't side points they didn't explain they focused on these things - and were just talking nonsense - each of those points i mentioned was an entire scene!

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Jamie on June 22, 2005, 05:43:37 PM
I thought the story was good and led into the start of the first movie well, with the Joker's "calling card" n all.

However I HATED Christian Bale as Batman and just found his crappy fake growl thing ridiculous, he did it to sound menacing but just sounded like a fool. He just is a boring actor and portrayed Batman very poorly. One more complaint is the action scenes. Batman could hardly be seen when he was fighting it was all just a blur and in the end showed Batman running off or in a completely different place or standing over the guys he just fought, or something along those lines. Oh, and the Bat-mobile sucked.


Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Jagged Little Pill on June 23, 2005, 06:54:58 PM
I liked it... I thought it was the best batman movie so far and I think christian bale plays the best of the batmen.

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Carlos_f_Rose on June 23, 2005, 07:34:30 PM
I havent seen it.. but I like tom cruise's girlfriend.. katie holmes... really cute...

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Dot on June 23, 2005, 08:10:53 PM
I think that the villains were not used properly..The Scarecrow could have been really really evil, the way his story in the movie ends is really poor. As for Ras al whatever, I was, and still I?m, confused with he palyed by liam Neeson or is he that olds chinese "master" at that temple?

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Jagged Little Pill on June 23, 2005, 08:42:07 PM
I think that the villains were not used properly..The Scarecrow could have been really really evil, the way his story in the movie ends is really poor. As for Ras al whatever, I was, and still I?m, confused with he palyed by liam Neeson or is he that olds chinese "master" at that temple?

the old chinese master...liam neeson just used his name.

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: SuperMike on April 23, 2006, 11:03:54 PM
Hey what's up? I have a question that really needs to be answered about this movie.

I know it's late but it would've been dumb if I started a thread over this.

Me and two friends are arguing over if this movie is a prequel or a fresh start with no ties to the previous batman movies.

I say it's an original story.

They say it's a prequel.

Who has the right answer?

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Eazy E on April 23, 2006, 11:13:31 PM
You do.

In the Tim Burton "Batman" films, they changed Batman's history to suit the story: The Joker kills Batman's parents.  The new director wanted to start fresh and stay true to the comics...

Get some new friends.   8)

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: SuperMike on April 23, 2006, 11:15:00 PM
You do.

In the Tim Burton "Batman" films, they changed Batman's history to suit the story: The Joker kills Batman's parents.? The new director wanted to start fresh and stay true to the comics...

Get some new friends.? ?8)
lol, thanks man.

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Prometheus on April 24, 2006, 12:19:00 AM
i vote that both are correct, in the timeline sence of the events its a prequel, in the direction of the director it is a new freash and much better start....I really hope that this is a teaste of a new set of batmans

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: SuperMike on April 24, 2006, 12:31:50 AM
The movie had a great origin story.

I didn't like it at first because of the prequel confusion and then I heard it had no relation to the previous films so I gave it another chance and I loved it afterwards.

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on April 24, 2006, 10:10:12 AM
Naah, I agree with supermike is a fresh start, there's no prequel about it

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Back Off Bitch on April 24, 2006, 10:29:42 AM
Definitely a fresh start...

The next movie will have the Joker in it, as well..

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on April 24, 2006, 11:06:34 AM
I only hope the joker is Mark Hamill

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: badapple81 on April 24, 2006, 11:19:05 AM
Really enjoyed the movie.

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Eazy E on April 24, 2006, 11:47:05 AM
i vote that both are correct, in the timeline sence of the events its a prequel

Since the person who kills Bruce's parents gets shot in a courtroom in Batman Begins, and in Batman the Joker kills his parents, there is no continuity between the two films.

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Timothy on April 24, 2006, 11:47:33 AM
It's a defiantly a restart.or you could call it a remake.And maybe the finest Comic film ever done.

I only hope the joker is Mark Hamill

That would be some ballsy casting .But I could see him pulling it off.Though I think it's more likely that Sean Penn or Paul Bettany will be cast as Joker.

The next one should be good Joker as the main villain plus going to have the whole ground work laid out for three with Two-Face

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Eazy E on April 24, 2006, 12:00:36 PM
Are they actually moving forward with sequels to this movie?  I had heard they were thinking about just leaving Batman Begins as its own movie.

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on April 24, 2006, 12:09:33 PM
Searching in IMDB I found they are making a production to the movie, perhaps to get on screen in 2008, so who knows

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Timothy on April 24, 2006, 12:32:35 PM
Are they actually moving forward with sequels to this movie?  I had heard they were thinking about just leaving Batman Begins as its own movie.

yeah their are going to be atleast two more.

The second one will be out in the summer of 2008.

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: SuperMike on April 24, 2006, 11:34:35 PM
Mark Hamil did the voice for The Joker in the Batman 90's cartoon. He can at least talk like him, I don't know if he could look like him though.

Jack Nicholson was a great joker, almost timeless. If they want The Joker in the sequel to BB, I hope they make a wise choice for an actor to play him.

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on April 25, 2006, 09:49:51 AM
Actually that's cause I think Hamill could make a great choice of a Joker, the voice is quite 50% of the character and the other part is just make up, so i think it'll be a great choice  : ok:

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Megaguns on April 25, 2006, 10:06:44 AM
Its just one fucking boring film.... thats all i have to say, the actors were poorly chosen, as was the plot etc.

Title: Heath Ledger will play the next "Joker"
Post by: SuperMike on July 21, 2006, 03:14:30 PM
here you have it>

what are your thoughts?

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Danny Top Hat on July 21, 2006, 03:39:23 PM
Laaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmme! :P

Heath Ledger as the joker?  I can't see it.  Not at all.  I hope i'm proved wrong cause I really enjoyed Batman Begins.

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: A Private Eye on July 21, 2006, 03:50:49 PM
I haven't seen the first batman film in a while but I could have sworn it wasn't the Joker who killed BW's parents. In the flashbacks the guy who shoots the waynes isn't jack nicholson is it? Or did they just use a younger guy to play nicholsons character because it's a flashback?

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: SuperMike on July 21, 2006, 03:55:51 PM
I haven't seen the first batman film in a while but I could have sworn it wasn't the Joker who killed BW's parents. In the flashbacks the guy who shoots the waynes isn't jack nicholson is it? Or did they just use a younger guy to play nicholsons character because it's a flashback?
It's the same character, just a younger actor for a flashback.He says to young Bruce"Tell me kid, did you ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?" and at the end on the rooftop, Batman repeats the line to The Joker when he appears out of nowhere. He also reminded him of killing his parents if I'm correct.

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: A Private Eye on July 21, 2006, 04:10:50 PM
Ah right ok thanks. So that means the newest film is more accurate bthen because I think in the original comic story it is just a mugger who kills the waynes isn't it?

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: SuperMike on July 21, 2006, 04:21:44 PM
yeah. Batman Begins seemed to be mistaken as a prequel but really it has no ties to the previous Batman films.

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Sakib on July 22, 2006, 04:10:17 AM
quiet a few flaws in this movie

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: RichardNixon on July 22, 2006, 04:23:26 AM
A brief review of all five films:

Batman: 1989- A fun movie, but the plot made no sense.
Batman Returns: 1992- The most underrated. Loved Catwoman and Diveto.
Batman Forever:1995- Not up to par witht he first two, but no bad.
Batman and Robin: 1997- Sucked, sucked, sucked. And I like George Clooney a lot.

Batman Begins- Again, NO ties w/ the other films. Liked it a lot, but katie Holmes is an awful actress.

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Megaguns on July 22, 2006, 09:08:38 AM
SHIT MOVIE. it seems to me that they should have used the plots in a different order.

Who was the best batman? i say michael keaton.

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on July 22, 2006, 11:31:17 AM
Heath Ledger as joker? I still can't get out of my mind that he pumped Jack Gyllenhaal (<-- Spell??)  :hihi:
I hope he does a decent joker very bad and quite disturbing  :)

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: Eazy E on July 22, 2006, 04:01:52 PM
Well, I hope they do something original with the Joker instead of making one simlilar to past versions.  If it's true that Heath Ledger is going to be playing him, it could be a really interesting take on the character.

Title: Re: Batman Begins
Post by: SuperMike on July 22, 2006, 04:22:05 PM
SHIT MOVIE. it seems to me that they should have used the plots in a different order.

Who was the best batman? i say michael keaton.
Yeah! Michael Keaton is my favorite too.