Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: darkmonth on June 14, 2005, 06:48:28 PM

Title: I just totally destroyed my car!!!
Post by: darkmonth on June 14, 2005, 06:48:28 PM
I had an accident on the A34 near Oxford in the UK... sucks... totally DESTROYED my car.  It's totalled.  I need a new one.  Anyway, took the impact into my left leg and it's flippin' painful...

Oh well...

Title: Re: I just totally destroyed my car!!!
Post by: nesquick on June 14, 2005, 06:50:41 PM
good luck.

Title: Re: I just totally destroyed my car!!!
Post by: darkmonth on June 14, 2005, 07:25:52 PM
yeah, could have done with it!!!!

Title: Re: I just totally destroyed my car!!!
Post by: D on June 14, 2005, 07:44:42 PM
what happened?

were u speeding? someone cut u off?

Title: Re: I just totally destroyed my car!!!
Post by: Tj on June 14, 2005, 08:31:14 PM
Err...well done?!

What car was it?

Title: Re: I just totally destroyed my car!!!
Post by: ClintroN on June 14, 2005, 08:50:35 PM
been there n' done that dude, it'll be a funny memory one day!!

Title: Re: I just totally destroyed my car!!!
Post by: N.I.B on June 14, 2005, 08:56:05 PM
ouch. what car was it and how did u bust it up?

Title: Re: I just totally destroyed my car!!!
Post by: Lisa on June 14, 2005, 10:24:59 PM
I had an accident on the A34 near Oxford in the UK... sucks... totally DESTROYED my car.? It's totalled.? I need a new one.? Anyway, took the impact into my left leg and it's flippin' painful...

Oh well...
rest up dude...I had a three car collision last Thurs...hairline fracture of my skull, dislocated shoulder, the Taxi was a total write off....least I can say.... not my fault and I'm ALIVE....Tylenol 3's help alot ;)

Title: Re: I just totally destroyed my car!!!
Post by: darkmonth on June 15, 2005, 04:44:58 AM
here's what happened...

I was cruising down the A34 when traffic slowed... fine, so I slowed too... lorries pulling in and out without indicating is usual stuff... anyway... speed get's back to about 50mph... nice lush BMW ahead of me... I ALWAYS give myself 'enough' room.  I hate tailgaters... and anyway, I still have fresh in my head 'only a fool breaks the two second rule'.. so I had 2 - 3 seconds distance between me and the BMW.  She braked at the last min... I'm not entirely sure why but she obviously did a BMW brakes assisted emergency style stop.... my shitty old Ford Escort... well, I started braking... hard.  Didn't help.  My car was no match!  I simply couldn't stop.  I hit her right in the back.  Sure, her BMW had a few scratches, and underlying damage will suck... my insurance premiums will shoot up because it's going on my insurance (my fault... I understand that... should have known how shit my car was and taken that into account).  Anyway... my car's front looks like a tank has driven clean over it.... it's destroyed.  Utterly smashed in.  Looks like a different accident.  Gotta get me a BMW! hehe.

I'm in pain again now today.... going to the Hospital later.

Title: Re: I just totally destroyed my car!!!
Post by: D on June 15, 2005, 06:57:03 AM
Damn Dude u hit a BMW?

your insurance is fucked bro.

u are gonna be paying out the ass now.

I hate when people stop like that.

people who dont drive the speed limit and people who make sudden stops are dickhead bastards. :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:

Title: Re: I just totally destroyed my car!!!
Post by: Sin Cut on June 15, 2005, 07:19:46 AM
here's what happened...

I was cruising down the A34 when traffic slowed... fine, so I slowed too... lorries pulling in and out without indicating is usual stuff... anyway... speed get's back to about 50mph... nice lush BMW ahead of me... I ALWAYS give myself 'enough' room.  I hate tailgaters... and anyway, I still have fresh in my head 'only a fool breaks the two second rule'.. so I had 2 - 3 seconds distance between me and the BMW.  She braked at the last min... I'm not entirely sure why but she obviously did a BMW brakes assisted emergency style stop.... my shitty old Ford Escort... well, I started braking... hard.  Didn't help.  My car was no match!  I simply couldn't stop.  I hit her right in the back.  Sure, her BMW had a few scratches, and underlying damage will suck... my insurance premiums will shoot up because it's going on my insurance (my fault... I understand that... should have known how shit my car was and taken that into account).  Anyway... my car's front looks like a tank has driven clean over it.... it's destroyed.  Utterly smashed in.  Looks like a different accident.  Gotta get me a BMW! hehe.

I'm in pain again now today.... going to the Hospital later.

That's what happened to me! A volvo stopped and I couldn't see the tail-lights because the sun was in my eyes. I braked hard but my Mazda 626 didn't stop in time. So my Mazda was totalled, and the Volvo had to get a new back-bumper.

Title: Re: I just totally destroyed my car!!!
Post by: Tj on June 15, 2005, 07:31:39 AM
people who dont drive the speed limit and people who make sudden stops are dickhead bastards. :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:

That's not really a fair comment, but then the laws aren't particularly fair either. There are plenty of drivers who can exceed speed limits and still be more in control and have a better idea of what's going around them than many drivers who coast along at the limit or below it all the time. I live with one of 'em? : ok:

Even given the obvious fact that braking will take longer, I'd much rather things were how they are for me most days - sitting without a seatbelt in the passenger seat of a van bombing it down winding country lanes at 80 + miles per hour, being driven by the very experienced driver I live with - for example - than strapped in and being driven at 40 by my sister. Unfortunately, it's very complicated for the law to fully take into account the exceedingly wide range of driving abilities.

The idealist in me says that speed limits, traffic lights, road markings in general are just a load of bunk. I think in areas of Holland they've experimented with getting rid of such things in certain areas, and that it was quite a success. I might be wrong though, so I'm gonna go re-do some research on the subject. It kinda relies on trusting the population not to abuse the extra responsibility given to them, so it is a bit of a risk, but the huge volume of road regulations seems to mean some drivers stop thinking for themselves, and rely too heavily on the white paint, the red lights...etc., so when they have to think for themselves for once, they fuck up.

Title: Re: I just totally destroyed my car!!!
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 15, 2005, 11:23:04 AM
I had an accident on the A34 near Oxford in the UK... sucks... totally DESTROYED my car.  It's totalled.  I need a new one.  Anyway, took the impact into my left leg and it's flippin' painful...

Oh well...
rest up dude...I had a three car collision last Thurs...hairline fracture of my skull, dislocated shoulder, the Taxi was a total write off....least I can say.... not my fault and I'm ALIVE....Tylenol 3's help alot ;)

I hope you are ok.

I dislocated my should way back when I was 20. It has popped out about 8 times since. When it first happened I wimpered like some sort of wounded animal. It hurt!!!!!!!!!!

So I know your pain.

Just good thing you are ok.


Title: Re: I just totally destroyed my car!!!
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 15, 2005, 11:24:53 AM
I had an accident on the A34 near Oxford in the UK... sucks... totally DESTROYED my car.  It's totalled.  I need a new one.  Anyway, took the impact into my left leg and it's flippin' painful...

Oh well...

Well my man.........

I've destroyed two motorcyles and walked away from(one out of the ER though) them. While others I have known, have not.

The lesson: Vehicles can be replaced , people can not. Be thankful you are here to tell us all.

Title: Re: I just totally destroyed my car!!!
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on June 15, 2005, 12:38:46 PM
I can see there's a lot of stupid crazy people driving in the streets, here in Ecuador is a the worst place of all, I mean the taxi drivers sucks here they dont even have license!! their cars are older than Mick Jagger  :o, if they see a waving hand calling a cab they dont care if you are driving through the street they just cut you off and they dont give a shit! the bus drivers are worst and a lot of people had died for their lack of knowledge of how to drive. Here driving is really scary you dont know if a crazy bus drivers wants to speed you just to get you mad and race is very stupid behaviour!  :rant: