Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Jessica on June 02, 2005, 08:16:44 AM

Title: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: Jessica on June 02, 2005, 08:16:44 AM

A BOY of five was put through a horrific ?lynching? ordeal by a mob of children in yob-plagued woodland known as Devil?s Ditch.

Three boys and two girls aged 11 and 12 were being quizzed by police yesterday after being arrested earlier in the day on suspicion of attempted murder.

Two of the boys were last night released without charge and a 12-year-old girl was also released from custody this morning.

Little Anthony Hinchliffe was lured from his garden into the clutches of the gang.

A rope was slipped around his neck and he was viciously beaten as the children threatened to execute him.

Police believe they dragged Anthony to a tree and may have briefly hanged him from it, causing deep rope burns on his neck.

The gang then fled from the woodland, which backs on to a park, leaving the terrified boy to fend for himself.

He was finally found, dazed and sobbing, by a fish and chip shop near his home on the tough Chickenley estate in Dewsbury, West Yorks.

His family, who had launched a frantic search for him, likened the attack to the notorious murder of toddler James Bulger ? killed by two young boys.

And a senior police officer said: ?What happened was sick and very disturbing.?

Investigation chief Det Supt Andy Brennan told how Anthony had several bruises on his body and marks around his neck.

He added: ?Clearly the injuries were so serious that the officers who arrested the children felt they should be arrested for attempted murder rather than assault.?

More arrests are likely.

Anthony vanished on Tuesday after playing on swings in the back garden of his family?s council semi. He was with a 12-year-old local girl and his sister Chloe, seven.

Mum Terri Brown, 30, realised something was amiss when he was nowhere to be seen even though Chloe was still there.

It is thought the 12-year-old took him away and linked up with other kids before going to the woods half a mile away.

The distressed boy was found two hours later by his cousin Tracey Jones, 22.

He burst into tears and told her: ?Some boys and girls tied a rope around my neck and tried to tie me to a tree.?

Tracey added: ?He said, ?They wouldn?t let me go.? He was taken from the garden ? he didn?t go voluntarily. It was just like James Bulger.?

Anthony spent Tuesday night in hospital as his injuries were treated.

After he was released yesterday, detectives tried to gently coax him into revealing details of his ordeal.

Anthony?s dad Mark Hinchcliffe, who is separated from his mum, said: ?It?s awful.?

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: Jessica on June 02, 2005, 08:17:35 AM
Chilling echo of Bulger murder


THE terrifying abduction has chilling echoes of the murder of two-year-old James Bulger in Liverpool in 1993.

James was lured from his mother Denise?s side by Robert Thompson and Jon Venables, both aged ten at the time, in a shopping complex in Bootle, Merseyside.

The CCTV footage of trusting James being led away from the safety of his mother by the evil pair sent shock waves across the world.

Thompson and Venables led the little lad through the city suburbs to a railway track in Walton two miles away.

There they systematically tortured James as he cried for his mother ? raining bricks and stones on him before beating him to death with an iron bar.

Then they spattered his body with model aircraft paint which they had bought a few days before and placed his body on a railway line.

James was run over by a train ? in a plan which Thompson and Venables hoped would make his death seem like a tragic accident.

At the pair?s trial James?s mother Denise and father Ralph listened in horror as prosecutor Richard Henriques QC outlined the killing as ?pre-meditated murder?.

Thompson and Venables were jailed for life for murder ? and sparked a political row over how many years they should spend locked up.

The trial judge recommended eight years ? but Home Secretary Michael Howard increased it to 15.

His ruling was later overturned ? and the pair eventually served eight years before their release in 2001 with secret new identities.

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: Laura on June 02, 2005, 09:08:07 AM
This is discusting, how can a child do that to someone. I do not think 7yrs was enough for those two boys, at 10yrs old you are aware that beating and killing a child is wrong. I can't even believe that these things happend!

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: Jessica on June 02, 2005, 09:14:31 AM
This is discusting, how can a child do that to someone. I do not think 7yrs was enough for those two boys, at 10yrs old you are aware that beating and killing a child is wrong. I can't even believe that these things happend!

Yep, and england's good compared to france, because they actually WENT to prison, in france, they wouldn't.

But as good as it were from england to emprison these young sickos, they were for just a few years and before being 18, they were freed, under new identities and protected.

Which means that since records from underaged are cleared out, if they start again, they will be no traces of previous convictions and worst, not under their new names.

The law has given them a chance to start killing from afresh.

Isn't that beautiful ?

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: nesquick on June 02, 2005, 01:52:29 PM
Yep, and england's good compared to france, because they actually WENT to prison, in france, they wouldn't. France people are way too "nice". Nobody moves, the country is getting old, people are so slow. If you want to create a company/ a business in France, you've to face to the typicall french "old colbertism". So old, so slow in their America, you would already have had the time to create 3 companies. Hopefully Sarkozy will be the next French President and will put order and energy. I really like that guy. People should wake-up in France, because the world is changing around us. We need a guy with a high ambition.

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: Axls Locomotive on June 02, 2005, 03:32:08 PM
Society has to ask itself where the kids are getting ideas from to act this way...its just sick

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: slash4ever on June 02, 2005, 06:24:59 PM
That shit is unbelievable.
How could a ten-year-old do somthing like that to a two-year-old?
Its sick.  :-[

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: Spandex Angel on June 02, 2005, 07:03:21 PM
it said they were released without charge, so doesn't that mean that they dont know it was the kids? ???

but yeah it does bring up the bulger case. we were doing it as a comprehension in english an 7 years is a joke.
when i was 10 i got told that if you killed someone you got locked up for ever, which i guess isnt exactly true, but still every 10 yr old should know tht killing someone isnt a quick n easy passage to a new life in australia :rant:

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: psycotron on June 03, 2005, 06:21:36 AM
i dont understand people like that. i mean they killed someone they probably didnt know and that kid probably did nothing to them. i wouldnt ever kill someone but if i did want to kill someone i would kill someone who was bullying me not a complete stranger.

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: Jessica on June 04, 2005, 10:01:25 AM
Just so you know a 12 year old girl has been charged with obstructing the course of justice and arrested and i want you to see what they did to this beautiful little boy and rethink our judiciary system for criminal children :


So you know he SCREAMS at night. And hasn't stopped crying since.

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: Sakib on June 04, 2005, 10:33:37 AM
i feel sorry 4 dat kid
and james bulger

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: Cornell on June 04, 2005, 10:42:02 AM

This is just unbelievable!

I say this stems from parents not having control over their children.  Parents are not allowed to SPANK their childen any longer (note that I didn't say BEAT)  so now the kids do what they want with no fear of the outcome.

I have a 5 year old boy and if that happened to him, I'm sure I would end up in jail because I would not let that go....

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: Jessica on June 04, 2005, 11:30:48 AM
and i am pregnant and completely emotional over this whole thing, more than i ever was before and god knows i was easily angry and upset.

I am not sure it always stems from parents Cornell, i do think there may be chromosomic " deffects", i know the word is horrid, but i really believe there are errors of nature.

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: N.I.B on June 04, 2005, 10:41:32 PM
thats just sick. to think, they;re like 11 and 12. every time i snap and hit my brother in some way i immedietly feel guilt overtake me. and they could feel no guiat in killing a 5 year old kid? i spit on them.

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: Walk on June 04, 2005, 10:44:27 PM
Lord of the Flies....  :no:

When you kill someone, you cross a line. No matter what your age, you're a murderer and you deserve to meet Mr. Sparky and ride the lightning. People who do these things should be purged from society.

Edit: grammar.

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: N.I.B on June 04, 2005, 10:55:37 PM
No matter what you're age, you're a murderer and you deserve to meet Mr. Sparky and ride the lightning.

Not in Canada  :confused:

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 04, 2005, 10:57:04 PM
Should a child who commits such a horrible crime, be sentenced to death?

Who is going to put a kid in a chair and zap him/her?


Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: N.I.B on June 04, 2005, 11:38:41 PM
Should a child who commits such a horrible crime, be sentenced to death?

Who is going to put a kid in a chair and zap him/her?


the same guy who kills hundreds of thousands of innocents a year

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: Timothy on June 04, 2005, 11:51:31 PM
Should a child who commits such a horrible crime, be sentenced to death?

Who is going to put a kid in a chair and zap him/her?


the same guy who kills hundreds of thousands of innocents a year


The Devil?

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: *Izzy* on June 05, 2005, 08:16:37 AM
By sentencing someone to death what are you proving? By your theory, that if a person kills someone else they should then be killed, then the person who flicks on the electric chair or injects the murderer should also be killed and then the person who killed him/her should be killed and so on.

In the same way, if a child swears you don't swear back at them in order to teach them not to swear because that doesn't teach them anything except the fact that their parents are swearing so then it must be okay to swear.

You don't gain anything from the electric chair you just lose another life. And as *SLCPUNK* said who's actually going to be malicous enough to kill a child or even watch it

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: Chris Misfit on June 05, 2005, 08:22:59 AM
I blame Timmy Mallet, the fucker!

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 05, 2005, 03:12:23 PM
Should a child who commits such a horrible crime, be sentenced to death?

Who is going to put a kid in a chair and zap him/her?


the same guy who kills hundreds of thousands of innocents a year


The Devil?

A C student from Texas?


What type of punishment fits the crime then?

How do we deal with children who murder? ???

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: N.I.B on June 05, 2005, 09:10:03 PM
By sentencing someone to death what are you proving? By your theory, that if a person kills someone else they should then be killed, then the person who flicks on the electric chair or injects the murderer should also be killed and then the person who killed him/her should be killed and so on.

In the same way, if a child swears you don't swear back at them in order to teach them not to swear because that doesn't teach them anything except the fact that their parents are swearing so then it must be okay to swear.

You don't gain anything from the electric chair you just lose another life. And as *SLCPUNK* said who's actually going to be malicous enough to kill a child or even watch it

I understand what you're saying and I agree with you, but you have to draw the line somewhere. It dosn't matter what age they are they killed someone they should be delt accordingly. I'm not saying you have to kill the kid, but we have to find some means of punishing them.

Should a child who commits such a horrible crime, be sentenced to death?

Who is going to put a kid in a chair and zap him/her?


the same guy who kills hundreds of thousands of innocents a year


The Devil?

A C student from Texas?


What type of punishment fits the crime then?

How do we deal with children who murder? ???

According to your quote, I once heard a Tenxan say "If you come to Texas and kill somebody, we will kill you back." How do we deal with them? Better and extreme punishment than no punishment at all.

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 05, 2005, 09:55:04 PM
Better and extreme punishment than no punishment at all.

Gimmie a better answer than that.

What do we do with children who murder?

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: Timothy on June 05, 2005, 10:03:24 PM
Better and extreme punishment than no punishment at all.

Gimmie a better answer than that.

What do we do with children who murder?

Take away theri playstation.

A judge in Canada took a kids Playstation away from him till he completed his community service.

I know that really doesn?t answer your question, But I was looking for an excuse to post that.

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: Walk on June 06, 2005, 12:02:34 AM
I wouldn't have a problem executing them. Kill and be killed is the rule in civilized society.

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 06, 2005, 12:27:30 AM
I wouldn't have a problem executing them. Kill and be killed is the rule in civilized society.

You'd kill a 9 yr old if he shot another 9 yr old?

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: Hammy on June 06, 2005, 12:32:08 AM
You can't kill kids when they are so young they are not fully developed they don't properly understand things, they get scared of films when they see stuff because they thinks it's real, they copy stuff from films they enjoy because they think it's cool but they are not yet at an age to understand all the consequences.

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: Skeba on June 06, 2005, 08:42:34 AM
I wouldn't have a problem executing them. Kill and be killed is the rule in civilized society.

How is that civilized?

I'm not really for the death penalty, though I do think that if a person is truly guilty, he/she should accept the penalty given to him/her for taking another persons life.

But to sentence a 12-year-old to death, I think, is madness.

Or were you being sarcastic? Say that you were being sarcastic.

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: Jessica on June 06, 2005, 10:33:51 AM
You can't kill kids when they are so young they are not fully developed they don't properly understand things, they get scared of films when they see stuff because they thinks it's real, they copy stuff from films they enjoy because they think it's cool but they are not yet at an age to understand all the consequences.

yes they do after 7 years old. these are not kids anyway, they are considered young adolescents and do know what is right and what is wrong; kids of 6 when i was 6 knew hurting someone was wrong.

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: Jessica on June 06, 2005, 10:36:01 AM
ok, you are all arguing, and no one has yet come up with an answer that would be satisfying for everyone.

Letme ask the question again :

some kids take the right to kill yours, what do you do with them  ?

What do you do if you learn it was premeditated, vicious, if you learn they actually enjoyed their act and have no regrets ?

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: SLCPUNK on June 06, 2005, 01:22:36 PM
ok, you are all arguing, and no one has yet come up with an answer that would be satisfying for everyone.

Letme ask the question again :

some kids take the right to kill yours, what do you do with them? ?

What do you do if you learn it was premeditated, vicious, if you learn they actually enjoyed their act and have no regrets ?

If a child took a gun to school and shot my kid, killing them, I would not want the death penalty. I'm not sure what I would want, but I would not want a 12 yr old stuck in a chair and zapped. That is insane. That would be as pointless as the murder in the first place.

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: *Izzy* on June 06, 2005, 01:54:01 PM
I don't think children can be malicious, life is what molds you into who you are. I don't think you're a proper adult until 14 or 15 years old. If a 15 year old did this they still shouldn't be killed if a 22 year old did this they shouldn't be killed. I don't even agree with life imprisionment, people make mistakes at all ages and everyone should be given a chance to redeem themselves.

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: Jessica on June 06, 2005, 02:27:15 PM
Having looked at serial killers because of a passion of mine, i can tell you that many had NO reasons to turn the way they did.

None but an eventual brain dysfunction.

Should some people have brain dysfunstions and should science be able to prove it and yous that nothing can cure these kids, that they are sadistic little monsters right from the start, do you then lock them again for life ?

Also, don't tell me prison is hard, they get nice food, sporting activities, sex, drugs, tobacco, cell phones and an education.

I wouldn't mind going to prison if i lose my home.

What is a REAL prison is in russia..locked up and forgotten. :rant:

Title: Re: Kids are also, sometimes, sick perverts !!! week news from GB
Post by: N.I.B on June 06, 2005, 04:01:48 PM
ok, you are all arguing, and no one has yet come up with an answer that would be satisfying for everyone.

Letme ask the question again :

some kids take the right to kill yours, what do you do with them? ?

What do you do if you learn it was premeditated, vicious, if you learn they actually enjoyed their act and have no regrets ?

if they had no regrets the best thing to do is slap on a straightjacket and put them on death row for a couple of years. but even in that case, your dealing with someone whos possesed.