Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Eazy E on May 02, 2005, 01:44:58 AM

Title: Broken Bones
Post by: Eazy E on May 02, 2005, 01:44:58 AM
Have you broken any bones?  How did it happen?  Which do you think would be the worst to break?

I've never broken any bones and I'd like to keep it that way... still.... I feel a little left out, there is usually an interesting story to go along with a broken bone.  I'm curious how bad the pain would be too.  :o

Title: Re: Broken Bones
Post by: D on May 02, 2005, 02:03:04 AM
I broke my leg when i was 4, we had a coal house that sort of our clubhouse and i was standing on top of it and jumped off, some how landed wrong and snapped my leg, i crawled into the house cryin and went and got a cast on my foot.

When i got home my brother was talkin to a girl i had a crush on and i got pissed and started slammin my leg against the concrete which was cool cause it didnt really hurt with the cast

2nd time i was playing basketball and i fell on my left arm and actually crushed it.

I wore my cast for 5 days and took it off because i couldnt play ball with it on, so i took it off so i could go back to playing baskeball

its still not healed exactly right but fuck it, nothin comes between me and playin ball.

Title: Re: Broken Bones
Post by: psycotron on May 02, 2005, 02:17:32 AM
i havent ever broken a bone and i feel left out to. one of my freind has broken a bone in his finger and leg allready this year. he broke a bone in his finger when he punched someone in the head which i thought was funny. he probably felt more pain than guy he punched. he broke the bone in his leg playing football.

the closest ive come to breaking a bone is when i collided heads with another guy in a rugby game when we were both going for the ball. if i wasnt wearing a mouthgaurd 4 of my teeth would have fallen out. my mouth just bled alot and my teeth went crooked. the other guy got a huge egg on his head.

Title: Re: Broken Bones
Post by: Drew on May 02, 2005, 10:17:00 AM
I've broken two bones. The bone in my left big toe. And my left hand pinkie. A friend broke my pinkie by kicking it when I reached down to pick up a football. It's still a bit crooked today becasue I never went to the doctor. To straighten it now, I would have to have it re-broken.

Title: Re: Broken Bones
Post by: Timothy on May 02, 2005, 12:46:24 PM
I broke my ankle when I was eleven playing baseball .Hurt like a son of a bitch.

Besides that I have only broken fingers and toes .

Title: Re: Broken Bones
Post by: nesquick on May 02, 2005, 01:21:47 PM
I never broke anything. I'm never ill also. It's been 10 or 11 years that I haven't got the flue! The last time was in 1995!
Doctors don't make money with me, I never see them, lol. It's a good thing isn't it? it prooves I'm in a good shape.