Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: Jessica on April 14, 2005, 05:25:02 AM

Title: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Jessica on April 14, 2005, 05:25:02 AM

I am pleased to announce that a baby gunner is on the way, and has been for almost 8 weeks now.

I heard the foetus little heart beat at the echography, and i cried.

I won't be told about the baby's gender until i am about 4 to 5 months pregnant for safety, so i can't tell you what it is, i have no idea.

My moods are all over the place and i have also stopped smoking ( after 20 years) and that doesn't help my moods either!

I am shit scared of giving birth, i find baby furniture OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive compared to our stuff, so advice and addresses ( in europe or on the net) welcome, because i could do with a bit ?


Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Gunner80 on April 14, 2005, 02:52:55 PM

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: discobiscuit1 on April 14, 2005, 03:03:03 PM
We have talked a cupla times in PM and I found u to be very intelligent and thought provoking....with that in mind congrats and I sincerely wish u the best. that pic is of u then ur quite the cutie as well :)

All the best

David from Australia

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: *Izzy* on April 14, 2005, 03:03:34 PM
Congratulations and hopefully the birth will be sucseesfull? :)

You could always get the furniture secondhand from a relative/friend or from your mother if she kept the stuff? : ok:

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Timothy on April 14, 2005, 03:09:25 PM
Congratulations :)

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: the dirt on April 14, 2005, 03:14:32 PM
Hope it all goes well


Any ideas for names yet?

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Tied-Up on April 14, 2005, 03:16:09 PM
My best advice... epideral. ?If you can get one now, go for it. ? :hihi:

Seriously though, the minute their rolling you into the ?hospital for delivery, demand the epideral. ? Trust me, you'll be thanking me later. ?And if you can keep from it, don't induce. ?The labor is a lot more painful if you induce.

As far as baby furniture goes, a lot of what they try to sell you is unnecessary. ?You may be able to find a crib used, this is your best bet, because you'll only use the crib a short while. ?If you must get one new, my advice is to get one that can later be altered into a toddler bed, so that you don't have to buy another bed so soon. ?

You may want to get a bassinet or a cradle, so that you can have this in your bedroom the first couple of months. ?It beats having to get out of bed and drag yourself into the baby's bedroom for nighttime feedings, also, your presence will be a calming one for the baby. ? ?

other furniture you'll need, a dresser (Of course) ... try to get one that is at your waist level, and then you can strap a changing pad to the top of it, and you won't need an additional changing table. ?

As far as baby clothing... I know the that a lot of parents want to buy a lot of the cute little outfits that are out there, but, realistically, you won't be using these much, so, if finances are tight, you want to invest in a lot of "onesies" ?these are the one piece tee shirts with the snaps at the crotch. ?These were perfect, you could use them to layer clothing when it was cold, and just keep them in the onesie when its warm. ?:)

And... blankets... lots and lots of them. ?Baby spits up on them, leaks on them... you're always washing the blankets, and needing more.

Hope this has been helpful... and congrats! ?:) ?Get as much sleep now as you can. ?:)

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: *Izzy* on April 14, 2005, 03:50:32 PM
Any ideas for names yet?
Axl if it's a boy, Rose if it's a girl? ;D

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Eazy E on April 14, 2005, 05:54:30 PM
I suggest naming the baby Seven.  Or possibly Soda.


Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Axls Locomotive on April 14, 2005, 06:05:49 PM
congrats :)

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Cornell on April 14, 2005, 06:36:59 PM
Congrats, Jessica!  Don't worry about the delivery.  It's really not that bad at all.  I had 2 boys without any pain medication whatsoever.  The best thing about that is 5 mins after they were born, I was up and taking a shower.  Hell, if they would have let me, I would have gone home within the hour.  : ok:

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: N.I.B on April 14, 2005, 06:43:03 PM

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: D on April 14, 2005, 06:44:06 PM
Congratulations Jessica!!!

keep us updated, and when u think of some names let us know what u are considering.

Are u gonna have a baby shower? thats an excellent way to get stuff you need for the baby.

Donnie is an excellent name for a kid :hihi:

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Eeebs on April 14, 2005, 06:46:24 PM
Congratulations, Jessica! :)

I think that a good way to save money is to talk to friends who also have children... maybe they can lend or give you their previously owned furniture, etc... I think that would definitely help financially. ?

I hope that this is the beginning of a happy and healthy pregnancy :)

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Sukie on April 14, 2005, 11:10:38 PM
How exciting, Jessica!  Congratulations!   :)

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Rain on April 15, 2005, 03:52:05 AM
F?licitations Jess !!! Congrats !!!  :beer: :-*

I was wondering if you've been thinking about names yet too ...  ;D

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Jessica on April 15, 2005, 04:09:46 AM
oki oki oki ....

YES, i have been thinking about names :

Mathilda, chloe, margo, elisabeth and sarah for a girl

Hugo, thomas, joshua, philippe and guillaume for a boy

As for the furniture, there aren't many people with babies around, so i'll try to grab what i can from them and look at second hand stores. Plus, babies grow up so fast, wh?t's the point in spending a fortune into furniture they won't even need or remember ?

For the "epideral" is probably what we call " peridurale", this injection inside the back that allows a woman to give birth as she is under local anaestetics ? I'm not sure you see ?
Because i have two badly damaged vertebras in my lower back and the epideral has left some women paralysed ? If i was to have an injection inside a place of my body that's already got a problem, it feels like i would be asking for more trouble and would probably get it ? Or am i over worried ?

DISCOBUISCUIT : yes, i say this to everyone, it IS me in the little picture. And thank you.

D : by baby shower, do you mean a birth list ? I don't know if i'll put a birth list in a shop or two, but i do know that my mother is going to be better as a grandmother and she already is asking about what she can help with, what i need, etc etc...Funny how some horrible women make perfect topic....

GIRLS : is there anything i can do so my weight doesn't goup the roof ? I have stopped smoking, but can't " diet" as such because i'm preggies, but need to watch my weight and there are sports i cannot do yet  ?
Also, are there any good things to do to relax the tummy because honestly, it keeps growing inside and it's a bit painful.
Lastly, i am quite out of breath, i am told it's normal, but IS IT REAAALLY NORMAL  ?

There, becaus i do have existential worries now, i know women have done this since creation, but i haven't and i'm not as zen as i should be.

Thanks everyone.

Jess :-* :-* :-* :-*

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: axl_rose_700 on April 15, 2005, 07:40:43 AM

Chloe is a great girls name! Good choice!   : ok:

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Cornell on April 15, 2005, 08:47:21 AM

Because i have two badly damaged vertebras in my lower back and the epideral has left some women paralysed ? If i was to have an injection inside a place of my body that's already got a problem, it feels like i would be asking for more trouble and would probably get it ? Or am i over worried ?

Jessica,  I have issues with my lower back too which is why I refused to have any injection in that area.  It's NOT worth the risk!!  I am telling you that it's not that bad. :no:

Baby showers provide you with just about everything you'll need.  : ok:

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Jessica on April 15, 2005, 10:42:28 AM

Because i have two badly damaged vertebras in my lower back and the epideral has left some women paralysed ? If i was to have an injection inside a place of my body that's already got a problem, it feels like i would be asking for more trouble and would probably get it ? Or am i over worried ?

Jessica,  I have issues with my lower back too which is why I refused to have any injection in that area.  It's NOT worth the risk!!  I am telling you that it's not that bad. :no:

Baby showers provide you with just about everything you'll need.  : ok:

Bah, i guess i'll just push and scream, push and cry, push and faint and be proud of me when i see a little head, right ? :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

Ok people, the french me is lost :


Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Markus Asraelius on April 15, 2005, 11:21:06 AM
Congratulations. Who's the dad?

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: *Izzy* on April 15, 2005, 11:34:14 AM
It is normal for it to be hard to breathe because now you're? breathing for two ;)

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Jessica on April 15, 2005, 12:25:52 PM
Congratulations. Who's the dad?

A man ?  :rofl: :rofl: ;D ;D ;D :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Jessica on April 15, 2005, 12:26:42 PM
It is normal for it to be hard to breathe because now you're  breathing for two ;)

 :smoking: Izzy  :smoking:

Jesus, then i'm having a future opera singer in there or something, it breathes more than i do  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: ppbebe on April 15, 2005, 12:54:55 PM
Wow, what a surprise. Little Jessica is going to be a mum, hum....(Who am I?)

When I was little, I had a friend called Chloe who was pretty and quite posh as the name.
By the way, the best boys name I?ve ever heard is Bonzo.

I am shit scared of giving birth, i find baby furniture OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive compared to our stuff, so advice and addresses (in europe or on the net) welcome, because i could do with a bit ?
Oxfam? I don't think so.

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Jessica on April 15, 2005, 01:05:40 PM
Wow, what a surprise. Little Jessica is going to be a mum, hum....(Who am I?)

When I was little, I had a friend called Chloe who was pretty and quite posh as the name.
By the way, the best boys name I?ve ever heard is Bonzo.

I am shit scared of giving birth, i find baby furniture OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive compared to our stuff, so advice and addresses (in europe or on the net) welcome, because i could do with a bit ?
Oxfam? I don't think so.

Little me has grown, up and ...out ( my stomach has lol HUGE) ..( the wolf ?  ;D is you ? ;D)

Chloe's nice, i like it. Bonzo reminds me of Gonzo in Kermit's thingy...??? It's a bit like a doggie's name ?
Oxfam's not that bad you know, they do have shops, second hand shops that have quality things.

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: *Izzy* on April 15, 2005, 01:08:10 PM
It's a bit like a doggie's name ?
Which do you want a boy or a girl or either

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Jessica on April 15, 2005, 01:11:23 PM
It's a bit like a doggie's name ?
Which do you want a boy or a girl or either

 :smoking: Izzy  :smoking:

Well, i have had a bad relationship with my mother, who was, i felt, cold and distant to me. I thought having a little girl would mend something but these past days, i saw little boys who were so cudly to their parents that i thought it would be just as nice.

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: *Izzy* on April 15, 2005, 01:13:29 PM
Could it be twins, maybey one boy and one girl

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: ppbebe on April 15, 2005, 01:25:41 PM
Twins are W cute.

Chloe's nice, i like it. Bonzo reminds me of Gonzo in Kermit's thingy...??? It's a bit like a doggie's name ?
Oxfam's not that bad you know, they do have shops, second hand shops that have quality things.
As in Daphnis and Chloe. Beautiful.

my crazy mum's crazy friend named her son Bonzo. According to my mum she is a Zeppelin Fan?
She also has a girl and her name is Dahlia.

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Jessica on April 15, 2005, 01:27:52 PM
I could have had twins, yes, because we do have some in the family, but it'll be next time maybe ?

Because i had my first echography and it's a tiny little heartbeat that beats alone.

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Jessica on April 15, 2005, 01:29:49 PM
Twins are W cute.

Chloe's nice, i like it. Bonzo reminds me of Gonzo in Kermit's thingy...??? It's a bit like a doggie's name ?
Oxfam's not that bad you know, they do have shops, second hand shops that have quality things.
As in Daphnis and Chloe. Beautiful.

my crazy mum's crazy friend named her son Bonzo. According to my mum she is a Zeppelin Fan?
She also has a girl and her name is Dahlia.

I do like daphn? too..WWell, twins aren't in for now, but next time i have kids, it could be twins  ;)

Depends on the then ( in the future) daddy of course. :yes: ;)

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: ppbebe on April 15, 2005, 01:39:06 PM
Take care.

Try to keep yourself always happy.

I hear a baby feels the same to the mum.

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Jessica on April 15, 2005, 02:04:36 PM
Take care.

Try to keep yourself always happy.

I hear a baby feels the same to the mum.

I know hun, but i am very stressed out and cannot escape this right now. I try to relax but it's very very hard. If you have something ( exercise) to share so i can unwind a bit, i'm takers!

And you well know i can't " always" be happy. I try.

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: SLCPUNK on April 15, 2005, 03:38:52 PM

Donnie is an excellent name for a kid :hihi:

Heck...why not just name the kid "D"? I as well go for the gusto.

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: im rickjames bitch on April 17, 2005, 09:24:47 AM
name the kid soda or seven they could be both boy and girls names

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Lisa on April 17, 2005, 05:51:18 PM
Congratulations Jessica...I am sure you will be an amazing sure to enjoy every minute, even the aches,pains and morning all goes very fast and this is a very spectacular time in your life when there is a tiny one growing within you...having a child is one of the most beautiful things you will ever do during your positive and as happy as you can be :) I am happy for you!

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Eazy E on April 17, 2005, 05:54:00 PM
Hey rickjames... Maybe she could name the baby "steal jokes that were already made on the first page of this thread!"   ;D

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: im rickjames bitch on April 18, 2005, 03:33:54 AM
maybe i should have read the first page before i posted that  :-[

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: SLCPUNK on April 18, 2005, 03:47:16 AM
maybe i should have read the first page before i posted that? :-[

Well that means you are only guilty of not reading rather than stealing...which is a good thing.

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: jarmo on April 18, 2005, 12:08:22 PM


Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Jessica on April 18, 2005, 12:31:10 PM


Thanks hun... :-*

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Gunner80 on April 18, 2005, 03:08:03 PM
If it's a boy how about naming him Charles.  ;D

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Axl4Prez2004 on April 18, 2005, 08:50:03 PM
Congrats to you Jessica.  I'm actually watching a tv program called Nanny 911.  I think it provides excellent advice on effective parenting.  Just my 2 cents! 

Oh yeah, also, if you are going to a quality hospital, you should have NO worries about an epidural.  Talk to your doctor about that one.

I did read an earlier post you made that spoke of your relationship with your mom that raised my eyebrows.  Consider that relationship a learning experience.  You are not your mom, and you're gonna have a beautiful and loving relationship with your daughter or son.  I'm so happy for you.   :)     Enjoy it.         

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Darth Jenny on April 19, 2005, 01:07:08 AM
congratulations Jessy!!! It's been a while since I heard from you!  : ok:

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Jessica on April 19, 2005, 03:48:42 AM
If it's a boy how about naming him Charles.  ;D

lol, nope, sorry, we have some names in my family, so i think it'll be something like joshua thomas, or hugo thomas, or or, but thomas will be present as 2nd or 3rd name. ;)

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Jessica on April 19, 2005, 03:59:01 AM
Congrats to you Jessica.  I'm actually watching a tv program called Nanny 911.  I think it provides excellent advice on effective parenting.  Just my 2 cents! 

Oh yeah, also, if you are going to a quality hospital, you should have NO worries about an epidural.  Talk to your doctor about that one.

I did read an earlier post you made that spoke of your relationship with your mom that raised my eyebrows.  Consider that relationship a learning experience.  You are not your mom, and you're gonna have a beautiful and loving relationship with your daughter or son.  I'm so happy for you.   :)     Enjoy it.         

Thank you hun.

I do know the program, but then, thank god i have been a nanny myself, watching over an 18 months old who was autistic.

I am going to a private clinic in VERSAILLES ( near paris). For anybody wanting to know, it's the " clinique des Franciscaines" and i am due for the 5th of december ( if everything goes well) ... :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
But i don't think i'll have an epidural, i have a too great of a risk considering i have two damaged lower vertebras.

Yes, the relationship to my mother. Want the truth ? I don't even know if my dad was my dad, i do know my mother had a lover then, had a few lovers during her mariage to " dad", bla bla bla, and my mother's first love was a guy from deep purple and she kept on seeing him for years and years ( according to her best friend in lies, her sister) . So there you go, i was born to what i call a whore. My mother is a Mary alright but sure isn't a virgin. Which is why i always refused to be assimilated to famous musicians and ended up dumping musicians if i got to date one. I even saw a psychic who saw a piccie of mum and who went " sulfurous, sulfurous" when he saw her face.

No, i am NOT my mother. Will never be.

And i will love my kid, don't you doubt. I have been abondonned enough in my life to know what i'll never do to my own flesh and blood. Just pray i don't become " over loving"... :hihi:

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: *Izzy* on April 19, 2005, 12:28:07 PM
and my mother's first love was a guy from deep purple and she kept on seeing him for years and years
That's quite cool, Deep Purple rock

I feel very sad hearing these stories because my parents are good friends ussually. I wish everyone had great parents and I hope you have a loving releationship with your son/daughter? : ok:

 :smoking: Izzy? :smoking:

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Jessica on April 19, 2005, 01:38:43 PM
and my mother's first love was a guy from deep purple and she kept on seeing him for years and years
That's quite cool, Deep Purple rock

I feel very sad hearing these stories because my parents are good friends ussually. I wish everyone had great parents and I hope you have a loving releationship with your son/daughter  : ok:

 :smoking: Izzy  :smoking:

Bah, don't you worry, if you knew the figures, you'd know my story is just one amongst millions.

French figures talk of 46% of childen not being biologically their dad's.
Almost 1/2 french kids would be a lie ? Interesting enough if you ask me.

My parents were very destructive, but mainly my mother and i saw my " father" before his death and realised he'd forgive her the world since he was so besotted with her. He forgave her really horrible things too, things that shedid and that hurt her kids. he was mad about her. She did love him too, but dad was normally going to inherit a fortune when she met hi mand she hadn't planned on meeting a family's black sheep and family that hadn't planned on leaving much to its descendants anyway.
After years of something she won't talk about, i suspect my mother married out of financial security.

Just one of these stories Izzy. My mother loved m brother enormously, she loved my dad as much as she could even if it mant little at times and i was rejected for a reason i never got to understand. My brothe,r today, feels guilty about being loved because he admits to me i wasn't.

So, how many children were prefered to others ?

I'm not alone in that case either.

My brother's favorite sentence is : i don't want to remember.

My relationship to my son/daughter will be a good one because whatever stupid thing i can do with adults, the baby is my only treasure on this fucked up planet. So, man or not, father of the baby around or not, problems or not, that baby is going to be loved, cuddled, and will tell me to fuck off at adolescence and make me cry, just like any other kid that's grown up too fast.

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Kujo on April 19, 2005, 01:48:50 PM
Congratulations. I havent talked with you in quite awhile, I hope this is another positive step forward for you.

I'm betting on a girl, and I vote for Chloe : ok:

PM me if you ever need to vent on anything :peace:

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Jessica on April 19, 2005, 01:57:28 PM
Congratulations. I havent talked with you in quite awhile, I hope this is another positive step forward for you.

I'm betting on a girl, and I vote for Chloe : ok:

PM me if you ever need to vent on anything :peace:

Tyank you hun. I hope so too, i try to make my life more positive and have accepted it will be a life battle to say " i have a good life" bur i am patient now. I am not as depressed as i was.

I would prefer a little girl, her name will come to me as i see her. And should i have a little boy, i'll just have to show him i was an excellent goal keeeper when i was in a girlie football team. :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Eazy E on April 19, 2005, 02:02:13 PM
and will tell me to fuck off at adolescence and make me cry, just like any other kid that's grown up too fast.

You should start worrying about how painful this is going to be instead of giving birth.  There's no way to avoid either of them, but the "know-it-all" stage drags on for years instead of just 9 months.  I think I'm still in mine.  :confused:

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Jessica on April 19, 2005, 02:09:37 PM
and will tell me to fuck off at adolescence and make me cry, just like any other kid that's grown up too fast.

You should start worrying about how painful this is going to be instead of giving birth.  There's no way to avoid either of them, but the "know-it-all" stage drags on for years instead of just 9 months.  I think I'm still in mine.  :confused:

I don't want to avoid you know ? i think i am truly blessed and i'll expali nwhy more serisouly :

I have a disease since my 18th year and sometimes, my cells have abnormal activity. Towards 30 years old, most women who have this problem start to have fertility problems and eventual cancer scares.
I was so affraid i would not be able to have a baby. You can't imagine. The more time passed, the more i was so downk, down to a point where i could have had any man give me a baby providing i got pregnant before what i thought would be a fatal deadline ?

Now, i feel so blessed. I lost a baby in november, thing i haven't talked about until now, i won't be told anything about my pregnancy by doctors until the 5th month or so because of another miscarriage fear and i do all i can to have the best pregnancy as possibloe ( apart from arguing with the dad almost every day right now) .

I don't give a shit if i only have the 1 kid you see ? I want to see that little one day and night and give as muich joy as he/she will give me trouble. That baby can't be my child and be ange like anyway. If the baby screams his/her first nights away, i know he is my son/she is my daughter alright  :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:I was fire on wheels up until 20/21 years old...And i hope my kid is as vivacious.

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Aava on April 19, 2005, 02:28:13 PM
Congratulations!  :)

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Gunner80 on April 19, 2005, 03:26:51 PM
If it's a boy how about naming him Charles. ;D

lol, nope, sorry, we have some names in my family, so i think it'll be something like joshua thomas, or hugo thomas, or or, but thomas will be present as 2nd or 3rd name. ;)
It was a joke jess.

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Jessica on April 20, 2005, 04:41:58 AM
If it's a boy how about naming him Charles. ;D

lol, nope, sorry, we have some names in my family, so i think it'll be something like joshua thomas, or hugo thomas, or or, but thomas will be present as 2nd or 3rd name. ;)
It was a joke jess.

oops...why can't you be facing me when you talk then ???

I hate the net on days like these  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: pilferk on April 26, 2005, 03:32:59 PM
My best advice... epideral. ?If you can get one now, go for it. ? :hihi:

Seriously though, the minute their rolling you into the ?hospital for delivery, demand the epideral. ? Trust me, you'll be thanking me later. ?And if you can keep from it, don't induce. ?The labor is a lot more painful if you induce.

As far as baby furniture goes, a lot of what they try to sell you is unnecessary. ?You may be able to find a crib used, this is your best bet, because you'll only use the crib a short while. ?If you must get one new, my advice is to get one that can later be altered into a toddler bed, so that you don't have to buy another bed so soon. ?

You may want to get a bassinet or a cradle, so that you can have this in your bedroom the first couple of months. ?It beats having to get out of bed and drag yourself into the baby's bedroom for nighttime feedings, also, your presence will be a calming one for the baby. ? ?

other furniture you'll need, a dresser (Of course) ... try to get one that is at your waist level, and then you can strap a changing pad to the top of it, and you won't need an additional changing table. ?

As far as baby clothing... I know the that a lot of parents want to buy a lot of the cute little outfits that are out there, but, realistically, you won't be using these much, so, if finances are tight, you want to invest in a lot of "onesies" ?these are the one piece tee shirts with the snaps at the crotch. ?These were perfect, you could use them to layer clothing when it was cold, and just keep them in the onesie when its warm. ?:)

And... blankets... lots and lots of them. ?Baby spits up on them, leaks on them... you're always washing the blankets, and needing more.

Hope this has been helpful... and congrats! ?:) ?Get as much sleep now as you can. ?:)

Ditto on everything Tied up said....well, with the exception of the epidural thing.  I can't comment on wife had 2 c-sections so I wouldn't have any idea.

For the baby furniture...find either a 2nd hand store or a "consignment shop", if finances are tight.  You'll get great deals.  Our "trick" was to go to a local consignment store that was in what most would consider a "rich" town.  LOTS of good quality stuff for a fraction of the cost. From a clothes standpoint, much of it still had the stupid tags on.

Find friends with kids and hint, not so subtley, that you wouldn't be adverse to hand me downs.

Start with the bassinet...the baby will probably be there for the first 2 or 3 months, anyway, unless you get lucky and get a sleeper.  God help you if you get a colicky baby (like our daughter).....

That gives you even more time to save up for the crib.

Oh, and my wife always recommends .  Awesome site.  Message boards are pretty good too...let you commiserate with mommy's who are due around the same time as you.

And try to find the ubiquitous book "What to Expect when you're Expecting". No preganant woman should be without it.

One other suggestion: Sleep now.  Sleep every minute you can.  While away your days off from work snoozing....because it'll be the last time you get to for quite some time.  I'm not kidding. Really.

OK, you're probably scared now.  You should be.  I was.  My wife was.  It IS scary.  Life changing.  But you know what?

It's worth it.  Every minute of it.  Because, no matter how bad things can get (ie: sleepless nights, screaming kids, POTTY TRAINING  :crying:)....the minute your child takes their first steps....the minute your kid wraps his/her arms around your neck, looks into your eyes, and you KNOW how much they love you...the minute your baby REACHES up to you, for the first time, to be picked up...the minute he/she first says MaMa (or, in my case, DaDa) just doesn't get much better than that.  And the good always seems to outweigh the bad. 

It is, without a doubt, the single most rewarding thing I've ever done in my life.  Period.

You're in for a wild ride, Jessica.  Enjoy it. :)

If you ever need to talk..just PM me.  If I can't answer your questions...I'll pass them along to my wife...

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: pilferk on April 26, 2005, 03:37:23 PM
Take care.

Try to keep yourself always happy.

I hear a baby feels the same to the mum.

I know hun, but i am very stressed out and cannot escape this right now. I try to relax but it's very very hard. If you have something ( exercise) to share so i can unwind a bit, i'm takers!

And you well know i can't " always" be happy. I try.

Yoga for Mommies is good.

Tai Chi isn't bad, either...but might be tough to start now.  Might want to think about taking it up AFTER the baby is born, though.  Helps to keep you centered, and all that.

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Jessica on May 12, 2005, 02:02:15 PM
thanks lots lots lots pilferk  :-* :-* :-*

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Mr. Dick Purple on June 15, 2005, 04:17:12 PM
congrats and sorry for reply to late.  :-[

I suggest naming the baby Seven.  Or possibly Soda.


Too much Seinfield?  :P

Ok people, the french me is lost :


Well a baby shower is a "party" for all pregnats that is made by her friends an relative the thing is to welcome the world the new child, or at least thats what we do here  : ok:

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Tied-Up on June 15, 2005, 05:39:09 PM

Yes, epidural is the injection in the spine.  I've had two successful pregnancies, and had the epidural twice, there are more successes than failures with them, but if you already have problems with your spine, it would probably not be recommended.

It hurts.  A lot. 

The first time I was able to get up about 5 minutes afterward and use the bathroom, the second time, I had a very bad pregnancy, I was on bedrest the whole pregnancy (6 weeks until birth) because I was on the verge of miscarriage, so I wasn't able to walk around after that birth so quickly. 

I like the name Chloe.  Don't name a kid Donnie.  Don't do that to a child.  Just say no.

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: journey on June 15, 2005, 08:37:40 PM

I like the name Chloe.? Don't name a kid Donnie.? Don't do that to a child.? Just say no.

Donnie's a beautiful name!   ;)

Just because you name your kid, Donnie, doesn't mean he'll grow up to like Bon Jovi.  :hihi:

Good luck, Jessica!

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Tied-Up on June 15, 2005, 10:25:57 PM
Journey:  I was just kidding, of course. 

I am certain that whatever name Jessica chooses for her child, the child will be bright and intelligent, and will know that moldy cheese can cause intestinal disorders.   :hihi:

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Neemo on June 16, 2005, 10:37:03 AM
Congratulations!!!! I have an 8 month old daughter and it is the best thing in the world!!!! Just enjoy every possible minute because things happen very fast :o Just a year ago months ago she was too small to be seen and now she is like 22lbs and has 6 teeth. I can't even remember what it was like 8 months ago or what it was like to not have a kid. go to the movies, go to restaurants do whatever cause you are free right now. When the baby comes you will be too busy taking care of baby to do anything else. That's my advice.

Congrats again. Kids are the best thing in the world. My daughter makes me smile just by being there. You will have a blast : ok:

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on June 16, 2005, 11:09:14 AM
Well a baby shower is a "party" for all pregnats that is made by her friends an relative the thing is to welcome the world the new child, or at least thats what we do here  : ok:

and where you go get revenge on a girl who took you a on a date to burnt down building donw by the docks, and threw food at you and you're cool red shirt.....

chloe is too much of a hippie girl

*marilyne* is cool :)

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: nesquick on June 16, 2005, 06:17:21 PM
I love the name Chlo?.
It's wonderfull.

Title: Re: Parents, your turn !! I'm pregnant !!!
Post by: Rocket_queen125 on June 17, 2005, 03:38:23 PM
Pleas if your kid is a boy name him Gunner