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Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: grog mug on December 02, 2004, 07:37:59 PM

Title: Movie Chinese Democracy was named after.....
Post by: grog mug on December 02, 2004, 07:37:59 PM
I remember Axl saying at his first comeback concert in vegas 1/1/01 that he named CD after a movie.  Something about a soldier crossing China. The soldier couldn't do anything so he had to watch his buddies get killed on the other side because of the boundry.  I know someone will have the full transcript of this somewhere.  It's really one of the only times Axl went into detail about Chinese Democracy and where it came from.  Maybe the song "The General" stems from the moment Axl watched this movie.  Just curious about what movie this was, I think I'll rent it when I find out!

Title: Re: Movie Chinese Democracy was named after.....
Post by: jarmo on December 02, 2004, 07:40:23 PM


Title: Re: Movie Chinese Democracy was named after.....
Post by: grog mug on December 02, 2004, 08:10:38 PM
Thanks man, I appreciate that.  I think Axl is just sitting around coming up with more ideas for the CD.  The songs he already has are being changed until he can summon the entire band and make them to there liking.  I know this is kind of off topic, but you really think something is going down before years end?

Title: Re: Movie Chinese Democracy was named after.....
Post by: fartinabag on December 02, 2004, 08:48:12 PM
It was inspired by Bill and Teds Bogus Journey.? Your welcome! : ok:

Title: Re: Movie Chinese Democracy was named after.....
Post by: grog mug on December 02, 2004, 11:39:35 PM
Or how about Ferris Buellers day off!! Pretty funny huh, Buttcrack??

Title: Re: Movie Chinese Democracy was named after.....
Post by: axlsfriend on December 03, 2004, 01:16:12 AM
axl made a statement that i dont think anyone talks about, in 2000 in a interview with kurt loder axl was asked what the title chinese democracy ment and he said chinese democracy is something that you see movements of from time to time but never actually happens, but everyone wants it. 
 I dont know how he would benefit from this, but its kind of weird how this is basiclly what cd is everyone now and then  hears something about it on mtv or whatever and it never really comes.  its almost like axl is happy enough with just hanging it over the worlds head and teasing us. 

Title: Re: Movie Chinese Democracy was named after.....
Post by: grog mug on December 03, 2004, 01:41:09 AM
I remember that interview but don't remember the statement.  I'm sure he said it though.  Axl would say something like that and then actually do it.  Maybe one day (before Christmas) hopefully he'll master it, release it, promote it, and TOUR behind it.

Title: Re: Movie Chinese Democracy was named after.....
Post by: polluxlm on December 03, 2004, 05:31:23 AM
I believe there's gonna be alot of focus on the ironic meaning of Chinese Democracy when it is released. Reflecting the not so democratic tendencies of Axl.

Title: Re: Movie Chinese Democracy was named after.....
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on December 03, 2004, 08:15:51 AM
axl made a statement that i dont think anyone talks about, in 2000 in a interview with kurt loder axl was asked what the title chinese democracy ment and he said chinese democracy is something that you see movements of from time to time but never actually happens, but everyone wants it.?
 I dont know how he would benefit from this, but its kind of weird how this is basiclly what cd is everyone now and then? hears something about it on mtv or whatever and it never really comes.? its almost like axl is happy enough with just hanging it over the worlds head and teasing us.?

If true, that could mean that CD is not the real name of the album.

Title: Re: Movie Chinese Democracy was named after.....
Post by: mikegiuliana on December 03, 2004, 08:18:55 AM
I wonder what the name of the other two albums is?

Title: Re: Movie Chinese Democracy was named after.....
Post by: Charity Case on December 03, 2004, 09:01:29 AM
I wonder what the name of the other two albums is?

You're kidding right?  I know you have to be kidding because only a fool would believe that Axl has three album's worth of material. 

I know that a bunch of people here like to be silly optomists, but don't you think people need to be realists from time to time?  I know that, despite being deceived countless times, some of you are putting your faith in what Stinson or Reed have to say.  I know that you guys beleive that a release by February is a guarantee.  Doesn't anybody find it odd that we don't have any word yet of a release date from Axl, no word on mastering, no word on a possible tour, no word on promotion and we are now 2 months away from February?

What I'm trying to say is that some of you need to open your eyes and stop making ridicuous statements like "he has three albums already done" and "he saved the big guns for the album release".  I personally love the one about how Maddy, CD and The Blues were not supposed to be their best songs.  I get a kick out of the idea that after basically 9 years of hibernation, Axl comes back to perform on a tour named after his album and decides he is gonna put his three worst songs from the albnum on display.  A more likely scenario would have him playing songs that he thinks would bowl over the audience and hype his album.

I will continue to hope for a 2005 release, but I think I'd be safe to bet my house on the fact that CD has no chnace of being released in February or before.

Title: Re: Movie Chinese Democracy was named after.....
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on December 03, 2004, 10:01:59 AM
I wonder what the name of the other two albums is?

You're kidding right?? I know you have to be kidding because only a fool would believe that Axl has three album's worth of material.?

I know that a bunch of people here like to be silly optomists, but don't you think people need to be realists from time to time?? I know that, despite being deceived countless times, some of you are putting your faith in what Stinson or Reed have to say.? I know that you guys beleive that a release by February is a guarantee.? Doesn't anybody find it odd that we don't have any word yet of a release date from Axl, no word on mastering, no word on a possible tour, no word on promotion and we are now 2 months away from February?

What I'm trying to say is that some of you need to open your eyes and stop making ridicuous statements like "he has three albums already done" and "he saved the big guns for the album release".? I personally love the one about how Maddy, CD and The Blues were not supposed to be their best songs.? I get a kick out of the idea that after basically 9 years of hibernation, Axl comes back to perform on a tour named after his album and decides he is gonna put his three worst songs from the albnum on display.? A more likely scenario would have him playing songs that he thinks would bowl over the audience and hype his album.

I will continue to hope for a 2005 release, but I think I'd be safe to bet my house on the fact that CD has no chnace of being released in February or before.

You know I remember there was a time when there weren't no where near the amount of negative pricks on this board as there are now.  i liked it when this was a strictly PRO GNR board.  If I want to read asshole remarks about my favorite band I'll read Blabbermouth.  Fuck you you fuckin naysayers. 

Title: Re: Movie Chinese Democracy was named after.....
Post by: Pandora on December 03, 2004, 11:07:33 AM
I don't have time to elaborate much so I'll make it simple:

You're kidding right?  I know you have to be kidding because only a fool would believe that Axl has three album's worth of material. 

Having three albums worth of material doesn't mean those three albums are ready to be released. It could simply mean a few dozen songs or pieces or songs that are recorded but are not necessarily finished, haven't received arrangements, haven't been mixed, and still need to be worked on. After so many years it doesn't seem that far-fetched to me.

I get a kick out of the idea that after basically 9 years of hibernation, Axl comes back to perform on a tour named after his album and decides he is gonna put his three worst songs from the albnum on display. 

Who said worst songs? Don't you think there might be some middle ground between best songs and worst songs?

Title: Re: Movie Chinese Democracy was named after.....
Post by: mikegiuliana on December 03, 2004, 11:14:51 AM
People tell me all the time 5-6 years isn't for one album, it's for three.. Does it really take that many years to record one album??

I have people always saying it's three not one, axl will release one every year as he tours with his new band..

No one has to tell me to open my eyes, they are open,I'm just itred of arguing, when the album/s come out then we wioll see..

At this point I think we're lucky if we see cd..

Title: Re: Movie Chinese Democracy was named after.....
Post by: Judge Dredd on December 03, 2004, 12:49:40 PM
Maybe Axl has called it 'Chinese Democracy' simply because it will never happen. :crying:

I hope not, and as for how many albums are 'ready', it took Brian Wilson 38 years to release 'Smile'.

Title: Re: Movie Chinese Democracy was named after.....
Post by: grog mug on December 03, 2004, 01:16:57 PM
The CD will be released under Chinese Democracy.  The question is when?  Axl knows everyone has been anticipating this since he put Oh My God on the End of Days soundtrack.  Whether you liked that song or not, more and more people became interested again.  I remember in Vegas he talked about how the "record company" dropped the ball for the album being released earlier that year.  I think the initial plan was to release the album sometime during 2001 with Axl's songs he'd been working on.  Then following it up with his best stuff on the second album.  Maybe that's why theres all the talk of the 3 albums finished and in the works.

Title: Re: Movie Chinese Democracy was named after.....
Post by: Charity Case on December 03, 2004, 01:24:08 PM
I wonder what the name of the other two albums is?

You're kidding right?? I know you have to be kidding because only a fool would believe that Axl has three album's worth of material.?

I know that a bunch of people here like to be silly optomists, but don't you think people need to be realists from time to time?? I know that, despite being deceived countless times, some of you are putting your faith in what Stinson or Reed have to say.? I know that you guys beleive that a release by February is a guarantee.? Doesn't anybody find it odd that we don't have any word yet of a release date from Axl, no word on mastering, no word on a possible tour, no word on promotion and we are now 2 months away from February?

What I'm trying to say is that some of you need to open your eyes and stop making ridicuous statements like "he has three albums already done" and "he saved the big guns for the album release".? I personally love the one about how Maddy, CD and The Blues were not supposed to be their best songs.? I get a kick out of the idea that after basically 9 years of hibernation, Axl comes back to perform on a tour named after his album and decides he is gonna put his three worst songs from the albnum on display.? A more likely scenario would have him playing songs that he thinks would bowl over the audience and hype his album.

I will continue to hope for a 2005 release, but I think I'd be safe to bet my house on the fact that CD has no chnace of being released in February or before.

You know I remember there was a time when there weren't no where near the amount of negative pricks on this board as there are now.? i liked it when this was a strictly PRO GNR board.? If I want to read asshole remarks about my favorite band I'll read Blabbermouth.? Fuck you you fuckin naysayers.?

Boo-hoo. ?Give me a break. ?You want only Axl ass kissers to come and post here? ?God that would suck. ?Having different perspectives is what makes this board good... it certainly isn't the activity around GNr that makes this site worth visiting. ?I have the exact opposite take as you. ?I am sick and tired of reading all the Axl ball-washing posts about his genius and how he'll deliver and how he has 3 albums ready and how he will tour for 3 years and how he is a nice man despite spousal abuse and about how............ ?I am injectuing realism here, not pessimism.

The fact is that we have zero information that leads to a possible February release. ?And please do not count what Stinson or Dizzy say as reliable infomation. ?I know more about the goings on in GNFR than they do. ? :P

Title: Re: Movie Chinese Democracy was named after.....
Post by: Dust N Rose on December 03, 2004, 01:33:08 PM
I bet you don't.

Title: Re: Movie Chinese Democracy was named after.....
Post by: SLCPUNK on December 03, 2004, 02:32:05 PM
Great movie BTW. : ok:

Title: Re: Movie Chinese Democracy was named after.....
Post by: Thorazine Shuffle on December 03, 2004, 02:54:06 PM
I wonder what the name of the other two albums is?

You're kidding right?? I know you have to be kidding because only a fool would believe that Axl has three album's worth of material.?

I know that a bunch of people here like to be silly optomists, but don't you think people need to be realists from time to time?? I know that, despite being deceived countless times, some of you are putting your faith in what Stinson or Reed have to say.? I know that you guys beleive that a release by February is a guarantee.? Doesn't anybody find it odd that we don't have any word yet of a release date from Axl, no word on mastering, no word on a possible tour, no word on promotion and we are now 2 months away from February?

What I'm trying to say is that some of you need to open your eyes and stop making ridicuous statements like "he has three albums already done" and "he saved the big guns for the album release".? I personally love the one about how Maddy, CD and The Blues were not supposed to be their best songs.? I get a kick out of the idea that after basically 9 years of hibernation, Axl comes back to perform on a tour named after his album and decides he is gonna put his three worst songs from the albnum on display.? A more likely scenario would have him playing songs that he thinks would bowl over the audience and hype his album.

I will continue to hope for a 2005 release, but I think I'd be safe to bet my house on the fact that CD has no chnace of being released in February or before.

You know I remember there was a time when there weren't no where near the amount of negative pricks on this board as there are now.? i liked it when this was a strictly PRO GNR board.? If I want to read asshole remarks about my favorite band I'll read Blabbermouth.? Fuck you you fuckin naysayers.?

Boo-hoo. ?Give me a break. ?You want only Axl ass kissers to come and post here? ?God that would suck. ?Having different perspectives is what makes this board good... it certainly isn't the activity around GNr that makes this site worth visiting. ?I have the exact opposite take as you. ?I am sick and tired of reading all the Axl ball-washing posts about his genius and how he'll deliver and how he has 3 albums ready and how he will tour for 3 years and how he is a nice man despite spousal abuse and about how............ ?I am injectuing realism here, not pessimism.

The fact is that we have zero information that leads to a possible February release. ?And please do not count what Stinson or Dizzy say as reliable infomation. ?I know more about the goings on in GNFR than they do. ? :P
I said my peace there buddy.  Fuck all the naysayers.

Title: Re: Movie Chinese Democracy was named after.....
Post by: mikegiuliana on December 03, 2004, 03:10:20 PM
I don't think being negative is wrong, everyone handles different situations different.. I think the people with doubts are just being realistic towards the album..

If this was going on with any other group and their fans were just being like this we would laugh at them..

Title: Re: Movie Chinese Democracy was named after.....
Post by: grog mug on December 04, 2004, 12:51:40 AM
I think we'll all get an e-mail from GN'R news letter letting us know something.  Then we'll get hints little by little until the album release date finally surfaces.

Title: Re: Movie Chinese Democracy was named after.....
Post by: ChristineP on December 20, 2004, 06:32:10 PM
Interesting,  Never heard that before.  Movement,  something to come that never does, every one wants it!  Sounds like my life!