Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Off Topic => The Jungle => Topic started by: journey on August 12, 2004, 02:32:13 AM

Title: Vegetarianism
Post by: journey on August 12, 2004, 02:32:13 AM
I've been a vegan (non-dairy vegetarian) for eight years. I wasn't raised to be one, and all of my family members eat meat. But, I just wanted to become one, because I respect all living creatures. I believe animals have rights, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Whether being a vegetarian is right or wrong, I'm not sure. It's just the right thing for me. I don't judge other peoples choices. And, I don't try to get others to conform to my way of thinking, I'm just interested in different points of view.

So, how do you feel about vegetarianism? Is it crazy? Does it make any sense to you? What is your opinion or theory on this subject?

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: SLCPUNK on August 12, 2004, 02:48:20 AM
No way. I think it's great. If anything you will probably be more healthy than the average person. I try to eat as little meat as possible. I eat fish, chicken, and turkey. Try to eat lots of fruits and veggies. I look up to anybody that is vegan. Takes a lot of will power for sure.

(Waiting for the next poster to come along and tell me how healthy people who eat meat are ::).)

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: D on August 12, 2004, 03:17:12 AM
yeah i find that very very remarkable, i would love to be able to do what u do, but my will power coupled with my unwillingness to try new foods probably would make it next to impossible

i guess i try not to think about it very much,  animals  having human characteristics etc

i could maybe do the whole not eating meat stuff if i really wanted but the dairy stuff that really amazes me

that being said, i totally find it hypocritical when these celeb vegans or vegetarians hold rallies etc over not eating meat but yet wear leather,suede etc, i find that pretty lame and no better than eating the animal

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Chris Misfit on August 12, 2004, 03:36:59 AM
I find nothing more delcious than eating an animal that has been brutally slaughtered, and burnt to a crisp.

Sorry there.

People who don't eat meat, are people who don't eat meat. I question whether people do it, becuase it's their belief or just so they can rant on about how much better they are than other people. I'M HEALTHIER THAN YOU. Yeah? You'll still probably die before me.

It's stupid, you don't eat meat. Good. Don't go round calling yourself a vegan, veggie, sXe or whatever it is now.

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Walk on August 12, 2004, 04:02:05 AM
If done 100% correctly, eating no meat is healthier if you know absolutely what you are doing. But there's nothing wrong with naturally raised and processed meat, I believe. Vegans are correct to point out problems with most of the meat out there, but they should remember that most produce is also tampered with, and is just as bad as eating meat. Unless you own a garden yourself, they are both bad.

I would suggest eating insects. Seriously. They aren't sentient, intelligent animals like mammals. Hell, trees and plants are probably more intelligent. Insects are full of protein and low fat, and they aren't loaded with chemicals and other nasty things like farm animals are. They don't live long and they usually end up on the bottom of someone's boot in the end. I wouldn't feel guilty about eating them. In fact, I happen to like grasshoppers!  ;D

Some fundamentalist Christians believe no one ate meat before the Flood. They eat only honey and grown vegetables. I think they're a little crazy though.

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: matt88 on August 12, 2004, 05:06:49 AM
I find nothing wrong with being a vegetarian or a Vegan.

But 1 thing i always think with people who are Vegan's is that they are taking being a vegetarian to over the top proprtions...if that makes sense. Not eating the meat is all good, but making sure u don't consume nothing from animals is a little over the top.

It must be a bit annoying having to make absolutely sure u consume nothing from an animal.

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: D on August 12, 2004, 05:27:57 AM
i would like to point out that she stated her reasons why and said that she doesnt preach or mind people eating meat, its just her choice

i know some vegans,vegetarians,animal rights activist go over the top but she isnt!!!

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: gypsy eyes on August 12, 2004, 06:05:07 AM
I was a vegetarian (didn't eat meat -  or chicken or fish or anything, i also consider that meat!!! but i did eat dairy stuff) for a couple of years and i didn't even think it was that hard, i never ate much meat, i still don't, so it was pretty easy for me. Some people really NEED meat, or a lot of food because their body uses a lot of energy, that depends from person to person, and if you "need" meat i don't think it's very healthy to just eliminate all meat at once... being a vegetarian is often thought of to be very healthy but it's a fact that most of them have a pretty low blood pressure and pass out easier, because of the lack of certain vitamins you get in meat! so it's a good choice but you have to make sure you compensate the loss of meat, by eating certain vegetables with a lot of proteins and vitamins and dryed fruits and nuts... if you just eat no meat nad don't replace it by anything you're not being very healthy  :no:

i could maybe do the whole not eating meat stuff if i really wanted but the dairy stuff that really amazes me
yeah that must be very hard! congrats Journey for doing that!!! i have a friend who also eats no dairy products and at times she freaks me out lol don't take this the wrong way but if you go for french fries and she asks to double check that the oil they bake em in really has no animal stuff in it, that can give you some funny looks now and then :hihi: no but really, if you think of how many products have dairy stuff in em, i couldn't live without waffles and chocolate pudding ;D

that being said, i totally find it hypocritical when these celeb vegans or vegetarians hold rallies etc over not eating meat but yet wear leather,suede etc, i find that pretty lame and no better than eating the animal
hey i don't wear fur, i think that's bad! i do wear leather but i pay attention to that, i used to wear all black leather, now i replaced my clothes for latex stuff (is actually better, it breaths more than leather does so when you take your clothes of you don't smell like you been stuck in a dusty closet for years :rofl: only my boots are still leather, cause i can't find anything else... but that's just cow shit, i won't go around wearing snake leather!!! (though i love it :'() hihi my snake would be hurt... or scared... do snakes have feelings anyway? :hihi:

People who don't eat meat, are people who don't eat meat. I question whether people do it, becuase it's their belief or just so they can rant on about how much better they are than other people. I'M HEALTHIER THAN YOU. Yeah? You'll still probably die before me.

It's stupid, you don't eat meat. Good. Don't go round calling yourself a vegan, veggie, sXe or whatever it is now.
errr i just said that some people who don't eat meat are more likely to get ill than people why do, IF they don't do it correctly that is...
i don't know many vegetarians that go around saying "I'm healthier than you" that's just stupid! maybe a few do show off with the fac they don't eat meat but those aren't real vegetarians, they just do it cause nowadays it's "cool" and that makes em think THEY are cool... people are weird ::)

and what should vegetarians call themselves then? they don't eat meat, that's the correct word for someone who doesn't eat meat... if you have to say "people who don't eat meat" everytime... you go right ahead but im too lazy for that ;D

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: matt88 on August 12, 2004, 06:06:14 AM
i would like to point out that she stated her reasons why and said that she doesnt preach or mind people eating meat, its just her choice

i know some vegans,vegetarians,animal rights activist go over the top but she isnt!!!

I never said she was preaching. I gave my opinion, and that was I, even though i find nothing wrong it find it a little over the top.

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: gypsy eyes on August 12, 2004, 06:13:38 AM
Unless you own a garden yourself
i do... no really i do! and i do grow my own vegetables... lol sorry but when i read that it just made me laugh :hihi: so does this mean im healthy? :D

Some fundamentalist Christians believe no one ate meat before the Flood. They eat only honey and grown vegetables. I think they're a little crazy though.
all fundamentalists are crazy :P
but if you wanna know... there are stories like that in all cultures, not only christian beliefs... in every culture you have a flood and in every culture before the Flood you had "people" (or in some cultures even gods... it usually comes down to it that the people were different and living in peace) and honey and milk and vegetables are sweet and fresh things that are thought of as being good and peaceful and even devine to some... think of "the land of milk and honey" it's just a legende and you have it in all cultures... i just thought of something: im starting to sound as smartass as Dizzy :o :nervous: :crying: :-X :-X :-X

But 1 thing i always think with people who are Vegan's is that they are taking being a vegetarian to over the top proprtions...if that makes sense. Not eating the meat is all good, but making sure u don't consume nothing from animals is a little over the top.

It must be a bit annoying having to make absolutely sure u consume nothing from an animal.
yeah but that's the choice of the person him/herself, as long as they don't force other people into anything i think everyone has a right to do what they want... i mean, if they put so much effort into doing that, that doesn't affect you does it?

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Chris Misfit on August 12, 2004, 06:27:51 AM
and what should vegetarians call themselves then? they don't eat meat, that's the correct word for someone who doesn't eat meat... if you have to say "people who don't eat meat" everytime... you go right ahead but im too lazy for that

Many do eat meat, that's my point. "I'm a vegetarian, but I eat fish" "I'm a vulcan, but I wear wool" "I'm a fucking hemoprite, that's someone who is half veggie, part straight edge, part Iranian, but who can eat pork the 22nd tuesday of every year".

I gave an honest opinion that I feel that too many people use it as a label rather than a lifestyle, and I get an uneducated response such as was all I could have expected.

You're congratulating someone for choosing to do as she wishes?

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: D on August 12, 2004, 07:08:34 AM
i would like to point out that she stated her reasons why and said that she doesnt preach or mind people eating meat, its just her choice

i know some vegans,vegetarians,animal rights activist go over the top but she isnt!!!

I never said she was preaching. I gave my opinion, and that was I, even though i find nothing wrong it find it a little over the top.

my fault matt, i wasnt speaking to anyone in particular, its just alot of people dont read the entire threads and only pick up at certain sections so i was just reitterating to people who may miss her first post that she isnt being preachy or holier than thou etc etc

im not congratulating her because of a lifestyle choice or anything, i just think its amazing when anyone does something difficult and sticks to it.

i put myself in that position and there is no way i could ever do it, and i consider myself a very dedicated and strong person, hell i cant make myself drink only two cokes a day, so i couldnt imagine not eating any meat or dairy, its mind blowing to me.

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: matt88 on August 12, 2004, 07:21:01 AM
i would like to point out that she stated her reasons why and said that she doesnt preach or mind people eating meat, its just her choice

i know some vegans,vegetarians,animal rights activist go over the top but she isnt!!!

I never said she was preaching. I gave my opinion, and that was I, even though i find nothing wrong it find it a little over the top.

my fault matt, i wasnt speaking to anyone in particular, its just alot of people dont read the entire threads and only pick up at certain sections so i was just reitterating to people who may miss her first post that she isnt being preachy or holier than thou etc etc

im not congratulating her because of a lifestyle choice or anything, i just think its amazing when anyone does something difficult and sticks to it.

i put myself in that position and there is no way i could ever do it, and i consider myself a very dedicated and strong person, hell i cant make myself drink only two cokes a day, so i couldnt imagine not eating any meat or dairy, its mind blowing to me.

No worries D : ok:

It's her life and she can do what she wants, thats waht's important.

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Izzy on August 12, 2004, 10:01:22 AM
I've been a vegan (non-dairy vegetarian) for eight years. I wasn't raised to be one, and all of my family members eat meat. But, I just wanted to become one, because I respect all living creatures. I believe animals have rights, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Oh no...u lot again

''I believe animals have the right to do this that yak yak yak''

Yeah, I BELIVE they have the right to tried by jury, covered by trade unions and given equal opportunities in all jobs :rofl:

Give me a fucking break - their animals, as long as they ain't actively abused thats good enough


My poor steak....that cow could have achieved so much in could have been an Olympic Skier :rofl:

Also -

I respect all living creatures. I believe animals have rights, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

So when their's ants in ur house u don't use insecticides to kill them? When slugs destroy all ur plants u just ignore them? When there's a rat living nearby u just leave it alone? U watch where ur walking to avoid hurting bugs?

Oh u don't

What happened to THIER rights? What hypocracy!

I don't judge other peoples choices.

What a stupid thing to say! You are really totally indifferant to whatever people do? Sure u r.....

So, how do you feel about vegetarianism? Is it crazy? Does it make any sense to you? What is your opinion or theory on this subject?

Its absurd if its on your grounds of saving the poor sheep ::) If you don't like meat fair enough but this stupid self righteous nonsense sickens me - besides too many times its done just to show off - 'oh i'm a vegatarian'' - NO ONE'S IMPRESSED

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Aava on August 12, 2004, 10:04:21 AM
But, I just wanted to become one, because I respect all living creatures. I believe animals have rights, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Well, i love animals, i work with them everyday, but i also eat meat.

People have eaten meat from the begining. Vegetarianism is ok. I understand, that now it?s possible people to make choices, unlike those who lived 100 or 1000 years ago, but animals eats other animals, right? They don?t think it?s cruel or "hey, I respect other living creatures". Besides, humans intestinal tract are made to digest meat (and of course veggies too).

..I don?t know, maybe i have put too many animals to sleep lately and became so cynical..  ;D

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: loretian on August 12, 2004, 10:13:39 AM
I'm not a vegetarian, but I respect it.   I've never met a vegetarian that tried to push their views on me, they just don't want to eat meat, and don't bother anyone who does.

As far as the actual logic behind that, I don't really understand where you get the idea that animals deserve "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", other than just arbitrarily deciding that you feel that way.  I'd love to hear your reasoning and how you came to that conclusion, though.

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Walk on August 12, 2004, 10:32:33 AM
Vegetarians who say they care about not hurting animals can be over the top. I think it's actually kind to put stupid animals like sheep, fish, all poultry, and insects out of their misery. Pigs, cows, and dolphins, however, are intelligent and don't want to die. It just depends on which animals you're talking about.

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: axl_rose_700 on August 12, 2004, 11:00:10 AM
No way. I think it's great. If anything you will probably be more healthy than the average person. I try to eat as little meat as possible. I eat fish, chicken, and turkey. Try to eat lots of fruits and veggies. I look up to anybody that is vegan. Takes a lot of will power for sure.

(Waiting for the next poster to come along and tell me how healthy people who eat meat are ::).)

Yes, that is why we have canine teeth!!

Also, we need things from meat to keep us healthy like oil from fish and iron from red meats etc!!

But I don't have a problem with vegitarianism, animals do have rights but some of these animals wouldn't be alive if people didn't eat them, I think making sure an animal has a decent life while it is alive is the best way to go!!  : ok:

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Walk on August 12, 2004, 11:13:47 AM
Actually, the healthy fats and oils in fish are supposed to be present in nearly all land animals. However, grain feed changes the nutritional profile of animals for the worse. Not enough omega 3's. Also, a lot of these nutrients are only found in the animal organs, like liver and heart. These parts aren't usually consumed. But the way Western diets are today, simply staying away from soda and soy is a great accomplishment.

If you can afford fish (not farm raised) or organic meat, go for it! If you can't, you can try flax seed oil instead. It takes a while to get over the vile taste, though.

There is actually an overabundance of herbavores out there. There aren't enough wolves and tigers and other predators to kill them off because they've all been killed by ranchers and farmers. As a result, there are a lot of thin, starving deer and other animals out there. :(

There must be hunters to keep their populations in check. Think of it that way when you eat meat.

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: SLCPUNK on August 12, 2004, 11:49:42 AM
What is funny is how people will get upset about getting dolphin caught in tuna nets. I guess it's ok to eat tuna because they are dumb and ugly, but not kill dolphin on accident (or eat them) because they are smart and cute. :hihi:

Some things are gross. Like veal. I have eaten veal, but it is horrible how they are treated. Also Foie Gras is gross how the force feed the duck or goose grains to enlarge the liver. Who thought of that shit anyway?

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Will on August 12, 2004, 11:53:40 AM
I could never be a vegetarian. I eat a lot less meat now because my wife was vegetarian for a few years. We eat beef maybe once a week and fish or pork once a week too. Not too bad. Some vegetarian make me think of some non-smokers. They look at you like you're the Antichrist if you eat a burger or smoke a cigarette. Not all of them are like that but I hate when they do that. Btw, what's up with the "veggie burgers"? Have you ever tried that? It tastes like plastic. And if you don't like meat, why even trying to prepare something that's so similar in appearance to a ground beef burger? Doesn't make sense to me.

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: axl_rose_700 on August 12, 2004, 01:41:12 PM
I've been a vegan (non-dairy vegetarian) for eight years. I wasn't raised to be one, and all of my family members eat meat. But, I just wanted to become one, because I respect all living creatures. I believe animals have rights, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Oh no...u lot again

''I believe animals have the right to do this that yak yak yak''

Yeah, I BELIVE they have the right to tried by jury, covered by trade unions and given equal opportunities in all jobs :rofl:

Give me a fucking break - their animals, as long as they ain't actively abused thats good enough


My poor steak....that cow could have achieved so much in could have been an Olympic Skier :rofl:

Also -

I respect all living creatures. I believe animals have rights, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

So when their's ants in ur house u don't use insecticides to kill them? When slugs destroy all ur plants u just ignore them? When there's a rat living nearby u just leave it alone? U watch where ur walking to avoid hurting bugs?

Oh u don't

What happened to THIER rights? What hypocracy!

I don't judge other peoples choices.

What a stupid thing to say! You are really totally indifferant to whatever people do? Sure u r.....

So, how do you feel about vegetarianism? Is it crazy? Does it make any sense to you? What is your opinion or theory on this subject?

Its absurd if its on your grounds of saving the poor sheep ::) If you don't like meat fair enough but this stupid self righteous nonsense sickens me - besides too many times its done just to show off - 'oh i'm a vegatarian'' - NO ONE'S IMPRESSED

Izy that was fucking genius!!  : ok:

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Eeebs on August 12, 2004, 02:01:26 PM
Hey, my best friend has been a vegan for 8 years as well :)  Prior to this, she had been a vegetarian for many years.  I believe if you believe in something, you should go for it... however, you should not impose / pressure your views on anyone else.  Live and let live, ya know what I'm saying? 

She introduced me to the wonderful world of tofu... mmmmm, very yummy stuff :)  When we go out, she has no problem if I eat a hamburger... she respects my views, and I respect her's.   

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: journey on August 12, 2004, 02:59:57 PM
I've been a vegan (non-dairy vegetarian) for eight years. I wasn't raised to be one, and all of my family members eat meat. But, I just wanted to become one, because I respect all living creatures. I believe animals have rights, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Oh no...u lot again

''I believe animals have the right to do this that yak yak yak''

Yeah, I BELIVE they have the right to tried by jury, covered by trade unions and given equal opportunities in all jobs :rofl:

Give me a fucking break - their animals, as long as they ain't actively abused thats good enough


My poor steak....that cow could have achieved so much in could have been an Olympic Skier :rofl:

Also -

I respect all living creatures. I believe animals have rights, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

So when their's ants in ur house u don't use insecticides to kill them? When slugs destroy all ur plants u just ignore them? When there's a rat living nearby u just leave it alone? U watch where ur walking to avoid hurting bugs?

Oh u don't

What happened to THIER rights? What hypocracy!

I don't judge other peoples choices.

What a stupid thing to say! You are really totally indifferant to whatever people do? Sure u r.....

So, how do you feel about vegetarianism? Is it crazy? Does it make any sense to you? What is your opinion or theory on this subject?

Its absurd if its on your grounds of saving the poor sheep ::) If you don't like meat fair enough but this stupid self righteous nonsense sickens me - besides too many times its done just to show off - 'oh i'm a vegatarian'' - NO ONE'S IMPRESSED

If I can impress at least one person, that's all that matters.? :hihi:? Just kidding.? ;)

I'm not trying to be self-righteous. I'm just curious as to how people feel about the whole vegetarian diet. I guess growing up with a lot of animals contributed to my choice of eating. We always had cats, dogs, hamsters, fish, etc.. So, forming emotional bonds to them had something to do with it. But, it's really been a combination of things. Like in third grade, before we recited the pledge of allegiance or prayer, we'd recite, "I will treat others the way I want to be treated." That saying always stayed with me. And, I do consider animals to be 'others'.

Here's a list of famous vegetarians:

Leonardo da Vinci
Thomas Edison
Albert Einstein
Mahatma Gandhi
Sir Isaac Newton
Mary Shelley
Hank Aaron
Bryan Adams
Bob Barker
Kim Basinger
Jeff Beck
David Bowie
Christie Brinkley
Chrissie Hynde
Mick Jagger
Elton John
Steve Martin
Paul McCartney
Olivia Newton-John
Stevie Nicks
Todd Rundgren

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Chris Misfit on August 12, 2004, 03:42:48 PM
guess growing up with a lot of animals contributed to my choice of eating. We always had cats, dogs, hamsters, fish,

I'm glad to hear you or you're family didn't eat your pets. Nice one.

What is the point of naming famous vegetarians? You realise that every other celebrity is a meat eater?

One thing that I find funny, is substitute meat. Quorn and the like. What is with that? You don't want to eat a dead animal, but you love the taste of dead animal,  so you just can't do without it? Are you thinking :yeah, this tastes like a slaughtered pig, I fucking love this, fry me up another baby:?

I hate the fact that I seem so against people that don't eat meat, but I'm not.

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Mysteron on August 12, 2004, 04:20:06 PM
I've been a vegan (non-dairy vegetarian) for eight years. I wasn't raised to be one, and all of my family members eat meat. But, I just wanted to become one, because I respect all living creatures. I believe animals have rights, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Whether being a vegetarian is right or wrong, I'm not sure. It's just the right thing for me. I don't judge other peoples choices. And, I don't try to get others to conform to my way of thinking, I'm just interested in different points of view.

So, how do you feel about vegetarianism? Is it crazy? Does it make any sense to you? What is your opinion or theory on this subject?

I have been a vegetarian for 10 years or so

For me though it was a health decision, not an animal decision. I believe that cruelty to animals is not right, but on the other hand there is an food chain to be upheld

And that's as far as my opinion stretches

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: D on August 12, 2004, 04:56:14 PM
Leonardo da Vinci
Thomas Edison
Albert Einstein
Mahatma Gandhi
Sir Isaac Newton
Mary Shelley
Hank Aaron
Bryan Adams
Bob Barker
Kim Basinger
Jeff Beck
David Bowie
Christie Brinkley
Chrissie Hynde
Mick Jagger
Elton John
Steve Martin
Paul McCartney
Olivia Newton-John
Stevie Nicks
Todd Rundgren

u forgot PRINCE : ok: :peace: :hihi:

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: axls_locomotive on August 12, 2004, 05:16:36 PM

What is the point of naming famous vegetarians? You realise that every other celebrity is a meat eater?

going with the majority this time chris? shouldnt you be eating sauteed tree bark and beans or something that's unpopular? lol

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Chris Misfit on August 12, 2004, 07:05:45 PM

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Miz on August 12, 2004, 07:32:20 PM
I believe if you believe in something, you should go for it...
Wow, what a great idea, I wish i'd thought of doing that before...

I agree with what Izzy said basically.

People harp on about how it's cruel to eat animals....somehwere along the line they must have missed the science class where they got taught about the food chain.  How the rabbits eat plants, then the foxes eat rabbits...etc..
It's the way evolution intended.

I can see the problem with battery farming and such, but there is free range stuff you can buy.

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Will on August 12, 2004, 07:38:10 PM
Yup, only free range meat for me thanx. Wild Oats rules! That's more expensive but that's awesome meat. It actually tastes better! Check out their rib-eyes and New York strip steaks! :)

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: SLCPUNK on August 13, 2004, 12:23:55 AM
They are so overpriced.....

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Will on August 13, 2004, 01:23:31 AM
I prefer to pay the price for good/ free range meat and just eat less meat. I am no vegetarian in any way but my wife kinda open my eyes on this stuff. It actually tastes better so that's fine with me! ;)

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: RichardNixon on August 13, 2004, 05:15:14 AM
I'm a vegatarian. I eat seafood sometimes, but no meat. I haven't eaten meat in five years. I love animals...more than people :love:

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Miz on August 14, 2004, 07:50:29 PM
I'm a vegatarian. I eat seafood sometimes, but no meat. I haven't eaten meat in five years. I love animals...more than people :love:
Did you go to school?  A fish is an animal.

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: KeVoRkIaN on August 15, 2004, 12:18:21 AM
Until I see a fish grow roots - I am not convinced over its honorary vegetable status...... :rofl:
Send all your coupons for meat my way - for every animal you won't eat I'll eat 3
I think I am a Carnivorian - I want to be the first on the board to stick up for the rights of those poor radishes....
Given the choice between Meat or Vegetables it would be "Sianora Celery"

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: RichardNixon on August 15, 2004, 01:25:39 AM
I'm a vegatarian. I eat seafood sometimes, but no meat. I haven't eaten meat in five years. I love animals...more than people :love:
Did you go to school?? A fish is an animal.

There are many kinds of vegatarians. There are those that eat no meat but do eat fish.

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Eazy E on August 15, 2004, 01:33:23 AM
I'm a vegatarian. I eat seafood sometimes, but no meat. I haven't eaten meat in five years. I love animals...more than people :love:
Did you go to school?? A fish is an animal.

There are many kinds of vegatarians. There are those that eat no meat but do eat fish.

Who cares? You said you loved animals more than people... yet you eat fish.  Where's the love?

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: RichardNixon on August 15, 2004, 07:56:59 AM
I'm a vegetarian. I eat seafood sometimes, but no meat. I haven't eaten meat in five years. I love animals...more than people :love:
Did you go to school?? A fish is an animal.

There are many kinds of vegetarians. There are those that eat no meat but do eat fish.

Who cares? You said you loved animals more than people... yet you eat fish.? Where's the love?

Fish just seem to be mindless autonitons to me.? Fish don't care for one another or bond with anything. A pig or a cow on the other hand are beautiful animals, IMHO, and will follow you around.

Cows, pigs, chicken, cats, dogs, etc, have no hidden agenda. They will not try to steel from you. They will not lie to you. They will not pretend to be your friend. And they will only hurt you in self-defense. That is why I care about animals are choose not to eat them.

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Tj on August 15, 2004, 09:23:28 AM
I don't eat meat because it tastes disgusting  :yes: I figure one of the main purposes of animals is to be around so humans can eat them though, so I don't have any moral issues etc., with it.

...well, maybe on occasions when they get slaughtered in sick ways, I have the same issues as a lot of people, but meh, I'm going to bed.

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Pinball Wizard on August 03, 2006, 10:55:24 AM
Bringing up a topic from the grave!  ;D

I'm a vegetarian! I've always been, i've never liked meat, ever!

And I wasn't raised to be a vegeterian, all my family likes to eat animals, but I never feel good about it...a lot og guilty going on :no:

But I'm not a vegan though...I do drink milk, eat cheese...

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: LaTeRaLuS on August 03, 2006, 11:34:59 AM
y the fuck would any1 want to b a veggie

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: nycangel on August 03, 2006, 02:08:54 PM
i dont see any problem with people wanting to be a vegeterian or vegan, however i could never ever be one. i love meat and i couldnt imagine not eating it. i love all animals. but i dont personally have a problem with eating meat.

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on August 03, 2006, 03:21:08 PM
One thing I never understood about vegans/vegetarians was how they won't eat meet for "moral" reasons.  However, did they ever consider the hundreds of thousands of field mice, rabbits, badgers, snakes, etc.  that are killed while harvesting grains and other produce?  If all life is precious (something I've heard many claim on this board) then why the indiscriminatory killing of all plants.  They are just as able to lead fulfilling lives in their capacity as any cow can.  The difference is that plants exist in nature, cows don't.  Cows are an animal man created through domestication with the sole purpose of being food.  So many arbitrary titles and excuses and not one good reason behind them.  Only one species deserves special consideration; humans.  Why you might ask?  Because humans are the only animals that can govern their own actions; understand how things are and how they should be.  How anyone can say depriving yourself of an essential food group and something your body was designed to consume is wrong is just loony.  To each their own, but when wackos like the Sierra Club and Peta come knocking... well I won't go there.

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: journey on August 03, 2006, 03:49:54 PM
One thing I never understood about vegans/vegetarians was how they won't eat meet for "moral" reasons.? However, did they ever consider the hundreds of thousands of field mice, rabbits, badgers, snakes, etc.? that are killed while harvesting grains and other produce??

Organic farmers take special consideration when growing produce.? They don't kill any creatures intentionally unlike traditional methods.

If all life is precious (something I've heard many claim on this board) then why the indiscriminatory killing of all plants.
plants and vegetables are precious. I think the answer between the difference of animals and plants is obvious.

Only one species deserves special consideration; humans.? Why you might ask?? Because humans are the only animals that can govern their own actions; understand how things are and how they should be.

I don't agree. Animals in the wild are perfectly capable of governing their actions. Even the domesticated animals are capable of governing their own actions. And, it's kind of selfish to say that only humans deserve special consideration.

How anyone can say depriving yourself of an essential food group and something your body was designed to consume.

There are other ways to get protein.

To each their own.

Is that sarcasm?? :hihi:

but when wackos like the Sierra Club and Peta come knocking... well I won't go there..

I don't? support PETA, because they have a long history of disrespecting and even physically attacking people who don't believe in what they do. They're too extreme for me.

My whole family eats meat, and they think I'm crazy for not. But that's ok. I know who I am and what works best for me, and I don't try to force it on anyone.



Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Drew on August 03, 2006, 04:48:23 PM
So, how do you feel about vegetarianism? Is it crazy? Does it make any sense to you? What is your opinion or theory on this subject?

I don't think it's crazy or anything. It's probably very healthy and good for you. I just couldn't do it because I love meat too much. I'm definitely a true carnovour. :hihi: :yes:

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: The New Fiona Apple on August 04, 2006, 01:46:08 AM
I'm cool with it except for the preachy set who treat you like an evil bastard for following the eco-system.

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Sin Cut on August 04, 2006, 04:16:42 AM
Bringing up a topic from the grave!  ;D

I'm a vegetarian! I've always been, i've never liked meat, ever!

And I wasn't raised to be a vegeterian, all my family likes to eat animals, but I never feel good about it...a lot og guilty going on :no:

But I'm not a vegan though...I do drink milk, eat cheese...
guilt going on? give me a fucking break!

are you like one of those "oh and the birds, they like die *insert some crying*". It's not like you're eating the house pet.

Oh but the birds, the chickens!  :crying:

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Will on August 04, 2006, 04:53:56 AM
I could never be a vegetarian. (...) Some vegetarian make me think of some non-smokers. They look at you like you're the Antichrist if you eat a burger or smoke a cigarette. Not all of them are like that but I hate when they do that. Btw, what's up with the "veggie burgers"? Have you ever tried that? It tastes like plastic. And if you don't like meat, why even trying to prepare something that's so similar in appearance to a ground beef burger? Doesn't make sense to me.

Bringing back my old answer.

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Pinball Wizard on August 04, 2006, 11:40:08 AM
If all life is precious (something I've heard many claim on this board) then why the indiscriminatory killing of all plants.

Animals have emotions. Plants don't. Animals are capable of governing their actions. Plants don't. Animals can procriate(don't know if I wrote it correctly, sorry :-\) themselves. Plants don't.

You know when someone is incredibly ill and in vegetative state because they can't do anything on their own? Why do you think it's called "vegetative"?  ::)

Bringing up a topic from the grave!  ;D

I'm a vegetarian! I've always been, i've never liked meat, ever!

And I wasn't raised to be a vegeterian, all my family likes to eat animals, but I never feel good about it...a lot og guilty going on :no:

But I'm not a vegan though...I do drink milk, eat cheese...
guilt going on? give me a fucking break!

are you like one of those "oh and the birds, they like die *insert some crying*". It's not like you're eating the house pet.

Oh but the birds, the chickens!  :crying:

I feel guilty because I think: "This piece of meat was a living animal - like myself - awhile ago", and it freaks me out! I'm sorry if it doesn't freaks you out.

PS.: I'm not that kind of crazy vegetarian that keeps preaching over everyone trying to make them also a vegeterian. If you eat meat, that's fine for me, after all it's a choice that you made and I have to respect that, as well as you has to respect my choice of not eat meat, either for guilty or for think it's healthier. : ok:

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Natasha23 on August 04, 2006, 02:45:40 PM
I'm not quite sure how objective I can be about this subject since I lived with a vegan my freshman year at college.? She drove me nuts with her preaching and constant attacks on my character for choosing to eat meat and wear leather.? I know all vegetarians and vegans are not like that, but I still bristle when I hear people discuss it because I can't help but feel there's an element of judgment there, even when they say they are not judging others.? Having said that, I respect vegans/vegetarians if that's the choice they've made, especially since it's a struggle for a lot of them to not eat meat when they want to.?

Since someone brought up PETA, I just have to give my two cents on this organization.? I respect their convictions, but I do agree they are extreme on their attacks on people, like throwing blood on fur, etc.? Anyway you try to justify it, that's assault, and I don't think the ends justify the means in this case.? Also, I have been involved in animal rescue work for over 20 years, being very hands on.? When I had looked into PETA, they told me they raise funds for public awareness, which means that all of that money they raise goes into their campaigns.? I know it's good to raise awareness BUT I feel like PETA is one big publicity machine that has to resort to pulling stunts, like storming runways or Pam Anderson taking her clothes off.? They don't storm the mink farms and let loose animals because that doesn't get them as much attention as accosting Giselle Bundchen on a runway (which they did at the Victoria's Secret fashion show).

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Chelle on August 04, 2006, 03:32:21 PM
I respect that.  I eat very little meat actually, and never beef.   :peace:

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: jabba2 on August 04, 2006, 08:19:52 PM
Eating red meat/cow is much worse for the environment than many think. In South America millions of acres of the amazon rain forest are cleared out for grazeland and cattle?:confused: Sounds stupid but it is worth the money for farmers to destroy rare habitat just so big, dumb herds of cattle have room to stand. The real dumb part is north of the Amazon basin is a big grassland where theres enough room for a whole country to do nothing but graze cattle, but no, every country must have its own cow range? ::) I dont understand why people like red meat and dairy so much. The effects on the environment are devastating. Even Filet Minions sometimes suck because they have too much ass fat in them. And the smell of Milk reminds me of cold diarehha.

I admit to liking a well done steak every once in awhile, but if it has any strands of fat in the meat i cant finish it. Dairy i think is gross, so i mostly eat vegetables and grains and sometimes seafood. The ocean is a whole other problem as 100 million sharks were killed in the fishing industry last year. And some countries have bizarre rituals that believe eating rare sea or other animals is good for you.

Title: Re: Vegetarianism
Post by: Guns N RockMusic on August 04, 2006, 08:51:08 PM
Eating red meat/cow is much worse for the environment than many think. In South America millions of acres of the amazon rain forest are cleared out for grazeland and cattle :confused: Sounds stupid but it is worth the money for farmers to destroy rare habitat just so big, dumb herds of cattle have room to stand. The real dumb part is north of the Amazon basin is a big grassland where theres enough room for a whole country to do nothing but graze cattle, but no, every country must have its own cow range  ::) I dont understand why people like red meat and dairy so much. The effects on the environment are devastating. Even Filet Minions sometimes suck because they have too much ass fat in them. And the smell of Milk reminds me of cold diarehha.

I admit to liking a well done steak every once in awhile, but if it has any strands of fat in the meat i cant finish it. Dairy i think is gross, so i mostly eat vegetables and grains and sometimes seafood. The ocean is a whole other problem as 100 million sharks were killed in the fishing industry last year. And some countries have bizarre rituals that believe eating rare sea or other animals is good for you.

I'd like to see some documentation that 100 million sharks were killed by man last year.