Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on April 12, 2004, 04:07:17 PM

Title: Next Communication Step ?
Post by: Where is Hassan Nasrallah ? on April 12, 2004, 04:07:17 PM
Lisbon was our hope.
we all thought that axl will reveal, in a 6 hours rant, all about what happend during the last ... let me count .... 16 months ...
well, now

what do you think will be the next time we'll hear about him ?
we know he is not realy into talking when things are not ready (that means never)

i think the summer will be calm....really calm....

Title: Re:Next Communication Step ?
Post by: Izzy on April 12, 2004, 04:17:31 PM
I don't expect to hear anything till this time next year when they cancel RIR5......

Title: Re:Next Communication Step ?
Post by: RnT on April 12, 2004, 04:26:06 PM
when robin left... !?

Title: Re:Next Communication Step ?
Post by: AxlsMainMan on April 12, 2004, 05:37:32 PM
I dont think were getting anything this year. Use your heads people. There will definately be no album this summer. Axl says announce a date in the next couple months, which means logically 3-4 months which takes us to August but then again I dont think "a couple of months" means anthing less then a fucking year. They have once again blown an amazing opportunity to get back on the road this summer with Rock In Rio 4, Edgefest,etc. What a fucking shame. "Buckethead is the cause of it", what a fucking joke. Even if he hadnt left I totally see them backing out of Rio and no album. This is going to be another dead year folks. Just a little patience can lick my sack. Im sorry but this is ridiculous. Even if there is an update in the next few months all it will say is we found a guitarist, and we are now in the finishing touches stage of our album.

sorry but im wondering now if Axl is simply testing our willingness to wait around for him and his fan following.

Title: Re:Next Communication Step ?
Post by: ClintroN on April 12, 2004, 09:17:12 PM
Hey AxlMainMan, atleast we got a message from Axl n' Robin dude. Robin said he's keen to get things shaken up in GNR and to tour and to tour. How fukkin' quick did they get Fortes in after Tobias fucked off. I really dont think they would have cancelled RIR4 if BH didnt leave, really why!!

Title: Re:Next Communication Step ?
Post by: AxlsMainMan on April 12, 2004, 09:25:26 PM
Hey AxlMainMan, atleast we got a message from Axl n' Robin dude. Robin said he's keen to get things shaken up in GNR and to tour and to tour. How fukkin' quick did they get Fortes in after Tobias fucked off. I really dont think they would have cancelled RIR4 if BH didnt leave, really why!!

Unless im mistaken, they already had found Richard as Paul's replacement while Pauls last remaining time in GnR was winding down. Buckethead left abruptly and as Axl suggests in the update by him doing so there are many problems that need to be worked out hinting at finding a replacement guitarist. Forgive me for being cynical but Axl seems keen judging by the past to re-record material on the record by the departing musician. I hope this isnt true because Buckethead has been in the band longer then Paul was and thus Axl would be erasing alot of strong material I imagine. Plus the new guitarist is going to need to learn the old catalogue plus the new material. I figure atleast 6-8 months before things are oporational in GnR land again.

Title: Re:Next Communication Step ?
Post by: ClintroN on April 12, 2004, 09:43:07 PM
I thought that Fortes was Axl's first choice but then found BH, i dont know. But one thing i hope for, that Axl keeps Bh's parts on the album, atleast some parts. I can see after the album is releast and people start to learn about the new band, they'll be saying, "can you believe that BH was in this band at some point" , those people will only be familiar with who ever is in the band then (when the album comes out) and wont give a fuck.
Its like Fleetwood Mac, so many talented musicians have come n' gone its not funny.

Title: Re:Next Communication Step ?
Post by: younggunner on April 12, 2004, 09:52:04 PM
Unless im mistaken, they already had found Richard as Paul's replacement while Pauls last remaining time in GnR was winding down.
Tobias was never intended to be in the band. Hes more there to help out.

Title: Re:Next Communication Step ?
Post by: matt88 on April 13, 2004, 03:28:46 AM
I think we'll get a press release by the end of the year for some reason i gotta feeling about december :-\

Title: Re:Next Communication Step ?
Post by: noonespecial on April 13, 2004, 07:23:05 AM
"Buckethead left abruptly and as Axl suggests in the update by him doing so there are many problems that need to be worked out hinting at finding a replacement guitarist"

Not certain I agree with the "abrupt" part...according to Axl his guitarist was wavering for about a year...if that's not a red flag I don't know what is...
IMO, Axl will "communicate" with music (ie a new CD) when that happens, I can't say

Title: Re:Next Communication Step ?
Post by: AxlsMainMan on April 13, 2004, 04:15:46 PM
Unless im mistaken, they already had found Richard as Paul's replacement while Pauls last remaining time in GnR was winding down.
Tobias was never intended to be in the band. Hes more there to help out.

When Paul left didn't Axl say something along the lines of, Paul wasnt confident enogh to perform infront of an audience and much preferred a relaxed studo setting. Seems to me he got out and played the first few gigs and got stage fright perhaps and notified Axl ahead of time to look for a replacement. If I was Axl in this case now though and become unconfident in Buckethead's commitment to the band, I would have immediately begun looking for a replacement then instead of leaving it to the last minute.

Title: Re:Next Communication Step ?
Post by: rumpy jim on April 13, 2004, 05:05:15 PM
I don't expect to hear anything till this time next year when they cancel RIR5......I NOW EGSACLY WHAT U MEAN

Title: Re:Next Communication Step ?
Post by: blues_rock_axeman on April 13, 2004, 05:17:13 PM
Seems to me he got out and played the first few gigs and got stage fright .

Wouldn't you get stage fright if your first ever gig was in front of 250,000 people at ROCK IN RIO as part of GUNS N' ROSES?!

I'd be packing it up real good  ;D

Title: Re:Next Communication Step ?
Post by: AxlsMainMan on April 13, 2004, 05:56:54 PM
Seems to me he got out and played the first few gigs and got stage fright .

Wouldn't you get stage fright if your first ever gig was in front of 250,000 people at ROCK IN RIO as part of GUNS N' ROSES?!

I'd be packing it up real good  ;D

Axl said that Rio was his fourth or fifth show all together. Yeah id be pretty nervous playing in front of that many people that early into my career to I guess.

Title: Re:Next Communication Step ?
Post by: kcleveland on April 13, 2004, 06:42:46 PM

I hope this isnt true because Buckethead has been in the band longer then Paul was ...

Just to clear things up, but Tobias was in GNR much longer than Buckethead.  Tobais aka Paul Huge co-wrote Back Off Bitch, and Oh My God, is listed in the thank yous on the Illusion albums, and was rythm guitar way back in 1994 on Sympathy for the Devil.

Title: Re:Next Communication Step ?
Post by: AxlsMainMan on April 13, 2004, 08:49:49 PM

I hope this isnt true because Buckethead has been in the band longer then Paul was ...

Just to clear things up, but Tobias was in GNR much longer than Buckethead.  Tobais aka Paul Huge co-wrote Back Off Bitch, and Oh My God, is listed in the thank yous on the Illusion albums, and was rythm guitar way back in 1994 on Sympathy for the Devil.

Because he cowrote a single Illusion song and contributed guitar on Sympathy for the Devil does not by any means mean he was in GnR longer then Buckethead. Shannon Hoon cowrote a song or two I believe, and hes credidted in the thank yous, but he was not a member of GnR. Oh My God was released in 1999, and Paul was out near the end of 2001 or early 2002, thats 3 years from the Oh My God experiement. Buckethead was a fulltime memeber for 4 years which anyone can confirm. Robin has been in the new band the longest. Since 1996 I believe.

Title: Re:Next Communication Step ?
Post by: Jizzo on April 13, 2004, 09:19:55 PM
Tobias had been the ryhtym guitarist since gilby left in 94. He was there when matt left, was one of the reasons matt left. Finck was brought in 96 by sorum.

Title: Re:Next Communication Step ?
Post by: AxlsMainMan on April 13, 2004, 10:18:40 PM
Tobias had been the ryhtym guitarist since gilby left in 94. He was there when matt left, was one of the reasons matt left. Finck was brought in 96 by sorum.

I stand corrected then. I never followed Paul's role in GnR that closely and didnt know he was brought in that far back. Just one thing though. Are you certain it was Sorum that brought Robin in. I sorta remember an article or something where it says Axl brought Robin in while Slash was still in the band, and the two never really hit it off. Im not certain though.

Title: Re:Next Communication Step ?
Post by: grabaraxl on April 14, 2004, 06:57:43 AM
shannon hoon didn't co-wrote anything, he sang backing vocals.

Title: Re:Next Communication Step ?
Post by: ppbebe on April 14, 2004, 04:18:09 PM
On topic,
Because those written messages from Axl n' Robin state that they are now trying to fix things up , I think by July/August they will inform us whether or not they make it, then I?ll be happy enough about the communications.  ;) How about you?