Here Today... Gone To Hell!

Guns N' Roses => Guns N' Roses => Topic started by: pjv3244 on March 03, 2004, 12:24:17 AM

Title: Rock in Rio Prediction Thread
Post by: pjv3244 on March 03, 2004, 12:24:17 AM
I don't think this has been done before....

Just give your predictions about anything you want, related to Rock in Rio in May.  Here are some examples...

-Will they show up?
-Will the album, or at least a single, be out before the show?
-Will they announce a CD Release date at the show?
-Will they play the same old setlist?
-Will the set-list include more UYI material?
-Will they play more songs from CD, besides the "Big 3"?
-Will Axl explain the events of the 2002 tour cancellation, including the Philly no-show?
-Will Axl rant about anything else? (Greatest Hits, maybe)
-Will this be the only show they do, or will it be one of many shows this spring/summer?

Here are my predictions...

I believe they will show up and play, but it will be the only show they do for a while.  I think they'll drop a few AFD songs from the set-list, and play a few more UYI songs.  Unfortunately, I don't think they'll play any new songs from CD.  I believe Axl will rant a little bit, but I don't think he'll outright rant about the tour cancellation, or give much information about that (except for maybe a few sly, subtle comments).  I don't believe they will announce the release date for CD, and I think we'll continue to play the waiting game.  I think it will be very similar to Rock in Rio 2001, where they play, and then just kind of go away again for a while.    

These predictions are based on nothing more than gut feelings, and this is in no way "news".


Title: Re:Rock in Rio Prediction Thread
Post by: marknroses on March 03, 2004, 12:35:47 AM
Everyday that goes by without an announcement (aside from the "Greatest Hits") makes it more of an increasing likelihood that GNR will pull the plug on the show and never show up on stage again.  :crying:

My feeling is that there's a 70-75% chance that this will happen. GNR only has until the end of April to truly construct something of grandeur (a tour or an album announcement, or a single) or else they will need to pull the plug on the show a month before it happens in order to not mess up the promotion and management of the show.

I don't think the "new" GNR can get away with playing the "old" songs again in front of a live audience. I certainly would not let him get away with that, and I believe other fans have this point of view as well. I think Axl knows this by now, which was a possible reason why he may have canceled the last tour.

In  the 25-30% likelihood  that GNR does play, I would highly expect it to be constructed around mostly new songs (like RIO 2) and including information on upcoming releases and whatnot.

For me, if GNR does not show up this time, then the show is over.
Mark N Roses

Title: Re:Rock in Rio Prediction Thread
Post by: Rocket_queen125 on March 03, 2004, 12:55:40 AM
im not sure i havent heard anything of them practicing new songs and i highly doubt they will play old setlist

Title: Re:Rock in Rio Prediction Thread
Post by: pjv3244 on March 03, 2004, 12:56:25 AM
Another possible question....

-Will Axl have a new "look" (no more braids and jerseys) ?

I sure hope so.

Another thing I forgot to mention was that I had a dream a couple of weeks back that they showed up in Rio, and it was on TV in the states (on like NBC or if that will ever happen).  Anway, the band opened with "Double Talkin' Jive", and Axl was back to straight hair.


Title: Re:Rock in Rio Prediction Thread
Post by: SLCPUNK on March 03, 2004, 01:45:52 AM
So hard to tell. I would think he would know better to go to RIR with the same set list as before. My guess is that the only way he/they are going to show is with a new album to promote. If they don't have it, they aren't going to be there.

My two cents.

Title: Re:Rock in Rio Prediction Thread
Post by: SlashFan on March 03, 2004, 02:02:36 AM
 :hihi:I'm not saying anything :peace:

Title: Re:Rock in Rio Prediction Thread
Post by: twitcher on March 03, 2004, 03:22:53 AM
So hard to tell. I would think he would know better to go to RIR with the same set list as before. My guess is that the only way he/they are going to show is with a new album to promote. If they don't have it, they aren't going to be there.

My two cents.

I agree, and i don't think the release of GH has helped in this situation. Hopefully Axl can ignore what's happening with the old stuff and just concentrate on getting CD released.

Title: Re:Rock in Rio Prediction Thread
Post by: Schwarzgold on March 03, 2004, 04:01:03 AM
Here are my predictions...

I believe they will show up and play, but it will be the only show they do for a while.  I think they'll drop a few AFD songs from the set-list, and play a few more UYI songs.  Unfortunately, I don't think they'll play any new songs from CD.  I believe Axl will rant a little bit, but I don't think he'll outright rant about the tour cancellation, or give much information about that (except for maybe a few sly, subtle comments).  I don't believe they will announce the release date for CD, and I think we'll continue to play the waiting game.  I think it will be very similar to Rock in Rio 2001, where they play, and then just kind of go away again for a while.    

These predictions are based on nothing more than gut feelings, and this is in no way "news".


Exactly my thoughts.

Title: Re:Rock in Rio Prediction Thread
Post by: duga on March 03, 2004, 04:42:23 AM
Here are my predictions...

I believe they will show up and play, but it will be the only show they do for a while.  I think they'll drop a few AFD songs from the set-list, and play a few more UYI songs.  Unfortunately, I don't think they'll play any new songs from CD.  I believe Axl will rant a little bit, but I don't think he'll outright rant about the tour cancellation, or give much information about that (except for maybe a few sly, subtle comments).  I don't believe they will announce the release date for CD, and I think we'll continue to play the waiting game.  I think it will be very similar to Rock in Rio 2001, where they play, and then just kind of go away again for a while.    

These predictions are based on nothing more than gut feelings, and this is in no way "news".


Exactly my thoughts.

Mine too. Then I will try to forget GNR for 5-10 years until I re-discover them (the old band) as the brilliant band they were.

Title: Re:Rock in Rio Prediction Thread
Post by: pilferk on March 03, 2004, 07:39:24 AM
-Will they show up?

-Will the album, or at least a single, be out before the show?

-Will they announce a CD Release date at the show?
I think so.  Maybe not directly, but at the very least hints will be dropped. I think Rio might actually be the debut for the new single.

-Will they play the same old setlist?
No.  Less AFD, More UYI, and at least one new CD song.

-Will the set-list include more UYI material?

-Will they play more songs from CD, besides the "Big 3"?
Probably 1 more.

-Will Axl explain the events of the 2002 tour cancellation, including the Philly no-show?
Hmmm, again, maybe indirectly.  I think there will be a "rant" to address Philly...but I doubt, as with all of Axl's rants, we'll get the whole story.

-Will Axl rant about anything else? (Greatest Hits, maybe)
I suspect Yes.

-Will this be the only show they do, or will it be one of many shows this spring/summer?
I think they'll run the Euro festival circuit for a good part of the summer.

Title: Re:Rock in Rio Prediction Thread
Post by: Mutherfunker on March 03, 2004, 07:52:30 AM
I think Rio IV will kick everything off. There will be at least one new song played. Axl will tell us the release date and rant about greatest hits and the cancelled tour. They will continue to tour europe and other continents including the US in the Autumn.

And the insanely optimistic post award goes to.....


Title: Re:Rock in Rio Prediction Thread
Post by: SINSHINE on March 03, 2004, 10:10:35 AM
Yes, they will show up...and here's how it will go down.

The lights go down on the stage.
Video intro on monitors displaying clips of the
Vancouver riots, the cancelled N.A. Tour, the media
ripping into Axl for the album delays, etc. etc.
Video fades to black...silence...

...and then...

Short and random blips of "snow" begin plaguing the monitor as if someone were struggling to tune to better reception. After a few seconds, the monitor goes black again...then suddenly...The monitor bursts alive again with "snow" which quickly fades into the cover art for Chinese Democracy and we begin to hear the now familiar opening guitar chords of Chinese Democracy blaring through the speakers as the set continues in the following fashion...

Chinese Democracy
Welcome to the Jungle
You Could Be Mine
Mr. Brownstone
Don't Cry

-Axl takes a minute to poke some fun at himself for the cancelled tour and quickly follows it up with a short but serious remark about his disaproval of how it all went down with Clear Channel. Axl finishes with ,"...but that's neither here nor there. That's all in the past now. Time to start looking towards the future. This next song will be the first single off our new record. It's called "_______" and I assure you all your friends at home will be hearing it very shortly too." - Pause - "I promise."
CD ROCKER "_______"

It's So Easy
Civil War

Buckethead Solo
November Rain
Robin Solo - straight into...
Sweet Child O'Mine
Rocket Queen

-Axl: "Thank you. Good Night."
Stage remains in darkness for a full 5 - 10 minutes...and then...
Knockin' on Heaven's Door (the old heavier version)
-Axl: "Yeah, we have a few more to play for ya. This next song...some of you may have heard about before...took me a few years to write. The song consists of those things in life that are sometimes the hardest to say or to believe and therefore were even harder to express in music form. I hope you like it. This is called "This, I Love."
This, I Love
Paradise City

-Axl: "Goooood! Fuckiiiiiin'! Niiiiiight! Yeah!

The stage once again darkens and as Axl and the band retreat to the backstage area, the huge monitors above the drum kit display the rumored MTV "commercial promo"...

GUNS N' ROSES          CHINESE DEMOCRACY          BEGINS JULY 6TH         2004 can wish, right  ;)

Title: Re:Rock in Rio Prediction Thread
Post by: Malcolm on March 03, 2004, 10:34:48 AM
i love your idea sinshine i think that would be awsome setlist and way to announce there album, i think axl will loose the brades and theyll just rock the whole place,i think axl will talk about the tour cancellation and the media and i think theyll announce there plans of touring and axl will adress the 3 cd myth, but one question, Will all the band members be there e.g buckethead,tommy,finck? or will one of them be gone out of the band

Title: Re:Rock in Rio Prediction Thread
Post by: Crossbearer on March 03, 2004, 11:01:40 AM
I don't think they will show.  I think the day of the show it will be announced that they missed their plane or something.

Just like the string of European festivals that Axl was "unaware of," I'm sure Axl right now has no idea that GNR is booked for Rio this year.  When he gets on the internet sometime and finds out, he'll be pissed and cancel.

All the evidence seems to suggest the new GNR has disbanded in the same gradual, slow-burn style that the orginal band went out with....with a member at a time finally getting fed up and walking, or even being outright dismissed.

For the last two years, fans here have been DESPERATE for some news, ANY news.  Go back and read how badly people are clinging to these lies and's truly sad and pathetic and sick.  And no, I'm not dissing anyone cause I'm one too.  I want to hear Chinese Democracy.  I want to see the New GNR live again.  But after whatever happened back in 2002's over.  It's just not going to happen.

IF......IF....the band show up at Rio...and I can't stress IF enough....they will play the same lame-ass greatest hits set that the've been playing since the first New Years Eve Vegas show.  It's all they KNOW as a band.  It's all they've got.  That's their entire bag of songs.

I don't think Axl is ready to be around people again.  Maybe in another ten years his therapists can convince him to give it another try, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Like he said....we need to go live our lives.  GNR had a chance, they blew it.  Axl blew it.  He booked venues that were too big.  Do you know how successful that tour would have been if they played modest sized clubs??  It would have been the hottest-buzz in the streets....shows would sell out in minutes for the WHOLE tour.  Instead, his hubris made him think it was still 1991 and he belonged in stadiums.  It could have been an incredible way to make a once in  lifetime comeback.  Now he's a joke.  A has-been.  I think it's cruel and it's unfair, but that's the media and public perception.  I think he's as amazing as ever...but I think the real problem is Axl doesn't think he is.  I think his feelings got hurt big time and he won't let that happen again.  I don't think we'll ever hear Chinese Democracy.

Sorry everyone.  I know the true believers will throw their EVIDENCE that Dizzy's wife or Tommy's mom KNOW the TRUTH about CD....but let's all face the music....there never will be any democracy in China.

Title: Re:Rock in Rio Prediction Thread
Post by: axl_rose_700 on March 03, 2004, 11:45:46 AM
If nothing happens in Lisbon, GnR is over!
I think CD will be out soon after, but it will be announced before hand, and Axl will confirm this on stage.

The set-list will include a couple of new songs, and some UYI songs, but mainly the same AFD songs.

Title: Re:Rock in Rio Prediction Thread
Post by: just_one on March 03, 2004, 11:55:57 AM
to be quite honest , if GNR doesnt show up i?m gonna the first person to do shit there...53 is a lot of money here in portugal and i could very well spend them in other things dammit >:(

Title: Re:Rock in Rio Prediction Thread
Post by: Smoke on March 03, 2004, 01:57:58 PM
Its hard to predict what is going to happen, but I think that they will show up there and play.  That day will be the day that we will all remember forever.  Either good things will happen or bad things will happen.  I'm hoping for the good things.  May 30th will be the D-day of gunner fans.  Ready or not.   :beer:

Title: Re:Rock in Rio Prediction Thread
Post by: St.heathen on March 03, 2004, 02:00:16 PM
I had a GN'R related dream the other night.  Had a deep conversation with Axl. But i must have signed a secrecy agreement because i can't remember clearly what he said but it was interesting! lol

BUT what i do remember was that they played an acoustic version of Sweet child (with very aggressive acouctic sound)  and they played Reckless life.

I think he will mix it up, i mean they can't really play infront of approx 200 thousand ppl and not play some of the hits.  Because us fans can't be selfish, alot of people really want to hear that stuff, myself included.  But i believe we will hear one or two extra CD tracks.  C u all there  :beer:

Title: Re:Rock in Rio Prediction Thread
Post by: F*ck Fear on March 03, 2004, 06:52:12 PM
-Will they show up?

-Will the album, or at least a single, be out before the show?

-Will they announce a CD Release date at the show?

-Will they play the same old setlist?

-Will the set-list include more UYI material?

-Will they play more songs from CD, besides the "Big 3"?

-Will Axl explain the events of the 2002 tour cancellation, including the Philly no-show?

-Will Axl rant about anything else? (Greatest Hits, maybe)

-Will this be the only show they do, or will it be one of many shows this spring/summer?

sorry for the caps lock but I wanted it to be readable. :beer:.......These are just what I think.

Title: Re:Rock in Rio Prediction Thread
Post by: RnT on March 03, 2004, 07:20:30 PM
Axl, his manager and THE BAND are NOT CRAZY to come there and just play the same old setlist... that?s a fact

they could show up, play 2 new songs and disappear for 1 year, but they?ll play new songs.

and they?ll do it for the upcomin?shows near to rock in rio, maybe with the release date of the CD announced


Title: Re:Rock in Rio Prediction Thread
Post by: badapple81 on March 03, 2004, 08:22:09 PM
Axl, his manager and THE BAND are NOT CRAZY to come there and just play the same old setlist... that?s a fact

they could show up, play 2 new songs and disappear for 1 year, but they?ll play new songs.

and they?ll do it for the upcomin?shows near to rock in rio, maybe with the release date of the CD announced


Well they did Vegas 2 years running same set list plus an american tour and some europe shows same set list, wouldnt surprise me.. but surely not!

I think that we'll actually hear some BIG news in the one or two weeks leading up to RIR 4 .  Mysteron also seems concrete that everything will be revealed up to and/or during RIR4..

I think we'll hear about 2 or 3 new songs, including the first single.

Title: Re:Rock in Rio Prediction Thread
Post by: oneway23 on March 03, 2004, 10:42:15 PM
I'm not going to make any predictions as to whether or not they'll show, but I will say that if they do indeed do play, we'll see 3 AFD songs cut and 1-2 UYI songs, but I'm not so sure we'll see anything new with the exception of the "standard 3" with the argument being that, of course, CD is "so close to being released" that to reveal the single would mean a live leak.
  I sincerely doubt we'll get anything remotely resembling a logical answer regarding philly, tour, etc...As a lot of folks have pointed out, as with everything else Axl rants about, we'll get the most roundabout answer possible, while he all too typically will point the finger at anyone within reach beyond himself.  That's normally one of the things that makes him so compelling, but if he were to pull those hijinks this go around, I fail to see how any of us could be amused...
  Whether the weeks surrounding RIO divulge any info or not, I think we all agree, for better or worse, that RIO is D-DAY.....I'll hope for the best, but i fear the morale level on this board if we're disappointed yet again
