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Topic: This Side of Death (Read 1967 times)
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Posts: 6714
This Side of Death
February 05, 2025, 01:53:41 PM »
But I had the flu shot! Not that bad just tired, achy and scratchy throat. The baby tested for type B so I assume that's what I have. I'm equipped this time with a bottle of Coke and dry cereal.
I haven't blogged in a while so I'll catch you up on life since it's either computer chair or the couch.
It's plant sale time. They dumped extra pansies on me for the parks. So far I've transplanted 668 and have about 72 to go. The plant room is full. The greenhouse is open and we're busy filling it up. I did get a new garden map, after two years. You can see it here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGdmV-lKyU/F3NCo4v-0DZwN1RP8SS0zA/view?utm_content=DAGdmV-lKyU&utm_campaign=share_your_design&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=shareyourdesignpanel#1 Go to the bottom left and click page 2 for the actual map.
Something is going on with Sandy again. Just waiting find out why she is so hyper. Susan doing okay, still buying. The Republican next door decided over the weekend he wasn't going back to work any more and retired on the spot. Asking me all these questions. It's been 8 years for me. I had all that worked out before I went out the door, ask google! The siding guys are here, taking the day off because it is raining, but it should be done by the end of the week.
I got sort of diagnosed with PAD, directly related to smoking, so I'm taking another half hearted attempt at quitting. Haven't run out of cigarettes on hand so I hold out before I smoke. Her equipment wasn't working right so it could have been the machine and not me but it should be me so I'm going with the diagnosis until I get my physical in April and the doctor says otherwise.
Last Edit: February 05, 2025, 01:55:32 PM by cineater
but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
Karma: 0
Posts: 6714
Re: This Side of Death
Reply #1 on:
February 12, 2025, 12:42:56 AM »
I have you heard about people throwing slices of cheese at their kids to get them to stop? I hadn't either until I saw a routine by comedian Leslie Liao on the Tonight Show talking about it.
Check it out. Guarantee it will make you feel better. And it works!
but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
Karma: 0
Posts: 6714
Re: This Side of Death
Reply #2 on:
February 13, 2025, 01:36:24 PM »
Okay, I'm still laughing about the cheese.
Here's the youtube of it:
Keep Yourself Alive works just as well as coffee first thing in the morning.
but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
Karma: 0
Posts: 6714
Re: This Side of Death
Reply #3 on:
February 14, 2025, 04:42:37 PM »
In dreamland, I'm following someone to the car. She climbs into the driverseat, turns and it's Marsha! I was so surprised, the smile on my face still hurts. She had hair, not in a style I would have put her in but styled in a bob. We laughed at seeing each other. "You're not taking this well." Not something I can respond to even in the real world but we moved on, mostly just giggling at how happy we were. She looked good.
Normally today I would have jumped out of bed with the alarm for a meeting that would have included Marsha. As it was, I had turned off the alarm and was going in and out. Tried to get the dream back but it was gone. Still it's on my joy list. I have a couple of things on there for this year which is better then when I hadn't added anything since last May.
but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
Karma: 0
Posts: 6714
Re: This Side of Death
Reply #4 on:
February 19, 2025, 02:57:01 PM »
If you're going to go up on the roof, you're asking for it. At least that's what people tell me. Haven't fallen off yet. Pics out there of them shoveling snow off Axl's roof. Assume that one guy is Axl. Somehow I can see him enjoying that but I remember he fell off a table too.
In my neighborhood, it's always the 60, 70 and one 80 year old out there shoveling the snow or using the blower. We gang up and help each other. The younger folks are paying somebody to do it and they can't seem to find a teenager who wants to earn a few bucks. They wait on professionals.
Last Edit: February 19, 2025, 03:57:34 PM by cineater
but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
Karma: 0
Posts: 6714
Re: This Side of Death
Reply #5 on:
February 22, 2025, 03:01:34 PM »
There is no death before Girl Scout cookies.
but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
Karma: 0
Posts: 6714
Re: This Side of Death
Reply #6 on:
February 23, 2025, 09:19:13 AM »
Does it mean you're dead if Facebook doesn't allow you? First attempt at making a Facebook account and they suspend me. I had to submit a video of my face. Is that normal? They must think I'm a business from my pictures.
Okay, they unsuspend me. Maybe it's because I didn't give them my phone number and they wanted a second way to identify me.
Last Edit: February 23, 2025, 12:24:21 PM by cineater
but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
Karma: 0
Posts: 6714
Re: This Side of Death
Reply #7 on:
February 23, 2025, 05:38:51 PM »
My daughter and I are, can we kill him now? My son has gone back to Ohio to move his girlfriend here. He's done nothing but complain about her since he got here. Wondered why he was avoiding me. Not my problem but it's kind of hard to hide what my face is saying.
but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
Karma: 0
Posts: 6714
Re: This Side of Death
Reply #8 on:
March 03, 2025, 01:52:34 PM »
We probably can't save the monarch butterfly but I'm trying to help them stay around until after I'm gone.
I've grown and transplanted 841 Butterfly Milkweed and still transplanting.
They are all going to the parks department. I ran out of containers to plant them in some where after 500. I'm making newspaper containers. And I ran out of flats to put them in so I got some of those aluminum baking pans. Those hold about 50 plants but still, I have plants under the lights, on the potting table and on the floor.
The parks department picks up their 600 pansies on Wednesday. Get them out of the garage and the Milkweed can go out there on Friday. Good thing because I need to start working on the nectar plans the butterfly needs for food. The milkweed is for the caterpillars.
I keep telling the parks they don't have to accept all of what I'm growing. It's going to take a lot of manpower to get these in the ground. They keep saying they have lots of room and send the truck over to pick them up.
And then give me back the containers so I can grow more for the following year.
Did that work? It's from my new facebook page. Got a friend request from some old guy I have no clue who he is but not bad looking, wearing military camouflage and standing with a horse. Yeah, I'd like to get to know you.
Last Edit: March 03, 2025, 01:59:39 PM by cineater
but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
Karma: 0
Posts: 6714
Re: This Side of Death
Reply #9 on:
March 04, 2025, 04:59:35 PM »
So I ask Mr. interesting looking old guy how he knows me. He was looking for an old friend and made a mistake but he still wants to be friends. Oh really? How long before this guy asks for a gift card to feed his horse?
but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
Karma: 0
Posts: 6714
Re: This Side of Death
Reply #10 on:
March 05, 2025, 05:53:59 PM »
Faster Pussycat Singer's Fiancée Posted Final Instagram Post Before She Allegedly Fell Off Cruise Ship
but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
Karma: 0
Posts: 6714
Re: This Side of Death
Reply #11 on:
March 05, 2025, 10:50:19 PM »
Call my 91 year old mother. She tells me she had a meltdown today. Yeah ya did. Why I'm calling. My sister had texted me needing emotional support. Basically it all comes down to she doesn't feel like she can do anything any more. You can't lie to her because that is pretty close to the truth and it's only going to get worse. I remind my sister, it's what we have to look forward to. But we talk about things she's looking forward to, new grandbaby next month and she's feeling better now. I wonder does she know I'm watching her to learn what to do when I'm that old? I still need my mother to be my role model.
but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
Karma: 0
Posts: 6714
Re: This Side of Death
Reply #12 on:
March 06, 2025, 11:45:28 AM »
Is there any sympathy out there for the online scammer? I always think of them as somebody in a third world country with no employment opportunities. Maybe trying to avoid a life in a drug cartel or under the control of some kind of bastard in the Asian arena. Somebody who has no choice but to do this. It's the same sympathy I have when one has to shoot Old Yeller.
Sorry bullet to the brain for you.
Yeah, I'll have to block the Facebook horse guy. He hasn't got to the gift card yet. Posing as military serving in Yemen, cool looking place, but he can't respond to what branch of the military he's in. And another old guy I don't know wants to be my friend. Look I'm not interested in facebook messenger. I don't have time to chat and you're just annoying me. Kind of hard to get a scam going if you're just annoying me to begin with.
I knew I didn't want Facebook.
but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
Karma: 0
Posts: 6714
Re: This Side of Death
Reply #13 on:
at 12:27:39 AM »
I was giving my cart to the cart boy at the store. If I was 16 I would have been all over him. As it is, I'm thinking, who's your daddy baby? Wait, who's your grandpa?
but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
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