Shit, it's now looking like I may go over budget by $10.
That's not a lot but it's "one small point of pride" that I come in under budget. This year I wanted to get as close as I could without going over since they cut my budget by a third. I still have about $218 in play. Phebe's hitting a black Friday sale. Kevin's saying no more than $85 and I bet Ken will forget his $60 or turn in the bill too late to make this year's budget although I'm going to remind him. We'll see. Nobody gives a fuck but me.
Talked to Deana. She's going to call the grant people next week. University to University. I'm not so much concerned about the Herb Garden getting funding. I want to know what that grant is all about. Our vegetable beds are looking like shit. I'm calling for a full renovation of the area. And I want to do it next fall. It's going to cost. Fucking chicken wire. We're just going to put a fence around the whole garden and we won't have to mess with that stuff again. We're going to replace the landscape timbers that rot out every 4 years or so with the metal beds. Get them some storage and some place I can sit my ass down when I'm weighing out all the produce. Phebe's been out deer hunting so she hasn't thought about it yet. It's okay I haven't moved it onto a burner yet just getting it ready to go.
Produce donations came in over 3000 pounds. Phebe is pretty proud. That's our number. Hopefully next year we are going to start adding fruit to that number. Apples and pears weigh a lot. You did good Marsha.