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Author Topic: General Babble  (Read 43383 times)

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« Reply #260 on: December 27, 2023, 08:20:18 PM »

Watched it snow with the grandbaby.  His first time.  He was amazed!  Wrapped him in a blanket and we went out in the big flakes.

When I was in the third grade, we moved from California to northern Illinois.  The first day the teacher announced they were having a test over what they learned about California.  She told me I should do well because I was from there.  Freaked because I worried if I was going to pass, totally guessed at the capitol.  The teacher told my mother when it started to snow, she had to stop the whole class and let them watch because I was so fascinated, my first time.  I remember she let me go over to the window, big flakes coming down.  Little did I know I was going to freeze my ass off for the next 8 years.  hihi  But the first time I saw snow was cool.

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN

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« Reply #261 on: December 28, 2023, 04:29:39 PM »

Of course I have a thing with my hair.   hihi  I did get my yearly haircut but it was one of those things where I'm like just put it on your to do list and make the call.  I force myself to do a lot of things that way.  So I did and it's done.  I made up my mind to let Sharon do what she thought best with the statement, I need a style.  Since I quit work, it's not that important, I just let it grow.  I was a head of hair I just piled on top of my head with a clip.  And it had gotten so long the excess was starting to hit me in places I wasn't use to.  Gardeners are always aware there may be a bug on you.  The hair was freaking me out.   nervous

I am not good with my hair.  I have no talent in styling it.  It's fine and stringy according to my mother.  There's my mother's voice everytime I look at my hair.  She hates it long and voices her opinion whenever I have it down.  As a kid she always cut my hair into bobs.  Hated it.  Always felt like I had a helmet on my head.  hihi  And then there's the preacher voice, women shall not shorn their hair.  At the end of the long list of sins I have committed, it's going to end with "and you cut your hair".    Roll Eyes

And I'm blonde with blue eyes.  The butt of every blonde joke out there that says, honey you're stupid.  You know, pat me on the head and don't take anything I say seriously.  Apologize to every man out there you didn't get the big tits to go along with that look.   hihi  You get way too much attention from men when you're blonde.  Then you get your mother telling you you're not a good enough blonde, it's dishwater color.  Other women accusing you of highlighting it or asking you what color you used to dyed it.  You know, could you leave my head alone?

Anyway, it's done.  I was kind of afraid she would cut off all the blonde and I would finally be the grey you are supposed to be when you're old.  Sharon says you look at the roots to see your true hair color.  You're looking at my true hair color.  I haven't did any of that stuff to my hair color in years.  All of that is me, hard work in the sun, sun kissed.  So I didn't tell anybody I was getting a hair cut.  There's going to be comments, always is.  I didn't want mom saying, cut it short.  She's going to call it stringy, long hair once she sees it.  It's too short to throw up on my head and hide.  I've been around long enough to know what a head of blonde hair brings out in other people.  But it kind of looks like helmet hair, just longer to me.  Oh well, it's a style.  I'm still blonde, guess that means I'm not that old yet.   hihi
« Last Edit: December 28, 2023, 04:32:39 PM by cineater » Logged

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN

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« Reply #262 on: December 28, 2023, 07:46:34 PM »

Which brings me back to, remind me again at what age I'm old?  I was told when I hit 50, I was old.  Don't think so, your 50's are really nice.  You let go of a lot of those thoughts that stressed you out and living is pretty easy.  When I hit 60, I was like this must be it.  Nope, I'm half way through those and my hair isn't even grey.  I'd like to say I feel like I'm younger but I'm better than that.  I'm stronger, I know more shit, happier with my life and in general, it's all good.  If it wasn't for the mirror, I wouldn't really know I was old.  Mirror avoidance helps with that.  hihi  I'm probably going to freak after cataract surgery but then again not looking at yourself through little magnifying lenses may not look so bad either.

I keep waiting to be old.  Probably my own little brainwashed thoughts but it's not what I expected.  Not that I knew what to expect.  It's like an unknown age if you don't have health problems or plan to live in Margaritaville.   hihi  One extreme or the other and I'm living here in the middle.  They don't talk about that just how to prepare for one of those.  I'm lost as usual.   hihi

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN

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« Reply #263 on: December 29, 2023, 11:20:22 AM »

Freaky shit from the dead.  More comforting once you get over the initial shock.

My friend's mother is very frail, has needed to see the doctor but refuses to go.  Yesterday she landed in the hospital again.  My friend and I are expecting a terminal cancer diagnosis any day even though this is unrelated.  This morning she was tidying up the car hoping her mom got released and she was bringing her home.  She noticed a small card and knew what it was right off.  The card from her dad's funeral.  He died a year ago today.  Says she's cleaned up that car many times since.  I know, I've sat in that seat several times since and never saw that.

Acknowledged that was a little freaky and I would take it as he's there with her for support.  Says that's how she took it. 

I got one of those vibes on Christmas.  Stopped by dad's grave before I went to mom's.  Last minute suggestion he come along.  Pretty sure he took me up on the offer.  As it goes, you don't keep the connection and I didn't think about it the closer we got to mom's.  I did think it was strange mom said something about and this gift is from me.  It's when she passed out the cash.  The rest of the gifts were from Santa.  I get her Santa gifts, got you covered dad.  She's never figured out I'm Santa.  She got a weird look on her face when she got her first Santa gift this year.  The deer repellent.  She was surprised and pleased but then she had a weird look on her face.  Surely she would figured out I was Santa with that gift but no.  She was preoccupied thinking something else and then she moved on.

It's just a flash like that.  You know but you're not allowed to hold on to it.  Later though, you're allowed to remember and put things together.  Like now. Smiley

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN

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« Reply #264 on: December 29, 2023, 02:38:52 PM »

Susan texted, her mom started hallucinating.  Old folks do that when you put them on hospital grade drugs.  The last time she thought commandos were on the hospital roof and coming in through the windows.

She texted back, it seems to be a kitty.

I had to ask, "the one buried with your dad?"

She couldn't tell but the current cat and the dead one look alike.

Okay then, freaky Friday it is.  hihi

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN

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« Reply #265 on: December 30, 2023, 08:45:43 PM »

Beautiful sunrise in Arizona this morning.   Cheesy  Somedays I don't mind cell phones that much.

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
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