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Author Topic: General GNR chat  (Read 190710 times)

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We've been through this such a long long time

« Reply #400 on: January 28, 2025, 11:46:19 AM »

I think based on the songs we've heard from 1992 onwards, that the main hurdle for new music is Axl's struggle writing lyrics.
Many of the recent releases are barely more than one or two verses.
Even Del talked about Axl strugging to find his muse.

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« Reply #401 on: January 28, 2025, 11:59:26 AM »

When Axl dies there's a huge market for unreleased material somebody is going to jump on.  I can see a dump of everything they can get their hands on and where they can't use Axl's voice they can use AI.  GNR has their legacy to take care of before it's done for them.  There's a muse for Axl if he cares anything about that.  What does he have left he wants to say. 

"Fare thee well now
Let your life proceed by its own design
Nothing to tell now
Let the words be yours, I'm done with mine"

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN

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« Reply #402 on: January 28, 2025, 12:51:02 PM »

When Axl dies there's a huge market for unreleased material somebody is going to jump on.  I can see a dump of everything they can get their hands on and where they can't use Axl's voice they can use AI.  GNR has their legacy to take care of before it's done for them.  There's a muse for Axl if he cares anything about that.  What does he have left he wants to say. 

"Fare thee well now
Let your life proceed by its own design
Nothing to tell now
Let the words be yours, I'm done with mine"

I think there's a lot of things happening in the world right now that he can sing about, world politics, war, climate, lies, corruption, the human race. Hopefully we will hear something new from Guns on their next tour

With your piss flaps flappin' and your cocaine tongue you get nuthin' done...

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« Reply #403 on: January 29, 2025, 12:19:03 AM »

When Axl dies there's a huge market for unreleased material somebody is going to jump on.  I can see a dump of everything they can get their hands on and where they can't use Axl's voice they can use AI.  GNR has their legacy to take care of before it's done for them.  There's a muse for Axl if he cares anything about that.  What does he have left he wants to say. 

"Fare thee well now
Let your life proceed by its own design
Nothing to tell now
Let the words be yours, I'm done with mine"

I think there's a lot of things happening in the world right now that he can sing about, world politics, war, climate, lies, corruption, the human race. Hopefully we will hear something new from Guns on their next tour

Oh yeah, but not those.   hihi  Kind of tired of those topics.  And when you're tired of your own thoughts, fresh take on something that has come before.  I like most GNR covers and don't give a rats ass what people say about that.  There's been a lot of music and I haven't heard it all.

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN

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« Reply #404 on: January 29, 2025, 12:33:26 AM »

Guns N’ Roses Refused to Clear “Paradise City” Song Title for New Hulu Series

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN

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Just A Monkey In The Wrench

« Reply #405 on: January 29, 2025, 10:52:29 AM »

all of this is factual, but they could have done both: toured and written songs together.

Yeah, but all you have to support that fringe theory is that every other band and artist do this every week of every year.

I Can Finally Say I Saw Guns N' Roses Without Any Caveats, Qualifiers, Or Preambles.  And It Was GLORIOUS.  Best Concert Of My Life.

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Just A Monkey In The Wrench

« Reply #406 on: January 29, 2025, 10:58:27 AM »

They're going to start looking very seriously at what they're doing in that regard.

Hahahaha.  That line is gold, even all these years later.

Enjoy the tour folks.  That's tangible and real.  Vague "hey, you never know" stances from people with vested interests in towing the line...we all know the deal there.

They have become a very strong and extremely professional touring operation.  Take the good that you have in this life.

"Life, Jimmy.  You know what that is?  It's the shit that happens while you waiting on moments that never come."

- Lester Freamon, 'The Wire'

I Can Finally Say I Saw Guns N' Roses Without Any Caveats, Qualifiers, Or Preambles.  And It Was GLORIOUS.  Best Concert Of My Life.

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« Reply #407 on: January 29, 2025, 02:27:54 PM »

Guns N Roses Drummer Frank Ferrer, Discusses Dj’ing, How He Keeps Healthy On Tour, His Stint With The Psychedelic Furs And His Path On How He Got To Become The Longest Serving Drummer In The World’s Biggest Rock Band To Date

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN

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I've been living on the edge so long

« Reply #408 on: January 29, 2025, 05:10:07 PM »

They have become a very strong and extremely professional touring operation.

is it exciting, tho?

they can fight about it, money, it's a bag of gold.
they can fight about it, money, the story goes.

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I've been living on the edge so long

« Reply #409 on: January 29, 2025, 05:11:31 PM »

How He Keeps Healthy On Tour

see what rock n'roll has become

they can fight about it, money, it's a bag of gold.
they can fight about it, money, the story goes.

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« Reply #410 on: January 29, 2025, 06:20:43 PM »

How He Keeps Healthy On Tour

see what rock n'roll has become

As opposed to building up your alcohol and drug resistance.   hihi


but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN

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Double Talkin Jive Motherfucker!

« Reply #411 on: January 30, 2025, 09:48:00 AM »

Guns N Roses Drummer Frank Ferrer, Discusses Dj’ing, How He Keeps Healthy On Tour, His Stint With The Psychedelic Furs And His Path On How He Got To Become The Longest Serving Drummer In The World’s Biggest Rock Band To Date

Nice interview, thanks!  beer

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Just A Monkey In The Wrench

« Reply #412 on: January 30, 2025, 10:22:07 AM »

They have become a very strong and extremely professional touring operation.

is it exciting, tho?

It is to me, in this sense.

They are no longer a joke.  They were seen as a joke all those years Axl toured with the island Of Misfit Toys line-up.  People didn't consider it GNR.  They had to keep playing smaller and smaller places because they were not a relevant entity outside diehard lifers, and even that was a niche category if such.

Even look at their prime.  Late starts.  No shows.  Axl storming off stage.  The music was killer, but the vibe was that is was a circus.

There was not been a hint of any of that from 4/1/2016 to present.  No late starts or no shows.  No ranting onstage.  And the general public considers this a passable version of Guns N Roses, as they know it.

That's exciting to me in the sense that my all time favorite band was going out as losers.  They will be MUCH better thought of because of the last 10 years.

I Can Finally Say I Saw Guns N' Roses Without Any Caveats, Qualifiers, Or Preambles.  And It Was GLORIOUS.  Best Concert Of My Life.

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« Reply #413 on: January 30, 2025, 04:19:38 PM »

I’d like to thank Axl Rose and his island of misfit toys.  Thank you for introducing me to robin finck, buckethead, brain, Billy and freese,  and richard fortus. Sometimes things don’t work out the way you think they will.  And then sometimes it happens eventually.  beer

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« Reply #414 on: January 31, 2025, 08:09:09 PM »

Duff interview. 
Who's to say?  You Duff!   hihi

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN

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I've been living on the edge so long

« Reply #415 on: February 02, 2025, 02:02:20 PM »

They have become a very strong and extremely professional touring operation.

is it exciting, tho?

It is to me, in this sense.

They are no longer a joke.  They were seen as a joke all those years Axl toured with the island Of Misfit Toys line-up.  People didn't consider it GNR.  They had to keep playing smaller and smaller places because they were not a relevant entity outside diehard lifers, and even that was a niche category if such.

Even look at their prime.  Late starts.  No shows.  Axl storming off stage.  The music was killer, but the vibe was that is was a circus.

There was not been a hint of any of that from 4/1/2016 to present.  No late starts or no shows.  No ranting onstage.  And the general public considers this a passable version of Guns N Roses, as they know it.

That's exciting to me in the sense that my all time favorite band was going out as losers.  They will be MUCH better thought of because of the last 10 years.

you seriously think GNR was a bunch of losers in, let's say, 2006?
I think they were the strongest version of the band.
now imagine that group with Duff & Slash replacing Bumblefoot and Tommy—what a band that would’ve been

as for the rest, of course, they've become more professional, but there's hardly anything exciting left in their live shows.
the very essence of the band was a certain sense of danger and unpredictability—you never knew what was going to happen, and they've lost that.

thankfully, the latest singles are really good, and we'll at least get two or three more…


they can fight about it, money, it's a bag of gold.
they can fight about it, money, the story goes.
If you're reading this, you've just wasted valuable time!

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"You're an idiot"

« Reply #416 on: February 02, 2025, 03:37:44 PM »

as for the rest, of course, they've become more professional, but there's hardly anything exciting left in their live shows.
the very essence of the band was a certain sense of danger and unpredictability—you never knew what was going to happen, and they've lost that.

Which part of that are you missing? The shows starting whenever, shows being stopped?


Disclaimer: My posts are my personal opinion. I do not speak on behalf of anybody else unless I say so. If you are looking for hidden meanings in my posts, you are wasting your time...

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« Reply #417 on: February 02, 2025, 07:03:04 PM »

as for the rest, of course, they've become more professional, but there's hardly anything exciting left in their live shows.
the very essence of the band was a certain sense of danger and unpredictability—you never knew what was going to happen, and they've lost that.

Which part of that are you missing? The shows starting whenever, shows being stopped?


He's talking about the music presentation by the band members.  Not sure if I'm describing it very well but it appears "professionally staged", everybody knows what they are suppose to be doing and when, and they do it on every song.  They robotically and ridgedly go about their business.  They are locked into advanced muscle memory.   hihi  If they get close to one another, it's like for a photo opt, not like they are sharing the experience and want to be by each other.  Stand here so we can get your close up on the big screen.  It's very evident they are working at performing.

but the train's got its brakes on
and the whistle is screaming: TERRAPIN
If you're reading this, you've just wasted valuable time!

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"You're an idiot"

« Reply #418 on: February 03, 2025, 07:19:13 AM »

He's talking about the music presentation by the band members.  Not sure if I'm describing it very well but it appears "professionally staged", everybody knows what they are suppose to be doing and when, and they do it on every song.  They robotically and ridgedly go about their business.  They are locked into advanced muscle memory.   hihi  If they get close to one another, it's like for a photo opt, not like they are sharing the experience and want to be by each other.  Stand here so we can get your close up on the big screen.  It's very evident they are working at performing.

So you're saying they are too good at performing their songs?

Too bad you've missed all those times during the shows when they actually interact.


Disclaimer: My posts are my personal opinion. I do not speak on behalf of anybody else unless I say so. If you are looking for hidden meanings in my posts, you are wasting your time...

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I've been living on the edge so long

« Reply #419 on: February 03, 2025, 10:30:03 AM »

as for the rest, of course, they've become more professional, but there's hardly anything exciting left in their live shows.
the very essence of the band was a certain sense of danger and unpredictability—you never knew what was going to happen, and they've lost that.

Which part of that are you missing? The shows starting whenever, shows being stopped?


I miss the fact that it could be a possibility, indeed. obviously not in a systematic way, since that would amount to the same thing.
I completely understand that they, both as a group and individually, have gained peace of mind and mental well-being from everything
running smoothly, but as an audience member, the loss of what made seeing the group on stage so exciting is real.

my point is, rock 'n' roll needs to be fueled by tension and rage—it's not jazz or even blues, and it's not just a music meant for just entertainment.


they can fight about it, money, it's a bag of gold.
they can fight about it, money, the story goes.
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