Prostitute. Many consider it the best or one of the best songs on CD. Not me. Couldn't stand it the first time I heard it.
"Seems like forever.....and a day"
and just gets worse from there. I listened to CD again a few months ago and didn't hate it to the extent I did years ago(the guitar work is pretty damn good) but I just cant get into it.
Sorry's music is incredible but the lyrics make me cringe. Bucket is outstanding on this track. Gave it exactly what it needed.
Scraped......horrific intro and just feels like a wannabe anthem. Even though I hate it, it would've been interesting to see how this song would've went over with the general public as a single had CD been released in 01-02. A wannabe anthem in 08 might have been a real anthem at that time.
TIL...terrible solo. I can only imagine what Bucket would've brought to this track. Listen to songs like Padmasana, Sketches of Spain,etc. and something like that was needed for this song.
CITR.....amazing lyrics though.
UYI II version of KOHD....wish it had not been on the album. The Marquee version that somehow wound up in constant radio rotation on Top 40 radio in 88-89 was much better. I can see why they would record it and use it for that soundtrack but it should've been left there IMO.
You're Crazy from AFD...while I do consider AFD the greatest album ever made I could easily live without this song. The only song worth skipping IMO. The Lies version is incredible though and my favorite song from Lies.
The cover of "Live and Let Die". I have always HATED that song, no matter how often they played it live, or how many GNR fans hail it as a great cover song.
I agree and disagree as Bill Clinton would say.
I HATE the polished version on the album but think it sounded much better live on that UYI tour. I do think it needed to be retired from the set many years ago.....even before the CD era. By 92 it should've been replaced with something else from UYI.
Off of CD - I hate SOD - don't know why, because I love piano driven rock songs - but this one always has and still does just bore this crap out of me
I thought the 2002 version was incredible. 2006 and beyond it had been neutered.