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Author Topic: Could the reunion spark some back catalog stuff coming in the future?  (Read 29475 times)
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« Reply #40 on: January 21, 2016, 08:46:49 PM »

In regards to any new music... if we get 2 new songs at vegas or Coachella, my gut feeling is they will be appetite style songs.. and fairly stripped rock songs... but like i said... i dont know... its all speculation. Cant wait to see what happens though.
I am unfamiliar with Slash and Duff's solo careers besides one or two Velvet Revolver songs.  IMO those didn't sound anything like "appetite style" songs.  Wouldn't you think that their styles have evolved beyond AFD and therefore so would anything that would be newly released?

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« Reply #41 on: January 21, 2016, 08:55:11 PM »


It would depend if they are going from scratch with a brand new idea... or whether they are going to pull something from around that era (appetite). The same i guess thats it possible that Duff and Slash could re-work a CD2 song.. its all possible in the world of GNR... I personally dont think "evolving" is the right word... whilst i agree with you that Slash and Duffs solo work bears little to no resemblence to appetite.. there stuff was a lot different to anything on CD as well.. so yeah... if there is 2 songs.. it could be anything...

I dont really know.. it's all part of the speculation but personally.. i hope its either a new idea, or something thats re-worked from the early days. But thats just me.

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« Reply #42 on: January 21, 2016, 09:04:20 PM »

Yes, evolving wasn't the right word but hopefully everyone knew what I meant.

As I said, I'm not very familiar with their solo work but wasn't their VR stuff more of "Scott's style" (God rest his soul).  That's why I would think that any new material would lean more towards a current "Axl influence" style (whatever that may be) especially if it involves reworked unreleased CD material.

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« Reply #43 on: January 21, 2016, 09:06:06 PM »

i never got the whole "i wont care as much/at all if so and so isnt on it". i just dont think about that sort of thing when im listening to music.


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« Reply #44 on: January 21, 2016, 09:16:28 PM »

Yes, evolving wasn't the right word but hopefully everyone knew what I meant.

As I said, I'm not very familiar with their solo work but wasn't their VR stuff more of "Scott's style" (God rest his soul).  That's why I would think that any new material would lean more towards a current "Axl influence" style (whatever that may be) especially if it involves reworked unreleased CD material.

Its funny you bring that up.. i agree... Scotts style was all over VR and you could see the STP influence in the songs as well, again.. thats just my opinion or maybe an illusion just because of the front man involved.... but i guess thats what front men do i guess, they own the song pretty much.

what do u think the percentage chance is of 2 new songs in a couple months regardless of what era they may come from or something completely new?

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« Reply #45 on: January 21, 2016, 09:24:53 PM »

Bring on the remix of a record released nearly a decade ago. Those hundreds of DAT tapes of demos done in '94-97? Screw that, man. This is the digital age. The rapper age. We need a remix.

You know.. that EDM is bigger than rap now right?

Ha! I think you just threw him into culture shock   hihi

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« Reply #46 on: January 21, 2016, 09:25:40 PM »

what do u think the percentage chance is of 2 new songs in a couple months regardless of what era they may come from or something completely new?

I think the chance is EXTREMELY high ... 85%?  I find this whole "rejoining" thing totally mind-boggling.  I would think since it is happening, and happening with Dizzy, Chris, Frank and Richard, it would have to be for something more than "celebrating" AFD.


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« Reply #47 on: January 21, 2016, 09:27:39 PM »

I was talking about the holy grail of GNR recordings  Grin

For some GNR fans, that would be the alt takes or demo versions of the Chinese Democracy songs.

You are clear such a Chinese Democracy mark lol.

Yeah I'm sure it would be for some fans yes. The majority... a large vast majority of the Gn'R fanbase wants 85-96 Gn'R stuff. Point blank period.

To think anything else is just crazy. Sure we want the CD II, and the 98-2014 stuff, but we all want the older stuff first. With the original, first... famous.. legendary band that MADE us all LOVE Guns N' Roses in the first place.

Lets be real here. We all love Guns N' Roses from that first original era. It is safe to say the large majority do anyways.

What is a "clear Chinese Democracy Mark???"

I'm a GNR fan- of all years, AFD to whatever comes next.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2016, 09:29:33 PM by EmilyGNR » Logged

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« Reply #48 on: January 22, 2016, 01:37:21 AM »

oh, we all know emily can be "clear such a chinese democracy mark" sometimes.

to each his own, but to me the idea that people want demos of material that didnt make the cut back in the 80s over a new finished gnr album is mind boggling.

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« Reply #49 on: January 22, 2016, 05:45:11 AM »

I honestly don't know about the style of a new song with those guys after all this time. The solo projects should not be taken as any indication, it's the sum of input and styles that make it sound like a band. Slash's hard rock, Duff's punk and Axl's epicness may indicate something like Coma (not talking about lenght, of course)? I don't know, but that excites me. Cheesy

what do u think the percentage chance is of 2 new songs in a couple months regardless of what era they may come from or something completely new?

I think the chance is EXTREMELY high ... 85%?  I find this whole "rejoining" thing totally mind-boggling.  I would think since it is happening, and happening with Dizzy, Chris, Frank and Richard, it would have to be for something more than "celebrating" AFD.
I'm terrified to say this (we've been there so many times, right?), but I agree 100%.


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« Reply #50 on: January 22, 2016, 08:13:48 AM »

to each his own, but to me the idea that people want demos of material that didnt make the cut back in the 80s over a new finished gnr album is mind boggling.

'a new finished gnr album' ?  Depends on what exactly you mean by that ...

12 brand new tracks written and recorded by Axl + Slash + Duff  + assorted filler in '15-'16 ?

12 unheard tracks written and recorded by Axl + assorted filler between '98-'15 ?

Thanks but no thanks, I'll take a '85-'95 boxset over that any day !

[Axl] Arnhem '01 (cancelled) - Pukkelpop '02 - Graspop '06 - Nijmegen '06 (+ Izzy) - Paris '10 - Antwerp '10 - Lille '10 - Rotterdam '12 - Paris '12 - Graspop '12 [Axl/Dc] Werchter '16

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« Reply #51 on: January 22, 2016, 08:18:03 AM »

to each his own, but to me the idea that people want demos of material that didnt make the cut back in the 80s over a new finished gnr album is mind boggling.

'a new finished gnr album' ?  Depends on what exactly you mean by that ...

12 brand new tracks written and recorded by Axl + Slash + Duff  + assorted filler in '15-'16 ?

12 unheard tracks written and recorded by Axl + assorted filler between '98-'15 ?

Thanks but no thanks, I'll take a '85-'95 boxset over that any day !

huge piles of those demos are already out there. you can download them all from me if you want to. I just don't provide silver-CDs, booklets and promotion. on the contrary, we have basically zero from ChiDem sessions, besides some older mixes of existing songs and almost nothing of unreleased material. but yeah, if you still want 68756th version of KOHD, I understand it's more interesting for ya Wink


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« Reply #52 on: January 22, 2016, 08:56:35 AM »

to each his own, but to me the idea that people want demos of material that didnt make the cut back in the 80s over a new finished gnr album is mind boggling.

'a new finished gnr album' ?  Depends on what exactly you mean by that ...

12 brand new tracks written and recorded by Axl + Slash + Duff  + assorted filler in '15-'16 ?

12 unheard tracks written and recorded by Axl + assorted filler between '98-'15 ?

Thanks but no thanks, I'll take a '85-'95 boxset over that any day !

huge piles of those demos are already out there. you can download them all from me if you want to. I just don't provide silver-CDs, booklets and promotion. on the contrary, we have basically zero from ChiDem sessions, besides some older mixes of existing songs and almost nothing of unreleased material. but yeah, if you still want 68756th version of KOHD, I understand it's more interesting for ya Wink

I'm not only talking about bootlegged content.  Of course I have those. Everyone has those. I'll take new transfers from the master tapes though.

But there's bound to be stuff we don't even know about, especially from the UYI sessions... not to mention all the live stuff !

Don't get me wrong, I'd be very excited about a ChiDem outtakes release.  I'm very interested in anything Axl has to offer.  I'm just more interested in GNR.


[Axl] Arnhem '01 (cancelled) - Pukkelpop '02 - Graspop '06 - Nijmegen '06 (+ Izzy) - Paris '10 - Antwerp '10 - Lille '10 - Rotterdam '12 - Paris '12 - Graspop '12 [Axl/Dc] Werchter '16

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« Reply #53 on: January 22, 2016, 09:09:44 AM »

I was talking about the holy grail of GNR recordings  Grin

For some GNR fans, that would be the alt takes or demo versions of the Chinese Democracy songs.

You are clear such a Chinese Democracy mark lol.

Yeah I'm sure it would be for some fans yes. The majority... a large vast majority of the Gn'R fanbase wants 85-96 Gn'R stuff. Point blank period.

To think anything else is just crazy. Sure we want the CD II, and the 98-2014 stuff, but we all want the older stuff first. With the original, first... famous.. legendary band that MADE us all LOVE Guns N' Roses in the first place.

Lets be real here. We all love Guns N' Roses from that first original era. It is safe to say the large majority do anyways.


There are some pretty detailed accounts of what's left of the 85-96 GN'R stuff, and it's not much. I'm not sure where you get the idea that the vast majority of the GNR fanbase want something that doesn't exist, unless it's just casuals that don't realize that there isn't that much material left from that era.

- Most of the early songs from the AFD era found their way onto Illusions eventually
- Illusions pretty much cleared out the vault, with a couple of exceptions (Ain't Goin' Down, Crash Diet, etc.)
- There's no indication that between 94-96 the band completed any work beyond what we already know about. Matt mentions some stuff, but whether it was just song ideas/jams or not, who knows.
- Stuff like This I Love and Fall to Pieces came from that era - so what there was may have already been released anyway, either as VR stuff, solo Slash/Izzy stuff, or became part of CD and it's era
- No leaks of stuff from 85-96 after all these years would be a good indication that there isn't much

A good list:

At least we know there's stuff from the CD era out there. We have song titles, a couple of leaks (GD, CM), confirmations by people who heard stuff.

Point blank period, most of the GNR fanbase want either new material, or just want to hear the old songs and don't care about unreleased tracks. I don't think nearly as many as you suspect care about unreleased songs and demos from the 80s and 90s.

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« Reply #54 on: January 22, 2016, 09:12:59 AM »

yup, exactly my idea!


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« Reply #55 on: January 22, 2016, 09:13:56 AM »

Trust me, ask around, find out for yourself, outside of the msg board crowd, no one, and literally mean NO ONE (= zero people) is interested in unreleased ChiDem stuff.

They're not even interested in the RELEASED ChiDem stuff !!!

[Axl] Arnhem '01 (cancelled) - Pukkelpop '02 - Graspop '06 - Nijmegen '06 (+ Izzy) - Paris '10 - Antwerp '10 - Lille '10 - Rotterdam '12 - Paris '12 - Graspop '12 [Axl/Dc] Werchter '16

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« Reply #56 on: January 22, 2016, 09:17:17 AM »

Trust me, ask around, find out for yourself, outside of the msg board crowd, no one, and literally mean NO ONE (= zero people) is interested in unreleased ChiDem stuff.

They're not even interested in the RELEASED ChiDem stuff !!!

... that's why Greatest Hits compilation was released for such people, they might only know about half of those songs but hey, they consider themselves die-hard fans! that's awkward, sorry. such people have no idea what they want, most probably they just want their 5 favourite songs played on infinite loop and consider everything else crap.


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« Reply #57 on: January 22, 2016, 09:22:33 AM »

Trust me, ask around, find out for yourself, outside of the msg board crowd, no one, and literally mean NO ONE (= zero people) is interested in unreleased ChiDem stuff.

They're not even interested in the RELEASED ChiDem stuff !!!

Again, most people either want "new" material (and if it was CD era material with Slash in the band, they wouldn't know the difference) or just want to hear the old songs.

The only people interested in back catalog stuff is the board crowd period.

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« Reply #58 on: January 22, 2016, 09:23:31 AM »

Trust me, ask around, find out for yourself, outside of the msg board crowd, no one, and literally mean NO ONE (= zero people) is interested in unreleased ChiDem stuff.

They're not even interested in the RELEASED ChiDem stuff !!!

... that's why Greatest Hits compilation was released for such people, they might only know about half of those songs but hey, they consider themselves die-hard fans! that's awkward, sorry. such people have no idea what they want, most probably they just want their 5 favourite songs played on infinite loop and consider everything else crap.


It's why Billy Corgan was losing his shit about playing old Pumpkins stuff live. Every artist goes through it.
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« Reply #59 on: January 22, 2016, 09:48:46 AM »

Strip it down to the basics...with all the buzz going around now, people are going to be interested if Gnr releases a song. They won't know when it was written, by whom, or likely who the hell is even playing on it. If Axl is singing and they can get Slash and Duff on it, radio stations will be salivating.  drool

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