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Author Topic: Rumor: GNR reunion may not include all classic members  (Read 56834 times)

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« Reply #180 on: November 19, 2015, 07:23:00 AM »

Now Uproxx has posted about reunion, horrible article  no

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« Reply #181 on: November 19, 2015, 09:06:13 AM »

The ONLY OFFICIAL NEWS we have at this moment are the last words from Axl, right from Revolver Magazine, publishsed last year. I guess it's been posted here already. Anyway I'll post it below again just in case.
The rest... is nothing so far. What I would say is: it's time for a wake up call. We should take note of EVERY SINGLE WEBSITE and EVERY SINGLE "JOURNALIST" who's so sure about a reunion to the point of saying it's official and others. Because IF they're wrong/lying/etc we will know for sure in which websites and in which journalists we can trust in the future and the ones we cannot
If all this reunion talks ends up in nothing (from all we heard from Axll all over the years, looks like there's a huuuuge change that's what's gonna happen), they (websites and "journalists") will be ready to get their gravel shovels to finish digging their own professional graves. At least that's what I wish for them if that's the case.

Revolver Magazine excerpts below, also the link for the full interview - there are even mentions to forced reunions:

Do you think you and Duff will do more work together?

It's possible. I don't know yet. It depends on scheduling, or what shows Tommy [Stinson] wants to do with the Replacements and stuff like that. And you know, almost everybody in the band has some kind of issue going on, personally. There's people who have lost family members. Other people are dealing with separations. Sometimes court gets in the way. Real life!

Where do things stand as far as recording new Guns N' Roses music?

We recorded a lot of things before Chinese was out. We've worked more on some of those things and we've written a few new things. But basically, we have what I call kind of the second half of Chinese. That's already recorded. And then we have a remix album made of the songs from Chinese. That's been done for a while, too. But after Vegas [Guns N' Roses performed a residency at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino that ran through early June], we're going to start looking very seriously at what we're doing in that regard.

Back when you were starting out with Guns, what was your idea of success?

Well, I think Guns N' Roses achieved a lot of that. There were things that you were disillusioned by, but there were a lot of other things that would be considered achieving success. The amount of sales. The amount of people that were into it. Things like that. But I think that as much as we tried to be on top of the business, we were very na?ve business-wise. I think there were things we could have done better, and I feel the labels and the attorneys and the A&R men all knew that. But they wanted the band to be set up in a way where they could attempt to manipulate it. And that didn't really work out for anybody. Including them. You know, we still have not done what I consider a legitimate U.S. tour [with the current lineup] because of prior managers and agents attempting to manipulate it so that it wouldn't be as successful as it could be. In order to try to steer me toward wanting a reunion [of the original lineup].

You feet that people have pushed you to try to make that happen?

Well, I feel there's people in the industry who feel that they can make some money off that. So that's what they want. Even our last U.S. arena tour, that was put together by yet another manager and agent, who we eventually let go and took the tour over. But at the time of taking it over, most of it was already in place. So then we made it work for us, but had it been set up the way we feel it should have been from the beginning it could have been more successful than it was.

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« Reply #182 on: November 19, 2015, 09:21:33 AM »

As for his opinions on the cd remix that hes never even heard, he can shove those up his ass. He says nobody wants to hear it. I definitely do. Im sure a lot of you do. I know DX really wants to hear that til remix. I think many people that are serious about following the band in this day and age would kill for the remix album. And I wouldnt be surprised if we got that instead of a reunion, the thing everyone seems to want, especially the more casual fans and the masses in general.

Oh yeah, the 'This I Love' with 'Madagascar' style vocals?  Sounded cool.  Love to hear it.

I am also the minority of the minority though.  Simply put, there aren't a hell of a lot of people that are "following this band in this day and age", as you put it, and are such a diehard fan they would, quite literally, buy anything.

The reality is that CD never connected with the general public.  It didn't even connect with all Guns N' Roses fans.  It didn't even connect with all Guns N' Roses fans that were still willing to stick with Axl through all this.

So by the time you get to a remix of such an album, just how segmented are we talking here?  You are talking about the ultimate niche product.

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« Reply #183 on: November 19, 2015, 10:26:43 AM »

You are talking about the ultimate niche product.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't all remix albums?
Whoever has the brilliant idea that a remix album is meant to be a follow-up chart busting miracle album to fix all whining is obviously in need of reality check.

The exception to that is when certain remixes are done in order to widen the artists' appeal. Suddenly it might be popular among people who never listened to said artists in the first place. This is the case when they make dance remixes of rock songs for example. But that's more about specific songs, not necessarily about album sales and album charts.


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« Reply #184 on: November 19, 2015, 10:37:17 AM »

I'm very happy Axl brought up the Chinese Democracy remixes to the table again in this last interview. High hopes we see this project someday! I also would love to see CD re released with the red hand cover someday!!
A lot of people have changed their minds about Chinese Democracy over the last years. Many die hard fans that didn't like it and many average fans or just music fans started to dig the record they once hated so much and I've heard many people saying so many good things about the record - people I could never expect to say anything good about it. Despite all the negativity it went very well on the charts, even without proper promotion, basically no singles or videos, in a era of downloads where younger people think they don't need to pay for music - or that isn't cool to pay for it.
Chinese Democracy is a monster album and I can't even imagine what's coming next!!   

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« Reply #185 on: November 19, 2015, 10:39:53 AM »

As for his opinions on the cd remix that hes never even heard, he can shove those up his ass. He says nobody wants to hear it. I definitely do. Im sure a lot of you do. I know DX really wants to hear that til remix. I think many people that are serious about following the band in this day and age would kill for the remix album. And I wouldnt be surprised if we got that instead of a reunion, the thing everyone seems to want, especially the more casual fans and the masses in general.

Oh yeah, the 'This I Love' with 'Madagascar' style vocals?  Sounded cool.  Love to hear it.

Which vocals are that? The  madagascar vocals of live performances such as Rock In Rio (2001-ish), which to me sounded great, or the ones in the album? Cause the ones in the album sounded like forced raspy vocals. And I get the feeling Axl read way too many comments complaining about the vocals live and changed them on the album. I don't like the ones in the album. I can't even listen to that version, I always go back to rock in rio, which to me is much better and live it adds some magic to it, plus at the time it was new so I quite like it.

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« Reply #186 on: November 19, 2015, 10:53:42 AM »

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Actually Slash's last date on his tour is 11/24 in moscow.  So who knows?  I think its altogether possible that if something was in the air he agreed to hold off on all of it until the end of that tour out of respect for his bandmembers. 

Another thought is venues crowds etc.  I've read a lot of comments on what it would take to make this really huge, which past members etc.  I think that in this era of media things get huge because that's what people tell us.  The press need compelling stories and a reunion of a band with Guns history would be a story that they can run with.  Once that starts, the media dictates the reality.  When Floyd Mayweather fought Pac man, boxing fans knew the fight was 5 years to late and would be another snooze fest.  But the media (Espn, TMZ, CNN, NBC etc) turned it into the biggest fight ever.  Didnt matter that people who really knew something knew it wasn't the real deal. 

That said, i think an Axl Duff Slash Richard Frank Dizzy lineup would be perfect.  As has been pointed out before Izzy really hasn't shown that kind of interest, not surprising he may not be part of this (according to rumor) and Steven... I just don't think it would be right to put him in that position for him or the band.  I think Richard would work great with the others, and he has his own feel and style that i think adds a lot.  He's dynamic on stage and obviously Axl seems to like him  a lot.  And what's not to like about Frank?  The guy is solid as hell.  Other than Brain, my favorite GNR drummer. 

My prediction is they make some announcement and  a week before the first date axl insists on Huge coming in as a second lead guitar.   Time is a flat circle my friend. Grin

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« Reply #187 on: November 19, 2015, 11:34:31 AM »

Which vocals are that? The  madagascar vocals of live performances such as Rock In Rio (2001-ish), which to me sounded great, or the ones in the album? Cause the ones in the album sounded like forced raspy vocals. And I get the feeling Axl read way too many comments complaining about the vocals live and changed them on the album. I don't like the ones in the album. I can't even listen to that version, I always go back to rock in rio, which to me is much better and live it adds some magic to it, plus at the time it was new so I quite like it.

The 'This I Love' version we are talking about have vocals like the 'Madagascar' on the album.

I still prefer that RIRIII version of 'Madagascar' over all the others as well.  But I think that's in large part to being the first version of it I had and the one I listened to like crazy for years, literally years, before I had the official one.

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« Reply #188 on: November 19, 2015, 11:38:13 AM »

Another thought is venues crowds etc.  I've read a lot of comments on what it would take to make this really huge, which past members etc.  I think that in this era of media things get huge because that's what people tell us.  The press need compelling stories and a reunion of a band with Guns history would be a story that they can run with.  Once that starts, the media dictates the reality.  When Floyd Mayweather fought Pac man, boxing fans knew the fight was 5 years to late and would be another snooze fest.  But the media (Espn, TMZ, CNN, NBC etc) turned it into the biggest fight ever.  Didnt matter that people who really knew something knew it wasn't the real deal.

Very interesting analogy.

I happen to be a pretty big boxing fan, and you are absolutely right.  The only way Manny could have won was by KO, and that wasn't going to happen by the time they fought.  Manny wasn't knocking guys over like he was 4-5 years prior.  That said...I never expected Manny's output to be quite that lame.

But overall, you just have to look at general demand and public interest.  It lies with some form of reunion.

All the places with all these pieces about reunions...have you come across even one lamenting it might mean the end of "the Chinese Democracy era"? 

I have not.

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« Reply #189 on: November 19, 2015, 11:42:49 AM »

Another thought is venues crowds etc.  I've read a lot of comments on what it would take to make this really huge, which past members etc.  I think that in this era of media things get huge because that's what people tell us.  The press need compelling stories and a reunion of a band with Guns history would be a story that they can run with.  Once that starts, the media dictates the reality.  When Floyd Mayweather fought Pac man, boxing fans knew the fight was 5 years to late and would be another snooze fest.  But the media (Espn, TMZ, CNN, NBC etc) turned it into the biggest fight ever.  Didnt matter that people who really knew something knew it wasn't the real deal.

Very interesting analogy.

I happen to be a pretty big boxing fan, and you are absolutely right.  The only way Manny could have won was by KO, and that wasn't going to happen by the time they fought.  Manny wasn't knocking guys over like he was 4-5 years prior.  That said...I never expected Manny's output to be quite that lame.

But overall, you just have to look at general demand and public interest.  It lies with some form of reunion.

All the places with all these pieces about reunions...have you come across even one lamenting it might mean the end of "the Chinese Democracy era"? 

I have not.

The Chinese Democracy era ended when Buckethead, Robin, Freese and Brain quit the band... no? that's how I always viewed it.

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« Reply #190 on: November 19, 2015, 11:44:55 AM »

The Chinese Democracy era ended when Buckethead, Robin, Freese and Brain quit the band... no? that's how I always viewed it.

I'd agree, but also concede that's pretty inside baseball type thinking.

To most, "the Chinese Democracy era" simply means "no Slash".

I was trying to make the point I sure don't see anyone lamenting a reunion possibility so that Axl might instead keep on with what's he's been doing.  At least, not outside some contrarians on message boards.

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« Reply #191 on: November 19, 2015, 11:45:56 AM »

The Chinese Democracy era ended when Buckethead, Robin, Freese and Brain quit the band... no? that's how I always viewed it.

Amazingly enough, your definition of said era never really existed at the same time. Joshn and Brain were never in the band at the same time were they?
It just seems like you decided that this is ok, that is not ok... With no real logic. What about Paul Tobias?

Remember when Robin quit for the first time? Is that the end of the era? Or the second time he quit?

I had no idea Josh Freese is the key either!


PS Are you serious?

« Last Edit: November 19, 2015, 11:47:38 AM by jarmo » Logged

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« Reply #192 on: November 19, 2015, 11:47:39 AM »

The Chinese Democracy era ended when Buckethead, Robin, Freese and Brain quit the band... no? that's how I always viewed it.

I'd agree, but also concede that's pretty inside baseball type thinking.

To most, "the Chinese Democracy era" simply means "no Slash".

I was trying to make the point I sure don't see anyone lamenting a reunion possibility so that Axl might instead keep on with what's he's been doing.  At least, not outside some contrarians on message boards.

Yeah.. I buy that.

Plus. like I have stated before... You can't tell me that an album will come out next year if there is no reunion... so you can't state accurately that it would be a deterrent to anymore "Chinese Democracy" stuff.

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« Reply #193 on: November 19, 2015, 11:49:32 AM »

The Chinese Democracy era ended when Buckethead, Robin, Freese and Brain quit the band... no? that's how I always viewed it.

Amazingly enough, your definition of said era never really existed at the same time. Joshn and Brain were never in the band at the same time were they?
It just seems like you decided that this is ok, that is not ok... With no real logic. What about Paul Tobias?

Remember when Robin quit for the first time? Is that the end of the era? Or the second time he quit?

I had no idea Josh Freese is the key either!


PS Are you serious?

I wrote Freese, but meant Huge... either way.

The band was basically completely made over by the time the album came out.

So the era... is pretty much over regardless of what happens next no?

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« Reply #194 on: November 19, 2015, 11:54:09 AM »

The Chinese Democracy era ended when Buckethead, Robin, Freese and Brain quit the band... no? that's how I always viewed it.

Amazingly enough, your definition of said era never really existed at the same time. Joshn and Brain were never in the band at the same time were they?
It just seems like you decided that this is ok, that is not ok... With no real logic. What about Paul Tobias?

Remember when Robin quit for the first time? Is that the end of the era? Or the second time he quit?

I had no idea Josh Freese is the key either!


PS Are you serious?

I wrote Freese, but meant Huge... either way.

The band was basically completely made over by the time the album came out.

So the era... is pretty much over regardless of what happens next no?

That's a pretty narrow way to look at it.  By that definition there never was a CD era.  There was no album.  Then the next 6 years of touring in support of the album.  What era would that be? 
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« Reply #195 on: November 19, 2015, 11:55:45 AM »

I wrote Freese, but meant Huge... either way.

The band was basically completely made over by the time the album came out.

So the era... is pretty much over regardless of what happens next no?

Ah. You even got people mixed up defining your idea of an era. Not convincing. Wink
Just kidding!

Yes, you had a line up that worked on the album but they never played a show together. People were replaced, obviously.

So explain to me how you'd label 2006-7 and then 2008-2014?

Also, on the subject of era. What era is Gilby part of?  Huh "The Spaghetti Incident?" era?

My pint is, I think you're being narrow minded for the sake of something.... I don't know what. Maybe you just don't wanna give the line up that actually toured the world any credit? I don't know.



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« Reply #196 on: November 19, 2015, 11:58:39 AM »

The Chinese Democracy era ended when Buckethead, Robin, Freese and Brain quit the band... no? that's how I always viewed it.

Amazingly enough, your definition of said era never really existed at the same time. Joshn and Brain were never in the band at the same time were they?
It just seems like you decided that this is ok, that is not ok... With no real logic. What about Paul Tobias?

Remember when Robin quit for the first time? Is that the end of the era? Or the second time he quit?

I had no idea Josh Freese is the key either!


PS Are you serious?

I wrote Freese, but meant Huge... either way.

The band was basically completely made over by the time the album came out.

So the era... is pretty much over regardless of what happens next no?

That's a pretty narrow way to look at it.  By that definition there never was a CD era.  There was no album.  Then the next 6 years of touring in support of the album.  What era would that be? 

Concerts for Axl Rose to perform songs from the band's history? To entertain the masses?

I don't know... you could call it whatever you want really...

But whatever happens next... is it blocking the continuation of that era? Who cares really... when Guns N Roses resurfaces for a tour... I am going tog o regardless who is on the stage... I have preferences, but it doesn't matter anymore. I like songs from all the albums, and no matter what you are never going to have all the players from said album up there.

Maybe I'm not explaining myself well... but there have been so many players in this band.. and such long gaps... I'll take whatever form I can get. (with that said, I hope it involves Slash and Duff at the minimum)  ok

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« Reply #197 on: November 19, 2015, 12:00:49 PM »

Concerts for Axl Rose to perform songs from the band's history?

You mean Guns N' Roses, and obviously Axl Rose...  Tongue



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« Reply #198 on: November 19, 2015, 12:02:11 PM »

Concerts for Axl Rose to perform songs from the band's history?

You mean Guns N' Roses...  Tongue


Sure Tongue

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« Reply #199 on: November 19, 2015, 12:08:20 PM »

All this era talk. Seems like some just need a start and finish to focus on.

So the next album, if it has songs recorded during the same sessions as Chinese Democracy, is it still part of that era or a new era? Considering those guys who recorded as part of the previous era aren't in the band anymore? Or does it mean it's not part of any era since those guys left and the album isn't allowed to have its own era due to that fact?

Live Era 87-93 was one era? But it consisted of different line ups....   confused



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