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Author Topic: ARTICLE: My thoughts on the future of Guns N' Roses  (Read 86140 times)
The REAL Fernando

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« Reply #220 on: August 11, 2015, 11:31:53 PM »

And I agree with this as well like I posted in my response above.  Just because a band does small shows, doesn't mean it's because they HAVE to.  GNR isnt selling like they used to, but they could still go to Philly for example and bring in much more than 2,000 like at the Electric Factory.  They didn't HAVE to play the Electric Factory.  They could have played a bigger venue and more than likely brought in 8-12k.  

Hmm...maybe.  I think that's your high end, that figure.

Problem is, at least hear, we don't really have a venue that size.  We have a few that can seat a few thousand.  But you get over that, you have to go Wells Fargo, which is 20,000.  No shot they are filling that, and then you'd have to hang a shitload of black curtains over unsold seats.

The point I have been making, is that this is not specific to my town.  That's going to be the case in just about any 20,000 seat arena, thus making it unlikely those sorts of venues would be the goto move when it comes time to schedule.

Clear Channel lost a fortune in 2002 because they booked these basketball/hockey arenas that weren't close to being full.  I think that is the case now, as well.

Without going into much detail here, I can say you are wrong my friend.  Smiley

After reading this entire thread, I have to vote that Jarmo has the best post of the thread on page 3. 

Great discussion nonetheless. 

It was a good article, yes obviously had its errors and the reason for the board is to discuss such errors.  I mean, but the "quotes" is a bit overboard.  I get it, but it's over the top.  #imo
« Last Edit: August 11, 2015, 11:41:08 PM by Fernando » Logged

Narcissism has a lot to do with selfishness and deep need for adoration, not giving a fuck for others and promoting themselves at the expense of others often publicly.
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« Reply #221 on: August 12, 2015, 02:08:37 AM »

Thanks!  Cheesy


Disclaimer: My posts are my personal opinion. I do not speak on behalf of anybody else unless I say so. If you are looking for hidden meanings in my posts, you are wasting your time...

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Just A Monkey In The Wrench

« Reply #222 on: August 12, 2015, 09:07:43 AM »

Without going into much detail here, I can say you are wrong my friend.

OK, well...with all due respect, what does this add to the proceedings?  What am I, or anyone really, supposed to do with this?

Don't get me wrong.  I'm sure you have things you can't talk about.  But I'd then think it a fair question to ask why you even wade into the discussion.

To a partisan, uber pro-GNR fan, your answer is just fine.  To them, they don't want these things discussed to begin with.  The "why" is a very distant second, if its present at all.

But to the people that can talk about the band in something other than emotional terms, I'm sure they'd be very interested in any light that might be shed.

You don't even say what you are referring to.  Their demand in Philly?  Their demand at other places?  The 2002 tour? 

You can't unlock doors you aren't prepared to walk through, Fernando.

I Can Finally Say I Saw Guns N' Roses Without Any Caveats, Qualifiers, Or Preambles.  And It Was GLORIOUS.  Best Concert Of My Life.
« Reply #223 on: August 12, 2015, 09:40:50 AM »

He's a man of few words.

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Just A Monkey In The Wrench

« Reply #224 on: August 12, 2015, 10:03:33 AM »

He's a man of few words.

To borrow from a  a familiar concept, he doesn't "owe us" any answers.  And if he can't talk, he can't talk.  That's just how it is.

But by virtue of those circumstances, throwing that line out is a consequence free statement, is it not?

I Can Finally Say I Saw Guns N' Roses Without Any Caveats, Qualifiers, Or Preambles.  And It Was GLORIOUS.  Best Concert Of My Life.
« Reply #225 on: August 12, 2015, 10:25:47 AM »

It would be nice to know what you are 'wrong' about. Could it be the venue in your area which seats 20,000? Does he believe GN'R can still fill that out? Who knows?

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« Reply #226 on: August 12, 2015, 11:36:49 AM »

I think management is in a no-win situation.
Would it be nice to know what GN?Rs plans going forward are? If they even plan to go forward?
Of course, but Guns, and to be more specific, Axl, has been through countless different managers.
They come and go through the GN?R turnstiles along with the countless ex-band members with very little, if anything other than a paycheck to show for it.

GN?Rs dwindling fan base is interested in hearing from Axl, as he is all that remains from the band that recorded the GN?R songs people chant to hear.

No one really cares what management says one way or the other, because at the end of the day, it all comes down to Axl.
Very few people outside of HTGTH know who Frank or Richard are, so their predictions carry very little, if any weight.
Management is in roughly the same weight class.

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Just A Monkey In The Wrench

« Reply #227 on: August 12, 2015, 12:22:10 PM »

This particular management has their own unique problem being so close to their artist.

That has both upsides and downsides.

I Can Finally Say I Saw Guns N' Roses Without Any Caveats, Qualifiers, Or Preambles.  And It Was GLORIOUS.  Best Concert Of My Life.
The REAL Fernando

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« Reply #228 on: August 12, 2015, 12:57:59 PM »

This particular management has their own unique problem being so close to their artist.

That has both upsides and downsides.

Again, wrong.  Though your opinion describes your thoughts on the matter. 

I can dissect everything you are wrong about, then you would put up an argument on why you think you are right about whatever I say you are wrong about, then other people will eventually join and start a huge argument; where it'll all end with the likelihood of someone losing their shit.

You are wrong about most of the things you said in all of your posts in this thread.  Your opinions are not fact, yet you carry them as such.  I am not looking to challenge what you know, because what you know is not factual.  It does make a great read though.

Yes murph, I am a man of a few words.  I suppose the forum life is not a life for me.


Narcissism has a lot to do with selfishness and deep need for adoration, not giving a fuck for others and promoting themselves at the expense of others often publicly.

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« Reply #229 on: August 12, 2015, 01:10:03 PM »

This particular management has their own unique problem being so close to their artist.

That has both upsides and downsides.

I can dissect everything you are wrong about, then you would put up an argument on why you think you are right about whatever I say you are wrong about, then other people will eventually join and start a huge argument; where it'll all end with the likelihood of someone losing their shit.

Hahahahaha. THIS.

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« Reply #230 on: August 12, 2015, 02:11:40 PM »

This particular management has their own unique problem being so close to their artist.

That has both upsides and downsides.

Again, wrong.  Though your opinion describes your thoughts on the matter. 

I can dissect everything you are wrong about, then you would put up an argument on why you think you are right about whatever I say you are wrong about, then other people will eventually join and start a huge argument; where it'll all end with the likelihood of someone losing their shit.

You are wrong about most of the things you said in all of your posts in this thread.  Your opinions are not fact, yet you carry them as such.  I am not looking to challenge what you know, because what you know is not factual.  It does make a great read though.

Yes murph, I am a man of a few words.  I suppose the forum life is not a life for me.

Hey Fernando, random question: As far as negotiating the next album's release goes, is that something you spearhead as the Manager, possibly along with your mom/Beta?  Or do you guys leave all the negotiating/planning to Axl?

I know back in the day it was on Merck & later Azoff to handle those arrangements, however poorly, but have always been curious as to who handles the label communications now that you guys are managing. Thanks!

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Just A Monkey In The Wrench

« Reply #231 on: August 12, 2015, 02:21:42 PM »

I can dissect everything you are wrong about, then you would put up an argument on why you think you are right about whatever I say you are wrong about, then other people will eventually join and start a huge argument; where it'll all end with the likelihood of someone losing their shit.

You are wrong about most of the things you said in all of your posts in this thread.  Your opinions are not fact, yet you carry them as such.  I am not looking to challenge what you know, because what you know is not factual.  It does make a great read though.

Yes murph, I am a man of a few words.  I suppose the forum life is not a life for me.

Your prerogative, of course.  No one can force you to do anything you don't want to do.

But its going to determine how seriously we are supposed to take you when you chime in, that's all.  That's the part you have to make peace with.

If you are going to saunter in mid-conversation and say that something is totally wrong, you can't believe how wrong it is...but you can't/won't/aren't allowed to elaborate....than I'm not sure I, or anyone else, is supposed to really be all that stung by it.  There is nothing behind it.

On balance, I am not nearly as hard on you or your team as a lot of GNR fans are.  I tend to be in the camp that you have an extremely talented, but also fairly uncooperative artist.  And you aren't freakin' miracle workers.  A lot of times, you are left holding the bag.  I think its unfair to go too, too crazy giving you and the team grief on that point.

But in terms of attempting to correcting the record, you are only really accomplishing anything it you actually correct it.  What you have done with these past 2 posts does not meet that standard.  I suppose, in theory, I or anyone else is supposed to cower when you say stuff like that because you are on the inside.  I can't speak for others, but that's not my deal.  I am under no illusion that you are far, far, far more plugged in than I, or any other fan ever will be.  That is not in dispute.

However, I'm a seeing is believing is guy.  I'm not much of a "take my word for it" guy.  And I have even less time for the concept when I'm going to be told I have something wrong, but you can't support why.  I should just take your word for it.  Sorry, brah.  Doesn't cut it with me.

No hard feelings though. 

I Can Finally Say I Saw Guns N' Roses Without Any Caveats, Qualifiers, Or Preambles.  And It Was GLORIOUS.  Best Concert Of My Life.

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« Reply #232 on: August 12, 2015, 02:22:10 PM »

This particular management has their own unique problem being so close to their artist.

That has both upsides and downsides.

Again, wrong.  Though your opinion describes your thoughts on the matter. 

I can dissect everything you are wrong about, then you would put up an argument on why you think you are right about whatever I say you are wrong about, then other people will eventually join and start a huge argument; where it'll all end with the likelihood of someone losing their shit.

You are wrong about most of the things you said in all of your posts in this thread.  Your opinions are not fact, yet you carry them as such.  I am not looking to challenge what you know, because what you know is not factual.  It does make a great read though.

Yes murph, I am a man of a few words.  I suppose the forum life is not a life for me.

The "I could say a lot but I don't want too, or don't want to stoop to your levels" post is just as bad as these guys "hey look at me repeating myself, but I am a huge fan, but the band stinks" posts

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Just A Monkey In The Wrench

« Reply #233 on: August 12, 2015, 02:27:04 PM »

The "I could say a lot but I don't want too, or don't want to stoop to your levels" post is just as bad as these guys "hey look at me repeating myself, but I am a huge fan, but the band stinks" posts

My whole argument is not that he should be forced to talk out of school.  I'm just some yo-yo on the internet.  If he can't do into detail, he can't go into detail.

But if those are his rules, why even chime in?  What's being accomplished?
« Last Edit: August 12, 2015, 02:36:31 PM by D-GenerationX » Logged

I Can Finally Say I Saw Guns N' Roses Without Any Caveats, Qualifiers, Or Preambles.  And It Was GLORIOUS.  Best Concert Of My Life.
The Riddler

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« Reply #234 on: August 12, 2015, 02:34:24 PM »

If I were making a scientific argument regarding the theory of the universe, and was using Hawkings work as a basis for that argument....and Hawking chimed in and told me I was wrong, but refused to elaborate......I'm pretty sure most folks would take that seriously.

No matter how much I tried to obfuscate with the fact he refused to elaborate so he shouldn't be taken seriously. NO matter how loudly I proclaimed that, regardless of his chops, he still had to "prove it to me".

Not for nothing DX, but....Fernando's gravitas and experience in the specifics that we're armchair-ing about sort of lends weight to his words that another, random, forum denizen isn't going to have.

I'm sure my post will be followed by a glib joke about Fernando not being Stephen Hawking, or questioning his gravitas because of the perception of the management team, etc.  And you're all welcome to that.

But to try to dismiss his words, given his body of knowledge and first hand experience with the topic, simply because he can't/won't/shouldn't elaborate or engage at a deeper level seems misguided.....
« Last Edit: August 12, 2015, 02:36:57 PM by pilferk » Logged

Together again,
Gee, it's good to be together again,
I just can't imagine that you've ever been gone
It's not starting over, it's just going on

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Just A Monkey In The Wrench

« Reply #235 on: August 12, 2015, 02:39:05 PM »

Not for nothing DX, but....Fernando's gravitas and experience in the specifics that we're armchair-ing about sort of lends weight to his words that another, random, forum denizen isn't going to have.

I agree.

But if you are going to make the decision to say nothing publicly that support your claims, why chime in?

Wouldn't it make more sense to sit around with others also in the inner circle and call up some of the posts they feel are offbase and just have a laugh with each other about it?

The rest of that inner circle has the context that supports why its so offbase.  None of us do.

I Can Finally Say I Saw Guns N' Roses Without Any Caveats, Qualifiers, Or Preambles.  And It Was GLORIOUS.  Best Concert Of My Life.

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« Reply #236 on: August 12, 2015, 02:40:31 PM »

If I were making a scientific argument regarding the theory of the universe, and was using Hawkings work as a basis for that argument....and Hawking chimed in and told me I was wrong, but refused to elaborate......I'm pretty sure most folks would take that seriously.

No matter how much I tried to obfuscate with the fact he refused to elaborate so he shouldn't be taken seriously. NO matter how loudly I proclaimed that, regardless of his chops, he still had to "prove it to me".

Not for nothing DX, but....Fernando's gravitas and experience in the specifics that we're armchair-ing about sort of lends weight to his words that another, random, forum denizen isn't going to have.

I'm sure my post will be followed by a glib joke about Fernando not being Stephen Hawking, or questioning his gravitas because of the perception of the management team, etc.  And you're all welcome to that.

But to try to dismiss his words, given his body of knowledge and first hand experience with the topic, simply because he can't/won't/shouldn't elaborate or engage at a deeper level seems misguided.....

Hawkings was a great deadline pick up for the Jays!

Let's go Jays!

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Just A Monkey In The Wrench

« Reply #237 on: August 12, 2015, 02:42:03 PM »

Hawkings was a great deadline pick up for the Jays!

Let's go Jays!

Hahahaha.  That team looks like a monster now.

Ben Revere was my Dad's favorite current Phillies player.  He was crushed by that trade.

I Can Finally Say I Saw Guns N' Roses Without Any Caveats, Qualifiers, Or Preambles.  And It Was GLORIOUS.  Best Concert Of My Life.

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« Reply #238 on: August 12, 2015, 02:45:30 PM »

team brazil > stephen hawking


Axl Rose IS Skeletor

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« Reply #239 on: August 12, 2015, 02:47:27 PM »

team brazil > stephen hawking


If they can get ol' Axl to finally put out the next friggin album (gulp) soon, I'd say they accomplished the equivalent of discovering The Big Bang Theory.
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