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Author Topic: Goodbye Ron (???)  (Read 501752 times)
Princess Leia
« Reply #820 on: January 22, 2015, 05:39:19 PM »

Thanks Hinge.  This is getting interesting...

In an exclusive statement to Rolling Stone, Thal wrote that the group is not intended to be competition for Weiland's other band. "Art Of Anarchy is not competition or a threat or interference to what any of us are doing - it's a complement, an addition, one I'm proud of creatively," Thal said in an e-mail. "No need to minimize or undermine or devalue a project we all worked on together over the course of two years. I enjoyed working with Scott. And I'm looking forward to the Wildabouts album release, the Bumblefoot album release, and the Art Of Anarchy album release. The more music the better, it's what we do, right? Artists do collaborations and a month later, their own album comes out. This is normal stuff. All good."

Thal went on to take a diplomatic approach to Weiland's contention that he would not be performing with the group on any live dates, noting that the group doesn't know if they'll even tour. "The five of us made an album together. Scott is currently the singer of the band. It's in writing; no confusion," added Thal. "But yes, Scott's solo album and tour are his priority and we're all on the same page about getting another vocalist if Art Of Anarchy hits the road. But we don't need to cross that bridge just yet. Taking everything as it comes, one step at a time, letting it evolve organically. Where it goes from here (and with who!) is yet to be seen."

Well this is even more confusing. BBF says Scott is the singer and at the same time they are looking for another one. Again they should?ve never issued that press realese when still they have many things up in the air.

The only thing that it is more clear now is that BBF is very invloved. And yet the last sence... Is it only about Scott or anyone in the band?


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« Reply #821 on: January 22, 2015, 06:02:52 PM »

Well this is even more confusing. BBF says Scott is the singer and at the same time they are looking for another one.

Scott is currently the singer of the band.  It's the touring singer, where it goes from here that's up in the air.

The only thing that it is more clear now is that BBF is very invloved. And yet the last sence... Is it only about Scott or anyone in the band?

Yes, he means Scott.

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« Reply #822 on: January 22, 2015, 06:09:32 PM »

The singer doesn't wanna be involved other than what he already did, while the others still consider him part of the band. But only until their possible tour, at which point they'll look for another singer.


Sounds like the band wants to use Scott and his name, but he's not that into the idea of having this band interfere with his solo career.

« Last Edit: January 22, 2015, 06:13:54 PM by jarmo » Logged

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Princess Leia
« Reply #823 on: January 22, 2015, 06:13:33 PM »

Well this is even more confusing. BBF says Scott is the singer and at the same time they are looking for another one.

Scott is currently the singer of the band.  It's the touring singer, where it goes from here that's up in the air.

The only thing that it is more clear now is that BBF is very invloved. And yet the last sence... Is it only about Scott or anyone in the band?

Yes, he means Scott.

They?ve been very clumpsy about all this. BBF talks about Scott?s priorities but not his own
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« Reply #824 on: January 22, 2015, 06:28:36 PM »

I wouldn't be surprised if Axl will probably want whoever replaces Ron to contribute parts to the next album in the same way he wanted Ron and Frank to contribute to Chinese' after Buckethead and Brain left. That could set the new album back a few months, if not a year.

Not necessarily.
It's possible they had the opportunity to record those additions and did so, without it holding anything up.


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« Reply #825 on: January 22, 2015, 06:33:35 PM »

Sounds like the band wants to use Scott and his name


Well, he is the singer on the new album they are putting out.

he's not that into the idea of having this band interfere with his solo career.

The Wildabouts and their new album and tour do seem to be his priority right now.


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« Reply #826 on: January 22, 2015, 06:51:16 PM »

Yes, we are aware that he is the singer on the album.
But reading his comment, it does not seem like he's that keen to be associated with the band at the moment. While the rest of the band love the association for obvious reasons.

If this was a Bumblefoot solo record with Scott as the guest vocalist, less people would care. But "new super group with Scott from STP and Bumblefoot from GN'R", suddenly there's more interest.


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« Reply #827 on: January 22, 2015, 07:08:09 PM »

If this was a Bumblefoot solo record with Scott as the guest vocalist, less people would care. But "new super group with Scott from STP and Bumblefoot from GN'R", suddenly there's more interest.


But it's not a Bumblefoot solo record with Scott as vocalist.  It's a new band, putting out a new album. 

Where it goes from there has yet to be seen.


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« Reply #828 on: January 22, 2015, 07:15:43 PM »

Everybody is Team DJ now lol

One of ron's contentions is he hates DJ right? I know that theory has been floated around.

DJ and Ron have almost nothing in common. Different style, biography, backround.

"?the key to that band's success was Axl because at that time his singing really connected with people on a social level." - Tracii Guns
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« Reply #829 on: January 22, 2015, 07:19:06 PM »

But it's not a Bumblefoot solo record with Scott as vocalist.  It's a new band, putting out a new album. 

Didn't you notice the first word of the sentence? IF. It kinda makes your post irrelevant.

It's a band that's gonna put out a record where the singer has kinda washed his hands of the project before the album is even out.


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« Reply #830 on: January 22, 2015, 07:22:38 PM »

Didn't you notice the first word of the sentence? IF. It kinda makes your post irrelevant.

It's a band that's gonna put out a record where the singer has kinda washed his hands of the project before the album is even out.


It's still a new band putting out a new album.  Maybe it will be a big hit.  Then let's see how fast Scott gets on board.


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« Reply #831 on: January 22, 2015, 07:58:49 PM »

the whole thing is literally laughable.... hihi

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« Reply #832 on: January 22, 2015, 09:05:31 PM »

Love the irony of how Ron will continue with Art of Anarchy with another singer when they decide to tour if Scott is not available, while GN'R will continue without Ron when they decide to tour if he is not available.

I have something I want to do with Guns N' Roses...That can be a long career or it can be a short explosive career-as long as it gets out in a big way. - Axl Rose 7/6/86
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« Reply #833 on: January 22, 2015, 10:13:01 PM »

We are waiting for GN'R management to let us know if he is still in Guns N' Roses, or not.

Well, the entitled ones are.

Has anyone considered that it's a fluid situation and they may still be hoping to reach some sort of agreement? Not putting out a statement is probably the best thing they can do if they don't have to tour right here and now.

Regardless if that takes a week, month, year or two.  We will know when management lets us know if he's in Guns N' Roses or not.

I think we might not know until Guns' take the stage again just like we didn't have a clue who Buckethead's replacement was until Bumblefoot took the stage with Guns'.

I wouldn't be surprised if Axl will probably want whoever replaces Ron to contribute parts to the next album in the same way he wanted Ron and Frank to contribute to Chinese' after Buckethead and Brain left. That could set the new album back a few months, if not a year.

Not necessarily.
It's possible they had the opportunity to record those additions and did so, without it holding anything up.


But how could the album go off to the mixing and mastering stage if their parts were still being recorded? Brain also said numerous times that his drum tracks were essentially done around 2001, so there had to have been a delay or holdup somewhere along the line so that Frank could contribute to the album. Similarly, one of the holdups for the new album is probably DJ adding contributions to whatever was previously recorded by the Buckethead/Robin/Paul era of Guns'.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2015, 10:35:23 PM by AxlsMainMan » Logged

9.20 & 21.06
1.16 & 17.10
1.24 & 25.10
11.02 & 03.12
10.29 & 30.17

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« Reply #834 on: January 22, 2015, 11:16:37 PM »

We've seen words passed between DJ and Ron that have some connotations behind them but does he really hate DJ as much as everyone seems to think?
There may be tension between them but what makes people think they have a loathing of each other?

If they don't get along at all does anyone know the reason why - I know it was said DJ gets paid more than Ron but that's speculation. We don't know who knew information like that enough to put it out there.
Princess Leia
« Reply #835 on: January 23, 2015, 05:37:55 AM »

but whatever it is, I'm finding it hard to believe this in any way will improve the odds of a GNR album release any time soon.

I don't think GN'R is influenced by this in any way. Why would it? If he's on the album, his parts have been done already.

I wouldn't be surprised if Axl will probably want whoever replaces Ron to contribute parts to the next album in the same way he wanted Ron and Frank to contribute to Chinese' after Buckethead and Brain left. That could set the new album back a few months, if not a year.

DEFINITELY a concern.

Sadly, it is.  And I would argue, the whole thing is unnecessary.

Does anyone here seriously consider Ron or Frank part of the creative process behind that last album?  Frank's few drum fills at the beginning of TWAT are swell, but do they really change the song?  Not really.  To be fair, I actually do think Ron's cut and pasted riffs help on the title track and 'I.R.S.'.  But did they really change the song?  Nope.  I'd also argue that Ron's guitar outro on 'Catcher' is a god damn train wreck.  Changed that one for the worse, way worse.

Axl put those guys on there to give the illusion of collaboration.  He was trying to put a good spin on a bad situation.  Three main people behind the creation of the material wanted nothing to do with him.  So he throws this stuff on there to say "look, see...we're a band!"

Did you buy it?  I didn't.

So I don't need Ron's replacement to throw down some random riffs in hopes I might believe he was involved creatively.  Give me some credit.

I agree... I don't need a new guy to come in at the 23rd hour to add to a song from 2001

Ok, when making an album the recording is done in more tan one step. First drums and bass, then guitars and last volcals. Keep in mind that Richard has said that Axl has been recording vocals. If that is the case it means the guitar parts have been recorded already. So it might not be necessary.

Now we don?t know if we are talking about 2001 songs, 2010 songs or a mix of old and recent songs. In the case of the 2001 songs I guess it?s fair to say that BBF and DJ have worked on those. But if we?re talking recent songs that have already been recorded and vocals were added. I don?t think some new guy is gonna change some guitar part. A new guy could change a guitar part in a song that needs volcals on it as well.

We still have very little information to say that there is a delay in the album because of a possible new guy. We can have a delay. We may not have a new ?lbum at all. But a new guy is not gonna be the main reason if that is the case. We can?t even talk about a delay at this point because we don?t even have an estimate release date. I couldn?t care less about some so called insiders saying we?re having the ?lbum this year.

If band members never mentioned 2015, if their words have been nothing but hopefully soon. Why should I believe that 2015 is a sure thing and blame some new guy if we don?t have the album this year?
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« Reply #836 on: January 23, 2015, 07:56:50 AM »

But how could the album go off to the mixing and mastering stage if their parts were still being recorded? Brain also said numerous times that his drum tracks were essentially done around 2001, so there had to have been a delay or holdup somewhere along the line so that Frank could contribute to the album. Similarly, one of the holdups for the new album is probably DJ adding contributions to whatever was previously recorded by the Buckethead/Robin/Paul era of Guns'.

You're assuming the thinking is like "let's hold up the release an add these guitar parts" while I think it was probably something like "ok, so the album isn't gonna be out as soon as hoped, we have time to add these guitar parts"...


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« Reply #837 on: January 23, 2015, 08:44:36 AM »

If band members never mentioned 2015, if their words have been nothing but hopefully soon. Why should I believe that 2015 is a sure thing and blame some new guy if we don?t have the album this year?

You won't.

The blame will lie with the same guy it has the entire time.  The only one with any real say.

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« Reply #838 on: January 23, 2015, 09:12:17 AM »

If band members never mentioned 2015, if their words have been nothing but hopefully soon. Why should I believe that 2015 is a sure thing and blame some new guy if we don?t have the album this year?

You won't.

The blame will lie with the same guy it has the entire time.  The only one with any real say.

There isnt realistically any "blame" at all, only "fans" with serious entitlement issues have some sort of "blame" to assign.

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« Reply #839 on: January 23, 2015, 09:15:22 AM »

If band members never mentioned 2015, if their words have been nothing but hopefully soon. Why should I believe that 2015 is a sure thing and blame some new guy if we don?t have the album this year?

You won't.

The blame will lie with the same guy it has the entire time.  The only one with any real say.

There isnt realistically any "blame" at all, only "fans" with serious entitlement issues have some sort of "blame" to assign.

"Nobody owes you, not one goddamned thing"  Kiss

Look I get it... you cant understand how some people could possibly question the one and only W. Axl Rose...

But truthfully... you copy and paste these posts ?  ok

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