Slash to play with Guns N' Roses?2013-02-14
Guitarist of Guns N' Roses. He has performed with Michael Jackson. He lives with a pacemaker. Good Morning TVN journalist Marcin Sawicki met with Slash, who came to Katowice to give first concert in Poland.
Dzien Dobry TVN: A lot of great bands, from time to time have decided to do something Led Zeppelin [Slash interrupts].
Slash: This was going so well [laughs].
Dzien Dobry TVN: This is the last question -- Is it at all possible for Guns N' Roses to play for just one show.Slash: We had the opportunity and it didn't there.
Dzien Dobry TVN: So there we have it, that's the answer.Slash: That was a long time ago. No one is concerned about it except the media -- and the fans are into it. It's not something that's really in the cards.
Video interview:,105,newest,76416.html