My Funny Axl story from the show took place during "Dont Cry" right before the second verse he just stopped singing for some reason
and just walked around letting Ron and the crowed take it.
He walked around and to the front of the stage close to us and looked at the crowed like "come on keep singing it" and I did my best "
Please Dont take it so baaad" *in deep Axl voice impression & I guess he heard me cuz he immediatly started laughing and pointed.
I dont know if he was lauging at the impersonation or that he was impressed that i was still on point with the right lyric of the song
but for what ever reason his mood changed shortly after and he ended up finishing the song!
After all that i grabbed my phone and recoreded the last half of the perfomance. are the rest of my vids from the show: (Mix ISE,RQ,CATCHER,KOHD,NT,End) Estranged 14 yrs