haha... those aren't even close. They are supposed to say Axl on the tongue of the sneaker and those red plastic lace holders aren't on the sneakers Axl wore either.
I think just the ones made for Axl said Axl on the tongue and on the back. I don't believe any were ever made for resale that said Axl anywhere on them. Some were made for contests and things of that nature. Those did not say Axl on the tongue but did say Axl on the back. Even the ones that did say Axl on the tongue weren't all the same. You say they didn't have the red plastic lace holders? View the Estranged video, specifically the part where the shoe hits the bottom of the ocean. Same exact shoe except for the Axl on the tongue.
I compared the shoe in the ebay listing with the shoes from Estranged and a still shot of Axl in a directors chair. Other than being Red and White Converse high tops, they aren't the same model (Converse Weapons vs Converse Aero Jets). I had a friend do this back in 1993... he bought a pair of Converse at Foot Locker and brought them to an embroidering shop and added Axl to them...
You are buying some random guys used sneakers that he made. These shoes have nothing to do with Axl in any way. Whom ever bought these for 85 pounds made a huge mistake... they weren't 85 pounds brand new.
http://i.ebayimg.com/t/converse-AXLs-/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/$(KGrHqN,!pcF!H0N-EwHBQSy(5ljgQ~~60_12.JPGEDIT: you are right about the shoes hitting the ocean floor being the same model as the ebay ad except that they have Axl on the tongue. I also looked and the version he wears (Converse Weapons) are actually from the 80's... where the brand new (at the time) model that they dropped in the video are from 1992 (Aero Jets which are the same model as the signature Larry Johnson from that year). I'm assuming Axl didn't want his custom sneakers dropped in a water tank for the video.
So just MAYBE, these were somehow tied to a run of shoes made for the video.