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Author Topic: Rock N Roll Hall Of Fame! Now it's official.  (Read 576550 times)

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« Reply #1140 on: March 20, 2012, 11:24:09 PM »

Chili Peppers are gonna have John there?

Frusciante unfortunately will not be there.  I believe Chad Smith spoke about it in a recent interview - said John just didn't feel comfortable being there.  I was bummed as I will be attending the ceremonies and Frusciante is one of my favorite guitar players and unfortunately have never seen him play live.  Would have loved to see him play there.
Thanks. That's what I thought. I remember seeing something about that interview.


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I'm Ron Burgundy?

« Reply #1141 on: March 20, 2012, 11:37:56 PM »

point is.. I don't post to hopefully meet or be friends with Axl one day.

not saying some on here do....

Actually you've said that a few times in this thread, but okay.

If you're waiting...don't. Live your life. That's your responsibility not mine. If it were not to happen you won't have missed a thing. If in fact it does you might get something that works for you.

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I'm Ron Burgundy?

« Reply #1142 on: March 20, 2012, 11:50:44 PM »

But u guys act like no one is trying that already and they are

remember what Axl said bout Azoff and then Doc etc...

everyone is gonna try that angle to get a reunion.

he has his own management now.. so no longer has to worry about it.

Chilis are gonna have John Frusiciante.. and after their flop of an album, u don't think their fans are goin nuts already for John to come back??

Axl and this lineup will be fine. they are gonna have to release a new album at some point though. once they do that... it will quiet everything down because Axl now has the PERFECT GNR lineup. Casual fans,non fans.. everyone will get behind this if a proper kick ass CD is released.

Yes, obviously people already want a reunion. But, you are giving them more ammunition in terms of an example that what they desire is possible. The expression of "giving someone an inch, and them taking a mile". By reuniting for that one night, you are giving an inch.

Another way of looking at it is that, as Gypsy pointed out, it defies any and all logic to say that the way to prove a reunion will never happen by actually reuniting. No, the way to prove a reunion will never happen is by never reuniting. Despite what you claim, that is effectively what you're saying and it is completely illogical. Gypsy's post reflects that well.

First off, I'll be at the induction, and ever since I got those tickets I was hoping for an all time one night performance by GNR.  I was in the camp that it wouldn't be as big a deal as people were making it out to be.  Strangely though, Robin and Brain joined GNR for a few songs the other night and all hell seemed to break loose.  And that was just the fans on message boards.  I can only imagine what would happen if Axl and Slash shared the stage together that night.  I may have been swayed to think it would be impossible to overcome.

Here's my thing though.  People say Axl doesn't want to damage or diminish what the current lineup is doing.  He doesn't want to add any fuel to the reunion fire.  Plus people are pointing out, that in the grand scheme of things, this whole Hall of Fame thing isn't really the end all be all of the rock world.  Some even view it as a joke. 

So my question, wouldn't it be best for Axl to not show up at all?  What point would showing up to accept the honor be exactly?  Won't the press feed off of the fact that Axl is warming up to the idea of a reunion simply by being in the same room with those guys for one night?  Wouldn't the ultimate F-U to any possibility of a reunion be him not showing up at all?

The way I see it, if you're there, you might as well play.  If you don't want to play, why go?  Van Halen knew how uncomfortable things would be, so Eddie, Alex, and Dave didn't show up.  If Axl and Slash show up, sit at the same table, accept an award together, smile at each other, shake hands, acknowledge each other, don't kill each other, don't say anything derogatory about one another.  Won't that in and of itself feed the flames to the sheer possibility of a reunion somewhere down the line?  Wouldn't you have to say that a reunion would be CLOSER THAN EVER at that point?  Even if it's nowhere close to happening, the fact that Axl and Slash haven't seen each other for 15 years or whatever the count is now, that would be a huge hurdle cleared in its own right.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2012, 11:52:35 PM by faldor » Logged

If you're waiting...don't. Live your life. That's your responsibility not mine. If it were not to happen you won't have missed a thing. If in fact it does you might get something that works for you.

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« Reply #1143 on: March 21, 2012, 12:40:40 AM »

But u guys act like no one is trying that already and they are

remember what Axl said bout Azoff and then Doc etc...

everyone is gonna try that angle to get a reunion.

he has his own management now.. so no longer has to worry about it.

Chilis are gonna have John Frusiciante.. and after their flop of an album, u don't think their fans are goin nuts already for John to come back??

Axl and this lineup will be fine. they are gonna have to release a new album at some point though. once they do that... it will quiet everything down because Axl now has the PERFECT GNR lineup. Casual fans,non fans.. everyone will get behind this if a proper kick ass CD is released.

Yes, obviously people already want a reunion. But, you are giving them more ammunition in terms of an example that what they desire is possible. The expression of "giving someone an inch, and them taking a mile". By reuniting for that one night, you are giving an inch.

Another way of looking at it is that, as Gypsy pointed out, it defies any and all logic to say that the way to prove a reunion will never happen by actually reuniting. No, the way to prove a reunion will never happen is by never reuniting. Despite what you claim, that is effectively what you're saying and it is completely illogical. Gypsy's post reflects that well.

First off, I'll be at the induction, and ever since I got those tickets I was hoping for an all time one night performance by GNR.  I was in the camp that it wouldn't be as big a deal as people were making it out to be.  Strangely though, Robin and Brain joined GNR for a few songs the other night and all hell seemed to break loose.  And that was just the fans on message boards.  I can only imagine what would happen if Axl and Slash shared the stage together that night.  I may have been swayed to think it would be impossible to overcome.

Here's my thing though.  People say Axl doesn't want to damage or diminish what the current lineup is doing.  He doesn't want to add any fuel to the reunion fire.  Plus people are pointing out, that in the grand scheme of things, this whole Hall of Fame thing isn't really the end all be all of the rock world.  Some even view it as a joke. 

So my question, wouldn't it be best for Axl to not show up at all?  What point would showing up to accept the honor be exactly?  Won't the press feed off of the fact that Axl is warming up to the idea of a reunion simply by being in the same room with those guys for one night?  Wouldn't the ultimate F-U to any possibility of a reunion be him not showing up at all?

The way I see it, if you're there, you might as well play.  If you don't want to play, why go?  Van Halen knew how uncomfortable things would be, so Eddie, Alex, and Dave didn't show up.  If Axl and Slash show up, sit at the same table, accept an award together, smile at each other, shake hands, acknowledge each other, don't kill each other, don't say anything derogatory about one another.  Won't that in and of itself feed the flames to the sheer possibility of a reunion somewhere down the line?  Wouldn't you have to say that a reunion would be CLOSER THAN EVER at that point?  Even if it's nowhere close to happening, the fact that Axl and Slash haven't seen each other for 15 years or whatever the count is now, that would be a huge hurdle cleared in its own right.
Yes, I think it would be best in some respects to not show up at all. But, I think that you can show up and not play an not cross the line of reuniting on stage and performing. That is a very distinct line to cross.


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« Reply #1144 on: March 21, 2012, 01:09:32 AM »

Sure you can, but what does THAT accomplish exactly?  People keep using that as an example as to why they shouldn't perform together, because it accomplishes nothing.  So what does showing up and accepting the honor accomplish?  That alone could be viewed as a huge step in the rebuilding process towards a reunion down the line. 

If you're waiting...don't. Live your life. That's your responsibility not mine. If it were not to happen you won't have missed a thing. If in fact it does you might get something that works for you.

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« Reply #1145 on: March 21, 2012, 01:29:35 AM »

Sure you can, but what does THAT accomplish exactly?  People keep using that as an example as to why they shouldn't perform together, because it accomplishes nothing.  So what does showing up and accepting the honor accomplish?  That alone could be viewed as a huge step in the rebuilding process towards a reunion down the line. 
I don't think so. I think there is a world of difference between standing on stage, possibly not even interacting, and actually playing. Big, big difference. The money to be made from a reunion is not from the band standing awkwardly on stage together. It's from them PERFORMING ON STAGE together.


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« Reply #1146 on: March 21, 2012, 05:08:43 AM »

all i'm reading is this fear about adding fuel to re-union talking because it would hurt the new band. but you also have to look at it that the induction simply just is not about the new band, its about the AFD/UYI line-ups and what THEY've achieved together. thats the real point of the night. what others make out of a coming together and a possible performance absolutely is not the priority. its about what those members have built up in the past and thats whats getting honored. if Axl plays with any other line-up in the future, if Slash feels to re-unite with Fergie some bigger, all doesnt matter that night as its not about the present or the future. given that and that it appears that they'll all show up, what could be more nice for the fans in honoring their induction that night than a performance? nothing!

Re-Union time, baby!!
On The Steps of The Cathedral

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« Reply #1147 on: March 21, 2012, 08:21:43 AM »

This should go down the way Metallica's induction went ,but it will probable go down even worse then the Van Halen induction!

CD will be out when it's out. ....
The Riddler

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« Reply #1148 on: March 21, 2012, 08:59:11 AM »

Second: If you have ever read Motley Crue's "The Dirt" U will understand, the shit u guys fear will happen if they play has been happening since probably 2002.

Wanna know why Label didn't support the album?

Wanna know why they weren't that interested in the album?

Wanna know why u prob will never see another GNR album?

Its all because the label ALREADY want a reunion and prob will no longer settle for anything less.

If u don't know what I am referencing in MOtley's book.

Basically label head called a meeting after their album with John Corabi tanked;

They sit Nikki,Tommy and Mick down, basically told them, No Vince, no support.


GNR are a WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY bigger band than Motley

U don't think they operate the same way as it pertains to GNR?

Promoters ALREADY want a reunion, this changes nothing.

My point is.. if they don't reunite after HOF and take advantage of max cash grab.. maybe that shuts these people up and proves once and for all they aren't gonna reunite.

But there are degrees in everything...varying degrees of pressure and varying degrees of perception.

If you've been told, as a promoter or A&R exec or whatever, that there is NO CHANCE IN HELL there will be a have to make choices and decisions with that in mind.  You may still want a reunion, you may be secretly hoping for one...but you've been told flat out that it's not going to happen, and that certain parties would rather close up shop (or do business with another entity) than reunite.

Then you see a big ole reunion at the HOF.

It's a lot harder to convince those promoters and A&R execs of your position now, and you've given them significant leverage.

And it won't shut those up looking to make some money.  It won't.  Sorry, D..but thinking it might is naive.  The music industry (especially) has never worked that way.


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The Riddler

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« Reply #1149 on: March 21, 2012, 09:04:24 AM »

But u guys act like no one is trying that already and they are

remember what Axl said bout Azoff and then Doc etc...

everyone is gonna try that angle to get a reunion.

he has his own management now.. so no longer has to worry about it.

Chilis are gonna have John Frusiciante.. and after their flop of an album, u don't think their fans are goin nuts already for John to come back??

Axl and this lineup will be fine. they are gonna have to release a new album at some point though. once they do that... it will quiet everything down because Axl now has the PERFECT GNR lineup. Casual fans,non fans.. everyone will get behind this if a proper kick ass CD is released.

D....everyone wants you to eat the worm out of the bottle. 

You tell all your buddies it's never going to happen...over and over.  Finally, maybe one or two people ask at every party, more as a joke..but it' not nearly as frequent or as annoying.

One night, you get drunk off your ass...and you do it.  You tell them all it will be the only time, so they should enjoy it.

What do you think happens at the next party?  You won't be able to get your friends to shut up about it...and all the progress you've made to shut them up, in the past, goes right out the window.  And it will take you twice as long to shut them up in the future...because now they have "precedent" to fall back on.  It's the "Dumb and Dumber" effect: "'re sayin' there's a chance!"

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The Riddler

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« Reply #1150 on: March 21, 2012, 09:07:23 AM »

point is.. I don't post to hopefully meet or be friends with Axl one day.

not saying some on here do....

People just acting like some one off performance is going to raise reunion cries louder when they've been at max pitch since breakup happened.

This is not max pitch.  It's not even close to max pitch.  Nowhere NEAR max pitch.

Those who want it will never shut up regardless of how many years/albums etc go by.

it isn't gonna make anyone who doesn't want one.. all of a sudden want one.

Besides Van halen didn't perform at RRHOF and they are back together.. so it really means nothing either way.

The demands, on the business side, get quieter and quieter as each year passes and it becomes more apparent Axl is sticking to his guns (if you'll excuse the pun).

Why would you want to crank that up to 11?  When you're achieving a pretty healthy dose of success right now?

Answer: You wouldn't.  Not rationally.

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« Reply #1151 on: March 21, 2012, 09:14:57 AM »

The whole situation reminds me of...

LLOYD: I'm gonna ask you something flat out and I want you to answer me honestly: What do you think the chances are of a girl like you and a guy like me ending up together?

Mary is obviously thrown by this question.

MARY: Lloyd, that's difficult to say. I mean we hardly --
LLOYD: I asked you to be honest, Mary.
MARY: But Lloyd, I really can't --
LLOYD: Come on, give it to me straight. I drove a long way to see you, the least you can do is level with me. What are my chances?
MARY: Not good.
LLOYD: You mean not good, like one out of a hundred?
MARY: I'd say more like one out of a million.
LLOYD: So you're telling me there's a chance?


Disclaimer: My posts are my personal opinion. I do not speak on behalf of anybody else unless I say so. If you are looking for hidden meanings in my posts, you are wasting your time...
The Riddler

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« Reply #1152 on: March 21, 2012, 09:15:21 AM »

all i'm reading is this fear about adding fuel to re-union talking because it would hurt the new band. but you also have to look at it that the induction simply just is not about the new band, its about the AFD/UYI line-ups and what THEY've achieved together.

But, like it or not, the current incarnation IS Guns n Roses.  So anything that occurs relating to Guns n Roses effects them, in some way.

It might not be ABOUT the current incarnation...but that's not the same as thinking it doesn't EFFECT the current incarnation.

thats the real point of the night. what others make out of a coming together and a possible performance absolutely is not the priority. its about what those members have built up in the past and thats whats getting honored. if Axl plays with any other line-up in the future, if Slash feels to re-unite with Fergie some bigger, all doesnt matter that night as its not about the present or the future. given that and that it appears that they'll all show up, what could be more nice for the fans in honoring their induction that night than a performance? nothing!

To you.

But like getting drunk at your office Christmas could have a long term effect on their careers, and on their ability to generate income.

I get it....there are fans who DESPERATELY want a reunion.  That surprises nobody.

At the end of the day, though....that doesn't matter.  The night is NOT about what the fans want, as much as the fans want it to be, or what the fans think it should be about.  Axl's gonna do whatever he wants to do, what he thinks is best for himself and the CURRENT incarnation of GnR (in every facet).  It's that simple.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2012, 09:20:32 AM by pilferk » Logged

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« Reply #1153 on: March 21, 2012, 09:18:07 AM »

The whole situation reminds me of...

LLOYD: I'm gonna ask you something flat out and I want you to answer me honestly: What do you think the chances are of a girl like you and a guy like me ending up together?

Mary is obviously thrown by this question.

MARY: Lloyd, that's difficult to say. I mean we hardly --
LLOYD: I asked you to be honest, Mary.
MARY: But Lloyd, I really can't --
LLOYD: Come on, give it to me straight. I drove a long way to see you, the least you can do is level with me. What are my chances?
MARY: Not good.
LLOYD: You mean not good, like one out of a hundred?
MARY: I'd say more like one out of a million.
LLOYD: So you're telling me there's a chance?


Sorry jarmo...I beat you to the Dumb and dumber reference by about 10 minutes.  Smiley

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Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke!

« Reply #1154 on: March 21, 2012, 10:11:13 AM »

. Would be like fucking your ex one night. Might feel good in the moment, but you'll regret it the next day.

After all the pages of going back and forth about the whole reunion thing, I think this comparison sums it up best! hihi


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« Reply #1155 on: March 21, 2012, 10:12:49 AM »

. Would be like fucking your ex one night. Might feel good in the moment, but you'll regret it the next day.

After all the pages of going back and forth about the whole reunion thing, I think this comparison sums it up best! hihi

but, i would still do it for the momentary good feeling.

My posts all have hidden messages.  It's your job to find it.

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« Reply #1156 on: March 21, 2012, 10:31:40 AM »

Keith Richards and Mick inducting them would make sense and kick ass. This would also probably guarantee that Mr. Stradlin shows up.

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« Reply #1157 on: March 21, 2012, 10:43:55 AM »

pilferk, you're still putting in the fear of the re-union-talking as the main/only argument for this ONE night better not to perform.
"oh my god, oh my god, if they perform there could be a re-union, oh my god"......i just dont think thats how it must have to be seen here. the fear of "bad press" is something Axl got used to a lot and it didnt change him or his plans at all.

and i disagree about your "that night is not what the fans want", because i think it mainly is! the fans wanted them to be inducted, and the majority of the fans would like to see some performance of the AFD/UYI line-up. they want it but its just not their decision of how it works out!
i also diagree about a possible performance being only Axl's decision here, if Slash doesnt want to perform there it wouldnt happen aswell.
and no, i also disagree Axl only thinks of what its best with the newer (DJ-)incarnation here, he surely respects what old Guns did archieve....and thats what got them into the HOF and is the reason why he will show up!

and i said this lots of weeks before already, they had and still have time to set-up such a performance properly (with press releases, video interviews, live talking etc. that there wont be a re-union tour and all go their seperate ways as to be seen from the booked tours) to calm down the "oh my god, re-union"-people.

Re-Union time, baby!!

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« Reply #1158 on: March 21, 2012, 11:22:22 AM »

I disagree that this is not about the fans. Of course it is! It's in Cleveland with 6000 fans in attendance. It's for all the fans from the pre 1994 band. Even axl has said this is for the fans! Duff has said the same! Without the fans they never would have gotten in.

Also I am concerned that they have not announced the inductor for gnr because, assuming they don't play, the inductor also plays a few gnr tunes to tribute the band. This is different than chuck d giving a 5 minute speech.

The Riddler

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« Reply #1159 on: March 21, 2012, 11:36:51 AM »

I disagree that this is not about the fans. Of course it is! It's in Cleveland with 6000 fans in attendance. It's for all the fans from the pre 1994 band. Even axl has said this is for the fans! Duff has said the same! Without the fans they never would have gotten in.

I know people want to think that.

But it's just not true.

And, really, it's naive to think that it is.  That's not meant to bag on anyone...but it's true.

It might be about allowing the fans to celebrate GnR to some extent...but what ACTUALLY occurs during the induction is absolutely, positively NOT about "what the fans want".  It's about what the inductees (and, probably, specifically terms of any GnR performance, whatever form it would take) wants.

Duff has said it because he's paying lip service...plain and simple.  I'm sure nobody wants to hear that...but there it is.

Also I am concerned that they have not announced the inductor for gnr because, assuming they don't play, the inductor also plays a few gnr tunes to tribute the band. This is different than chuck d giving a 5 minute speech.

They could be holding off as a surprise.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2012, 11:46:10 AM by pilferk » Logged

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