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Author Topic: NHL 2011/2012 Season  (Read 140155 times)

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« Reply #360 on: December 06, 2012, 08:21:40 PM »

And i think the final nail in the NHL season coffin is now in.

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« Reply #361 on: December 07, 2012, 07:13:38 AM »

adater ‏@adater
From deep inside players side: ?We were ready to play again. But Don came in (Wed.) and told us we could get more and to hold out?

doesn?t sound like it.

Dater is the Avs beat writer

Also we have these statements from moderate owners.

Statement From Larry Tanenbaum, NHL Governor And Chairman of MLSE
Thursday, 06.12.2012 / 8:47 PM / News

?I was pleased to be asked to join the Player/Owner negotiation sessions. I had hoped that my perspective both as a businessman and as one of the owners of the Toronto Maple Leafs would be helpful to the process. Like all other teams, this work stoppage has hurt our fans, our employees and our business. Neither the owners nor the players will ever recover the losses incurred with this work stoppage.

I understand how important it is to have a strong league and 30 healthy teams. I must admit that I was shocked at how things have played out over the last 48 hours. The sessions on Tuesday felt cooperative with an air of goodwill. I was optimistic and conveyed my optimism to the Board of Governors at our Wednesday meeting. However, when we reconvened with the players on Wednesday afternoon, it was like someone had thrown a switch. The atmosphere had completely changed. Nevertheless, the owners tried to push forward and made a number of concessions and proposals, which were not well-received. I question whether the union is interested in making an agreement.

I am very disappointed and disillusioned. Had I not experienced this process myself, I might not have believed it. Like all hockey fans, I am hopeful this situation can be resolved as soon as possible. I miss our game

Pittsburgh Penguins owner Ron Burkle?s statement:

?The idea to put players and owners together in the same room was a refreshing idea. Commissioner (Gary) Bettman should be thanked for proposing it and (Donald and Steve Fehr of the NHLPA should be thanked for agreeing to it.

?The players came with a strong desire to get back to playing hockey. They were professional and did a good job of expressing their concerns and listening to ours.

?We wanted to move quickly and decisively. We have all spent too much time without any real progress at the expense of our fans, our sponsor and the communities we serve. It was time to make bold moves and get a deal. Many people think we got over our skis and they are probably right, but we wanted to do everything we could to get back to hockey now. We didn?t hold back.

?We made substantial movement on our end quickly, but unfortunately that was not met with the same level of movement from the other side. The players asked us to be patient and keep working with them. It?s not what they do and they wanted us to know they were committed. We understood and appreciated their situation. We came back with an aggressive commitment to pensions which we felt was well received. We needed a response on key items that were important to us, but we were optimistic that we were down to very few issues. I believe a deal was within reach.

?We were therefore surprised when the Fehrs made a unilateral and ?non-negotiable? decision ? which is their right, to end the player/owner process that has moved us farther in two days than we moved at any time in the past months.

?I want to thank the players involved for their hard work as we tried to reach a deal.

?I hope that going backwards does not prevent a deal.?

First Published December 6, 2012 8:51 pm


Mark Chipman, Chairman and Governor, Winnipeg Jets:

"I'd like to thank the NHL for giving me the opportunity to participate in this very important process.

I came here optimistic that we could find a solution. That sense of optimism grew after our first few sessions, including the small group discussions late last night.

Regrettably, we have been unable to close the divide on some critical issues that we feel are essential to the immediate and long-term health of our game.

While I sense there are some members of the players association that understand our perspective on these issues, clearly there are many that don't.

I am deeply disappointed that we were unable to bring this extremely unfortunate situation to a successful conclusion and I wish to apologize to our fans and sponsors for letting them down."


Jeff Vinik, Chairman and Governor, Tampa Bay Lightning

"After working this week with our players toward what we hoped would be a new agreement, owners presented a proposal we believed would benefit those great players, ownership, and, ultimately, our fans for many years to come. While trust was built and progress was made along the way, unfortunately, our proposal was rejected by the Union's leadership. My love for the game is only superseded by my commitment to our fans and I hold out hope we can soon join with our players and return the game back to its rightful place on the ice."
« Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 05:33:40 AM by Alan » Logged

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« Reply #362 on: December 17, 2012, 06:19:23 PM »

Looks like we're in for a nasty court battle Undecided

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« Reply #363 on: December 21, 2012, 10:03:22 PM »

There are many words you could choose to sum up the NHL lockout of 2012, but never let it be said "surprising" is one of them.

That we approach Christmas of this year knowing no NHL games will have been played in 2012-13 is a bitter pill to swallow, but it is in many respects as it was ordained by prior events.

I knew we were headed for a perfect storm of labor strife as early as September of 2011, and truth be told even before that.

It was actually the confluence of three things that led us to where we are today.

One was the NFL lockout and subsequent settlement in July of 2011.

Another was the NBA lockout and subsequent settlement in December of 2011.

And the other one was the hiring of Don Fehr as executive director of the NHLPA just over two years ago.

It's as easy one-two-three and simply connecting the dots.

The NFL players ended up settling for a CBA that gave them a 47 per cent share of overall revenues. The NBA players wound up with a settlement that left them with, more or less, a 50-50 split.

When the only other salary-capped sports leagues in North America ended up with the players getting 50 per cent or less of revenue, it wasn't difficult to discern two things:

One, the NHL would expect to follow suit and get in that same 50-50 revenue split universe as the NBA and NFL.

Two, because NHL players, at the conclusion of their existing CBA, were getting 57 per cent of revenue there was going to be no easy way to go from 57 to 50. At a time when the NHL's Hockey Related Revenue was at an all-time high of $3.3 billion -- up from $2.2 billion seven years ago -- it was a given NHL players were not going to look kindly on a takeaway or concessionary CBA though we knew that was precisely the NHL's expectation.

Especially with Fehr as their new executive director.

Fehr's legacy is that as a tough, relentless advocate for players who led a Major League Baseball strike that once killed the World Series. He was directly involved in a period of massive labour unrest in MLB before it finally led to many years of labour peace that baseball is now enjoying.

In Fehr, the NHLPA hired the most ardent supporter of player rights at a time when the NHL, in part because of what happened in the NFL and NBA, were coming for massive player concessions and takeaways.

I was actually a little surprised that Fehr professed to be able to negotiate off a salary cap system he so clearly opposed with all his being in baseball. But I knew damn well that he wasn't about to accept the premise players should have to "give" anything.

And here we are. In a nutshell, that's the dynamic that has been at play. If we had been able to crack this nut before Christmas, it would have been a most unexpected but welcome gift.

Obviously, that's a big picture oversimplification of a truly complex issue.

The NHL would maintain that in spite of record revenues the industry needs a reset because the majority of NHL clubs are not as financially viable as they need to be.

The NHLPA would maintain that if the players are offered less money and less contracting rights, what possible reason is there for them to accept that.

Though many of the critical issues have been bridged over the last few months -- or more precisely the last few weeks -- and on one level it seems we're oh so close to getting an agreement, the stalemate continues.

As the days and weeks go by without agreement, we get closer to the abyss of another lost season, which last happened in the NHL lockout of 2004-05.

Logic would dictate it doesn't happen again but so much of what has transpired is illogical. One missed step now and the game could go hurtling off the edge of the cliff.

In some respects, it wasn't supposed to be like this. The 2004-05 lost season was understandable to the extent of the philosophical divide between the NHL and NHLPA over the salary cap. The NHL wanted one and the NHLPA was adamantly opposed to it.

No one liked that we lost a season but most everyone understood. And, in fact, many fans who thought a salary cap was needed actually supported the premise of a lockout to get it.

But this time? As some fans put it, billionaire owners fighting millionaire players over how to share a burgeoning pot of $3.3 billion? Seriously? We're going to lose a season, or a good portion of one, for that?

Well, we should find out soon enough. If we're not at the final act of this tragic comedy, we can't be far off.

If the NHL isn't playing games on or around Jan. 20, there is every reason to believe there will be no games at all.

That means the two sides have to have an agreement in place by the first week or two of January. We're coming to the crossroads.

No one knows for sure which way it will go but at this point, many have stopped caring and those who still do either want to be watching games in a month or mercifully be put out of their misery.

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« Reply #364 on: December 23, 2012, 01:59:52 PM »

I think what is happening in the NHL is horrible.  It is a shame there is no way for the fans to rise up and become the third party here.  My son is so disappointed he waited all summer fr the hockey season and now we are weeks away from the entire game being cancelled. 

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« Reply #365 on: January 02, 2013, 03:01:01 AM »

Big day today in the lockout. The players have until midnight to decide whether or not to file the disclaimer of interest or not. If they don't i believe its cause they feel a deal is imminent. If they do the season is lost with lots of lawsuits and other bullshit to follow. Personally, i don't think it'll be filed. I believe a deal is very close and the tight lips over the last few days of negotiations tells me they are. I believe this gets done very soon and probably by the end of the week.

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« Reply #366 on: January 06, 2013, 05:24:57 AM »

And on the 113th morning of the lockout it ends with a tentative agreement. Now lets go play hockey! I called it, damn i'm good. Go Rangers!
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« Reply #367 on: January 06, 2013, 09:39:33 AM »

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« Reply #368 on: January 06, 2013, 12:04:43 PM »

Let's go Caps  beer

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« Reply #369 on: January 06, 2013, 05:24:45 PM »

I hope they get the ratification process and camps open quickly enough to do the 50 game season. The more games the better. It appears it'll be Wednesday when we get the Board to vote on ratification. That's gonna make it hard to do the 50 game schedule.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 05:28:48 PM by Timothy25 » Logged
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« Reply #370 on: January 06, 2013, 05:32:25 PM »

I live about 90 mins from Nashville, and Have been wanting to go to some Preds games... guess Ill get to now!

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« Reply #371 on: January 06, 2013, 08:15:42 PM »

Yep you will, the season will start on either the 15th or 19th.
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« Reply #372 on: January 07, 2013, 04:12:51 AM »

Yay, I finally get to go see the banner raised!

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« Reply #373 on: January 07, 2013, 06:05:25 PM »

Well i can think of a few positives about the lockout. If the season had started on time the Rangers would've been without Gaborik until January and without Hagelin for a time too. Now Gaborik, Hagelin and Nash are all recovered from injuries and ready to go.
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« Reply #374 on: January 07, 2013, 08:59:52 PM »

Excited for my Blackhawks smoking

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« Reply #375 on: January 08, 2013, 02:22:37 PM »

this has worked out perfectly and exactly as i had hoped. 48 games is what the NHL season SHOULD be. the 1995 season was one of the most exciting i can remember. every game means so much more.

season is expected to open with Flyers/Pens (Giroux/Crosby) on Sat, Jan 19 at 1PM. can't wait for the games to start!!

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« Reply #376 on: January 08, 2013, 07:40:58 PM »

I disagree, the out of conference games will be missed.
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« Reply #377 on: January 08, 2013, 10:54:31 PM »

Via instagram:
# goalie Braden Holtby back on the ice at KCI for today's team led practice.


Can't wait for my CAPS!. I feel tickets are going to alot higher than usual for this season  Tongue

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« Reply #378 on: January 09, 2013, 04:34:37 PM »

And i think the final nail in the NHL season coffin is now in.

And on the 113th morning of the lockout it ends with a tentative agreement. Now lets go play hockey! I called it, damn i'm good. Go Rangers!

Yeah you sure did

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« Reply #379 on: January 09, 2013, 05:15:36 PM »

And i think the final nail in the NHL season coffin is now in.

And on the 113th morning of the lockout it ends with a tentative agreement. Now lets go play hockey! I called it, damn i'm good. Go Rangers!

Yeah you sure did

You can't deny though that back in early December it looked really really bad.
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