Well it looks like we need some nominations:
here`s mine
BEST FLAG: the huge one from i think south america but i`m sure there was some amusing ones aswell there was one that said i want to see your serpentine and Axl did the dance:
WELL PAST YOUR BED TIME: The kid in Moscow/ or i think it was Rio when Axl walked on and said good morning
BEST ANICDOTE: the one about easter island and the moon/ the swimming pool in his hotel room
BEST ADDED SONG: brick in the wall/black betty/jackson5 i want you back
ODD MOMENTS: the wheel chair/the megaphone/the earthquake
BEST MOMENTS:Axl`s good mood and whenever he broke into a smile
well there`s some of mine please join in it`s just to pass the time and to remind ourselves how much fun last year was