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Author Topic: Video Feature: The Drummers of Guns N' Roses  (Read 8045 times)

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« on: October 21, 2010, 12:18:35 PM »

Video Feature: The Drummers of Guns N' Roses

Adler, Sorum, Freese and more!

14 Oct 2010

This week marks the return of Axl's GN'R to the UK for a batch of arena dates. Say what you like about Axl (and plenty do), but he's surrounded himself with some awesome drummers over the years. Just take a look at this lot?

Steven Adler

The birth of a monster. 1987 saw the release of GN'R's ridiculously huge Appetite For Destruction, and here we saw the 'most dangerous band in the world' in full flow, with Steven Adler behind the kit. Adler's punk chops were a huge part of the band's early sneeringly aggressive style. Unfortunately for Adler, his time with Axl and co came to an end amid a blur of arguments and addiction while recording the Use Your Illusion albums.

Matt Sorum

Enter former The Cult drummer Matt Sorum. The poodle-permed rocker got to grips with Use Your Illusion and soon found himself in the biggest band on the planet, and in the middle of a punishing 28-month world tour. While Adler brought the punk attitude to the table, Sorum's tenure was epitomised by rock steady, hard as hell beats.

Josh Freese

After a lengthy hiatus Sorum made his exit and in came session ace, and all-round drum legend, Josh Freese. Despite being in the band for more than a year, Freese was criminally underused by the Gunners. He put down the beats for a handful of tracks that would eventually find their way onto Chinese Democracy, and Arnie movie soundtrack tune 'Oh My God'.

Bryan 'Brain' Mantia

At the turn of the millennium, out went Freese, in came Bryan 'Brain' Mantia. The former Primus sticksman brought all kinds of jaw-dropping muso chops with him, but again he was left spending more time twiddling his thumbs that smashing up the kit in his six years with GN'R.

« Last Edit: October 21, 2010, 12:45:47 PM by FunkyMonkey » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2010, 10:28:52 PM »

Brain's the man for me, although I know Freese is very skilled too.

What I never knew about Brain however, was just how much of a wicked sense of humour he has. At live shows, he keeps himself to himself, even Axl said he's shy at one of the hammerstein shows.

But after seeing his latest DVD, where he's dressed up as Bruce Lee, talking to a guy dressed up as candy as well as a monkey. I have to say he is one funny dude, and I'm glad he is still doing studio work for GN'R.

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« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2010, 04:22:32 PM »

matt n.o.1  just awesome and a BIIG influence for me

then frank or josh depends if a gnr drummer or just drummer.. if just drummer then josh first then frank other way if gnr drummer

then i guess i would pick steven because hes still pretty good simple rock n?roll

and then mr. brain i just dont like the style he plays not very powerfull pretty simple stuff with some ... let say primus and buckethead vibe ... not my style dont get me wrong hes very talented and all just not my style

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« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2010, 12:00:41 PM »

To me Adler will always be the man! Sorum is not bad, i mean his drums on You Could Be Mine for example are amazing!

Brian Mantia to me is not the kind of drummer u would expect in GNR, he's more of a new metal kind of drummer... Josh Freese would definitely be the drummer for the new band!

Oh My God i cant deny this...
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2010, 01:03:58 PM »

Did someone seriously just choose Matt over Brain.  hihi

I can't help but think back to the first Hammerstien show, when Axl stated that Sebastian Bach said. Where the fuck was this guy (Brain) when you hired Matt. But I also understand that if he is your No.1 influence, you will choose him over anyone. But I personally think that Brain is the most skilled drummer GN'R has ever had, just have a look at this video.

He goes into some garage, and absolutely destroys the drums with his amazing techniques and groove. Even the Seller, who don't know alot about drums, looks like he is blown away.  ok

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« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2010, 08:15:17 AM »

Funny video. hihi

IMO, the best drummer was Freese. I hate Sorum (not personally lol) and never really cared that much for Adler (thats my opinion, ok?). I like Brain too, but the best drums in Chinese (TWAT and Riad) were arranged by Freese, so... I guess Id go with Frank over Brain. He's just more an intense drummer - his rendition of Sorry live trully made it epic.

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« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2010, 11:05:27 AM »

Brain is the best for me, not only regarding Guns, but in the whole world of rock.

Sorry's outro is probably the best drumming part of all the GNR discography. I cant listen to that track without repeating that part over and over again.

But, of course, you'll not find Brain at his best in Guns. ''Antipop'' is the word.

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« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2010, 11:40:02 AM »

When I listen to the Nightrain clip with Brain I think it sounds untight. For example he starts with counting in to slow and when he builds up to the first choruses he loses the rythm a little bit. Am I wrong? I think that might be one reason why Frank Ferrer plays drums in guns today, it sounds more together when he plays in my opinion.
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2010, 08:36:37 AM »

To be honest, I wasn't really thinking about Freese, as unfortunately we never got to see him play live with GN'R. But counting him in, I would say him and Brain are easily the most technical drummers in GN'Rs history. And still for me, Brain would edge it, as he just brings something new and fresh.

I think it's also about styles as well, because when I think about Brain and Sorum. I'll always prefer Brains experimental and frusion approach, rather than Sorums tiresome rock n' roll style.
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« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2010, 08:03:40 PM »

Still, we got two awesome drum works on Chinese and also two studio recordings: SCOM ending and OMG. 

« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2010, 09:56:13 PM »

Still, we got two awesome drum works on Chinese and also two studio recordings: SCOM ending and OMG. 

Never realised it was Josh on Sweet Child O' Mine, from 1999. So if a re-recored Appetite does exist, I suppose all the drums would be by Josh, cool.  Grin

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« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2010, 09:09:40 AM »

Did someone seriously just choose Matt over Brain.  hihi

I can't help but think back to the first Hammerstien show, when Axl stated that Sebastian Bach said. Where the fuck was this guy (Brain) when you hired Matt. But I also understand that if he is your No.1 influence, you will choose him over anyone. But I personally think that Brain is the most skilled drummer GN'R has ever had, just have a look at this video.

He goes into some garage, and absolutely destroys the drums with his amazing techniques and groove. Even the Seller, who don't know alot about drums, looks like he is blown away.  ok
they are all very talented. and the video was very cool and impressive im sure that brain would do a better solo than matt but like i said earlier i dont like the way he plays guns song exept some new ones like twat sorry riad and shacklers (and even then i prefer frank) but  matt is like the alive drum machine that beats the crap out of those drums during 3 hours right in time just love him in for exemple locomotive breakdown estranged coma what do you want to be all neurotic outsiders album dirty little thing ect ( writing a book here or what? Grinpeace
« Last Edit: November 22, 2010, 09:27:23 AM by rebelhipi » Logged

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« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2010, 12:20:23 PM »

Did someone seriously just choose Matt over Brain.  hihi

I can't help but think back to the first Hammerstien show, when Axl stated that Sebastian Bach said. Where the fuck was this guy (Brain) when you hired Matt. But I also understand that if he is your No.1 influence, you will choose him over anyone. But I personally think that Brain is the most skilled drummer GN'R has ever had, just have a look at this video.

He goes into some garage, and absolutely destroys the drums with his amazing techniques and groove. Even the Seller, who don't know alot about drums, looks like he is blown away.  ok
they are all very talented. and the video was very cool and impressive im sure that brain would do a better solo than matt but like i said earlier i dont like the way he plays guns song exept some new ones like twat sorry riad and shacklers (and even then i prefer frank) but  matt is like the alive drum machine that beats the crap out of those drums during 3 hours right in time just love him in for exemple locomotive breakdown estranged coma what do you want to be all neurotic outsiders album dirty little thing ect ( writing a book here or what? Grinpeace

As I said it's natural to choose Matt, if you are truely inspired by him. I guess I just love the the feel of drummers like Brain and Josh, they are just super talented.

My only problem with Matt is exactly what you like about him, that he's like a machine. He doesn't seem to have much feel or individuality, seems like he just does 'enough'.


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You Dig What The Fuck I'm Saying, Homefuck''?!''

« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2010, 03:55:54 PM »

As I said it's natural to choose Matt, if you are truely inspired by him. I guess I just love the the feel of drummers like Brain and Josh, they are just super talented.

My only problem with Matt is exactly what you like about him, that he's like a machine. He doesn't seem to have much feel or individuality, seems like he just does 'enough'.

thats pretty funny! but i personaly think and ive been playing drums for 11 years now that he brings tons of feeling to the songs but it kind of stays on the beat so you cant heard(you can see)it unless you really get into it for exemple estranged would sound very different with another drummer and after all in all songs .... question of taste the are all great !
i love freese tho and frank!
and other favorites are of course john bonham dave grohl (not in nirvana) keith moon ect...

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« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2010, 01:10:29 AM »
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2010, 01:46:42 PM »

That's a good video, but I could link a video of Brain doing crazy stuff to prove my point too. I think sometimes we have to accept we have different opinions, but it's Brain for my No 1 choice, always will be.  Grin
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