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Author Topic: October 14, 2010 London, England (Discussion)  (Read 146420 times)

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« Reply #340 on: October 15, 2010, 12:35:25 PM »

From what I've seen so far, the past 2 performances are up there with Axl's all time best !


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« Reply #341 on: October 15, 2010, 12:37:52 PM »

Fantastic to see Duff up there! And Tommy is great too! But for a long time just amazing! Reunion or no reunion most important thing is everybodys happy. I wonder what went throug Axls and Duffs minds...would love to hear that story beer

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« Reply #342 on: October 15, 2010, 12:40:00 PM »

@MR Lee. It was great. I still cant get over how great AXL sounded. My friend was blown away by all of the songs but he loved BETTER AND THIS I LOVE. SmileySmiley Grin

Duff just came on and Axl introduced him after YCBM. It was great. As for the reunion, i hate it when people start to talk about reunion etc etc. Only Axl and GNR know. It was just an appearance. Same as when Izzy came on in 2006. Is Izzy back? NO!!


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« Reply #343 on: October 15, 2010, 12:49:23 PM »

Exactly. Besides I want to see THIS BAND, not the band from 1991.


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« Reply #344 on: October 15, 2010, 01:02:12 PM »

Great video of YCBM.  Kudos to Ron for encouraging Duff to get to the front of the stage and making him feel a bit more comfortable up there.  Ron and Duff actually are friends and go back a few years - and Duff had Ron play on stage with him before - one show I was at a couple of years ago in NYC where Ron played guitar on a couple of songs.  Great stuff.

"The art comes first.  It dictates if not the course [then] the destination artistically." - W. Axl Rose
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« Reply #345 on: October 15, 2010, 01:10:52 PM »

How did they introduce Duff anyway?

They didn't. All of a sudden there was this blonde 8ft monster at the front of the stage. It took me a minute to figure out what was going on. I don't think most people knew it was him until Axl announced him afterward. In fact, the look on Ron's face, I wasn't even sure the rest of the band knew he was coming on (apart from Tommy).

To be honest, it wouldn't of been very GNR if Axl had introduced him, ran up and given him a big kiss and done a little dance. Way cooler to be non chalant about it- on both their parts. It wasn't a reunion, it was a sign that Duff doesn't harbour any bad feelings about not being part of Guns, and Axl doesn't hate him either. I really doubt if Duff could bear being with Axl before that he could now, and vice versa but that doesn't mean they can't make peace with each other.


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« Reply #346 on: October 15, 2010, 01:12:14 PM »

Anyone who says they wouldn't be happy to see at least one show with the old band can, "Go fuck yourselves".

Jarmo did you even like Guns prior to the 2000's? Why would you, as the owner of an amazing Guns site, tell people to go fuck themselves for thinking about a reunion? Obviously no one should get that idea from this, but don't act like a tool for no reason.

The new band is cool, and they released a good cd, and I think if they all wrote together it could be really good. But no matter how great the music is, they will never be the old band, not that they have to be. Axl is completely separate from the rest of the guys. You see any of the videos of the band practicing? Axl is nowhere to be found. These guys are hired guns, no pun intended. They're good, and I enjoy them, but that's what they are.

Any of you who say, "A reunion would be a step back" are absolutely fucking jackasses. A reunion of 5 of the greatest musicians of all time would be a step back? Yeah that makes sense. This site is unbelievable sometimes. THE NEW BAND IS GOOD. I GET IT. I LIKE THEM. THEY SHOULD GET MORE CREDIT. Why can't you like the new band but realize that they aren't, and never will be on the level of what the original 5 were? I can't believe people honestly would not want the original 5 together. Why are you all Guns fans? Did you start with Chinese Democracy? If so, then okay, I understand. But nearly all of us started with Appetite, which was one of the greatest albums ever made. That was back when Guns N Roses was an actual band...5 guys who were equals. What we have now is cool, because it's better than nothing, and the musicianship is impressive, but all it is, is a cover band with the original lead singer. Axl is making 50 times what the others are making. He wanted a band he could dictate to, and he's got it. He's got a group of guys that are just happy to be a part of Guns, so they'll put up with going on an hour late or not having any say in anything.

The new band is great, but you all would shit your pants if the old band got back together, don't act like you wouldn't. And Jarmo, you should be about a thousand times more professional. You've got one of the best, if not the best, Guns site on the internet. Maybe it makes you a little cocky, and maybe I get banned for speaking against you, but don't be a douche bag just because you're in a position of power.

It`s Simply Man:


Axl Says This 18 Month Before.

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« Reply #347 on: October 15, 2010, 01:17:12 PM »

And how gracious was Tommy?  Loved how he was trying to keep Duff up there and being so supportive.  Very nice to see.  Good good stuff.

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« Reply #348 on: October 15, 2010, 01:37:38 PM »

Yes, I have Nice Boys, Knockin' and a few more, all of them will be uploaded soon...


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« Reply #349 on: October 15, 2010, 01:45:40 PM »

And how gracious was Tommy?  Loved how he was trying to keep Duff up there and being so supportive.  Very nice to see.  Good good stuff.

Anyone else notice that Duff wasn't turned up to an audible level on the songs he played guitar on?!  He kept gestering over to the sound guy and talking to Tommy bout it.

Awesome show, huge set, knackered at work today after missing last tube home but well worth it!

Band sounded tight, DJ was spot on and very impressive.

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« Reply #350 on: October 15, 2010, 01:46:55 PM »

Videos are nice, but pictures are better...

86 pictures for your viewing pleasure...  smoking


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« Reply #351 on: October 15, 2010, 01:49:41 PM »

Videos are nice, but pictures are better...

86 pictures for your viewing pleasure...  smoking

Great!  ok

Axl still has the scarf wrapped around the microphone that he got in Zagreb.  Smiley

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« Reply #352 on: October 15, 2010, 01:59:00 PM »

5 guys who were equals. What we have now is cool, because it's better than nothing, and the musicianship is impressive, but all it is, is a cover band with the original lead singer. Axl is making 50 times what the others are making. He wanted a band he could dictate to, and he's got it. He's got a group of guys that are just happy to be a part of Guns, so they'll put up with going on an hour late or not having any say in anything.

So much of this is a crock.

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« Reply #353 on: October 15, 2010, 02:00:31 PM »

Ok. I just wanna say a big Thank you Axl and all G n' R for making this. Can see Duff with the guys was very special.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2010, 02:03:37 PM by naireh » Logged

Don't you try to stop us now
wight gunner

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« Reply #354 on: October 15, 2010, 02:05:36 PM »

Re: October 13, 2010 London, England (Discussion)
? Reply #185 on: Yesterday at 07:48:50 PM ?
There's not a lot I can add to the positive stuff other than from a observational point of view from the gods.

The moshing that was going on was wild, kinda sucks if your stuck around it and hate it but fuck, was that energetic and the bods who disappeared over the barrier, were they slung out, or sent to the back of the room   Would love to see a "from the gods" video of Jungle, the place looked like an earthquake was going on, on a par with what I've seen from our Argentinian friends.   

Axl was smiling loads and clearly out to have fun, as were the rest of the band.

Never heard a single "where's slash comment all evening, even from the many "suits" that were there, clearly knowledgeable crowd these days....

Frank was on fire, best drummer in the history of Nn'fR on that performance, cool that he wore the tee shirt of "Rock School" he visited this week.

Heads up to Axl in thanking TfL in making a late night possible, seems they made additional plans to counter-act any fans staying late instead of taking heed of their "official" advice (as if   ) was back in the hotel (docklands Travelodge)  at 12:45 after seeing the whole of PC and taking 2 trains to get there...

Biggest moan, the drinkers who were forever getting up for a piss (why not use a bottle and dispose of it  not drink as much beer and go for shorts instead.

All in all, the only time I've got to see a "show" of their own rather than at a festival, each time has been great for different reasons, this is the hands down best show on so many fronts.

Just as an also worth noting, I see Arnie's in town, a reunion tonight would be so special... From my post made on the Oct 13 show,

Should have said the Terminated is in town, not make reference to the Terminator... hihi

Seriously though, its good that Duff wanted to get a jam going with Axl and the band and would have love to have seen it myself, (but then I do with every fucking show played)  But and here's the deal, Duff and any other former member that make the odd appearance will be doing just that, making the odd appearance, special yes, reunion no.

And all credit to the members of Guns n Roses for giving a hat-tip to the past legacy that in part has been the basis for their career with the band.  But it needs to be remembered, they were accomplished musicians before joining GnR, and were offered the gig based on their talent and not made into great artists by joining Axl.  Better known-yep, more notorious yes, but its their input that the tour is being built upon, old guns had a part in that and whats said and done is history, I'm all for the odd guest spot now and again, but I won't lose any sleep WHEN IT DOESN'T HAPPEN.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2010, 02:07:43 PM by wight gunner » Logged

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« Reply #355 on: October 15, 2010, 02:07:53 PM »

Videos are nice, but pictures are better...

86 pictures for your viewing pleasure...  smoking

Great photos!  Thanks, mate  ok

"The art comes first.  It dictates if not the course [then] the destination artistically." - W. Axl Rose
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« Reply #356 on: October 15, 2010, 02:15:38 PM »

Jarmo did you even like Guns prior to the 2000's? Why would you, as the owner of an amazing Guns site, tell people to go fuck themselves for thinking about a reunion? Obviously no one should get that idea from this, but don't act like a tool for no reason.

Shows how much you know.

I have my reasons for making that statement.



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« Reply #357 on: October 15, 2010, 02:20:49 PM »

I love thw way Ron is supporting Duff and bring him in front! It show for one more time, how great these guys are to old members.

Also check this : "...and i ll rip your heart in two" part of the lyrics, Axl sang them lookin Duff straight in his face  Grin Grin Grin

i found it funny as hell!


This i love -------> Prostitute
...a shot of vitamin C and a bottle of booze...
« Reply #358 on: October 15, 2010, 02:25:42 PM »

First of all, Del that was One.In.A.Million (Lee)  Grin at the tube station today wearing the gnr shirt. I looked at you and you looked at me, but I never wanted to bother you, plus you was on the other side of the track at Westminster. It was nice seeing you get on the tube with the GN'R technician, made my day.  Smiley

Secondly, oh my god, Duff Mckagan with GN'R for the first time since 93 and I was there. The way he came out during YCBM was so cool, I was going mad.

Ok now about the shows, they was awesome. Every one was in a good mood, and Axl was shining, from the start to the end. The first four songs ruled as usual, and all the crowd was cheering and were being very supportive. Tommy was like an animal during these shows, he kept on going to the front of the stage which is where he belongs. It was my first time seeing Nice Boys live, and I never felt so lucky.

I will just again like to say how much of a pleasure it was to see the Duff meister, up playing with Axl again. Frank went over to him during patience and handed him a tamborine, it was so nice to see. What was also wierd was seeing Duff rocking out to Paradise city from the side, thank you GN'R for making my 21st GN'R concert so special. Smiley
« Last Edit: October 15, 2010, 02:52:24 PM by One.In.A.Million » Logged

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« Reply #359 on: October 15, 2010, 02:30:03 PM »

you could be mine

mofo's!!!! amazing set

best fkn band ever!

 love love love love love

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