Sin Cut always says the emo shit first it's like it's all he can think about.
Well Sin do you just thunk about emos shiting all day or are you just an ass of a emo???
Ass of an emo? That's just lame.
Are you biased in this because you couldn't get an emo-girl to date you even if you were giving away free samples of razors?
What pisses me off is when people whine and complain and expect thing to change "on their own". I'm more of a straight action kind of guy myself, if I see something I like - I work to get it, bed it and get rid of it, if it turns out to be something I else.
Ever tried that? Actually grabbing the steering wheel of your life, it works far better than writing "symphneys" at home, I'm sure.
C'mon take action and stop being such cry-babies. If you need a change, achieve it. Make a to-do-list, whatever works for you and actually start making changes.
Stop blaming the world, depression, booze or any other made-up excuse you come up with and take a long look in the mirror and think, especially you jdog, "What would Sin Cut do?".
hhmm how topics get changed like the weather lol.
you know ive never seen emo shit so dunno.
well sin cut ,you seem to like to create haveck for me in a tiny little way oohh did i say that lol.
Thank you, Horsey, I have a way of doing that.