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Author Topic: Axl on Howard Stern (Just saying it would be cool)  (Read 10947 times)
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« on: February 15, 2010, 12:54:29 AM »

I know a long time ago Howard Stern was able to get Axl on the phone for a bit while on the air.  I think it would be awesome if Axl would stop by Sterns studio for a bit to plug CD while he's in NYC.  Howard would give a good interview and ask some questions that would have some interesting responses.  I think Howard would ask some tough questions but he would really hear Axl out and let him explain himself regarding certain situations.  Axl probably wouldn't agree to this because he is not a publicity whore and knows Howard would invoke questions to "to stir the pot" for ratings and reactions...  but it would certainly be a great interview and Axl could finally let people hear his side of the story.
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« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2010, 01:18:43 AM »

It would be kind of similar to the Eddie Trunk session he did back in 06 and it would be a great way to reach out to a broad audience on satellite radio... Maybe even an impromtu acoustic performance if all the planets align ok

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« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2010, 02:12:13 AM »

I hope he won't. $tern has been an a$$hole about Axl for years, IMHO, he can fuck off and die.

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« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2010, 05:56:40 AM »

 I think Howard stern would walk over hot coals to get Axl on  i hope he doesn`t ever lower himself to talk to that idiot ,He should do his own radio show like on grand theft auto that would be fun also i don`t ever remember if anyone asked him about that ,did he ever speak about it?

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« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2010, 07:30:44 AM »

I think that it's better to change the Subject of your topic because it's only a wish not a news.

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« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2010, 08:31:37 AM »

both howard and robin have trashed axl and chinese democracy and have said the new gnr should not be called gnr.

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« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2010, 08:59:59 AM »

The Stern Show is on vacation this week, so at the eariliest it could happen would be next week. 

Stern has been critical of Axl and new GNR in the past few years but IF he did have Axl in I'm sure he'd treat him with respect.  He treats all his guests with respect and doesn't have people in to tell them they suck, despite what you may think of the guy.  He knows what he's doing, and he's a GREAT interviewer.  He would probably wax poetic about Axl and tell him how great he is, and how much he loves GNR.  Obviously he'd ask about Slash and what exactly happened there.  It would be a fantastic interview as it would be uncensored on satellite radio.  I'm a huge Stern fan, and have hoped for this since the album came out.  BUT, I don't think there's any chance of it happening.  Axl has given ONE radio interview to my knowledge (Eddie Trunk) over the last 4 years.  He's not about to go on the most famous radio show of all time just like that.  I'd say popping in on a show like Eddie's again would be more of a chance.  I'll tape his show tonight just in case.  Even if Axl doesn't pop in, Eddie will probably at least talk about the surprise gigs.

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« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2010, 11:05:56 AM »

I would stick to Eddie Trunk myself. But it would be cool to get a radio interview.

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« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2010, 12:43:28 PM »

Stern is only about himself. His primary intention is to make everybody other than him look like an asshole. The interview would focus on Axl and his disconnection from Slash.

The only reason for anybody to go on Stern is for desperate self-promotion. I'm guessing Axl doesn't do desperate.

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« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2010, 02:36:09 PM »

I hope he won't. $tern has been an a$$hole about Axl for years, IMHO, he can fuck off and die.

Stern sucks!  fuck him

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« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2010, 12:53:47 AM »

Eddie Trunk is a phony fuck. He says he is a fan but then says stupid shit clearly not that into Chinese Democracy. Howard can be a phony fuck regarding the celebs that he says positive things about. Being that whatever celeb comes onto his show is the side he tends to want to support. If Axl were to go on the Howard Stern Show Howard would be very fucking cool to him. Anyone who says other wise clearly doesn't really listen to the show.

But take a deep breath and answer this honestly. Love him or hate him, Howard Stern is the greatest interviewer out there. He knows pacing and how to move things along. He knows how to get things out of a person in a very natural way.

I think it would be a great idea to do Howard.

I would almost bet that Howard hasn't even listened to the entire album (CD) and certainly not proper like. I actually find that going on Howard makes or breaks a star for me, and I can better get a picture of the real person, and how down to earth and whatever, they are. Those who clearly go just to drop plugs but, clearly don't have a sense of humor. How well they roll with Howard. How much they are willing to talk about. Howard gets to the heart of a person. He is the best interviewer no matter what else anyone thinks about him.

Axl going on the Howard Stern Show. Great idea. And yes it would be cool. And bababooie to you all.


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« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2010, 09:22:02 AM »

Eddie Trunk is a phony fuck. He says he is a fan but then says stupid shit clearly not that into Chinese Democracy. Howard can be a phony fuck regarding the celebs that he says positive things about. Being that whatever celeb comes onto his show is the side he tends to want to support. If Axl were to go on the Howard Stern Show Howard would be very fucking cool to him. Anyone who says other wise clearly doesn't really listen to the show.

But take a deep breath and answer this honestly. Love him or hate him, Howard Stern is the greatest interviewer out there. He knows pacing and how to move things along. He knows how to get things out of a person in a very natural way.

I think it would be a great idea to do Howard.

I would almost bet that Howard hasn't even listened to the entire album (CD) and certainly not proper like. I actually find that going on Howard makes or breaks a star for me, and I can better get a picture of the real person, and how down to earth and whatever, they are. Those who clearly go just to drop plugs but, clearly don't have a sense of humor. How well they roll with Howard. How much they are willing to talk about. Howard gets to the heart of a person. He is the best interviewer no matter what else anyone thinks about him.

Axl going on the Howard Stern Show. Great idea. And yes it would be cool. And bababooie to you all.
Well said Buddha.  Stern is absolutely the best interviewer out there.  Axl on the show would be unbelievably awesome.  And Stern would be more than fair to him, he is to all his guests.  I respect people so much more when they go on the show.  I never thought too highly of Denise Richards but she gave one of the best interviews EVER on the show.  Anyone who can go on the show and be open and honest, wins major points in my book.  I think it'd be a GREAT forum for Axl, but I honestly don't think there's a chance in hell it'll happen.  I don't know how long Guns are staying in NYC, but the show is on vacation this week.  Plus, the major stumbling block for Axl, the show runs from 6AM to 11AM.  When's the last time Axl did anything THAT early?  Maybe if they played an acoustic gig till the wee hours and partied on until 6 and then went to the studio.  smoking  I just don't see it happening.

And you're right about Eddie Trunk too.  He speaks highly of Axl because he went on his show, but he's hardly a fan.  A studio audience member on That Metal Show asked him what song Robin Finck co-wrote on Chinese Democracy during the "Stump The Trunk" segment.  He said he didn't even know all the songs on it, and guessed "There Was A Time".  An easier question, I could not think of.  Any "fan" would've been able to answer that.  So to say Axl should stick with Eddie Trunk over Howard Stern because he's a "fan", is just plain false.

Bottom line is, they'd BOTH be fair and honest.  And it'd be awesome to hear him on either show, but Stern would be better.  BUT, Trunk is more likely since his shows are on at night.  He mentioned the gigs a couple times during his show last night but didn't go into too much detail.  We need some GNR fans to call in to his shows to force him to talk about it.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2010, 09:23:40 AM by faldor » Logged

If you're waiting...don't. Live your life. That's your responsibility not mine. If it were not to happen you won't have missed a thing. If in fact it does you might get something that works for you.
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« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2010, 12:04:02 PM »

I'd love to see it.

I don't expect it will happen anytime soon.  Axl's way too private, and Stern is way too probing in his interview style, for it to "work" for either of them.  And, IMHO, there's nothing wrong with that (Axl being private, or Stern's interview style).  But I think Axl would be uncomfortable with the questions, and Stern would be uncomfortable with the answers (or non-answers, as the case may be). 

At the end of the day, I don't see a glaring need, on either side, for the other to appear......

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« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2010, 12:16:39 PM »

how could anyone feel comfortable with a person against their lifework?

id rather see russell brand and axl at a talk show.  won't happen either tho Tongue

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« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2010, 08:28:02 PM »

Howard trashed rosie for years and now he's best friends with her. Roll Eyes

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« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2010, 08:44:17 PM »

That's the thing, Howard will praise ANYONE that comes on the show.  People have this misconception about him that he trashes everyone and has people on the show to embarrass them.  That couldn't be further from the truth.  Now when those same people aren't in the studio?  Well, that's a different story.  He's always been real cool with Slash when he's come on the show, but he's taken some shots at him recently.  But if/when he goes on the show to promote his solo record the friendliness will commence.  Howard runs a COMEDY show.  His persona is that he's a brash guy.  If he said glowing things about everybody all day long, it wouldn't be The Howard Stern Show.  Besides, he really hasn't said anything all that bad about Axl and I'm sure he'd treat him with the utmost respect IF he came on the show.

But he won't, so let's not worry about it.

If you're waiting...don't. Live your life. That's your responsibility not mine. If it were not to happen you won't have missed a thing. If in fact it does you might get something that works for you.

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« Reply #16 on: January 07, 2013, 06:10:31 PM »

Howard talked about wanting to interview Axl on the show today and Gary said they ALMOST got him a few months ago.

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« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2013, 11:13:08 PM »

I think Axl would go on knowing it's an "anything goes" interview that's not going to be in his comfort zone, and it's going to be "why do you have Slash" as one of the first questions.

I think Axl would have a better time finding someone closer to home to do an interview with. The only reason he went on Eddie Trunk was because he was in NY at the time.

Axl knows the show - he knows going in is going to lead to some questions he wouldn't answer for anyone else.

Eddie and Howard are equally critical of the Rock Hall.

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« Reply #18 on: January 08, 2013, 03:27:00 AM »

If Howard had the privilege of interviewing Axl I hope he would do his homework first so he could ask some meaningful questions and not rely on the silly absurd questions. Axl should show up to the studio and if Howard can't name 3 songs from CD and 3 current band members he should go down the hall to the o&a Show!!
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« Reply #19 on: January 08, 2013, 08:58:55 AM »

I like Howard enough, but I haven't honestly heard more than 5 min of him at a time since he went to satellite

Axl, you like anal? How many hot chicks you bang a week?

Sorry not the interview I'm interested in
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