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Axl worth the wait (Hamilton article)
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Topic: Axl worth the wait (Hamilton article) (Read 11248 times)
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Re: Axl worth the wait (Hamilton article)
Reply #40 on:
January 25, 2010, 10:25:31 PM »
10:30 is not late. When I saw them in 2006 they didn't come on until midnight.
Mr Patience
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Re: Axl worth the wait (Hamilton article)
Reply #41 on:
January 25, 2010, 10:39:41 PM »
Quote from: Spirit on January 25, 2010, 06:43:29 AM
Still, it would have been better if GNR had started a little earlier. The crowd wasn?t quite as perky at 1 a.m. for the Paradise City grand finale as it could have been. Maybe it?s time for Axl to change his schtick. His fans are growing older, too. And few can keep his privileged hours.
This is guy crazy, 10:30 is far from late to start a party. I hope at the Halifax show they play till 2-3am....then party till the sun comes ups
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Re: Axl worth the wait (Hamilton article)
Reply #42 on:
January 25, 2010, 10:49:06 PM »
Quote from: IKnowWhereIAM on January 25, 2010, 03:58:34 PM
Is it just my sensitivity on the issue, or does it seem that every article written about this tour, the writer is absolutely tortured by the fact that they can't find a good reason to bash the band? It's almost as though they all had their 'concert sucked, Gnr is nothing anymore, slash sooooo awesome' articles written before they went, and are pissed that they can't use them. Even when they are being as positive as they can, they still feel the need to temper it with some meaningless negative bullshit. Like the little inuendo I keep picking up, about needing 3 guitar players to keep up with the ghost of slash-past. (edit - not so bad in this article as others)
This Gn'R, here and now, f--king rocks...and all the brainwashed, snarky, more-righteous-than-thou, blowhard, group-think 'press' don't want the train the roll, but can't deny that it is.
...or maybe I am just reading too much into their writing?
I agree with you here. They seem to be trying hard to find a reason to bash the band when they got really nothing to say. Guns is making the haters run out of subject and specially the ones in the media (when forced to really attend the concert like this one guy) have to scratch down their "new GnR sucks" pre-made articles to be up umtil late at nite making something that disgusts them: a positive review. So they find their ways to avenge... It's Axl's hair, Axl's weight, the three guitarrists, the pyro, Ashba's top hat, and now the absurd of complaining about going on stage at 10:30 PM!
Where I come from, mediocre bands don't go on stage before 10. Big acts go on stage much later. And we wait all the time necessary because we love them and payed to see and hear them when they feel like playing for us. You see no fan complaining anywhere. It's just the reporter that doesn't like Guns, is pissed because he couldn't bash the show, and decided to defend the casual - unaware of what concert they were attending? Because everyone knows Guns is always late - audience's side. Fuck him.
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Re: Axl worth the wait (Hamilton article)
Reply #43 on:
January 25, 2010, 11:08:11 PM »
I think the article overall was pretty positive. You'd have to expect them to complain about SOMETHING. The reviews so far have been pretty glowing from what I've seen, especially when they talk of the show itself.
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Re: Axl worth the wait (Hamilton article)
Reply #44 on:
January 26, 2010, 01:16:13 AM »
I'm sick of people complaining about a late start. I could get home at 3am and wake up at 6am and work a 12 hr shift that day. I probably wouldn't sleep at all. It is ONE day out of 365 days that I have to rough it out. It won't kill me. I gaurantee it won't kill anyone.
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Re: Axl worth the wait (Hamilton article)
Reply #45 on:
January 26, 2010, 01:21:06 AM »
now dj's tophat isn't tall enough for gnr... i can't help but laugh
talk about nitpicking
Last Edit: January 26, 2010, 03:54:00 AM by Jeramy
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Re: Axl worth the wait (Hamilton article)
Reply #46 on:
January 26, 2010, 04:08:41 AM »
I don't actually think the 10:30 comments are the problem, its the 1 something am finishes that they are alluding to as the problem. Most acts do a set of about 1 hour 40 minutes so around midnight finish is expected. I would guess that the reviewer is really trying to say, great show but you need to start an hour earlier... They want it both ways.
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Re: Axl worth the wait (Hamilton article)
Reply #47 on:
January 26, 2010, 04:23:57 PM »
Wow...what a fucking asshole, whoever wrote this article.
The wait was actually perfect. The line up for beer and piss breaks was insane. By the time you left after the Baz set, did what ya needed to, and got back, there wasn't much of a wait at all.
Kinda early if you ask me.
And the constant references to everything that happened before CD came out? Getting a little lame at this point. I love how these overpaid, useless, live with my mommy writer types need to go back to 2002, just to slant Axl a wee little bit.
The rest of the original band is off doing other things?
What exactly?
Axl's back on top of the world, proving to all the haters that he's still got it, and GnR is better than ever. There isn't a single fuckin' thing these assholes can say about Axl to knock him now. So what do they do? Run off to point at the past, because they know in the future, Axl's gonna bury all their negativity and hate with a wail from the very pits of hell.
Read up on more recent material is all I can say to the fuck who wrote the article.
But other than that, thanks for posting it...haha
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Re: Axl worth the wait (Hamilton article)
Reply #48 on:
January 26, 2010, 04:34:19 PM »
Douchey writer... agreed the backhanded compliments are getting pretty annoying. Too bad more people aren't gettting to see these kick-ass shows.
but there's always thursday night, hopefully uncle axl has some goodies left for for the toronto show.
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