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Author Topic: CD translations?  (Read 2854 times)

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« on: November 09, 2009, 08:41:41 AM »

Sorry if this has been posted before.
Has anyone seen any translations of the Chinese in the liner notes/artwork or the dialogue at the beginning of "Chinese Democracy?"

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Kiyoshiro Forever

« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2009, 10:02:00 AM »

I think I saw a thread about the dialogue somewhere.

I hear some Japanese whispers behind Chinese.  I wonder if there're other languages in the intro. Korean?

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« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2009, 10:03:58 AM »

Posted by Dreamline over at

Page 5:

First 2 are "dream", second 2 are "street".  "Street of Dreams"

Page 6:

"China's democratic (political) system."  I didn't notice this myself, but my Japanese GF said that this is crappy caligraphy - the individual characters are not well-balanced.  She says it looks like someone who doesn't know Chinese wrote it while looking at something.  Take that for what it's worth.

Page 9:

Had to look this one up.  "To scrape"

Page 10-11 (both the same):

Chinese Democracy.  Technically, I think it says China Democracy, but don't quote me on that.

Page 14:

The character for "Yuan", I think, which is the currency of China.  Can also mean "money", which explains its use on the IRS lyrics page.

Page 15:
(The image I had was shitty)

Page 16:

The character for "love".  Appropriate, but translating it to "This I Love" is a stretch IMO.

And finally...the bottom of the new logo:


And the spine of the jewel case:

Guns and Roses.

This is interesting though.  It does say "Guns n' Roses," but I think it's "wrong."  I made this image to show how I think the band name is actually written in China:


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« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2009, 10:37:54 AM »

I can't hear any Korean in the dialogue.
and here are translations of the liner note and dialogue.

page 4/5 梦想街道 meng xiang jie dao - means Street Of Dreams
page 6/7 中國的民主制度 zhong guo di min zhu zhi duo - means Chinese Democracy. 中國 means 'China', 的 means 'of', 民主 means 'democracy', 制度 means 'system'. so this case, it means Chinese Democratic System
page 8/9 刮 gua - means Scraped
page 10/11 中國民主 zhong guo min zhu - means Chinese Democracy
page 14/15 元 yuan - Yuan is Chinese monetary unit. so 元 means money I guess. Maybe it could means 'president'. I'm not sure about this.
and 馬达加斯加 ma da jia si jia - just similiar pronunciation with 'Madagascar'. something like.. 可口可樂(ker kou ker ler) is Coca-Cola in Chinese. 
page 16/17 愛 ai - means 'love'
on cd case 槍和玫瑰 qiang huo mei gui - means Guns N' Roses

and here's dialogue in CD song :

"说话呀" "say something"
"真着魔啊" "you are fucking crazy"
"你说得不对" "you are wrong"
"你丫怎么哑巴了?" "are you a dumb?"
"全都是" "all of them"

gimme some Rasp, Axl!!

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Kiyoshiro Forever

« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2009, 11:00:10 AM »

Thanks RaspAxl

and here's dialogue in CD song :

"说话呀" "say something"
"真着魔啊" "you are fucking crazy"
"你说得不对" "you are wrong"
"你丫怎么哑巴了?" "are you a dumb?"
"全都是" "all of them"

OMG I thought they were saying something more ...philosophical.  rofl
Japanese voice i can hear says ".......hontowa ne...." " tell the truth ......."
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« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2009, 11:30:29 AM »


Thanks for posting!  ok ok


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« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2009, 06:31:24 PM »

Well, it's in english, but the two things I can pick out in the beginning of "CD" are a female voice saying "bullshit", then "deal with it". Stephanie perhaps?

Thanks for the info, and I love the intro, BTW.   Grin

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« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2009, 05:39:19 AM »

Japanese voice i can hear says ".......hontowa ne...." " tell the truth ......."

never noticed it. intereting. I still can't hear "hontowa ne" though.  Grin Can you tell me the particular time of it?

gimme some Rasp, Axl!!

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Kiyoshiro Forever

« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2009, 10:07:08 AM »

Japanese voice i can hear says ".......hontowa ne...." " tell the truth ......."

never noticed it. intereting. I still can't hear "hontowa ne" though.  Grin Can you tell me the particular time of it?

Around 0:34/35

The guy seems to be mumbling more in the background and is hardly audible.

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« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2009, 02:32:10 PM »

anyone able to translate the second set of characters in the spine of the re-issue?

Edit/   This beauty does not belong to me unfortunately. I found the pic at another forum.

Be cool if we could buy this some day though!
« Last Edit: November 11, 2009, 02:59:54 AM by Chinese...good choice » Logged

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« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2009, 05:59:20 PM »

anyone able to translate the second set of characters in the spine of the re-issue?

Ohmagawsh, someone has the hand cover!

Additional information would be great.
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« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2009, 07:01:14 PM »

its a fake cover.  It was never re-issued

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« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2009, 07:02:20 PM »

its a fake cover.  It was never re-issued

Two of my friends have seen this cover at a reputable record store in Los Angeles.

It was earlier this year.

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« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2009, 02:34:04 AM »

Around 0:34/35

The guy seems to be mumbling more in the background and is hardly audible.

Thanks, suntorytime. it's very hard to catch  Smiley

gimme some Rasp, Axl!!

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« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2009, 02:35:49 AM »

anyone able to translate the second set of characters in the spine of the re-issue?

槍和玫瑰 中國民主 : Guns N' Roses - Chinese Democracy
I've never seen this cover before. where did you get that?

gimme some Rasp, Axl!!
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