What causes most of the problems? Segregation.
I disagree.
It wasn't before the christianisation (integration) of Samii's things got very conflicted.
If people really agree to it then we need a solid fundament for it, and preservative outlook for one thing. That is multi-culture.
"You're in Europe, act like it" doesn't work.
What's norway's solution to all problems? More segregation based on race.
I enjoy the the concept of diferent people and culture.
We been living in segregation with the samii's (them/us) and the result is two great living cultures and folkgroups.
Maybe this would cause less conflicts?
I don't think many humans are very happy being all alike, rootless on modern culture either.
Equality is one of the worst ideas imo, it never accepts diversity or freedom of the individual.
The thinking that only people from other cultures are able to do horrible things is just plain wrong.
Yes, but the thinking that humans aren't affected by race, enviroment and host-culture is scientificly incorrect.
It's not the first time fictional definitions and unsubstinated acusations has won over truth, reason and rational thought-
-combine it with a flock and popular belief, voila'.
Ever contemplated much over what actually has led to witch-processes, what processes causes real racism and genocides?
"I want a white Europe"
How is that not racist?
You made a PM into something more than what it was.
I remember the political threads and told you maybe HTGTH is not a place for that discussion.
I'm not saying I don't mean what I say, but that it may not be as absolute as it seem.
When people are posting "all men are pigs" or holding white people to a diferent standard then get ready for it, a reaction is coming.
Many of the things I posted has been completely misunderstood or made into something it's not.
I'm the one who makes retarded threads hm? (if you remember all the Axl's Teeth, born woman etc-threads).
I'm the racistpig?
I'm the misogynist?
See a double-standard being pointed out? Certain people need to look in themself a bit.
Laughing at blonde jokes and screaming racist at negro-jokes is not discriminatory, no not at all.
You're excluding people by their skin color.
No I am not, I told you about a personal preference I have and how I'd rather see it. Shared an opinion.
There's little room for diferent worldviews, guess I should lie, be silent.
A dream-scenario for me would be an eucological, nordic union, population decrease and see Europe nominally pagan again.
Maybe we one day can let the vanir become the ansur and ansunjur, to say it more specificly.
-and that will happen in Europe if so.
Then you go on to say you treat all humans alike. Yeah, as long as they stay where they are and don't dare come close to Europe.
And if they dare come close to Europe then I do what? Eloborate, please...
You're making up things, knock it off.
The fact that you like Robert DeNiro really proves how open minded you truly are.
I'm not disproved as open minded in the first place. Not sure about you however, vivid imagination at least
And once again, you like to blame immigration for everything.
It has consequences so I challenge some opinions. Do the people themself influence it, wan't it and control it?
I think the majority is infact against "non-western" immigration.
Can you blame that on immigration too?
I think some of that (the disgusting acts) comes from our disregard for man, which were cultivated by the church when it rejected paganism.
I want you to EXPLAIN to all of us here how you're not a racist.
I already adressed this, you're not finding what you are searcing for.
This is a part of all humans. Although, that is depending on which definition you apply.
People used the witchhammer (malleus malleficarum), der ewige jude, now they use the racisthammer.
Recongise a pattern here?
I see how the basis in this behaviour is a common fundament in nazism, racial discrimination, witch-processes etc.
# discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion
We actually have a law in Norway that makes it not legal by the state to protect religion for attacks.
The anti-discrimination law is all we need, always respect the individual (aesir).
Where people from all over the world can "meet" no matter their gender, race, religion and so on.
And this is not an argument in your favor.
Today we focus so much on race as a negative that we can't see the positives.
I love the idea of diferent races, meetings, arrangements and so on. So much that I seek out these things.
I don't see you posting here for too long......
I think it's sad if it has to be that way, but it's your board.
If it isn't for what I post, which usually is not the sensitive things people can take offense off, it's ironicly the intoleranse talking.
To be conscious of heritage you don't fucking burn it.
Christianity was a cruel regime and a threat.